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J Chem Phys ; 157(10): 104701, 2022 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109231


Interactions of N2 at oxide surfaces are important for understanding electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) mechanisms. Interactions of N2 at the polycrystalline vanadium oxide/vapor interface were monitored at room temperature and total pressures up to 10-1 Torr using Near-Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (NAP-XPS). The oxide film was predominantly V(IV), with V(III) and V(V) components. XPS spectra were acquired in environments of both pure N2 and equal pressures of N2 and H2O vapor. In pure N2, broad, partially resolved N1s features were observed at binding energies of 401.0 and 398.7 eV, with a relative intensity of ∼3:1, respectively. These features remained upon subsequent pumpdown to 10-9 Torr. The observed maximum N surface coverage was ∼1.5 × 1013 cm-2-a fraction of a monolayer. In the presence of equal pressures of H2O, the adsorbed N intensity at 10-1 Torr is ∼25% of that observed in the absence of H2O. The formation of molecularly adsorbed H2O was also observed. Density functional theory-based calculations suggest favorable absorption energies for N2 bonding to both V(IV) and V(III) cation sites but less so for V(V) sites. Hartree-Fock-based cluster calculations for N2-V end-on adsorption show that experimental XPS doublet features are consistent with the calculated shake-up and normal, final ionic configurations for N2 end-on bonding to V(III) sites but not V(IV) sites. The XPS spectra of vanadium oxide transferred in situ between electrochemical and UHV environments indicate that the oxide surfaces studied here are stable upon exposure to the electrolyte under NRR-relevant conditions.

Nat Commun ; 8: 16053, 2017 07 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28681848


One of the long standing debates in actinide chemistry is the level of localization and participation of the actinide 5f valence orbitals in covalent bonds across the actinide series. Here we illuminate the role of the 5f valence orbitals of uranium, neptunium and plutonium in chemical bonding using advanced spectroscopies: actinide M4,5 HR-XANES and 3d4f RIXS. Results reveal that the 5f orbitals are active in the chemical bonding for uranium and neptunium, shown by significant variations in the level of their localization evidenced in the spectra. In contrast, the 5f orbitals of plutonium appear localized and surprisingly insensitive to different bonding environments. We envisage that this report of using relative energy differences between the 5fδ/φ and 5fπ*/5fσ* orbitals as a qualitative measure of overlap-driven actinyl bond covalency will spark activity, and extend to numerous applications of RIXS and HR-XANES to gain new insights into the electronic structures of the actinide elements.

J Chem Phys ; 145(7): 074703, 2016 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27544119


Whereas poly-epoxy polymers represent a class of materials with a wide range of applications, the structural disorder makes them difficult to model. In the present work, we use good experimental model samples in the sense that they are pure, fully polymerized, flat and smooth, defect-free, and suitable for ultrahigh vacuum x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, experiments. In parallel, we perform Hartree-Fock, HF, calculations of the binding energies, BEs, of the C1s electrons in a model molecule composed of the two constituents of the poly-epoxy sample. These C1s BEs were determined using the HF ΔSCF method, which is known to yield accurate values, especially for the shifts of the BEs, ΔBEs. We demonstrate the benefits of combining rigorous theory with careful XPS measurements in order to obtain correct assignments of the C1s XPS spectra of the polymer sample. Both the relative binding energies-by the ΔSCF method-and relative intensities-in the sudden approximation, SA, are calculated. It results in an excellent match with the experimental spectra. We are able to identify 9 different chemical environments under the C1s peak, where an exclusively experimental work would have found only 3 contributions. In addition, we observe that some contributions are localized at discrete binding energies, whereas others allow a much wider range because of the variation of their second neighbor bound polarization. Therefore, HF-ΔSCF simulations significantly increase the spectral resolution of XPS and thus offer a new avenue for the exploration of the surface of polymers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(2): 026805, 2004 Jul 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15323940


Our combined experimental and theoretical analysis of the shifts, with particle size, of core-level binding energies (BE's) of metal nanoparticles on insulating supports, shows that these shifts have an important initial state contribution arising, in large part, because of lattice strain. This contribution of BE shifts has not been recognized previously. Lattice strain changes the chemical bonding between the metal atoms and this change induces BE shifts.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(10): 2259-62, 2000 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11017258


Ab initio theoretical results for the 2p- and 3p-hole states of an Mn(2+) ion are reported in order to determine the importance of atomic contributions to the photoelectron spectra of bulk MnO. A combined treatment of relativity and electron correlation reveals important physical effects that have been neglected in virtually all previous work. The many-body and relativistic effects included in the atomic model are able, without any ad hoc empirical parameters, to explain most of the features of the MnO photoelectron spectra. In particular, it is not necessary to invoke charge transfer to explain the complex p-level spectra.