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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34209311


The COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil is extremely severe, and Brazil has the third-highest number of cases in the world. The goal of the study is to identify the prevalence rates and several predictors of depression and anxiety in Brazil during the initial outbreak of COVID-19. We surveyed 482 adults in 23 Brazilian states online on 9-22 May 2020, and found that 70.3% of the adults (n = 339) had depressive symptoms and 67.2% (n = 320) had anxiety symptoms. The results of multi-class logistic regression models revealed that females, younger adults, and those with fewer children had a higher likelihood of depression and anxiety symptoms; adults who worked as employees were more likely to have anxiety symptoms than those who were self-employed or unemployed; adults who spent more time browsing COVID-19 information online were more likely to have depression and anxiety symptoms. Our results provide preliminary evidence and early warning for psychiatrists and healthcare organizations to better identify and focus on the more vulnerable sub-populations in Brazil during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , Depression , Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Preprint in English | medRxiv | ID: ppmedrxiv-21259409


The COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil is extremely severe, and Brazil has the third-highest number of cases in the world. The goal of the study is to identify the prevalence rates and several predictors of depression and anxiety in Brazil during the initial outbreak of COVID-19. We surveyed 482 adults in 23 Brazilian states online on 9-22 May 2020, and found 70.3% of the adults (N=339) had depressive symptoms and 67.2% (N=320) had anxiety symptoms. The results of multi-class logistic regression models revealed that females, younger adults and those with fewer children had a higher likelihood of depression and anxiety symptoms; adults who worked as employees were more likely to have anxiety symptoms than those who were self-employed or unemployed; adults who spent more time browsing COVID-19 information online were more likely to have depression and anxiety symptoms. Our results provide preliminary evidence and early warning for psychiatrists and healthcare organizations to better identify and focus on the more vulnerable sub-populations in Brazil during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Psico USF ; 26(1): 13-25, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1250496


School achievement is under a multiple factorial context related to student, school and family (SSF). Based on 23.141 Brazilians self-reports, obtained from PISA 2015, representative SSF measures were selected, and their impacts measured on school performance scores in mathematics, reading and science. The feeling of belonging to the school (BELONG) and parents' emotional support (EMOSUPS) were strongly correlated with the three investigated performances. EMOSUPS affected how the student feels at school and when being assessed. And the educational and cultural resources of the home affected EEC three dimensions, increasing EMOSUPS, BELONG and school performance, and decreasing anxiety during assessments. Thus, the importance of the school and family environments on students' performance is reiterated and calls for public policies in education that considers the three dimensions. (AU)

O desempenho escolar está sujeito a um contexto de múltiplos fatores, relacionados ao estudante, escola e família (EEF). A partir de autorrelatos de 23.141 brasileiros, obtidos do PISA 2015, foram selecionadas medidas representativas de EEF e medidos seus impactos sobre escores de desempenho escolar em matemática, leitura e ciências. Registrou-se forte correlação entre a sensação de pertencimento à escola (BELONG) e suporte emocional da família (EMOSUPS) com os três desempenhos investigados; o EMOSUPS teve efeito sobre como o estudante se sente na escola e quando é avaliado; os recursos educacionais e culturais do lar afetaram as três dimensões de EEC, no sentido de aumentar o EMOSUPS, BELONG, e os desempenhos escolares e diminuição da ansiedade durante avaliações. Reitera-se assim a importância do ambiente escolar e da família sobre o desempenho dos estudantes, e a necessidade de essas dimensões serem alvo de políticas públicas na área da educação. (AU)

El rendimiento escolar se comprende bajo un contexto factorial múltiple, relacionado con el estudiante, la escuela y la familia (EEF). Con base en 23.141 autoinformes de brasileños, obtenidos del examen PISA 2015, se seleccionaron medidas de EEF representativas y se midieron sus impactos en los puntajes de rendimiento escolar en matemáticas, lectura y ciencias. El sentimiento de pertenencia a la escuela (BELONG) y el apoyo emocional de los padres (EMOSUPS) se correlacionaron estrechamente con los tres desempeños investigados. El EMOSUPS influyó en cómo se siente el estudiante, tanto en la escuela como cuando está siendo evaluado. Los recursos educativos y culturales del hogar afectaron a las tres dimensiones del EEC, aumentando el EMOSUPS, BELONG y el rendimiento escolar, y disminuyendo la ansiedad durante las evaluaciones. Ante estos resultados, se reitera la importancia del entorno escolar y familiar en el rendimiento de los estudiantes y la necesidad de que las políticas públicas en educación consideren estas tres dimensiones. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Anxiety/psychology , Reading , Science/education , Social Support , Educational Measurement , Family Relations/psychology , Academic Performance/psychology , Mathematics/education , Self Report
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 37: e3755, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1155115


Abstract Deaths in traffic represent a global and multicausal problem. We verified, through a linear regression model, that cognitive abilities (CA) and population indebtedness (PI) predict, together, 56% of the variation of death rates in the traffic (DT) of the twenty-seven states of Brazil. CA's are related to a greater control of the attention and, possibly, to a greater compliance with norms for preventing traffic accidents, has a greater impact than PI on DT, since PI associates to only one deficit of people's attention resources. The decrease of PI and the improvement of CA can decrease DT.

Resumo Os óbitos no trânsito representam um problema global e multicausal. Verificamos, por meio de um modelo de regressão linear, que as habilidades cognitivas (HC) e o endividamento populacional (ENDP), predizem, juntos, 56% da variação das taxas de óbitos no trânsito (TOT) das 27 unidades federativas (UF) do Brasil. As HC, por estarem relacionadas a um maior controle da atenção e, possivelmente, a um maior cumprimento de normas de prevenção contra acidentes de trânsito, possuem um impacto maior que o ENDP sobre as TOT, já que o ENDP associa somente a um deficit dos recursos de atenção das pessoas. A diminuição do ENDP e a melhoria das HC podem reduzir as TOT.

Psicol. pesq ; 14(3): 249-268, dez. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1149504


Visando ampliar os estudos relacionados à avaliação da inteligência de crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) este estudo investigou a relação entre os testes não verbais de inteligência R-2 e Raven, avaliando 30 crianças com TEA, grau leve e moderado, de idade entre 5 e 11 anos e 9 meses. Os dados foram analisados de forma padronizada e os escores da amostra evidenciaram níveis intelectuais dentro da média no Raven e médio superior no R-2. Com alta correlação e convergência (coeficiente r = 0,897) estes resultados creditam o R-2 como um instrumento psicométrico potencial na avaliação da inteligência no TEA.

Aiming to expand the studies related to the assessment of the intelligence of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) this study investigated the relationship between the non-verbal tests of intelligence R-2 and Raven, evaluating 30 children with ASD, mild and moderate, of age between 5 and 11 years and 9 months. The data were analyzed in a standardized, way and the sample scores showed intellectual levels within the mean in Raven and upper mean in R-2. With high correlation and convergence (coefficient r = 0.897) these results credit R-2 as a potential psychometric instrument in the assessment of intelligence in ASD.

Con el objetivo de ampliar los estudios relacionados con la evaluación de la inteligencia de los niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), este estudio investigó la relación entre las pruebas no verbales de inteligencia R-2 y Raven, evaluando a 30 niños con TEA, leve y moderada, de edad Entre 5 y 11 años y 9 meses. Los datos se analizaron de manera estandarizada y las puntuaciones de la muestra mostraron niveles intelectuales dentro de la media en Raven y la media superior en R-2. Con alta correlación y convergencia (coeficiente r = 0,897) estos resultados acreditan a R-2 como un instrumento psicométrico potencial en la evaluación de la inteligencia en TEA.

SciELO Preprints; jul. 2020.
Preprint in English | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-1010


Patients and the general public are under insurmountable psychological pressure which may lead to various psychological problems, such as anxiety, fear, depression, and insomnia, causing, consequently, the impaired quality of life. Psychological crisis intervention plays a pivotal role in the overall deployment of health-related quality of life and disease control. A novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARSCoV-2), a pathogen of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), has affected several sector activities, including people's health. To enhance infection control methods, appropriate interventions, and public health policies, the present study aims to assess the fear and peri-traumatic stress during the Covid-19 in Brazil. Method: A cross-sectional survey has been conducted from April 12th to 18th using the Peri-Traumatic Distress Scale (CPDI) and the Fear Scale (FCV-19S) aiming to measure the peri-traumatic stress and fear as psychological reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic. For that purpose, an online spreadsheet was used to send the questionnaire and scales to a sample of 1844 participants as a collecting information tool. After the data analysis, the individuals were separated into 4 groups: Group 1 (1232) population without chronic health conditions; group 2 (298) patients with previous psychological suffering, group 3 (229) patients with cardiovascular diseases, group 4 (71) patients with diabetes. For analysis, G1 and were considered control for comparison with groups 2, 3 and 4 in accordance with One-Way Anova followed by Bonferroni test. Results: All the groups showed the CPDI and FCV-19S increased in comparison with the G1 group. Concerning CPDI, the G 3 was increased when compared to G1, G2 and G4. The G3 had the FCV-19S higher in comparison with G1, G2 and G4. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test showed a statistical difference between the control group in comparison with 2 and 3 groups (Mann-Whitney p< 0.05). Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Brazilian population, with patients with heart disease and hypertension presenting the highest numbers of stress and fear, with numbers comparable and even higher than those who reported previous psychological distress.

Psicol. pesq ; 14(spe): 196-220, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1155181


O sistema de economia de fichas (SEF) foi usado em um jogo para avaliar seu efeito sobre a cooperação. Crianças de uma escola pública receberam fichas e optaram entre guardá-las ou doá-las anonimamente em uma urna; o número de fichas era triplicado e distribuído igualmente às crianças, que escolhiam, então, entre "comprar" itens ou economizar. O SEF teve efeito na cooperação: 60% das crianças adotaram mais a estratégia cooperativa do que a egoísta, ainda que os perfis individuais mostrem uma aparente exploração de estratégias diversas. O SEF mostrou-se uma alternativa viável e aponta caminhos para aplicação em contextos escolares.

The token economy system was used in a cooperative game to evaluate its effect on cooperation. Public school's children received tokens and chose to keep or donate them anonymously in an urn. The contents of the collective urn were tripled and distributed equally at the end of the session. Children could choose to "buy" items or save tokens. This system affected cooperative behavior: 60% of participants have adopted a more cooperative strategy than the free-rider, even though individual profiles show an apparent exploration of different strategies. These results indicate ways for application in scholar contexts.

El sistema de economía de fichas se utilizó como juego cooperativo para investigar la cooperación entre los niños. Los niños de una escuela pública recibieron fichas y optaron por guardarlas o donarlas de forma anónima en una urna. El contenido de la urna se triplicó y se distribuyó igualmente. Con la ficha que tenían, podían "comprar" artículos o ahorrar las fichas. La aplicación de este sistema parece haber afectado el comportamiento cooperativo, manteniéndolo prevalente entre los participantes (60% de los participantes), mismo que individualmente parecen haber explorado diferentes estrategias. Estos resultados indican formas de aplicación en contextos escolares.

Psicol. pesq ; 14(spe): 239-259, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1155183


O mundo está a viver uma situação de pandemia por causa do vírus SARS-CoV-2. Comparamos níveis de estresse peritraumático durante a pandemia Covid-19 (EPC) entre Brasil e Portugal, países latinos com longa história conjunta. Os resultados apontaram níveis elevados de EPC para os brasileiros com 19% (nível grave), e 64% de EPC de leve a grave, contra 5.3% e 38% dos portugueses. Os brasileiros demonstraram maior gravidade em 20 (de 24) itens de EPC. O índice global (IEPC) foi mais elevado nos brasileiros. Essas diferenças são explicadas como consequência das diferentes decisões políticas de saúde seguidas nos dois países.

The world is living in a pandemic situation because of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We compared peritraumatic distress during Covid-19 pandemic (CPD) between Brazil and Portugal, two Latin nations with a long conjointly history. The results pointed to high CPD levels to Brazilians with 19% (severe level), and 64% within CPD (from mild to severe), against 5.3% and 38% of the Portuguese people. Brazilians showed higher severity in 20 (of 24) items of CPD. The global index (CPDI) was higher in Brazilians. These differences are explained by the different political health decisions of the two countries.

El mundo está experimentando una pandemia debido al virus SARS-CoV-2. Comparamos los niveles de estrés peritraumático durante la pandemia Covid-19 (EPC) entre Brasil y Portugal, países latinos con una historia conjunta. Los resultados mostraron altos niveles de EPC para los brasileños con 19% (severo) y 64% de leve a severo, frente al 5,3% y 38% de los portugueses. Los brasileños muestran mayor severidad en 20 (de 24) ítems de EPC. El índice global (IEPC) fue más alto en brasileños. Estas diferencias se explican como consecuencia de las distintas decisiones de política sanitaria que se siguieron en los dos países.

Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 35(4): 421-431, Oct.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975295


Knowing about teacher perceptions contributes to the understanding of teachers' attitudes toward the behavior of their students. We evaluated the perceptions of 501 teachers about the genetic and environmental influences on behaviors considered relevant to the educational environment using an original questionnaire from the United Kingdom, adapted to the Portuguese language of Brazil. We found that the teachers attributed genetic and environmental influences evenly regarding personality and learning difficulties; greater genetic influence on intelligence and mental illness; and greater environmental influence on behavioral problems. Most teachers stated that having a student with genetically influenced learning difficulties would affect their method of instructing them.

Conhecer a percepção docente colabora para compreender as atitudes do professor diante do comportamento de seus alunos. A percepção de 501 professores acerca da influência genética e ambiental sobre comportamentos considerados relevantes no ambiente educacional foi avaliada por meio de um questionário original do Reino Unido, adaptado à língua portuguesa do Brasil. Os professores apontaram: equilíbrio de influências genéticas e ambientais sobre a personalidade e as dificuldades de aprendizagem; maior influência genética sobre a inteligência e as doenças mentais; e maior influência ambiental sobre os problemas de comportamento. A maioria dos professores declarou que ter um aluno com dificuldade de aprendizagem geneticamente influenciada afetaria seu método de instruí-lo.

Humans , Social Perception , Behavior , School Teachers , Genes