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Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 1082-1088, jul.-ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-76331


El papel desempeñado por destacados científicos cubanos y matanceros como Juan Nicolás Dávalos Betancourt y Federico Grande Rossi fue fundamental en el desarrollo de la bacteriología en el país. Con este trabajo se pretende acercar a estos dos hombres unidos en la vida como grandes amigos y en la profesión. Juan Nicolás Dávalos Betancourt conocido como "el sabio que soñaba con las bacterias" trasciende su campo de trabajo particular y se proyecta en el desarrollo de nuestra nación. Federico Grande Rossi fue médico bacteriólogo y fecundo escritor (AU).

The role played by eminent Cuban and Matanzasan scientist like Juan Nicolas Davalos Betancourt and Federico Grandi Rossi was essential for the development of the bacteriology in the country. With this work the authors pretend to bring near these two men who were very close in life as friends and colleagues in their profession. Juan Nicolas Davalos Betancourt, known as "the scholar who dreamed with bacteria" went beyond his particular work field and entered the process of development of Cuban nation. Federico Grandi Rossi was a doctor-bacteriologist and a prolific writer (AU).

Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Research/history , Bacteriology , Medical Laboratory Science , Biography , Communicable Diseases/history , Investigative Techniques
Rev. medica electron ; 41(4): 1082-1088, jul.-ago. 2019.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1102763


El papel desempeñado por destacados científicos cubanos y matanceros como Juan Nicolás Dávalos Betancourt y Federico Grande Rossi fue fundamental en el desarrollo de la bacteriología en el país. Con este trabajo se pretende acercar a estos dos hombres unidos en la vida como grandes amigos y en la profesión. Juan Nicolás Dávalos Betancourt conocido como "el sabio que soñaba con las bacterias" trasciende su campo de trabajo particular y se proyecta en el desarrollo de nuestra nación. Federico Grande Rossi fue médico bacteriólogo y fecundo escritor (AU).

The role played by eminent Cuban and Matanzasan scientist like Juan Nicolas Davalos Betancourt and Federico Grandi Rossi was essential for the development of the bacteriology in the country. With this work the authors pretend to bring near these two men who were very close in life as friends and colleagues in their profession. Juan Nicolas Davalos Betancourt, known as "the scholar who dreamed with bacteria" went beyond his particular work field and entered the process of development of Cuban nation. Federico Grandi Rossi was a doctor-bacteriologist and a prolific writer (AU).

Humans , Male , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Research/history , Bacteriology , Medical Laboratory Science , Biography , Communicable Diseases/history , Investigative Techniques
Rev. medica electron ; 39(3): 685-691, may.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-76911


Angel Arturo Aballí Arellano es considerado como uno de los pediatras más importante de la historia de la medicina cubana, hasta el punto que resulta prácticamente imposible acometer la historia de esta disciplina en nuestro país, sin el estudio profundo de su vida y obra, toda ella dirigida a la defensa de los intereses de la nueva generación, al estado de salud de la niñez, y a luchar por los recursos requeridos para su atención, bienestar y felicidad. Dedicó estudios a las enfermedades diarreicas, a la desnutrición y a la tuberculosis. Para estos fines inauguró el Dispensario Antituberculoso para Niños ¨Calmette¨; el Preventorio ¨Grancher¨ para Lactantes, una sala destinada para niños tuberculosos en el Hospital La Esperanza, y más tarde el Hospital Infantil Antituberculoso, que ostenta hoy su nombre, convertido al triunfo de la Revolución en Hospital Pediátrico General (AU).

Angel Arturo Aballí Arellano is considered one of the most important pediatricians of the Cuban medicine history, up to the point that it is almost impossible to write the history of this discipline in our country without deeply studying his life and work, all of it devoted to the defense of the new generations interests, the childhood health status, and to struggle for obtaining the resources required for their attention, welfare and happiness. He studied diarrheic diseases, malnutrition and tuberculosis. With this aim he inaugurated the Anti-tuberculosis Dispensary for Children Calmette, the Grancvher Preventer for Nursing Infants, a ward for tuberculous children at the hospital La Esperanza and later the Infantile Antituberculous Hospital that today is named after him and after the triumph of the revolution became a General Pediatric Hospital (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Physicians/history , Pediatricians/history , Physicians/standards , Physicians/ethics , Public Health/history , Faculty, Medical/education , Faculty, Medical/history , Faculty, Medical/standards , Faculty, Medical/ethics , Pediatricians/education , Pediatricians/standards , Pediatricians/ethics
Rev. medica electron ; 39(3): 685-691, may.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1121300


Angel Arturo Aballí Arellano es considerado como uno de los pediatras más importante de la historia de la medicina cubana, hasta el punto que resulta prácticamente imposible acometer la historia de esta disciplina en nuestro país, sin el estudio profundo de su vida y obra, toda ella dirigida a la defensa de los intereses de la nueva generación, al estado de salud de la niñez, y a luchar por los recursos requeridos para su atención, bienestar y felicidad. Dedicó estudios a las enfermedades diarreicas, a la desnutrición y a la tuberculosis. Para estos fines inauguró el Dispensario Antituberculoso para Niños ¨Calmette¨; el Preventorio ¨Grancher¨ para Lactantes, una sala destinada para niños tuberculosos en el Hospital La Esperanza, y más tarde el Hospital Infantil Antituberculoso, que ostenta hoy su nombre, convertido al triunfo de la Revolución en Hospital Pediátrico General (AU).

Angel Arturo Aballí Arellano is considered one of the most important pediatricians of the Cuban medicine history, up to the point that it is almost impossible to write the history of this discipline in our country without deeply studying his life and work, all of it devoted to the defense of the new generations interests, the childhood health status, and to struggle for obtaining the resources required for their attention, welfare and happiness. He studied diarrheic diseases, malnutrition and tuberculosis. With this aim he inaugurated the Anti-tuberculosis Dispensary for Children Calmette, the Grancvher Preventer for Nursing Infants, a ward for tuberculous children at the hospital La Esperanza and later the Infantile Antituberculous Hospital that today is named after him and after the triumph of the revolution became a General Pediatric Hospital (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Physicians/history , Pediatricians/history , Physicians/standards , Physicians/ethics , Public Health/history , Faculty, Medical/education , Faculty, Medical/history , Faculty, Medical/standards , Faculty, Medical/ethics , Pediatricians/education , Pediatricians/standards , Pediatricians/ethics