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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(26): 266504, 2024 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996319


(TaSe_{4})_{2}I is a well-studied quasi-one-dimensional compound long-known to have a charge-density wave (CDW) transition around 263 K. We argue that the critical fluctuations of the pinned CDW order parameter near the transition can be inferred from the resistance noise on account of their coupling to the dissipative normal carriers. Remarkably, the critical fluctuations of the CDW order parameter are slow enough to survive the thermodynamic limit and dominate the low-frequency resistance noise. The noise variance and relaxation time show rapid growth (critical opalescence and critical slowing down) within a temperature window of ϵ≈±0.1, where ϵ is the reduced temperature. This is very wide but consistent with the Ginzburg criterion. We further show that this resistance noise can be quantitatively used to extract the associated critical exponents. Below |ϵ|≲0.02, we observe a crossover from mean-field to a fluctuation-dominated regime with the critical exponents taking anomalously low values. The distribution of fluctuations in the critical transition region is skewed and strongly non-Gaussian. This non-Gaussianity is interpreted as the breakdown of the validity of the central limit theorem as the diverging coherence volume becomes comparable to the macroscopic sample size. The large magnitude critical fluctuations observed over an extended temperature range, as well as the crossover from the mean-field to the fluctuation-dominated regime highlight the role of the quasi-one-dimensional character in controlling the phase transition.

Phys Rev E ; 108(2-1): 024101, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37723676


Dynamic hysteresis, viz., delay in switching of a bistable system on account of the finite sweep rate of the drive, has been extensively studied in dynamical and thermodynamic systems. Dynamic hysteresis results from slowing of the response around a saddle-node bifurcation. As a consequence, the hysteresis area increases with the sweep rate. Mean-field theory, relevant for noise-free situations, predicts power-law scaling with the area scaling exponent of 2/3. We have experimentally investigated the dynamic hysteresis for a thermally driven metal-insulator transition in a high-quality NdNiO_{3} thin film and found the scaling exponent to be about 1/3, far less than the mean-field value. To understand this, we have numerically studied Langevin dynamics of the order parameter and found that noise, which can be thought to parallel finite temperature effects, influences the character of dynamic hysteresis by systematically lowering the dynamical exponent to as small as 0.2. The power-law scaling character, on the other hand, is unaffected in the range of chosen parameters. This work rationalizes the ubiquitous power-law scaling of the dynamic hysteresis as well as the wide variation in the scaling exponent between 0.66 and 0.2 observed in different systems over the last 30 years.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(7): 075106, 2021 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34340427


We describe a simple and accurate differential thermal analysis setup to measure the latent heat of solid state materials undergoing abrupt phase transitions in the temperature range from 77 K to above room temperature. We report a numerical technique for the absolute calibration of the latent heat of transition without the need for a reference sample. The technique is applied to three different samples-vanadium sesquioxide undergoing the Mott transition, bismuth barium ruthenate undergoing a magnetoelastic transition, and an intermetallic Heusler compound. In each case, the inferred latent heat value agrees with the literature value within its error margins. To further demonstrate the importance of absolute calibration, we show that the changes in the latent heat of the Mott transition in vanadium sesquioxide (V2O3) remain constant to within 2% even as the depth of supersaturation changes by about 10 K in non-equilibrium dynamic hysteresis measurements. We also apply this technique for the measurement of the temperature-dependent specific heat.

Chemphyschem ; 21(15): 1731-1736, 2020 08 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32400937


Precise assessment of temperature is crucial in many physical, technological, and biological applications where optical thermometry has attracted considerable attention primarily due to fast response, contactless measurement route, and electromagnetic passivity. Rare-earth-doped thermographic phosphors that rely on ratiometric sensing are very efficient near and above room temperature. However, being dependent on the thermally-assisted migration of carriers to higher excited states, they are largely limited by the quenching of the activation mechanism at low temperatures. In this paper, we demonstrate a strategy to pass through this bottleneck by designing a linear colorimetric thermometer by which we could estimate down to 4 K. The change in perceptual color fidelity metric provides an accurate measure for the sensitivity of the thermometer that attains a maximum value of 0.86 K-1 . Thermally coupled states in Er3+ are also used as a ratiometric sensor from room temperature to ∼140 K. The results obtained in this work clearly show that Yb3+ -Er3+ co-doped NaGdF4 microcrystals are a promising system that enables reliable bimodal thermometry in a very wide temperature range from ultralow (4 K) to ambient (290 K) conditions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(9): 095703, 2020 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32202900


We report that the thermally induced Mott transition in vanadium sesquioxide shows critical slowing down and enhanced variance ("critical opalescence") of the order parameter fluctuations measured through low-frequency resistance-noise spectroscopy. Coupled with the observed increase of the phase-ordering time, these features suggest that the strong abrupt transition is controlled by a critical-like singularity in the hysteretic metastable phase. The singularity is identified with the spinodal point and is a likely consequence of the strain-induced long-range interaction.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 32(10): 10LT01, 2020 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31746778


The energy gap of simple band insulators like GaAs is a strong function of temperature due to the electron-phonon interactions. Interestingly, the perturbation from zero-point phonons is also predicted to cause significant (a few percent) renormalization of the energy gap at absolute zero temperature but its value has been difficult to estimate both theoretically and, of course, experimentally. Given the experimental evidence (Bhattacharya et al 2015 Phys. Rev. Lett. 114 047402) that strongly supports that the exponential broadening (Urbach tail) of the excitonic absorption edge at low temperatures is the manifestation of this zero temperature electron-phonon scattering, we argue that the location of the Urbach focus is the zero temperature unrenormalized gap. Experiments on GaAs yield the zero temperature bare energy gap to be 1.581 eV and thus the renormalization is estimated to be 66 meV.

J Phys Chem A ; 123(12): 2457-2461, 2019 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30818950


Upconversion luminescence bands from Yb3+/Er3+ codoped into a matrix such as NaGdF4 can show a very complex structure on account of multiple intra-f shell transitions occurring in the presence of random crystal fields. We demonstrate that two-dimensional correlation analysis, applied to such time-integrated luminescence spectra measured as a function of excitation power, allows us to gain substantial information about the states involved in transitions, without any additional theoretical input. The detailed correlation analysis allows us not only to identify the location of various transitions but further to club them into groups on the basis of their quantum mechanical origin, and finally subclassify the transitions with each group depending on whether they have a common initial or final state.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(50): 505902, 2018 12 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30474617


We present a simple but mathematically complete first-principles theory for the pump-probe differential reflectivity experiment at negative delay (probe preceding the pump) to show how it gives information about the perturbed-free-induction-decay of coherent polarization. The calculation, involving the optical Bloch equations to describe the induced polarization and the Ewald-Oseen idea to calculate the reflected signal as a consequence of the free oscillations of perturbed dipoles, also explicitly includes the process of lock-in detection of a double-chopped signal after it has passed through a monochromator. The theory giving a closed form expression for the measured signal in both time and spectal domains is compared with experiments on high quality GaAs quantum well sample. The dephasing time inferred experimentally at 4 K compares remarkably well with the inverse of the absorption linewidth of the continuous-wave photoluminescence excitation spectrum. Spectrally-resolved signal at negative delay calculated from our theoretical expression nicely reproduces the coherent spectral oscillations observed in our experiments, although exact fitting of the experimental spectra with the theoretical expression is difficult on account of multiple resonances.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(4): 045701, 2018 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30095963


We present the first systematic observation of scaling of thermal hysteresis with the temperature scanning rate around an abrupt thermodynamic transition in correlated electron systems. We show that the depth of supercooling and superheating in vanadium sesquioxide (V_{2}O_{3}) shifts with the temperature quench rates. The dynamic scaling exponent is close to the mean field prediction of 2/3. These observations, combined with the purely dissipative continuous ordering seen in "quench-and-hold" experiments, indicate departures from classical nucleation theory toward a barrier-free phase ordering associated with critical dynamics. Observation of critical-like features and scaling in a thermally induced abrupt phase transition suggests that the presence of a spinodal-like instability is not just an artifact of the mean field theories but can also exist in the transformation kinetics of real systems, surviving fluctuations.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 30(10): 105402, 2018 03 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29376837


We have closely examined the emission spectrum at the heavy-hole exciton resonance in a high-quality GaAs multi-quantum well sample using picosecond excitation-correlation photoluminescence (ECPL) spectroscopy. Dynamics of the ECPL signal at low and high energy sides of the excitonic photoluminescence (PL) peak show complementary behavior. The ECPL signal is positive (negative) below (above) the PL peak and it changes sign within a narrow band of energy lying between the excitonic absorption and emission peaks. The energy at which this sign change takes place is interpreted as the excitonic mobility edge as it separates localized excitons in quantum dot-like states from mobile excitons in quantum well-like states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(4): 047402, 2015 Jan 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25679907


We study a specific type of lifetime broadening resulting in the well-known exponential "Urbach tail" density of states within the energy gap of an insulator. After establishing the frequency and temperature dependence of the Urbach edge in GaAs quantum wells, we show that the broadening due to the zero-point optical phonons is the fundamental limit to the Urbach slope in high-quality samples. In rough analogy with Welton's heuristic interpretation of the Lamb shift, the zero-temperature contribution to the Urbach slope can be thought of as arising from the electric field of the zero-point longitudinal-optical phonons. The value of this electric field is experimentally measured to be 3 kV cm-1, in excellent agreement with the theoretical estimate.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(15): 158902, 2014 Oct 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25375749
Phys Rev Lett ; 112(1): 010403, 2014 Jan 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24483873


In a "thought experiment," now a classic in physics pedagogy, Feynman visualizes Young's double-slit interference experiment with electrons in magnetic field. He shows that the addition of an Aharonov-Bohm phase is equivalent to shifting the zero-field wave interference pattern by an angle expected from the Lorentz force calculation for classical particles. We have performed this experiment with one slit, instead of two, where ballistic electrons within two-dimensional electron gas diffract through a small orifice formed by a quantum point contact (QPC). As the QPC width is comparable to the electron wavelength, the observed intensity profile is further modulated by the transverse waveguide modes present at the injector QPC. Our experiments open the way to realizing diffraction-based ideas in mesoscopic physics.

Luminescence ; 27(3): 179-96, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22419529


We review the photoluminescence of semiconductor nanostructures in high magnetic fields, concentrating on the effects of the applied magnetic field on orbital motion (wave function extent), which is probed in experiments on large ensembles. We present an overview of the physics of excitons in high magnetic fields in 3- and 2-D before introducing the zero-dimensional case. We then discuss the physics of quantum-dot excitons in high magnetic fields with particular attention to the approximate analytical models used to interpret experimental results. This is followed by a brief description of a typical high-field magneto-photoluminescence setup. We then present four examples of magneto-photoluminescence experiments on different materials systems chosen from our own research to illustrate how high magnetic fields can be used to reveal new insights into the physics of semiconductor nanostructures.

Luminescent Measurements , Magnetic Fields , Nanostructures/chemistry , Semiconductors
Rev Sci Instrum ; 81(8): 083901, 2010 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20815612


We describe an optical fiber based setup for performing polarization resolved magneto-optical spectroscopy measurements under low temperatures ( approximately 4 K) and high magnetic fields ( approximately 8 T). The measurements are performed in a windowless helium Dewar. Circularly polarized light is produced inside the Dewar by inserting the polarizing elements between the fiber end and the sample. Photoconductivity spectra of a GaAs/AlGaAs multiquantum-well sample have been measured over the photon energy range of 1.5-1.7 eV in left and right circularly polarized light under crossed magnetic and electric fields. It is shown that reversing the direction of magnetic field produces the same spectral changes as caused by changing the direction of circular polarization with the optical components.