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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535345


Objectives: To present a simple form of vocal and breathing conditioning for voice professionals based on concepts from vocal science. The vocal conditioning program called Voice Athletes Conditioning uses the principles of exercise physiology to gradually improve vocal and respiratory overload to achieve endurance, power, and flexibility. Methods: Due to our personal experience with high voice users, we synthesized a vocal conditioning program (AVCP) that combines voice science, exercise physiology, sports science and physical therapy principles. This is an 8-week program of daily vocal and breathing exercises with overload enhancement each week using different types of breathing devices and semi-occluded vocal tract exercises, designed and developed according to the specific requirements and performance of the voice professional. Reflections: Professional voice users often experience episodes of vocal fatigue that can directly affect their performance and vocal health. As with physical training for athletes, voice exercises can also contribute to improving vocal conditioning, preventing voice disorders, as well as helping to obtain better performance, greater tolerance to fatigue and shorter recovery time. Conclusions: AVCP is an approach that considers the principles of muscle training aimed objectively at the respiratory and vocal muscles, carried out with a variety of breathing devices and specific vocal exercises in search of greater performance time, less physiological stress, and shorter recovery time in the professional use of the voice.

Objetivos: Presentar una forma sencilla de acondicionamiento vocal y respiratorio para profesionales de la voz, basada en conceptos de la ciencia vocal. El programa de acondicionamiento vocal denominado Voice Athletes Conditioning utiliza los principios de la fisiología del ejercicio para mejorar gradualmente la sobrecarga vocal y respiratoria, con el fin de lograr resistencia, potencia y flexibilidad. Métodos: Debido a nuestra experiencia personal con usuarios de voz aguda, sintetizamos un programa de acondicionamiento vocal (AVCP) que combina principios de la ciencia de la voz, la fisiología del ejercicio, las ciencias del deporte y la fisioterapia. Se trata de un programa de 8 semanas de ejercicios vocales y respiratorios diarios con realce de sobrecarga cada semana utilizando diferentes tipos de dispositivos respiratorios y ejercicios semioclusivos del tracto vocal, diseñado y desarrollado de acuerdo con los requerimientos específicos y el rendimiento del profesional de la voz. Reflexiones: Los usuarios profesionales de la voz experimentan a menudo episodios de fatiga vocal que pueden afectar directamente su rendimiento y salud vocal. Al igual que ocurre con el entrenamiento físico de los deportistas, los ejercicios vocales también pueden contribuir a mejorar el acondicionamiento vocal, prevenir trastornos de la voz, además de ayudar a obtener un mejor rendimiento, una mayor tolerancia a la fatiga y un menor tiempo de recuperación. Conclusiones: El AVCP es un enfoque que considera los principios del entrenamiento muscular dirigido objetivamente a la musculatura respiratoria y vocal, realizado con diversos aparatos respiratorios y ejercicios vocales específicos en busca de un mayor tiempo de actuación, menor estrés fisiológico y menor tiempo de recuperación en el uso profesional de la voz.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535323


High-resolution manometry (HRM) is a motility diagnostic system that measures intraluminal pressure of the gastrointestinal tract using a series of closely spaced pressure sensors. The topographic plot generated by HRM software makes it possible to visualize phonation pressures at the pharynx, UES, and body of the esophagus in real time, indicating pressure intensity by color, which permits easy data interpretation. It has been largely used for swallowing study and dysphagia diagnosis. Due to the proximity of the pharyngoesophageal and laryngeal structures, this technology instigated voice researchers. Despite the few studies published so far, high-resolution manometry has yet proven to be an extremely useful tool in obtaining entire pharyngoesophageal segment pressure measurements during phonation. It also allows natural voice production not interfering with the mouth area. HRM data already brought light to subglottic pressure, vertical laryngeal excursion, cricopharyngeal muscle activation, air flow, muscle tension associated with vocalization and pressure variations associated with different phonatory stimuli.

La manometría de alta resolución (HRM, por sus siglas en inglés) es un sistema de diagnóstico de motilidad que mide la presión intraluminal del tracto gastrointestinal mediante una serie de sensores de presión dispuestos de manera cercana. El gráfico topográfico generado por el software de HRM permite visualizar las presiones de fonación en la faringe, el EEI y el cuerpo del esófago en tiempo real, indicando la intensidad de la presión mediante colores que facilitan la interpretación de los datos. Ha sido ampliamente utilizado para el estudio de la deglución y el diagnóstico de la disfagia. Debido a la proximidad de las estructuras faringoesofágicas y laríngeas, esta tecnología ha despertado el interés de los investigadores en voz. A pesar de los pocos estudios publicados hasta ahora, la manometría de alta resolución ha demostrado ser una herramienta extremadamente útil para obtener mediciones de presión de todo el segmento faringoesofágico durante la fonación. Además, permite la producción natural de la voz sin interferir en el área de la boca. Los datos de HRM ya han arrojado luz sobre la presión subglótica, la excursión laríngea vertical, la activación del músculo cricofaríngeo, el flujo de aire, la tensión muscular asociada con la vocalización y las variaciones de presión asociadas con diferentes estímulos fonatorios.

J Voice ; 2023 Jan 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36631345


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the possible vocal impact confirmed by diagnostic tests, the degree of perception of possible vocal impairment by patients with Unilateral Diaphragmatic paralysis (UDP) and its correlation with ventilatory weakness. METHODS: The researchers conducted an analytical, observational and case-control study with 70 individuals, including 35 UDP patients and 35 healthy patients in a control group, who underwent the following assessments: 1) Self-assessment of voice handicap (VHI-10); 2) Self-Assessment of Quality of Life (SF-36); 3) Self-Assessment of Dyspnea (MRC); 4) Objective vocal measures (Maximum Phonation Time (MPT) in /a/, /s/, /z/ and glottal-to-noise excitation ratio); 5) Functional respiratory pressures (Spirometry and maximum ventilatory pressures); 6) General degree of dysphonia - G on the GRBAS Scale. The sex, age and body mass index (BMI) of the individuals were the variables used to match the sample of this study. RESULTS: When compared with controls, patients with UDP had a restrictive functional pattern and inspiratory weakness, with symptoms of dyspnea and worsening quality of life. When associated with a possible vocal impact, these patients had voice handicap and decreased MPT values for all phonemes, especially /a/. There was also a correlation between vocal performance and inspiratory weakness. However, it should be noted that, despite having vocal impairment, many patients did not report the perception of this fact, somehow neglecting such impairment. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to the expected weakness of the ventilatory muscles, patients with UDP had clinically verified vocal impact, and those who had greater inspiratory weakness also had greater voice impairment. Finally, it is relevant that not all patients perceived such vocal impact, which showed a very reduced perception of this impairment in patients with UDP.

J Voice ; 37(2): 295.e1-295.e10, 2023 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33541765


Coaching is one of the most common words in our modern vocabulary and has many meanings depending on the setting in which it is used. Coaching facilitates positive changes to achieve a goal, usually through indirect approaches, including improving an individual's outlook on their behaviors or attitudes. Its application has spread beyond the corporate world, and many medical specialties use coaching principles. The goals of this article are to introduce coaching as a profession, and to explore the function of a vocal coach to improve communicative and vocal performance. Moreover, differences between voice therapy and voice training are highlighted, including the principles subjacent to these interventions and the use of coaching strategies. Four strategies of professional coach practitioners adapted to the training and therapy of the voice with applications to both are described. These are: powerful questions, active listening, changing habits, and implementation intention. The use of these strategies may help individuals to achieve high voice performance. Most importantly, the speech-language pathologist voice specialist can apply these strategies particularly in cases of behavioral dysphonias, which can be resistant to traditional voice therapy.

Dysphonia , Mentoring , Voice Disorders , Voice , Humans , Voice Training , Occupations
Codas ; 34(4): e20210003, 2022.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35239802


PURPOSE: This Brief Communication describes the professional coaching/coach counterpointed by the vocal coaching/coach. The aim is to introduce and explain these two coaching perspectives for a correct and specific use of the terms. METHODS: Six undergraduate professors, speech language pathologists - SLP and/or professional coaches and/or vocal coaches met and shared their perceptions and experiences in professional or vocal coaching and in teaching coaching strategies to professionals working in the voice field. A chart was set encompassing the similarities and differences between the two attributions, both in terms of the intervention process and professional training. RESULTS: Six fundamental aspects were identified to characterize the two coaching presentations, both professional and vocal, namely: credentials, performance, process, basic knowledge, partnership for results, and professional title. CONCLUSION: Professional coaching involved a structured process that requires certified training with individuals accredited by qualified associations aiming to facilitate positive changes in clients' lives and improve for the understanding of how personal and professional skills are developed. Conversely, vocal coaching can be characterized as an unstructured function that does not require accredited training, executable by various health or vocal pedagogy professionals for improving voice and/or communicative performance of artistic or non-artistic individuals , sung or spoken voice users. Particularly regarding vocal coaching, it is suggested that the professional is identified throughout the academic training or basic professional performance, thus adding the term vocal coach as a qualifier.

OBJETIVO: essa Comunicação Breve descreve coaching/coach profissional e faz um contraponto com o coaching/coach vocal. O objetivo desse artigo é trazer clareza nessas duas apresentações de coaching, contribuindo para o uso correto e diferencial dos termos em questão. MÉTODO: seis professores de um curso de pós-graduação, fonoaudiólogos e/ou coaches profissionais e/ou coaches vocais reuniram-se e compartilharam suas percepções e experiências em coaching profissional ou vocal e no ensino de estratégias de coaching para profissionais que atuam na área da voz. Um quadro de semelhanças e diferenças entre as duas atribuições, tanto quando ao processo de intervenção como quanto à formação profissional. RESULTADOS: seis aspectos fundamentais foram identificados para caracterizar as apresentações de coaching profissional e vocal: credencial, atuação, processo, conhecimento básico, parceria para resultados e título profissional. CONCLUSÃO: o coaching profissional é um processo estruturado que exige formação certificada, com indivíduos credenciados por associações qualificadas e tem como objetivo facilitar mudanças positivas na vida dos clientes, melhorando a qualidade do pensamento para desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais e profissionais. Já o coaching vocal é uma função não estruturada, que não exige formação certificada, podendo ser desenvolvida por diversos profissionais da saúde ou pedagogia vocal, com o objetivo de melhorar a performance vocal e/ou comunicativa de indivíduos usuários de voz artística ou não artística, cantada ou falada. Particularmente, quanto ao coaching vocal, sugere-se a manutenção da identificação profissional pela formação acadêmica ou atuação profissional de base, acrescentando-se o termo coach vocal, como qualificador.

Mentoring , Singing , Voice Disorders , Voice , Humans , Occupations , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Voice Disorders/therapy
Audiol., Commun. res ; 27: e2463, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360145


RESUMO Objetivo investigar a ocorrência de queixa vocal autorreferida no uso profissional da voz em atores profissionais de teatro; correlacionar presença de queixa vocal com três protocolos de autoavaliação do impacto de uma alteração vocal: Escala de Sintomas Vocais (ESV), Escala de Desconforto do Trato Vocal (EDTV) e Índice de Desvantagem Vocal -10 (IDV-10); verificar quais protocolos são mais robustos à detecção do impacto de possível disfonia nessa população. Métodos Participaram 75 atores profissionais de teatro, ambos os gêneros, 18 a 64 anos. Os atores informaram a presença ou ausência de queixa vocal e responderam a três protocolos de autoavaliação: Escala de Sintomas Vocais (ESV), Escala de Desconforto do Trato Vocal (EDTV) e Índice de Desvantagem Vocal-10 (IDV-10). Resultados constatou-se que 25% dos atores apresentaram queixa vocal. O grupo com queixa (GCQ) apresentou maior número de sintomas vocais e maior frequência e intensidade de desconforto de trato vocal, quando comparado ao grupo sem queixa (GSQ). IDV-10 não identificou desvantagem vocal nos grupos. No GCQ, houve correlação forte entre ESV e IDV-10 e correlação muito forte entre os escores de frequência e intensidade da EDTV. No GSQ, houve correlação moderada entre ESV e EDTV, ESV e IDV-10 e correlação muito forte entre os escores de frequência e intensidade da EDTV. Conclusão neste estudo, 25% dos atores profissionais de teatro apresentaram queixa vocal. A correlação entre a queixa vocal e os protocolos foi positiva e variou de moderada à forte. No GCQ, a ESV e a EDTV foram instrumentos mais robustos na detecção do impacto de uma possível disfonia.

ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the occurrence of self-reported vocal complaints in the professional use of the voice in professional theater actors; analyze the correlation between the presence of vocal complaint and three self-assessment protocols of the vocal problem impact; The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS), the Vocal Tract Discomfort (VTD) scale and the Voice Handicap Index -10 (VHI -10); verify the most robust protocols to identify dysphonia in this population. Methods The participants were 75 professional theater actors, men and women, between 18 and 64 years old. They answered to a questioner informing presence or absence of vocal complaint and to three self-assessment protocols: VoiSS, VTD and VHI-10. Results 25% of the actors presented vocal complaints. The group with vocal complaint (GwVC) had more voice symptoms and higher frequency and intensity of vocal tract discomfort than the group with no vocal complaint (GnVC). No group presented voice handicap considering the VHI-10 and a very high correlation between the VTD frequency and intensity scores. The GnVC presented moderate correlation between the VoiSS and the VTD, moderate correlation between the VoiSS and the VHI-10 and, a very high correlation between the VTD frequency and intensity scores. Conclusion In this study, 25% of professional theater actors presented vocal complaints. The correlation between vocal complaints and protocols was positive and ranged from moderate to strong. The VoiSS and the VTD were more robust identify dysphonia in the GwVC.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Art , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Voice Disorders/epidemiology , Sickness Impact Profile , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Occupational Diseases , Self Concept , Surveys and Questionnaires , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Dysphonia
CoDAS ; 34(4): e20210003, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360365


RESUMO Objetivo essa Comunicação Breve descreve coaching/coach profissional e faz um contraponto com o coaching/coach vocal. O objetivo desse artigo é trazer clareza nessas duas apresentações de coaching, contribuindo para o uso correto e diferencial dos termos em questão. Método seis professores de um curso de pós-graduação, fonoaudiólogos e/ou coaches profissionais e/ou coaches vocais reuniram-se e compartilharam suas percepções e experiências em coaching profissional ou vocal e no ensino de estratégias de coaching para profissionais que atuam na área da voz. Um quadro de semelhanças e diferenças entre as duas atribuições, tanto quando ao processo de intervenção como quanto à formação profissional. Resultados seis aspectos fundamentais foram identificados para caracterizar as apresentações de coaching profissional e vocal: credencial, atuação, processo, conhecimento básico, parceria para resultados e título profissional. Conclusão o coaching profissional é um processo estruturado que exige formação certificada, com indivíduos credenciados por associações qualificadas e tem como objetivo facilitar mudanças positivas na vida dos clientes, melhorando a qualidade do pensamento para desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais e profissionais. Já o coaching vocal é uma função não estruturada, que não exige formação certificada, podendo ser desenvolvida por diversos profissionais da saúde ou pedagogia vocal, com o objetivo de melhorar a performance vocal e/ou comunicativa de indivíduos usuários de voz artística ou não artística, cantada ou falada. Particularmente, quanto ao coaching vocal, sugere-se a manutenção da identificação profissional pela formação acadêmica ou atuação profissional de base, acrescentando-se o termo coach vocal, como qualificador.

ABSTRACT Purpose This Brief Communication describes the professional coaching/coach counterpointed by the vocal coaching/coach. The aim is to introduce and explain these two coaching perspectives for a correct and specific use of the terms. Methods Six undergraduate professors, speech language pathologists - SLP and/or professional coaches and/or vocal coaches met and shared their perceptions and experiences in professional or vocal coaching and in teaching coaching strategies to professionals working in the voice field. A chart was set encompassing the similarities and differences between the two attributions, both in terms of the intervention process and professional training. Results Six fundamental aspects were identified to characterize the two coaching presentations, both professional and vocal, namely: credentials, performance, process, basic knowledge, partnership for results, and professional title. Conclusion Professional coaching involved a structured process that requires certified training with individuals accredited by qualified associations aiming to facilitate positive changes in clients' lives and improve for the understanding of how personal and professional skills are developed. Conversely, vocal coaching can be characterized as an unstructured function that does not require accredited training, executable by various health or vocal pedagogy professionals for improving voice and/or communicative performance of artistic or non-artistic individuals , sung or spoken voice users. Particularly regarding vocal coaching, it is suggested that the professional is identified throughout the academic training or basic professional performance, thus adding the term vocal coach as a qualifier.

Codas ; 31(3): e20180120, 2019 Jun 06.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31188907


PURPOSE: to verify the self-perception of vocal fatigue of dysphonic teachers in school year activity who sought speech-language pathology assistance. METHODS: Sixty teachers with voice complaints participated in the study, 30 of whom sought treatment in the Programa de Saúde Vocal do Sindicato dos Professores de São Paulo (SinproSP), and 30 volunteers' teachers who did not seek treatment (G2). All the participants answered a personal identification protocol and work characterization, vocal self-assessment, vocal signs and symptoms checklist, Vocal Fatigue Index protocol (VFI). In addition, a number counting from 1 to 10 and sustained vowel "e" were registered for the definition of the mean vocal deviation using perceptual-auditory judgment. RESULTS: Teachers who sought treatment (G1) obtained worst scores in the VFI, more numbers of signs and symptoms, and worst self-evaluation of the voice when compared with those who did not seek treatment (G2). In addition, teachers in both groups had light to moderate vocal deviation. CONCLUSION: Dysphonic teachers who sought vocal treatment presented greater sensation of vocal fatigue, especially in the factors of tiredness of voice and voice avoidance and related to physical discomfort associated with voicing of the VFI. In addition, they reported greater number of symptoms and worse vocal self-assessment in relation to those who did not seek treatment, although both groups present deviated voices.

OBJETIVO: Verificar a autopercepção de fadiga vocal de professores disfônicos em atividade letiva que procuram atendimento fonoaudiológico. MÉTODO: Participaram desta pesquisa 60 professores com queixa vocal, dentre estes, 30 que buscaram tratamento no Programa de Saúde Vocal do Sindicato dos Professores de São Paulo ­ SinproSP (G1) e 30 professores que não buscaram atendimento (G2). Todos os participantes responderam a um questionário de identificação, a um de caracterização pessoal e do trabalho, a uma lista de sinais e sintomas vocais e ao Índice de Fadiga Vocal - IFV. Além disso, foram registradas contagem de números de 1 a 10 e vogal sustentada "é" para definição do grau de desvio vocal por meio da análise perceptivo-auditiva. RESULTADOS: Os professores que procuraram o atendimento (G1) apresentaram piores escores nos protocolos IFV, maior número de sinais e sintomas, além de pior autoavaliação da voz quando comparados aos professores que não procuraram tratamento (G2). Além disso, os docentes dos dois grupos estudados apresentaram desvios de voz de leve a moderado. CONCLUSÃO: Professores disfônicos que procuram atendimento fonoaudiológico apresentam maior sensação de fadiga vocal, principalmente em relação aos domínios restrição vocal e desconforto físico do IFV. Além disso, apresentaram maior número de sintomas e pior autoavaliação vocal em relação àqueles que não procuraram o atendimento, apesar de ambos os grupos apresentarem vozes desviadas.

Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Adult , Brazil , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/rehabilitation , Occupational Health , School Teachers , Self Concept , Surveys and Questionnaires , Voice Disorders/rehabilitation , Voice Quality , Young Adult
CoDAS ; 31(3): e20180120, 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011932


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a autopercepção de fadiga vocal de professores disfônicos em atividade letiva que procuram atendimento fonoaudiológico. Método Participaram desta pesquisa 60 professores com queixa vocal, dentre estes, 30 que buscaram tratamento no Programa de Saúde Vocal do Sindicato dos Professores de São Paulo - SinproSP (G1) e 30 professores que não buscaram atendimento (G2). Todos os participantes responderam a um questionário de identificação, a um de caracterização pessoal e do trabalho, a uma lista de sinais e sintomas vocais e ao Índice de Fadiga Vocal - IFV. Além disso, foram registradas contagem de números de 1 a 10 e vogal sustentada "é" para definição do grau de desvio vocal por meio da análise perceptivo-auditiva. Resultados Os professores que procuraram o atendimento (G1) apresentaram piores escores nos protocolos IFV, maior número de sinais e sintomas, além de pior autoavaliação da voz quando comparados aos professores que não procuraram tratamento (G2). Além disso, os docentes dos dois grupos estudados apresentaram desvios de voz de leve a moderado. Conclusão Professores disfônicos que procuram atendimento fonoaudiológico apresentam maior sensação de fadiga vocal, principalmente em relação aos domínios restrição vocal e desconforto físico do IFV. Além disso, apresentaram maior número de sintomas e pior autoavaliação vocal em relação àqueles que não procuraram o atendimento, apesar de ambos os grupos apresentarem vozes desviadas.

ABSTRACT Purpose to verify the self-perception of vocal fatigue of dysphonic teachers in school year activity who sought speech-language pathology assistance. Methods Sixty teachers with voice complaints participated in the study, 30 of whom sought treatment in the Programa de Saúde Vocal do Sindicato dos Professores de São Paulo (SinproSP), and 30 volunteers' teachers who did not seek treatment (G2). All the participants answered a personal identification protocol and work characterization, vocal self-assessment, vocal signs and symptoms checklist, Vocal Fatigue Index protocol (VFI). In addition, a number counting from 1 to 10 and sustained vowel "e" were registered for the definition of the mean vocal deviation using perceptual-auditory judgment. Results Teachers who sought treatment (G1) obtained worst scores in the VFI, more numbers of signs and symptoms, and worst self-evaluation of the voice when compared with those who did not seek treatment (G2). In addition, teachers in both groups had light to moderate vocal deviation. Conclusion Dysphonic teachers who sought vocal treatment presented greater sensation of vocal fatigue, especially in the factors of tiredness of voice and voice avoidance and related to physical discomfort associated with voicing of the VFI. In addition, they reported greater number of symptoms and worse vocal self-assessment in relation to those who did not seek treatment, although both groups present deviated voices.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Self Concept , Voice Quality , Brazil , Voice Disorders/rehabilitation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Health , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , School Teachers , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/rehabilitation
Codas ; 30(2): e20170089, 2018.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29723332


Purpose The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge of preachers about aspects of vocal health and hygiene and evaluate talkativeness and vocal loudness self-perceived during labor and extra-labor situations aiming to understand the possibility of vocal risk in these professionals. Methods Fifty male preachers aged 22 to 73 years were evaluated. They responded to two self-assessment questionnaires on vocal health and hygiene and talkativeness and vocal loudness. The results were submitted to statistical analysis. Results The preachers presented satisfactory scores in the Vocal Health and Hygiene Questionnaire; however, their scores in the Scale of Vocal Loudness and Talkativeness were lower in the labor situation compared with the extra-labor situations. The variables length of professional experience as a preacher and extra-labor talkativeness and vocal loudness were also associated with knowledge about vocal health and hygiene. Conclusion Preachers show good knowledge about vocal health and hygiene but are at high risk of vocal disorders due to excessive use of talkativeness and vocal loudness in the work environment.

Clergy , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health , Voice Quality , Adult , Aged , Environment , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Risk Factors , Self-Assessment , Surveys and Questionnaires , Verbal Behavior , Voice , Voice Disorders/etiology , Voice Training , Young Adult
CoDAS ; 30(2): e20170089, 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890833


RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o conhecimento de pastores religiosos sobre aspectos de saúde e higiene vocal e avaliar a quantidade de fala e a intensidade da voz autorrelatadas, tanto nas atividades de uso laboral, quanto extralaboral, para se compreender a possibilidade de risco vocal nestes profissionais. Método Foram avaliados 50 pastores, do gênero masculino, com idade entre 22 e 73 anos. Após o preenchimento do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, todos responderam a dois questionários de autoavaliação vocal, a saber: Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal e Quantidade de Fala e Intensidade Vocal. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística. Resultados Os pastores apresentaram escores satisfatórios no Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal, porém a quantidade de fala e a intensidade vocal mostraram-se elevadas na situação laboral, quando comparadas à extralaboral. As variáveis tempo de carreira pastoral, quantidade de fala e intensidade de voz extralaborais também estiveram associadas ao conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal. Conclusão Os pastores mostraram bom conhecimento sobre saúde e higiene vocal e podem ser considerados como uma população de elevado risco vocal devido ao uso de grande quantidade de fala e intensidade da voz no ambiente laboral.

ABSTRACT Purpose The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge of preachers about aspects of vocal health and hygiene and evaluate talkativeness and vocal loudness self-perceived during labor and extra-labor situations aiming to understand the possibility of vocal risk in these professionals. Methods Fifty male preachers aged 22 to 73 years were evaluated. They responded to two self-assessment questionnaires on vocal health and hygiene and talkativeness and vocal loudness. The results were submitted to statistical analysis. Results The preachers presented satisfactory scores in the Vocal Health and Hygiene Questionnaire; however, their scores in the Scale of Vocal Loudness and Talkativeness were lower in the labor situation compared with the extra-labor situations. The variables length of professional experience as a preacher and extra-labor talkativeness and vocal loudness were also associated with knowledge about vocal health and hygiene. Conclusion Preachers show good knowledge about vocal health and hygiene but are at high risk of vocal disorders due to excessive use of talkativeness and vocal loudness in the work environment.

Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Voice Quality , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Occupational Health , Clergy , Occupational Diseases/diagnosis , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Self-Assessment , Verbal Behavior , Voice , Voice Training , Voice Disorders/etiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Environment , Middle Aged
Audiol., Commun. res ; 19(3): 215-221, 09/2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-722599


Objetivo Verificar a relação entre a ocorrência de desconforto vocal e queixa cervical, a partir de questionários de autoavaliação. Métodos Trinta indivíduos de 18 a 65 anos de idade, todos com algum tipo de queixa cervical, responderam à versão traduzida e adaptada culturalmente do questionário de autoavaliação cervical The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale (CNFDS) - denominado em português Escala Funcional de Incapacidade do Pescoço de Copenhagen (EFIPC) - e dois instrumentos de autoavaliação vocal: o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida e Voz (QVV) e a Escala de Desconforto do Trato Vocal (EDTV). Testes estatísticos foram aplicados para analisar a possibilidade de relação entre os dados obtidos. Resultados A maioria dos participantes referiu presença de desconforto vocal, sendo que quase metade deles apresentou relevante quantidade de sintomas desse desconforto. Dentre esses, a secura foi referida com maior frequência e a coceira, o sintoma que apresentou maior intensidade. Não houve correlação entre o EFIPC e o QVV ou o EDTV. Houve correlação negativa entre QVV e EDTV. Conclusão Apesar dos participantes apresentarem ocorrência elevada de desconforto vocal não houve correlação entre os questionários escolhidos. .

Purpose To verify the relationship between the occurrence of vocal discomfort and cervical complaints by using self-assessment questionnaires. Methods Thirty individuals (18–65 years of age) with various cervical complaints answered a translated and culturally adapted version of the self-assessment cervical questionnaire, The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale (CNFDS), titled Escala Funcional de Incapacidade do Pescoço de Copenhagen (EFIPC), the vocal self-assessment instruments Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL), and the Vocal Tract Discomfort Scale (VTDS). Statistical tests were used to analyze the possible relationships between the data obtained. Results Most of the participants reported the presence of vocal discomfort, with almost half presenting with a significant number of vocal discomfort symptoms; among these symptoms, dryness was reported most frequently and itching was reported with the highest intensity. No correlation was found between the EFIPC and V-RQOL or VTDS findings, but a negative correlation was found between the V-RQOL and VTDS findings. Conclusion Although the participants reported a high occurrence of vocal discomfort, no correlation was found between the selected questionnaires. .

Humans , Diagnostic Self Evaluation , Neck Pain/diagnosis , Neck Pain/etiology , Voice Disorders/etiology , Voice Quality , Dysphonia , Quality of Life , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 24(3): 304-312, 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-744185


INTRODUÇÃO: o questionário dinamarquês intitulado The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale (CNFDS) é um instrumento de autoavaliação de queixa cervical originalmente desenvolvido no idioma inglês e que não existe, até esse momento, sua tradução para o português brasileiro. O processo envolvido nessa pesquisa se mostrou relevante para a exploração do questionário e realização dos ajustes necessários para que esse seja funcional e aplicável na Língua e Cultura Portuguesa Brasileira. Portanto, uma vez sido feito isso, profissionais da saúde poderão se beneficiar dessa versão em sua prática clínica. OBJETIVO: realizar a tradução e adaptação cultural para o português brasileiro da escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen (The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale - CNFDS)...

INTRODUCTION: the Danish questionnaire entitled The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale(CNFDS) is a tool for self-assessment of cervical complaints,originally developed in English, of which there is, so far, no translation into Brazilian Portuguese. The process involvedin this researchproved to be relevant for the exploration of the questionnaire and the realization of adjustments necessary for it to be functiona l and applicable in Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture settings. Thus, once this has been carried out, many health professionals will benefit from this version in their clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To perform the translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen (The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale - CNFDS)...

Humans , Male , Female , Disabled Persons , Muscular Diseases , Neck , Neck Pain , Physical Therapists , Therapeutics , Translating , Posture
Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum ; 24(3): 304-312, 2014. tab
Article in English | Index Psychology - journals | ID: psi-65096


INTRODUÇÃO: o questionário dinamarquês intitulado The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale (CNFDS) é um instrumento de autoavaliação de queixa cervical originalmente desenvolvido no idioma inglês e que não existe, até esse momento, sua tradução para o português brasileiro. O processo envolvido nessa pesquisa se mostrou relevante para a exploração do questionário e realização dos ajustes necessários para que esse seja funcional e aplicável na Língua e Cultura Portuguesa Brasileira. Portanto, uma vez sido feito isso, profissionais da saúde poderão se beneficiar dessa versão em sua prática clínica. OBJETIVO: realizar a tradução e adaptação cultural para o português brasileiro da escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen (The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale - CNFDS)...(AU)

INTRODUCTION: the Danish questionnaire entitled The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale(CNFDS) is a tool for self-assessment of cervical complaints,originally developed in English, of which there is, so far, no translation into Brazilian Portuguese. The process involvedin this researchproved to be relevant for the exploration of the questionnaire and the realization of adjustments necessary for it to be functiona l and applicable in Portuguese Language and Brazilian Culture settings. Thus, once this has been carried out, many health professionals will benefit from this version in their clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To perform the translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Escala funcional de incapacidade do pescoço de Copenhagen (The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale - CNFDS)...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Neck Pain , Translating , Neck , Physical Therapists , Disabled Persons , Muscular Diseases , Therapeutics , Posture