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Adicciones ; 35(2): 135-142, 2023 Jul 01.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36975063


Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use is estimated 192 million adults worldwide (2017) and has increased by 16% in the last decade. However, data on quantity and frequency of use that can lead to harm is lacking. We have developed a survey to assess patterns of cannabis use and related harms in a sample of cannabis users. This paper focuses on evaluating the feasibility of the survey and the users' satisfaction in a pilot sample. Forty cannabis users were recruited (>18 years old, living in Spain, cannabis use at least once during the last 12 months) between December 2018 and January 2019. Participants answered an online survey (mental health, organic harm and injury) and an ad hoc questionnaire to assess accessibility, feasibility, satisfaction, design and content appropriateness. Of the participants, 93.23% (n = 37.3) were satisfied with the design, 94.92% (n = 38.2) were satisfied with the content, and 94.73% (n = 37.0) were satisfied with the accessibility of the survey; only minor changes were required to improve feasibility and accessibility. Participants used a median of 1.0 Standard Joint Unit per day (Interquartile Range [IQR] 1.0-2.0). Of the sample, 92.5% reported at least one related harm and suffers a median of 4.0 disorders (IQR, 1.25-5.0). The present study allows for designing a feasible online survey to conduct a cross-sectional study with a larger sample.

Globalmente, 192 millones de adultos han consumido cannabis alguna vez en su vida (2017), un consumo que se ha incrementado en un 16% en la última década. Sin embargo, seguimos sin tener información clara sobre qué cantidad y qué frecuencia de consumo va a causar daño. Por tanto, este proyecto desarrolla una encuesta para evaluar los patrones de consumo de cannabis y los daños relacionados en una muestra de consumidores. Este artículo se centra en mostrar la factibilidad de la encuesta y la satisfacción de los usuarios en una muestra piloto. Cuarenta usuarios de cannabis fueron reclutados (>18 años, viviendo en España, consumo de cannabis mínimo una vez en los últimos 12 meses) entre diciembre de 2018 y enero de 2019. Los participantes respondieron una encuesta en línea (consumo cannábico, salud mental, organicidad y lesiones) y un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluar la accesibilidad, factibilidad, satisfacción, diseño y contenido. El 93,23% de participantes estaba satisfecho con el diseño; el 94,92% estaba satisfecho con el contenido y el 94,73% estaba satisfecho con la accesibilidad de la encuesta, y fueron necesarios solo cambios menores para mejorar la factibilidad y la accesibilidad de algunos ítems. Los participantes consumieron una mediana de 1,0 Unidades de Porro Estándar por día (Rango Intercuartílico [RIQ] 1,0-2,0). El 92,5% de la muestra puntuó como mínimo en un daño relacionado y con una mediana de 4,0 patologías (RIQ 1,25-5,0). El presente estudio nos permite diseñar una encuesta en línea con determinada factibilidad que pueda ser usada en un estudio transversal a gran escala.

Cannabis , Adult , Humans , Adolescent , Cannabis/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mental Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Spain/epidemiology
Adicciones (Palma de Mallorca) ; 35(2): 135-142, 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-222454


Globalmente, 192 millones de adultos han consumido cannabis alguna vezen su vida (2017), un consumo que se ha incrementado en un 16% en laúltima década. Sin embargo, seguimos sin tener información clara sobrequé cantidad y qué frecuencia de consumo va a causar daño. Por tanto, esteproyecto desarrolla una encuesta para evaluar los patrones de consumo decannabis y los daños relacionados en una muestra de consumidores. Esteartículo se centra en mostrar la factibilidad de la encuesta y la satisfacciónde los usuarios en una muestra piloto. Cuarenta usuarios de cannabis fueronreclutados (> 18 años, viviendo en España, consumo de cannabis mínimouna vez en los últimos 12 meses) entre diciembre de 2018 y enero de 2019.Los participantes respondieron una encuesta en línea (consumo cannábico,salud mental, organicidad y lesiones) y un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluarla accesibilidad, factibilidad, satisfacción, diseño y contenido. El 93,23% departicipantes estaba satisfecho con el diseño; el 94,92% estaba satisfecho conel contenido y el 94,73% estaba satisfecho con la accesibilidad de la encuesta,y fueron necesarios solo cambios menores para mejorar la factibilidad y laaccesibilidad de algunos ítems. Los participantes consumieron una medianade 1,0 Unidades de Porro Estándar por día (Rango Intercuartílico [RIQ] 1,0-2,0). El 92,5% de la muestra puntuó como mínimo en un daño relacionadoy con una mediana de 4,0 patologías (RIQ 1,25-5,0). El presente estudionos permite diseñar una encuesta en línea con determinada factibilidad quepueda ser usada en un estudio transversal a gran escala. (AU)

Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use is estimated 192 million adultsworldwide (2017) and has increased by 16% in the last decade. However,data on quantity and frequency of use that can lead to harm is lacking.We have developed a survey to assess patterns of cannabis use and relatedharms in a sample of cannabis users. This paper focuses on evaluating thefeasibility of the survey and the users’ satisfaction in a pilot sample. Fortycannabis users were recruited (>18 years old, living in Spain, cannabis use atleast once during the last 12 months) between December 2018 and January2019. Participants answered an online survey (mental health, organic harmand injury) and an ad hoc questionnaire to assess accessibility, feasibility,satisfaction, design and content appropriateness. Of the participants,93.23% (n = 37.3) were satisfied with the design, 94.92% (n = 38.2) weresatisfied with the content, and 94.73% (n = 37.0) were satisfied with theaccessibility of the survey; only minor changes were required to improvefeasibility and accessibility. Participants used a median of 1.0 Standard JointUnit per day (Interquartile Range [IQR] 1.0-2.0). Of the sample, 92.5%reported at least one related harm and suffers a median of 4.0 disorders(IQR, 1.25-5.0). The present study allows for designing a feasible onlinesurvey to conduct a cross-sectional study with a larger sample. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Cannabis , Health Risk Behaviors , Dronabinol , Damage Assessment/ethnology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Spain/ethnology
Front Psychiatry ; 12: 643556, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34434125


Background: Cannabis is the third most consumed drug worldwide. Thus, healthcare providers should be able to identify users who are in need for an intervention. This study aims to explore the relationship of acute, chronic, and early exposure (AE, CE, and EE) to cannabis with cognitive and behavioral harms (CBH), as a first step toward defining risky cannabis use criteria. Methods: Adults living in Spain who used cannabis at least once during the last year answered an online survey about cannabis use and health-related harms. Cannabis use was assessed in five dimensions: quantity on use days during the last 30 days (AE), frequency of use in the last month (AE), years of regular use (YRCU) (CE), age of first use (AOf) (EE), and age of onset of regular use (AOr) (EE). CBH indicators included validated instruments and custom-made items. Pearson correlations were calculated for continuous variables, and Student's t-tests for independent samples were calculated for categorical variables. Effect sizes were calculated for each of the five dimensions of use (Cohen's d or r Pearson correlation) and harm outcome. Classification and Regression Trees (CART) analyses were performed for those dependent variables (harms) significantly associated with at least two dimensions of cannabis use patterns. Lastly, logistic binary analyses were conducted for each harm outcome. Results: The mean age of participants was 26.2 years old [standard deviation (SD) 8.5]. Out of 2,124 respondents, 1,606 (75.6%) reported at least one harm outcome (mean 1.8 and SD 1.5). In our sample, using cannabis on 3 out of 4 days was associated with an 8-fold probability of scoring 4+ on the Severity Dependence Scale (OR 8.33, 95% CI 4.91-14.16, p <0.001), which is indicative of a cannabis use disorder. Also, a start of regular cannabis use before the age of 25 combined with using cannabis at least once per month was associated with a higher probability of risky alcohol use (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.12-1.57, p = 0.001). Besides, a start of regular cannabis use before the age of 18 combined with a period of regular use of at least 7.5 years was associated with a higher probability of reporting a motor vehicle accident (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.41-2.32, p < 0.0001). Results were ambiguous regarding the role that age of first use and milligrams of THC per day of use might play regarding cannabis-related harms. Conclusions: The relationship among AE, CE, and EE with CBH indicators is a complex phenomenon that deserves further studies. The pattern of cannabis use should be carefully and widely evaluated-(not just including frequency but also other dimensions of pattern of use)-in research (preferably in longitudinal studies) to assess cannabis-related harms.