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Dent Med Probl ; 60(2): 287-294, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37458398


BACKGROUND: Malocclusion can affect the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). The influence of the orthodontic treatment need (OTN) and the type of brackets on OHRQOL is not clear. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to determine the relationships between OTN and the bracket type and OHRQoL during the first 6 months of orthodontic treatment (OT) in adult patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This cohort study was conducted at the Department of Orthodontics of a private university. A total of 216 patients aged ≥18 years participated in the study (106 patients with conventional brackets and 110 with self-ligating brackets). The OHRQoL was evaluated using the 14-item Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) at 5 time points - before OT (T0), and at 24/48 h (T1), 1 month (T2), 3 months (T3), and 6 months (T4) after the installation of the orthodontic appliance. The OTN was evaluated with the dental aesthetic index (DAI) by 2 previously calibrated operators. For the statistical analysis, the χ2 test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used. Additionally, Poisson regression models were performed. RESULTS: The evidence of an association between OHRQoL and OTN was found only at T3 (p = 0.0095). No association was found between OHRQoL and the bracket type. However, in the regression models, OHRQoL was statistically significantly worse at T3 in the group with a greater OTN (IRR (incidence rate ratio) = 1.34; 95% CI (confidence interval): 1.21;1.48) and at T4 in the self-ligation group (IRR = 1.23; 95% CI: 1.12;1.36). CONCLUSIONS: The OHRQoL was affected in the same way at the beginning of OT, regardless of OTN and the bracket type used. However, a worse OHRQoL was observed at 3 months in subjects with greater OTN and at 6 months in patients with self-ligating brackets.

Malocclusion , Quality of Life , Adult , Humans , Adolescent , Cohort Studies , Oral Health , Malocclusion/therapy , Orthodontic Appliances
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 34(2): 6-20, dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535285


Introducción : el objetivo de este estudio fue el evaluar la relación entre la inclinación de los incisivos al finalizar tratamiento de ortodoncia con la estabilidad de la alineación de dientes anteriores usando índice PAR. Métodos: estudio analítico de corte transversal, en 47 pacientes que finalizaron ortodoncia, con radiografía lateral inicial y final, se evaluó el ángulo formado entre plano (Silla-Nasion) (U1-NS) e inclinación del incisivo superior y el ángulo entre inclinación axial del incisivo inferior y plano mandibular (Go-Gn). Se aplicó el índice PAR del sector anterior a modelos pretratamiento (T0), postratamiento (T1) y de seguimiento (T2). El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante distribuciones de frecuencias y porcentuales, prueba T, Anova I, Anova II y Manova; significancia P= 0.05. Resultados: no se encontró asociación entre la inclinación del incisivo superior e inferior, la estabilidad en alineación y el puntaje ponderado del PAR entre T2-T1 (P>0.05). El PAR disminuyó 75.29% de T0 a T1 y 58.79% de T0 aT2, con recidiva de 16,5%. No hubo asociación entre tipo de retenedor y puntaje ponderado del PAR. De T0 a T2 hubo asociación entre la interacción de la inclinación del incisivo superior (P=0.03) e inferior (P=0.04), con el puntaje total ponderado del índice PAR. Conclusión: no hubo asociación entre la modificación de la inclinación de los incisivos con la estabilidad del sector anterior. Al terminar ortodoncia se presentó un nivel de corrección alto en el sector antero-superior e inferior, sin embargo, hubo recidiva de 16.5%.

Introduction: the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between incisor inclination at the end of orthodontic treatment with the anterior teeth alignment stability using PAR index. Methods: analytical cross-sectional study, the angle formed between the plane (Silla-Nasion) (U1-NS) and the inclination of the upper incisor and the angle between axial inclination of the lower incisor and mandibular plane (Go-Gn), were measured in 47 initial and final lateral radiographs of patients who finished orthodontic treatment. The anterior sector PAR index was applied to pretreatment (T0), posttreatment (T1) and follow-up (T2) casts. Statistical analysis was performed using frequency and percentage distributions, T test, Anova I, Anova II and Manova; significance p = 0,05. Results: no association was found between upper and lower incisor inclination, alignment stability and PAR weighted score between T2-T1 (p> 0,05). The PAR decreased 75,29% from T0 to T1 and 58,79% from T0 to T2, with a recurrence of 16,5%. There was no association between retainer type and PAR weighted score. From T0 to T2 there was an association between the interaction of the incisor inclination of upper (p = 0,03) and lower (p = 0,04), with the weighted total score of the PAR index. Conclusion: there was no association between the modification of the incisor inclination with the stability of the anterior sector. At the end of orthodontic treatment there was a high level of correction in the anterior-superior and inferior sector, however, there was a recurrence of 16,5%.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 20: e211717, jan.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in English | BBO - Dentistry , LILACS | ID: biblio-1254426


Aim: To derive and validate a short version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) in Spanish to measure oral health quality of life (OHRQoL) for subjects wearing fixed orthodontic appliances. Methods: Cross-sectional study (data for sensitivity to change analysis were collected longitudinally). The data of 400 subjects (27.34 years, SD 11.66 years, 231 women, and 169 men) were used to develop a short-form instrument, and the data of 126 other subjects (25.95 years, SD 12.39 years, 62 women, and 64 men) were used for its validation. The original OHIPs were translated into Spanish using an iterative forward-backward sequence. After face and content validity were evaluated by an expert committee, an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) was used to derive the Spanish short-form instrument (OHIP-S14 Ortho). To validate the OHIP-S14 Ortho, validity (content validity assessed by EFA, construct validity assessed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), discriminative validity assessed by the Kruskal-Wallis test, and reliability (internal consistency assessed by Cronbach's α test-retest, and inter-observer reliability assessed by correlation coefficients) were evaluated. Sensitivity to change and usefulness of the scale were also evaluated. Results: The OHIP-S14 Ortho included only six of the items in Slade´s original OHIP-14 short-form. A two-factor structure with adequate discriminative validity was found. High internal consistency (α=0.912), excellent inter-observer (Lin's correlation=0.97±0.011; rho= 0.97), test-retest agreement (Lin's correlation=0.80±0.059) and adequate sensitivity to change were also found. Conclusions: The OHIP-S14 Ortho is a valid and reliable instrument to measure OHRQoL in Spanish-speaking patients with fixed orthodontic appliances

Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontic Appliances , Quality of Life , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 25(2): 299-312, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-712557


INTRODUCCIÓN: las cefalometrías digitales permiten controlar los errores que se generan en el trazo manual, por eso el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la reproducibilidad y precisión de las medidas angulares entre un trazo manual y el obtenido con el programa Cephapoint en una radiografía digital. MÉTODOS: se utilizaron 11 radiografías digitales directas tomadas a estudiantes de ortodoncia, las cuales se introdujeron en el programa Cephapoint. Se hizo la medición de 9 ángulos, cada uno medido en la radiográfia digital de manera manual y en el programa Cephapoint. Todas las medidas fueron hechas por 3 operadores con intervalo de 1 semana. Se halló el promedio de error interobservador para medir la reproducibilidad de cada medida angular, y el promedio de error intraobservador para determinar la precisión de cada observador. RESULTADOS: : el ángulo FH/N/Pg tuvo la menor diferencia en el error interobservador (0,10°) en ambos métodos, favoreciendo el trazado manual. Mientras que los ángulos con menor diferencia de error interobservador en el trazado computarizado fueron: II-NB (0,11°) y N-A/Pg (0,11°). La reproducibilidad intraobservador mostró un Coeficiente de Correlación Intraclase (CCI), excelente para ambos métodos. CONCLUSIONES: la reproducibilidad de las medidas angulares con el trazado manual y computarizado no presentó diferencias significativas. De acuerdo a los hallazgos de este estudio, los métodos evaluados brindan igual validez diagnóstica.

INTRODUCTION: digital cephalometry allows handling errors produced during manual tracing; the purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the reproducibility and precision of angle measures between manual tracing and that obtained with Cephapoint in digital radiography. METHODS: 11 direct digital radiographs taken to orthodontics students were introduced in the Cephapoint computer program. 9 angles were measured in both hand-tracing digital radiography and Cephapoint. All measurements were made by 3 operators with 1-week interval. We calculated the average interobserver error to find the reproducibility of each angle measure, and the average intra-observer error to determine the accuracy of each observer. RESULTS: : the FH/N/Pg angle showed the smallest interobserver error difference (0.10°) in both methods, favoring manual tracing. On the other hand, the angles with the smallest inter-observer error difference in computerized tracing were LI-NB (0.11°) and N-A/Pg (0.11°). Intraobserver reproducibility showed excellent Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) in both methods. CONCLUSIONS: reproducibility of angular measurements did not show significant differences between manual and computerized tracing. According to the findings of this study, the methods under evaluation offer equal diagnostic validity.

Cephalometry , Radiography , Radiography, Dual-Energy Scanned Projection , Reproducibility of Results
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 25(1): 76-91, dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-706283


Introducción: es escasa la información sobre la reproducibilidad de puntos cefalométricos de tejidos blandos, el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la reproducibilidad y precisión de la ubicación de los puntos cefalométricos de tejidos blandos en una radiografía digital directa y una radiografía convencional. Método: se utilizaron 11 pares de radiografías convencionales y radiografías digitales directas las cuales se introdujeron en el programa Cephapoint. Se ubicaron 10 puntos cefalométricos en un plano cartesiano (X y Y) en las imágenes convencional y digital. Las medidas fueron hechas dos veces por 3 operadores con intervalo de 1 semana. Se halló el promedio de error interobservador para medir la reproducibilidad de cada punto y el error intraobservador para determinar la precisión. Resultados: el error interobservador en la ubicación de puntos cefalométricos en tejidos blandos fue menor a 1 mm para la mayoría de los puntos en ambas imágenes, excepto para mentón y pogonion, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las varianzas en el eje X, con menor variabilidad para la radiografía digital en los puntos labrale superior (p = 0,043), subnasal (p = 0, 013), columnella (p = 0,038), stomion superior (p = 0,029) y stomion inferior (p = 0,015). En el eje y no se presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos métodos. La evaluación de la reproducibilidad intraobservador mostró coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI) excelente (0,935) en ambos métodos. Conclusión: de acuerdo con los hallazgos de este estudio las radiografías y los métodos evaluados brindan igual validez diagnóstica.

Introduction: there is little information on the reproducibility of soft tissue cephalometric points; the purpose of this study was then to evaluate the reproducibility and accuracy of soft tissue cephalometric landmark identification in direct digital radiography and conventional radiography. Methods: 11 pairs of conventional and direct digital radiographs were introduced in the Cephapoint program. 10 cephalometric points were located on a Cartesian plane (X and Y) in conventional and digital images. The measurements were taken twice by 3 operators with 1 week interval. Interobserver average error was calculated in order to assess reproducibility in each point, and intraobserver error was used to determine accuracy. Results: interobserver error in soft tissue cephalometric points was less than 1 mm for most points in both images, except in chin and pogonion, with no statistically significant differences. Statistically significant differences were found between the variances in the X axis, with less variability in the case of digital radiography in these points: labrale superius (p = 0.043), subnasale (p = 0, 013), columella (p = 0.038), stomion superius (p = 0.029), and stomion inferius (p = 0.015). The Y axis did not show statistically significant differences between the two methods. The assessment of intraobserver reproducibility showed an excellent Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) (0.935) in both methods. Conclusion: according to the findings of this study, the evaluated radiographs and methods offer similar diagnostic accuracy.

Humans , Cephalometry , Radiography , Radiography, Dual-Energy Scanned Projection
Acta otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 37(2): 77-85, jun. 2009. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-522600


Objetivo: Evaluar la respuesta de la inyección intratimpánica (IIT) con Metilprednisolona como manejo primario en la Hipoacusia Neurosensorial Súbita Idiopática (HNSSI).Materiales y métodos: Estudio experimental en 16 pacientes y 17 oídos, con HNSSI sometidos a IIT con Metilprednisolona como terapia primariaSe realizó una comparación estadística, posterior a la intervención. Se utilizó prueba de rangos de Wilcoxon y análisis de varianza de Kruskal – Wallis entre los valores de PTA y el porcentaje de discriminación con las variables de sexo, edad, tipo de curva y tiempo transcurrido hasta la consulta.Resultados: Mejoría global del 58,80%, cambios significativos para mejoría del PTA (p=0.01) y para porcentaje de discriminación (p=0.03). Influencia significativa en la recuperación del PTA dependiendo de la clasificación del grado de pérdida inicial (p=0.005), y de la clasificación del tipo de curva (p=0.039). En la discriminación, se encontró efecto significativo de la clasificación del grado de pérdida inicial (p = 0,004).Conclusión: Se demuestra utilidad de la IIT con Metilprednisolona en la sordera súbita como terapia primaria.

Objective: To evaluate the response to intra-tympanic therapy (IIT) with Metilprednisolone as an initial therapy in Sudden Sensorial Hearing loss (SSHL). Materials and methods: 16 patients and 17 ears, with SSHL under ITT with Metilprednisolone as initial therapy were analyzed. A statistical comparison was conducted after the surgery. Wilcoxon range test and Kruskal-Wallis variance analysis were used between the PTA values and the discrimination percentage with the following variables: sex, age, type of curve of the audiogram and time elapsed up to the consultation. Results: A global improvement of 58, 80% of patients was found. The improvement in PTA and discrimination was significant (p=0.01, p=0.03), respectively. There was a significant influence in the recovery of PTA depending on the classification of the initial level of loss (p= 0.005) and on the classification of the type of curve (p=0.039). In discrimination, the only significant variable that influenced the gain was the severity of the initial loss. Conclusion: The usefulness of IIT with Metilprednisolone in sudden sensorial hearing loss has been proved as a primary therapy.

Humans , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Respiratory Therapy