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Mol Ecol ; 32(19): 5260-5275, 2023 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37635403


Researchers often examine symbiont host specificity as a species-level pattern, but it can also be key to understanding processes occurring at the population level, which are not as well understood. The specialist-generalist variation hypothesis (SGVH) attempts to explain how host specificity influences population-level processes, stating that single-host symbionts (specialists) exhibit stronger population genetic structure than multi-host symbionts (generalists) because of fewer opportunities for dispersal and more restricted gene flow between populations. However, this hypothesis has not been tested in systems with highly mobile hosts, in which population connectivity may vary temporally and spatially. To address this gap, we tested the SGVH on proctophyllodid feather mites found on migratory warblers (family Parulidae) with contrasting host specificities, Amerodectes protonotaria (a host specialist of Protonotaria citrea) and A. ischyros (a host generalist of 17 parulid species). We used a pooled-sequencing approach and a novel workflow to analyse genetic variants obtained from whole genome data. Both mite species exhibited fairly weak population structure overall, and contrary to predictions of the SGVH, the generalist was more strongly structured than the specialist. These results may suggest that specialists disperse more freely among conspecifics, whereas generalists sort according to geography. Furthermore, our results may reflect an unexpected period for mite transmission - during the nonbreeding season of migratory hosts - as mite population structure more closely reflects the distributions of hosts during the nonbreeding season. Our findings alter our current understanding of feather mite biology and highlight the potential for studies to explore factors driving symbiont diversification at multiple evolutionary scales.

Mites , Passeriformes , Animals , Mites/genetics , Passeriformes/genetics , Biological Evolution , Host Specificity , Geography , Symbiosis/genetics
Ecology ; 102(2): e03208, 2021 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32981090


The contribution of interspecific competition to structuring population and community dynamics remains controversial and poorly tested. Interspecific competition has long been thought to influence the structure of migrant-resident bird communities in winter, yet experimental evidence remains elusive. The arrival of billions of songbirds into Neotropical habitats, where they co-exist with residents, provides a unique opportunity to assess interspecific competition and its consequences. Working in 15 ha of Jamaican black mangrove forest, we used removal experiments to test whether dominant resident Yellow Warblers compete interspecifically with subordinate wintering American Redstarts; we also used observational evidence (interspecific territorial overlap) to understand whether this coexistence influences physical condition, spring departure dates or annual return rates. Consistent with interspecific competition, after experimental removal of the resident, yearling male Redstarts (but not females or adult males) immediately moved into vacated Yellow Warbler territories, increasing their overlap with the space by 7.3%. Yearling Redstarts also appeared to adjust their territorial space use by actively avoiding Yellow Warblers; for example, Redstarts departing the wintering grounds as yearlings and returning the following winter shifted such that their territories overlapped 32% less with those of Yellow Warblers. Adult Redstarts showed no such territorial flexibility. Adult male Redstarts also showed evidence supporting the consequences of coexistence: territorial overlap with Yellow Warblers was negatively correlated with body condition and annual return rates. Adult male Redstarts with <25% territorial overlap with Yellow Warblers were more than three times as likely to return between seasons than those with 100% overlap. We propose that the territorial inflexibility of adult male Redstarts produces these consequences, which may be due to their years-long investment in that particular territory. More generally, the temporary nature of migrant-resident interspecific competition is likely what allows coexistence during winter, the most resource-poor time of year. Interspecific competition and the consequences of coexistence are likely age- and sex-specific and the product of intraspecific dominance hierarchy in Redstarts. Our observations suggest that interspecific coexistence has measurable consequences, and our experiments support the long-held, but previously untested belief that resident birds compete interspecifically with wintering migrants.

Passeriformes , Songbirds , Animal Migration , Animals , Ecology , Female , Male , Seasons , Territoriality
Ecol Evol ; 10(19): 10672-10686, 2020 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33072288


Bergmann's rule is a well-established, ecogeographical principle that states that body size varies positively with latitude, reflecting the thermoregulatory benefits of larger bodies as temperatures decline. However, this principle does not seem to easily apply to migratory species that are able to avoid the extreme temperatures during winter at higher latitudes. Further, little is known about the ontogeny of this relationship across life stages or how it is influenced by ongoing global climate change. To address these knowledge gaps, we assessed the contemporary relationship between latitude and body size in a long-distance migratory species, the prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) across life stages (egg to adult) on their breeding grounds. We also measured historic eggs (1865-1961) to assess if the relationship between latitude and size during this life stage has changed over time. In accordance with Bergmann's rule, we found a positive relationship between latitude and body mass during all post-embryonic life stages, from early nestling stage through adulthood. We observed this same predicted pattern with historic eggs, but contemporary eggs exhibited the reverse (negative) relationship. We suggest that these results indicate a genetic component to this pattern and speculate that selection for larger body size in altricial nestlings as latitude increases may possibly drive the pattern in migratory species as even rare extreme cold weather events may cause mortality during early life stages. Furthermore, the opposite relationships observed in eggs, dependent on time period, may be related to the rapidly warming environments of higher latitudes that is associated with climate change. Although it is unclear what mechanism(s) would allow for this recent reversal in eggs (but still allow for its maintenance in later life stages). This evidence of a reversal suggests that anthropogenic climate change may be in the process of altering one of the longest-standing principles in ecology.

Conserv Physiol ; 8(1): coaa019, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32274066


The field of conservation physiology strives to achieve conservation goals by revealing physiological mechanisms that drive population declines in the face of human-induced rapid environmental change (HIREC) and has informed many successful conservation actions. However, many studies still struggle to explicitly link individual physiological measures to impacts across the biological hierarchy (to population and ecosystem levels) and instead rely on a 'black box' of assumptions to scale up results for conservation implications. Here, we highlight some examples of studies that were successful in scaling beyond the individual level, including two case studies of well-researched species, and using other studies we highlight challenges and future opportunities to increase the impact of research by scaling up the biological hierarchy. We first examine studies that use individual physiological measures to scale up to population-level impacts and discuss several emerging fields that have made significant steps toward addressing the gap between individual-based and demographic studies, such as macrophysiology and landscape physiology. Next, we examine how future studies can scale from population or species-level to community- and ecosystem-level impacts and discuss avenues of research that can lead to conservation implications at the ecosystem level, such as abiotic gradients and interspecific interactions. In the process, we review methods that researchers can use to make links across the biological hierarchy, including crossing disciplinary boundaries, collaboration and data sharing, spatial modelling and incorporating multiple markers (e.g. physiological, behavioural or demographic) into their research. We recommend future studies incorporating tools that consider the diversity of 'landscapes' experienced by animals at higher levels of the biological hierarchy, will make more effective contributions to conservation and management decisions.