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J Clin Med ; 13(17)2024 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39274420


Background: Chronic pain (CP) patients frequently feel misunderstood and experience a lack of support. This led to the creation of support telephone lines in some countries. However, there is no scientific data grounding their development or evaluating their performance. Almost 37% of the Portuguese adult population suffers from CP, with great costs for patients and the healthcare system. Methods: To determine the viability of a support line for CP in Portugal, a qualitative study was designed, and online focus group meetings, with patients and healthcare professionals, were conducted. Their perspectives, beliefs, and expectations were evaluated and described. Results: This study revealed that a CP support line is a feasible project from the participants' perspective if its interventions are limited to active listening, emotional support, and tailored suggestions. Conclusions: It has the potential to generate a positive impact on healthcare services, while also contributing to greater equity of access to support.

Environ Pollut ; 318: 120842, 2023 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36509344


Discussions about environmental risk reassessment of pesticides have grown in the last decades, especially in tropical and subtropical regions since the diversity of bee species in these places is quite different. Stingless bees are highly affected by pesticides, and toxicity information is necessary to include them in the regulatory process of countries that hosts a diversity of these species. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the Median Lethal Concentration (LC50), estimate the Median Lethal Dose (LD50) and compared the sensitivity of three species of stingless bees exposed to the commercial formulation of the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam (TMX). The LD50 was estimated based on the LC50 determined in the present study (LC50 = 0.329 ng a.i./µL for Tetragonisca angustula; 0.624 ng a.i./µL for Scaptotrigona postica, and 0.215 ng a.i./µL for Melipona scutellaris). Considering these data, toxicity endpoints were used to fit species sensitive distribution curves (SSD) and determine the sensitivity ratio. The results showed that all the stingless bees tested are more sensitive to TMX than the Apis mellifera, the model organism used in ecotoxicological tests. Regarding the oral LC50, the most susceptible and most tolerant species were M. scutellaris > T. angustula > S. postica > A. mellifera. Following the same evaluated pattern, for the LD50 (considering the weight of the bees - ng a.i./g bee), we have: M. scutellaris > S. postica > T. angustula > A. mellifera, and without the weight considered (ng a.i./bee): T. angustula > M. scutellaris > S. postica > A. mellifera. The different sensitivities among stingless bee species highlight the importance of inserting more than one surrogate species with a variety of sizes in research and protocol development. Additionally, the research suggests the need to investigate patterns regarding the influence of body mass on pesticide sensitivity among stingless bee species.

Insecticides , Pesticides , Bees , Animals , Pesticides/toxicity , Neonicotinoids/toxicity , Lethal Dose 50 , Thiamethoxam , Ecotoxicology , Insecticides/toxicity
Texto & contexto enferm ; 32: e20230118, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1536912


ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the quality of life of individuals with intestinal ostomies and its association with sociodemographic and clinical factors. Method: a cross-sectional and correlational study conducted between August 2019 and December 2021, involving individuals with intestinal ostomies registered at the Orthotics and Prosthetics Service of the Municipal Health Department of São Luís-Maranhão. The questionnaires used included a sociodemographic one, a clinical one, and the City Of Hope - Quality Of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-OQ). The statistical analyses were conducted using the SPSS Statistics 20.1 software for Windows, with a 5% significance level. Normality was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the correlations between independent and dependent variables were assessed using paired t-tests. Results: the sample consisted of 154 participants, mostly men (62.6%), with a mean age of 49.94 years old and Incomplete Elementary School (35%). The majority had colostomies (81.2%), temporary (61%), and cancer as etiology (47.4%). In terms of quality of life, the mean scores for the spiritual well-being domain (8.45) stood out, followed by the physical (4.05), psychological (5.85) and social (6.33) domains. The association between sociodemographic/clinical factors, and quality of life was statistically significant (p≤0.05) for religion, schooling, type and characteristics of the household, ostomy permanence and complications, post-ostomy employment, presence of spouse, physical activity, and access to health services. Etiology of the ostomy was found to be significantly associated with the physical (p=0.03), psychological (p=0.01) and social (p=0.01) domains, as well as overall (p=0.05). Conclusion: the study revealed a significant association for the physical, psychological, social and spiritual domains, impacting the quality of life and care practices for individuals with ostomies and their families.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de vida de personas con estomas intestinales y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y clínicos. Métodos: estudio transversal y correlacional realizado entre agosto de 2019 y diciembre de 2021 con personas ostomizadas registradas en el Servicio de Órtesis y Prótesis de la Secretaría Municipal de Salud de São Luís-Maranhão. Se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico, uno clínico y el City Of Hope - Quality Of Life - Ostomy Questionnary (COH-QOL-OQ). Los análisis estadísticos se procesaron en el programa de software SPSS Statistics 20.1 para Windows, con nivel de significancia del 5%. En la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk se verificó la normalidad y, con la prueba t pareada, las correlaciones de las variables independientes y dependientes. Resultados: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 154 participantes, con mayoría de hombres (62,6%), media de edad de 49,94 años, con estudios primarios incompletos (35%), colostomías (81,2%), temporarias (61%) y cáncer como etiología (47,4%). En relación con la calidad de vida, se destacaron los valores medios correspondientes a los dominios de bienestar espiritual (8,45), físico (4,05), psicológico (5,85) y social (6,33). La asociación entre factores sociodemográficos/clínicos y calidad de vida presentó significancia estadística (p ≤ 0,05) para religión, nivel de estudios, tipo y característica del hogar, permanencia del estoma y complicaciones, trabajar después del estoma, presencia de cónyuge, actividad física y acceso a servicios de salud. Se verificó que la mayor significancia de la etiología del estoma correspondió a los dominios físico (p=0,03), psicológico (p=0,01), social (p=0,01) y general (p=0,05). Conclusión: el estudio demostró una asociación significativa para los dominios físico, psicológico, social y espiritual, con efecto sobre la calidad de vida y en las prácticas de atención a personas con estomas y sus familiares.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a qualidade de vida das pessoas com estomias intestinais e associação com fatores sociodemográficos e clínicos. Método: estudo transversal e correlacional realizado entre agosto de 2019 e dezembro de 2021, com pessoas estomizadas cadastradas no Serviço de Órtese e Prótese da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Luís-Maranhão. Utilizou-se questionários sociodemográfico, clínico e City OF Hope - Quality Of Life - Ostomy Questionnary (COH-QOL-OQ). As análises estatísticas foram processadas pelo Software SPSS Statistics 20.1 para Windows, nível de significância 5%. No teste Shapiro-Wilk verificou-se a normalidade e no teste-t pareado as correlações das variáveis independentes e dependente. Resultados: amostra composta por 154 participantes, maioria homens (62,6%), idade média 49,94 anos, com ensino fundamental incompleto (35%), colostomia (81,2%), temporária (61%) e câncer como etiologia (47,4%). Em relação à qualidade de vida, destacaram-se as médias para os domínios bem-estar espiritual (8,45), físico (4,05), psicológico (5,85) e social (6,33). A associação entre fatores sociodemográficos, clínicos e qualidade de vida foi estatisticamente significante (p ≤ 0,05) para religião, escolaridade, tipo e característica do domicílio, permanência da estomia e complicações, trabalho pós-estomia, presença de cônjuge, atividade física e acesso ao serviço de saúde. Verificou-se a maior significância da etiologia da estomia para domínios físico (p=0,03), psicológico (p=0,01), social (p=0,01) e geral (p=0,05). Conclusão: o estudo mostrou associação significante para os domínios físico, psicológico, social e espiritual, com impacto a qualidade de vida e nas práticas de cuidado às pessoas com estomias e seus familiares.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(10): 5756-5773, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512742


A violência intrafamiliar constitui um sério desafio de saúde pública tanto no cenário global como no Brasil, ocasionando impactos significativos e diretos na saúde e qualidade de vida. Dada essa realidade, o objetivo do estudo se concentra em descrever perante a literatura a atuação do enfermeiro na APS em casos de suspeita ou confirmação de violência intrafamiliar contra adolescentes, visando entender sua importância e seu papel. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, tipologia que tem como caracterís- tica abranger questões com carácter mais amplo, desenvolvendo análise e interpretação dos dados encontrados. Desta forma, para contemplar publicações de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, foi realizado um levantamento de artigos científicos, utilizando a associa- ção dos termos controlados dos Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS) "Violência doméstica"; "assistência de enfermagem" e "Atenção Primária à Saúde" e do termo não controlado "Violência intrafamiliar". Os documentos foram encontrados via biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), incluindo as bases LILACS, BDENF, CUMED, CVSP e ainda foram realizadas buscas na SciELO, na PubMed e na Dialnet. Após a aplicação dos cri- térios de inclusão e exclusão surgiram 3 categorias para melhor compreensão dos resul- tados: 1) Caracterização da Violência Intrafamiliar contra Adolescentes; 2) A Atuação do Enfermeiro na Atenção Primária à Saúde do Enfrentamento à Violência e 3) Os Desafios do Enfermeiro diante dos Casos Suspeitos ou Confirmados de Violência Intrafamiliar contra o Adolescente. Conclui-se que a enfermagem desempenha um papel de extrema importância na mitigação da violência intrafamiliar dirigida aos adolescentes, devido à sua posição primordial na promoção e prevenção da saúde, bem como pela assistência na disseminação e aplicação de políticas públicas.

Intrafamily violence is a serious public health challenge both in the global scenario and in Brazil, causing significant and direct impacts on health and quality of life. Given this reality, the objective of the study focuses on describing in the literature the role of nurses in PHC in cases of suspected or confirmed intra-family violence against adolescents, aiming to understand its importance and role. It is a narrative review of the literature, a typology that has the characteristic of covering issues with a broader charac- ter, developing analysis and interpretation of the data found. Thus, to contemplate publi- cations from different areas of knowledge, a survey of scientific articles was conducted, using the association of the controlled terms of the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS) "Domestic violence"; "nursing care" and "Primary Health Care" and the uncontrolled term "Intrafamily Violence". The documents were found through the Virtual Health Li- brary (VHL), including the LILACS, BDENF, CUMED, CVSP databases, and searches were also performed in SciELO, PubMed and Dialnet. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 3 categories emerged to better understand the results: 1) Characteriza- tion of Intrafamily Violence against Adolescents; 2) The Nurse's Performance in Primary Health Care to Confront Violence and 3) The Nurse's Challenges in the Face of Suspected or Confirmed Cases of Intrafamily Violence against the Adolescent. It is concluded that nursing plays an extremely important role in the mitigation of intrafamily violence di- rected at adolescents, due to its primary position in health promotion and prevention, as well as for the assistance in the dissemination and application of public policies.

La violencia intrafamiliar es un grave desafío de salud pública tanto en el escenario global como en Brasil, causando impactos significativos y directos en la salud y la calidad de vida. Ante esta realidad, el objetivo del estudio se centra en describir en la literatura el papel del enfermero en la APS en casos de violencia intrafamiliar sospechada o confirmada contra adolescentes, con el objetivo de comprender su importancia y papel. Se trata de una revisión narrativa de la literatura, una tipología que tiene la característica de abarcar temas con un carácter más amplio, desarrollando el análisis y la interpretación de los datos encontrados. Así, para contemplar publicaciones de diferentes áreas del co- nocimiento, se realizó un levantamiento de artículos científicos, utilizando la asociación de los términos controlados de los Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud (DeCS) "Violen- cia doméstica"; "cuidados de enfermería" y "Atención Primaria de Salud" y el término incontrolado "Violencia Intrafamiliar". Los documentos fueron encontrados a través de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), incluyendo las bases de datos LILACS, BDENF, CUMED, CVSP, y también se realizaron búsquedas en SciELO, PubMed y Dialnet. Des- pués de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, surgieron 3 categorías para com- prender mejor los resultados: 1) Caracterización de la violencia intrafamiliar contra ado- lescentes; 2) el desempeño del enfermero en la atención primaria de salud para enfrentar la violencia y 3) los desafíos del enfermero frente a casos sospechosos o confirmados de violencia intrafamiliar contra el adolescente. Se concluye que la enfermería juega un pa- pel extremadamente importante en la mitigación de la violencia intrafamiliar dirigida a adolescentes, debido a su posición primordial en la promoción y prevención de la salud, así como para la asistencia en la difusión y aplicación de políticas públicas.

Toxicol In Vitro ; 84: 105437, 2022 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35839977


The most used pesticides have neurotoxic action on the neurotransmitter system of target and non-targeted insects, such as honeybees. However, honeybees have foremost importance worldwide, which has encouraged the development of tools to evaluate the action of specific pesticide molecules on their nervous system, providing accurate data on damage to their brain. In this sense, our study aimed to optimize in vitro honeybee nervous tissue culture to assess pesticide risks. To this end, six forager honeybee brains were dissected and transferred to different combinations of Leibovitz-15 (L-15) culture medium supplemented with Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS), and Insect Medium Supplement (IMS). Nervous tissues were collected after different incubation times (1, 6, 12, and 24 h) for morphology and Kenyon cell analyses. Our results showed that L-15 medium supplemented with HBSS and with HBSS plus FBS were the best media for culturing honey nervous tissue for 24 h, as they resulted in less tissue spacing and cell disarrangement. Therefore, they may be assessed in future ecotoxicological tests.

Nerve Tissue , Pesticides , Animals , Bees , Culture Media , Pesticides/toxicity , Risk Assessment
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 29(42): 62711-62732, 2022 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35793026


Brazil presents the most threatened endemic or rare species among neotropical regions, with the Hymenoptera order, to which bees belong, classified as a high-risk category. In Brazil, the main cause of bee death is the indiscriminate use of pesticides. In this context, groups such as Bee Ecotoxicology and Conservation Laboratory (LECA in Portuguese) and Bees and Environmental Services (ASAs in Portuguese) have become a reference in studies evaluating the impacts of pesticides on bees since 1976. Thus, the objective of this review was to conduct a quantitative and qualitative review of the studies conducted by these groups to evaluate and compile the advances made over the years, identify potential knowledge gaps for future studies, and support the sensitivities of stingless bees when compared to the species Apis mellifera. The quantitative analyses showed that most studies were carried out in the genus Apis, under laboratory conditions. However, more recently (since 2003), studies have also focused on stingless bees and the neonicotinoid class of insecticides. The most relevant gaps identified were the lack of studies under field conditions and on bee biology. The qualitative analyses indicated that Brazilian stingless bees are more susceptible to pesticides than A. mellifera and require a much lower average dose, concentration, or lethal time to display morphological and behavioral damage or decreased lifespan. Thus, future studies should work towards establishing more representative protocols for stingless bees. Furthermore, public policies must be created for the protection and conservation of bees native to Brazil.

Insecticides , Pesticides , Animals , Bees , Brazil , Ecotoxicology , Neonicotinoids
Games Health J ; 11(3): 177-185, 2022 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35294849


Objective: Gesture-based serious games can be based on playful and interactive scenarios to enhance user engagement and experience during exercises, thereby increasing efficiency in the motor rehabilitation process. This study aimed to develop the Rehabilite Game (RG) as a complementary therapy tool for upper limb rehabilitation in clinics and home environments and to evaluate aspects of usability and user experience of it. Materials and Methods: The evaluation consisted of the use of a gesture-based serious game with motor rehabilitation sessions managed in a web platform. Thirty-three participants were recruited (21 physiotherapists and 12 patients). The protocol allowed each participant to have the experience of playing sessions with different combinations of settings. The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) was used to evaluate aspects of usability and user experience. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Federal University of Piaui (number 3,429,494). Results: The level of satisfaction with the RG was positive, with an excellent Net Promoter Score for 85.7% of physiotherapists and 100% of patients. All six UEQ scales (attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation, and novelty) reflected acceptance. Conclusion: The study demonstrated that, according to the results obtained in the experiments, the RG had positive feedback from physiotherapists and patients, indicating that the game can be used in a clinical trial to be compared with other rehabilitation techniques.

Stroke Rehabilitation , Telerehabilitation , Video Games , Gestures , Humans , Stroke Rehabilitation/methods , Upper Extremity
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 12(6): 1151-1158, dez. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1369040


Objetivo: Comparar o impacto do exercício físico no comportamento de idosas com Alzheimer em uma Instituição de longa permanecia para idosos. Método: Ensaio clínico não randomizado, com nove idosas com Doença de Alzheimer, residentes em uma instituição de longa permanência. Que foram submetidas diariamente, por quatro semanas, à aplicação de dois questionários, um para estabelecer o perfil individual de cada moradora, e outro para análise dos comportamentos característicos da doença. Resultados: Observa-se que nove dentre os medicamentos consumidos possuíam características para modulação comportamental (55,56% Quetiapina; 22,22% Depakote e/ou Exelon Patch; 11,11% de Donaren, Donepezila, Donila Duo, Escitalopran, Exodus e/ou Sertralina); após quatro semanas, 44,44% (n=4) das moradoras apresentaram diminuição das alterações comportamentais, para os períodos com exercício físico (p<0,05); as médias de alterações comportamentais da amostra total, foram de 0,76±0,38 e 1,60±0,70 para os períodos com e sem exercício físico, respectivamente (p<0,05); e comportamentos como "agressividade direcionada a equipe", "irritabilidade" e "outras alterações", apresentaram Δ de variação de 0,80; 2,04; e 1,21; respectivamente (p<0,05). Conclusão: A inclusão de exercícios físicos de maneira regular, em uma Instituição de longa permanecia para idosos, é capaz de reduzir alterações comportamentais à curto prazo em idosas com Doença de Alzheimer institucionalizadas. (AU)

Objective: Comparison of the impact of physical exercise on the behavior of elderly women with Alzheimer's in a long-stay institution for the elderly. Methods: Non-randomized clinical trial, with nine elderly women with Alzheimer's Disease, residing in a long-term institution. They were submitted daily, for four weeks, to the application of two questionnaires, one to establish the individual profile of each resident, and the other to analyze the characteristic characteristics of the disease. Results: It is observed that nine among the drugs consumed had characteristics for behavioral modulation (55.56% Quetiapine; 22.22% Depakote and/or Exelon Patch; 11.11% of Donaren, Donepezila, Donila Duo, Escitalopran, Exodus and / or Sertraline); after four weeks, 44.44% (n = 4) of residents reduced behavioral changes for periods with physical exercise (p < 0.05); as means of behavioral changes in the total sample, they were 0.76 ± 0.38 and 1.60 ± 0.70 for the periods with and without physical exercise, respectively (p < 0.05); and behavior such as "aggressiveness directed at the team", "irritability" and "other changes", similar to a variation of 0.80; 2.04; and 1.21; respectively (p<0.05). Conclusion: The inclusion of physical exercise on a regular basis, in a long-stay institution for the elderly, is capable of reducing short-term behavioral changes in institutionalized elderly women with Alzheimer's Disease. (AU)

Objetivo: Comparación del impacto del ejercicio físico en el comportamiento de mujeres mayores con Alzheimer en una institución de larga estancia para ancianos. Métodos: Ensayo clínico no aleatorizado, con nueve ancianas con enfermedad de Alzheimer, residentes en una institución de larga duración. Fueron sometidos diariamente, durante cuatro semanas, a la aplicación de dos cuestionarios, uno para establecer el perfil individual de cada residente y otro para analizar las características características de la enfermedad. Resultados: Se observa que nueve de los fármacos consumidos tenían características de modulación conductual (55,56% Quetiapina; 22,22% Depakote y / o Exelon Patch; 11,11% de Donaren, Donepezila, Donila Duo, Escitalopran, Exodus y / o Sertralina); después de cuatro semanas, el 44,44% (n = 4) de los residentes redujeron los cambios de comportamiento por períodos con ejercicio físico (p <0,05); como medias de los cambios de comportamiento en la muestra total fueron 0,76 ± 0,38 y 1,60 ± 0,70 para los períodos con y sin ejercicio físico, respectivamente (p <0,05); y comportamientos como "agresividad dirigida al equipo", "irritabilidad" y "otros cambios", similar a una variación de 0,80; 2,04; y 1,21; respectivamente (p <0,05). Conclusión: La inclusión de ejercicio físico de forma regular, en una institución de larga estancia para ancianos, es capaz de reducir los cambios conductuales a corto plazo en mujeres ancianas institucionalizadas con enfermedad de Alzheimer. (AU)

Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Exercise , Alzheimer Disease , Homes for the Aged , Analysis of Variance , Alzheimer Disease/diagnosis
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 24(5): e220007, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407560


Resumo Objetivo Investigar a relação entre capacidade física e qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) em idosos com osteoartrite sintomática de joelho (OAJ). Método Estudo observacional em 67 idosos (55 mulheres e 12 homens) com OAJ executaram: Timed Up and Go o (TUG); Teste de Levantar e Sentar da Cadeira em 30 segundos (TLS30); Teste de Subir e Descer Escada (TSDE); Teste de Caminhada Rápida de 40m (TCR40); Teste de Caminhada de Seis Minutos (TC6). A QVRS foi medida usando o Western Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Regressões lineares uni e multivariada foram utilizadas para explorar a relação entre as variáveis. Resultados Os pacientes eram predominantemente mulheres, com sobrepeso, inativas, não deprimidas, OAJ bilateral e dor intensa. Na QVRS, os domínios apresentaram baixo desempenho se comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Foi observada uma associação entre o TLS30, TSDE, TCR40 e TC6 com dor e função física e uma associação do TSDE e TC6 com rigidez (R²=0,064 a 0,304, p<0,05). Na análise multivariada, IMC, sexo e comprometimento bilateral foram considerados como covariáveis independentes, resultando em associações significativas do TC6 e IMC com a dor (ß[TC6]=-0,022, IC95% -0,033 a -0,010); ß[IMC]=0,121, IC95% 0,005 a 0,237) e rigidez (ß[TC6]=-0,009, IC95% -0,016 a -0,001; ß[IMC]=0,076, IC95% 0,000 a 0,151) e do TSDE (ß=0,229, IC95% 0,121 a 0,336) e sexo (ß=10,724, IC95% 2.985 a 18.463) com função física. Conclusão Os resultados sugerem associação positiva entre o TSDE e função física e associações negativas entre capacidade física no TC6 na dor e de rigidez.

Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship between physical capacity and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older patients with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Method A cross-sectional study was carried out, in which 67 older people (55 women and 12 men) diagnosed with KOA completed the physical function tests: Timed Up and Go (TUG); 30-second Chair Stand Test (30CST); Stair Climb Test (SCT); 40m Fast-Paced Walk Test (40FPWT); and Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT). HRQoL was measured using the Western Ontario McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC). Univariate and multivariate linear regression analyzes were used to explore the relationship between the variables. Results Patients were predominantly female, overweight, inactive, non-depressed, with bilateral KOA and in severe pain. In HRQoL, the domains showed low performance compared to healthy individuals. An association was observed between 30CST, SCT, 40FPWT and 6MWT with pain and physical function and an association of 30CTS, 6MWT with stiffness (R² = 0.064 to 0.304, p<0.05). In the multivariate analysis, BMI, sex and bilateral impairment were also considered as independent variables, resulting in significant associations of the 6MWT and BMI with pain (ß[6MWT]=0.121, 95%CI 0.005 to 0.237; ß[BMI]=0.022, 95CI and sex (ß=10.724, 95%CI 2.985 to 18.463) with physical function. Conclusion The results suggests positive association between TSDE and physical function and negative associations between physical capacity on 6MWT on pain and stifness.

PLoS One ; 15(6): e0234637, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32555675


The drastic decline of bees is associated with several factors, including the immune system suppression due to the increased exposure to pesticides. A widely used method to evaluate these effects on these insects' immune systems is the counting of circulating hemocytes in the hemolymph. However, the extraction of hemolymph from larvae is quite difficult, and the collected material is frequently contaminated with other tissues and gastrointestinal fluids, which complicates counting. Therefore, the present work established a high quality and easily reproducible method of extracting hemolymph from honeybee larvae (Apis mellifera), the extraction with ophthalmic scissors. Extraction methods with the following tools also were tested: 30G needle, fine-tipped forceps, hypodermic syringe, and capillaries tubes. The hemolymph was obtained via an incision on the larvae's right side for all methods, except for the extraction with ophthalmic scissors, in which the hemolymph was extracted from the head region. To assess the purity of the collected material, turbidity analyses of the samples using a turbidimeter were proposed, tested, and evaluated. The results showed that the use of ophthalmic scissors provided the clearest samples and was free from contamination. A reference range between 22,432.35 and 24,504.87 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) was established, in which the collected samples may be considered of high quality and free from contamination.

Bees/physiology , Hemolymph/cytology , Specimen Handling/instrumentation , Animals , Larva/physiology , Specimen Handling/methods , Surgical Instruments
Ecotoxicol Environ Saf ; 189: 110040, 2020 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31835045


Bees are important pollinators that help to maintain the biodiversity of wild and cultivated plants. However, the increased and inappropriate use of agrochemicals has caused an imbalance in the populations of these insects visiting flowers for pollen and nectar collection. Therefore, new research methods for understanding the mechanisms of action of pesticides and their impacts on the brains of bees, such as neurotoxicity and cellular changes, in response to different active characteristics and dosages of insecticides are necessary. Thus, with the aim of developing tests with greater specificity at the level of cells or tissues, this study sought to standardize a method for the in vitro culture of the nervous tissue of Apis mellifera. For this purpose, the brains of six foragers bees were transferred to three different insect cell culture media and it supplementation with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS): Grace, Schneider, Leibovitz, Grace + FBS, Schneider + FBS and Leibovitz + FBS media for each collection time. Nervous tissue was collected after 1, 6, 12 and 24 h of incubation in a humidified CO2 incubator at 32 °C, and histological sections of the organs were analysed. The results showed that Leibovitz medium and Leibovitz medium + serum are potential culture media for the cultivation of nervous tissue, since they resulted in less tissue spacing and tissue disarrangement. Therefore, additional supplements are necessary to obtain an ideal medium for the cultivation of A.mellifera nervous tissue.

Nerve Tissue/cytology , Tissue Culture Techniques/standards , Toxicity Tests/standards , Animals , Bees , Cell Survival , Culture Media/chemistry , Nerve Tissue/anatomy & histology
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 12: 544-550, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1096958


Objetivo: estudo transversal quantitativo com objetivo de verificar a prevalência de comportamentos de risco à saúde em universitários. Método: amostra de cinquenta e dois (52) estagiários do último ano do curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma Universidade pública no nordeste do Brasil. Utilizou-se o Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Resultados: prevaleceu sexo feminino 39 (75%), média de idade 24,8 anos, cor branca 29 (55,7%), peso corporal normal 35 (67,3%) e sedentarismo 34 (65,4%), consumo de refrigerantes 25 (48%), frutas e verduras 23(44,2%), bebida alcóolica 42 (80,8%) e cigarros 21(40,4%). A maconha foi relatada por 13 (25%), além de outras substâncias 14 (26,9%); 44 (84,6%) declaram experiência sexual, início aos 17 anos 18 (34,6%), uso do preservativo masculino 20 (38,5%) e 16 (30,8%) relataram tristeza, 14 (26,9%) intenção de suicídio e 47 (90,4%) negaram ameaças ou agressão. Conclusão: os universitários apresentam comportamentos considerados de risco a saúde adotando atitudes e condutas prejudiciais

Objective: quantitative cross-sectional study in order to check the prevalence of health risk behaviors in college students. Method: sample of 52 (52) internes the last year of the degree course in nursing of a public University in the northeast of Brazil. The Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Results: prevailed 39 (75%) female, average age 24.8 years, white 29 (55.7%), normal body weight 35 (67.3%) and sedentary 34 (65.4%), soft drink consumption 25 (48%), fruits and vegetables 23 (44.2%), liquor 42 (80.8%) and cigarettes 21 (40.4%). Cannabis was reported by 13 (25%), in addition to other substances 14 (26.9%), 44 (84.6%) declare sexual experience, home to 17 years 18 (34.6%), use of the male condom 20 (38.5%) and 16 (30.8%) reported sadness, 14 (26.9%) intention of suicide and 47 (90.4%) denied threats or aggression. Conclusion: the present College of health risk behaviors considered adopting attitudes and harmful conduct

Objetivo: estudio cuantitativo transversal para comprobar la prevalencia de comportamientos de riesgo de salud en estudiantes universitarios. Método: una muestra de 52 (52) interna del último año de la Licenciatura en enfermería de una universidad públicaen el noroeste de Brasil. Encuesta de comportamiento el riesgo de la juventud. Resultados: prevaleció 39 (75%) femenino, media edad 24,8 años, blanco 29 (55,7%), peso corporal normal 35 (67,3%) y 34 sedentarios (65.4%), consumo de bebida 25 (48%), frutas y verduras 23 (44,2%), licor 42 (80,8%) cigarrillos y 21 (40.4%). Cannabis fue reportado por 13 (25%), además de otras sustancias 14 (26.9%), 44 (84.6%) declarar la experiencia sexual, inicio a 17 años 18 (34.6%), uso del condón masculino 20 (38.5%) y 16 (30.8%) tristeza reportado, 14 (26.9%) intención de suicidio y 47 (90.4%) negó las amenazas o la agresión. Conclusion: el actual Colegio de comportamientos de riesgo de salud considera la adopción de actitudes y conductas nocivas

Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Students, Nursing , Risk Factors , Health Promotion , Self-Injurious Behavior/prevention & control , Disease Prevention
Rev. enferm. UFPE on line ; 12(9): 2500-2506, set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-995933


Objetivo: compreender a cultura de segurança fundamentada nos conceitos discutidos na Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural e no Modelo Conceitual do Cuidado de Enfermagem Transcultural. Método: estudo reflexivo a partir da Dissertação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem, da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, intitulada "Cultura de segurança do paciente em terapia intensiva na perspectiva de profissionais de Enfermagem". Resultados: percebe-se a aproximação da Enfermagem transcultural na avaliação da cultura de segurança do paciente tendo em vista que ela deve ser baseada em uma comunicação eficaz e por práticas que envolvam as culturas dos gestores, organizações, profissionais de Enfermagem e pacientes sustentando o planejamento de ações e a necessidade de prevenção de erros e danos. Conclusão: os conceitos apresentados são perfeitamente apropriados no contexto da cultura de segurança por remeter à necessidade de considerar os aspectos culturais contribuindo, assim, para a prática do cuidado seguro.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Organizational Culture , Nursing , Transcultural Nursing , Safety Management , Patient Safety , Culturally Competent Care , Nursing Care , Nursing Theory
Rev. APS ; 21(3): 375-386, 01/07/2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-981901


Objetivo: investigar as ações para o controle do câncer de mama desenvolvidas por enfermeiros da Estratégia Saúde da Família em uma capital do Nordeste brasileiro. Casuística e Métodos: estudo transversal, com 80 enfermeiros atuantes na Estratégia da Saúde da Família, entre novembro de 2012 e junho de 2013. Utilizaram-se um formulário validado e testado e o programa EPI INFO 2008 versão 3.5.1 para análise descritiva dos dados. Resultados: os enfermeiros referiram investigar os fatores de riscos para a doença (91%), realizar o Exame Clínico das Mamas (96,3%) e solicitar mamografia (51,3%). Observou-se falta de familiaridade com os fatores de alto risco e das indicações de realização dos exames de detecção precoce. As ações, em sua maioria, não são planejadas de forma sistemática e se restringem ao momento do exame de Papanicolaou. Conclusão: constatou-se que há ações que divergem das recomendações do Ministério da Saúde, assim há necessidade de capacitação profissional.

Objective: to investigate the breast cancer control actions developed by nurses of the Family Health Strategy in a capital city in Brazil's Northeast. Method: cross-sectional study with 80 nurses working in the Family Health Strategy, between November 2012 and June 2013. We utilized a validated and tested questionnaire and the EPI INFO 2008 version 3.5.1 program for descriptive data analysis. Results: the nurses reported investigating the risk factors of the disease (91%), conducting clinical breast exams (96.3%), and ordering mammography (51.3%). There was an observed lack of familiarity with the high-risk factors and the indications for early detection exams. The actions are mostly not systematically planned and are limited to the moment of the Papanicolaou exam. Conclusion: it was verified that there are actions that differ from the Ministry of Health recommendations, as well as the need for professional qualification.

Breast Neoplasms , Early Detection of Cancer , Primary Health Care , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Risk Factors , National Health Strategies , Professional Training , Nurses
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 19(223): 1499-1504, dez.2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-869174


Pesquisa de abordagem quantitativa com o objetivo de investigar o impacto do trabalho do enfermeiro na vida familiar.Dados coletados por meio de questionário de fevereiro-julho de 2012 com amostra composta de 55 enfermeiros. 69,1% dos profissionais são do sexo feminino, com idade média de 36,6 anos. Nota-se que existe uma valorização do trabalho, grande parte dos indivíduos apresenta-se satisfeito com o gerenciamento de suas atividades profissionais e domésticas. Uma parcela significativa indica haver interferência do trabalho dentro da esfera familiar causada por tensões existentes no ambiente profissional. Fato que pode ser atribuído ao número de vínculos empregatícios, aliado às contínuas responsabilidades junto à família.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Conditions , Emergency Nursing , Nurse's Role , Family Relations , Occupational Risks , Occupational Health , Socioeconomic Factors
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-784391


Objetivo: analisar o impacto da doença coronariana no cotidiano das mulheres. Método: pesquisa qualitativa realizadaem um Hospital Universitário entre janeiro e abril de 2014. Utilizou-se o método de Análise Temática. Resultados:a manifestação da doença coronariana vem acompanhada de restrições e readaptações à vida pessoal, levandoa novos estilos de vida; existem mulheres que não conseguem realizar as modificações que a patologia requernos hábitos de vida. Conclusão: as mulheres reconheceram a gravidade da doença coronariana e demonstrarammudanças que se relacionavam ao impacto físico, emocional e afetivo no seu cotidiano.

Objective: to analyze the impact of coronary heart disease in the daily lives of women. Method: qualitative researchconducted at a University Hospital between January and April, 2014. The Thematic Analysis method was used.Results: the manifestation of coronary heart disease is accompanied by restrictions and readapting personal life,leading to new styles of life; there are women who cannot carry out he modifications that the pathology requires intheir life habits. Conclusion: women recognized the severity of coronary heart disease and showed changes related tophysical, emotional and affective impact in their daily lives.

Objetivo: analizar el impacto de la enfermedad coronaria en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres. Método: Investigacióncualitativa realizada en un Hospital Universitario entre enero y abril de 2014. Se usó el método de análisis temático.Resultados: la manifestación de la enfermedad cardíaca coronaria viene acompañada de restricciones y readaptacióna la vida personal, conduce a nuevos estilos de vida; hay mujeres que no pueden realizar los cambios que la patologíarequiere en los hábitos de vida. Conclusión: las mujeres reconocen la gravedad de la enfermedad cardíaca coronariay mostraron cambios relacionados con el impacto físico, emocional y afectivo en su vida diaria.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Women's Health , Impacts of Polution on Health , Coronary Disease , Tachycardia
Rev. enferm. UFPI ; 4(3): 65-70, jul.-set.2015.
Article in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1033816


Objetivo: Avaliar a Política de Atenção Integral a Saúde do Homem no município de São Luís–Maranhão. Metodologia: Amostra constituída por 10 (dez) enfermeiros coordenadores dos distritos Cohab, Bequimão e Centro. Coleta de dados realizada em março de 2013, dias e horários pré-definidos por conveniência. Resultados: A maioria das unidades de saúde não executa a política de atenção integral a saúde do homem. Os fatores sociais e culturais relacionados a organização do serviço dificultam o acesso do homem ao serviço de saúde de natureza preventiva, destacando-se questões de gênero, como a concepção de invulnerabilidade,a vergonha e o medo de descobrir uma doença incapacitante. As barreiras estão relacionadas ao horário de funcionamento das unidades, número de profissionais insuficientes, redução de ações educativas e ausência de capacitação dos profissionais de saúde. Conclusão: A organização, execução e utilização dos serviços de saúde para o homem não parecem adequados. É de fundamental importância que a política de saúde esteja pactuando com a Política Nacional de Atenção Básica, visto que as unidades básicas de saúde configuram-se como porta de entrada do homem ao sistema de saúde, um novo modelo proposto de atenção à saúde.

Objective: to evaluate the policy of Integral attention to health in São Luis-Maranhão. Methods: the sample consisted of 10 (ten) nurses district coordinators Cohab, Bequimão and Center. Data collection in March 2013, pre-established days and times for convenience. Results: the majority of health units performs the policy of integral attention to health. Social and cultural factors related to organization of the service make it difficult to access health service preventive in nature, with emphasis on gender issues, such as the design of invulnerability, the shame and the fear of discovering a crippling disease. The barriers are related to the hours of operation of the units, number of insufficient professionals, educational activities and lack of training of health professionals. Conclusion: the Organization, execution and utilization of health services for the man doesn't seem appropriate. Is of fundamental importance that health policy is agreed with the National Policy of the basic attention, since the basic health units configured as the gateway of man health system, a new proposed model for health care.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Politics , Public Policy , Men's Health
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(5): 1364-1370, sept./oct. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-946579


O Estado do Mato Grosso detém a maior área plantada de soja, mas perdas de produtividade vêem ocorrendo nessas áreas, não sendo consideradas as que ocorrem por manejo no momento da dessecação, cujos critérios dependem do conhecimento da cultura. Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a perda de produtividade de grãos ocorrida pela dessecação em estádios fenológicos antecipados, em cultivares de soja com diferentes tipos de crescimento, em relação ao tratamento sem dessecação. O experimento foi instalado na safra 2008/2009, no município de Lucas do Rio Verde, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial (4x5), representado por quatro cultivares (TMG123 RR, NK7074 RR, P98Y11 e SYN9070 RR) em quatro estádios de dessecação (R6, R6+2DD, R6+4DD e R7), além do tratamento testemunha sem dessecação. As plantas colhidas foram divididas em terço superior (TS) e terço médio e inferior (TMI), debulhadas manualmente e depois determinada a massa de 100 grãos. Concluí-se que os valores de maior massa foram obtidos nas cultivares de crescimento determinado e estes decresceram com a dessecação antecipada, aumentando linearmente com o atraso da dessecação. Existem diferentes respostas para cada cultivar causadas pela dessecação, com perdas de rendimento, sendo o terço superior o mais afetado pela dessecação, causando até 15% de perda de produtividade na cultura.

State of Mato Grosso has the largest soybean area planted, yield losses occurring in these areas, not considering the ones that occur by handling during the desiccation, the criteria adopted depend on the knowledge of the culture. The goal of this study was to determine the loss occurred by desiccation in early stages, when compared with no desiccation in soybean fields. The experiment was installed in 2008/2009 season, in the municipality of Lucas do Rio Verde, in a randomized block design in a (4x5) factorial arrangements, represented by four varieties (TMG123 RR, NK7074 RR, P98Y11 and SYN9070 RR) in four stages desiccation (R6, R6+2DD, R6+4DD and R7), and controls without desiccation. The harvested plants were divided into upper third (TS) and medium and lower third (TMI) and manually threshed and after determined the mass of 100 grains. Concluded that the values of the higher mass were obtained in cultivars of determinate growth habit, and these decreased with early desiccation, and increased linearly with the delay of desiccation. There are different answers for each cultivar caused by desiccation, with yield losses, being the upper third the most affected by desiccation, which can causing up to 15% to loss of crop productivity.

Glycine max , Crop Production , Desiccation , Diquat