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Environ Res ; 144(Pt B): 72-87, 2016 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26522278


Forest ecosystems are fundamental for the terrestrial biosphere as they deliver multiple essential ecosystem services (ES). In environmental management, understanding ES distribution and interactions and assessing the economic value of forest ES represent future challenges. In this study, we developed a spatially explicit method based on a multi-scale approach (MiMoSe-Multiscale Mapping of ecoSystem services) to assess the current and future potential of a given forest area to provide ES. To do this we modified and improved the InVEST model in order to adapt input data and simulations to the context of Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Specifically, we integrated a GIS-based model, scenario model, and economic valuation to investigate two ES (wood production and carbon sequestration) and their trade-offs in a test area located in Molise region (Central Italy). Spatial information and trade-off analyses were used to assess the influence of alternative forest management scenarios on investigated services. Scenario A was designed to describe the current Business as Usual approach. Two alternative scenarios were designed to describe management approaches oriented towards nature protection (scenario B) or wood production (scenario C) and compared to scenario A. Management scenarios were simulated at the scale of forest management units over a 20-year time period. Our results show that forest management influenced ES provision and associated benefits at the regional scale. In the test area, the Total Ecosystem Services Value of the investigated ES increases 85% in scenario B and decreases 82% in scenario C, when compared to scenario A. Our study contributes to the ongoing debate about trade-offs and synergies between carbon sequestration and wood production benefits associated with socio-ecological systems. The MiMoSe approach can be replicated in other contexts with similar characteristics, thus providing a useful basis for the projection of benefits from forest ecosystems over the future.

Carbon Sequestration , Forestry/methods , Wood/analysis , Conservation of Natural Resources , Geographic Mapping , Italy , Models, Theoretical , Spatial Analysis
Ciênc. rural ; 40(9): 1881-1887, set. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-561274


Extratos vegetais podem auxiliar no controle de doenças de plantas, por sua atividade antimicrobiana ou pela ativação de mecanismos de defesa. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar o efeito dos extratos aquosos de alho e alecrim autoclavados e não autoclavados sobre o crescimento micelial de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, a produção de faseolina em feijoeiro e a severidade de antracnose em campo. O fungo foi incubado em meio de cultura contendo os extratos, e o crescimento foi mensurado por 18 dias. Para avaliação de faseolina, os extratos foram aplicados sobre hipocótilos de feijão, a extração foi feita em etanol e a leitura foi realizada em espectrofotômetro. A severidade da antracnose foi avaliada em plantas de feijão pulverizadas com os extratos e inoculadas com o fungo. Para o extrato de alho, a maior redução (57,6 por cento) no crescimento micelial foi com a dose de 3,0 por cento do extrato não autoclavado. Já para o extrato de alecrim, a maior redução (18,6 por cento) foi com o extrato autoclavado. A autoclavagem não teve efeito sobre a indução de faseolina. À campo, os extratos não reduziram significativamente a severidade de antracnose. O extrato de alho não autoclavado mostrou-se mais eficiente na redução do crescimento de C. lindemuthianum, enquanto que o de alecrim, autoclavado ou não, foi mais efetivo na indução de faseolina.

Plant extracts may assist in controlling plants diseases due to its antimicrobial activity and activation of defense mechanisms. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of aqueous extracts of garlic and rosemary, autoclaved or non autoclaved, on the mycelial growth of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, production of phaseollin by beans and severity of anthracnose in the field. The fungus was incubated in medium containing the extracts and its growth measured for 18 days. For phaseollin evaluation the extracts were applied on bean hypocotyls, the phytoalexin extracted in ethanol and read in spectrophotometer. The severity of anthracnose was evaluated in bean plants sprayed with the extracts and inoculated with the fungus. For the garlic extract, the greater reduction (57,6 percent) in micelial growth was at 3 percent in the non autoclaved extract, as for the rosemary extract, the greater reduction (18,6 percent) was in the autoclaved extract. Autoclaving had no effect on the induction of phaseollin. At field conditions, the extracts did not reduce significantly the severity of anthracnose. The non autoclaved garlic extract showed to be more efficient in reducing the mycelial growth of C. lindemuthianum, while rosemary, autoclaved or not, proved to be more effective in the induction of phaseollin.

Ciênc. rural ; 39(7): 2191-2194, out. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-526773


O armazenamento é parte decisiva para a produção de sementes de alta qualidade. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade física, fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de três variedades de milho armazenadas durante seis meses, em embalagens plásticas e em sacos de algodão, foram realizadas determinações da perda de peso, da quantificação de danos por insetos e do teste de germinação e sanidade. No armazenamento em embalagens plásticas, observou-se redução na germinação, porém o dano por insetos foi menor. O armazenamento em saco de algodão proporcionou redução na qualidade das sementes, pela presença de insetos-praga e pela alta incidência de fungos do gênero Fusarium, Penicillium e Aspergillus, exceto para a variedade Pururuca Branco. O armazenamento em embalagens plásticas possibilitou a manutenção da qualidade das sementes, tendo uma menor incidência de insetos e de fungos em comparação com sacos de algodão. As variedades Caiano e Pururuca Branco apresentaram comportamento diferenciado em relação às embalagens utilizadas.

The storage is a decisive part of seed production of high quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical, physiological and sanitary quality of three maize varieties seeds, stored for six months in plastic packaging and cotton bags. Germination, quantification of insect damage and seed health were evaluated. In the plastic packaging storage, were observed reduction in the germination, but the presence of insect pests was lower. The storage in cotton bag reduced the seeds quality, due to the presence of insect pests and the high incidence of Fusarium, Penicillium and Aspergillus. The storage in plastic package provided the maintenance of seeds quality, with a lower incidence of insects and fungi when compared to the cotton bags. The varieties showed different answers in relation to the packages used.