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J Hum Nutr Diet ; 33(2): 222-231, 2020 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31602713


BACKGROUND: Vitamin A deficiency is still considered to be a nutritional problem during pregnancy, lactation and early childhood. The present study aimed to assess the vitamin A status of women and their newborns in the Brazilian Northeast and to determine the association between retinol in the maternal serum, umbilical cord blood and colostrum. METHODS: Vitamin A status in 65 pairs of women and newborns was assessed from samples of the mother's serum, umbilical cord serum and colostrum using high-performance liquid chromatography. The inadequacy of the vitamin A status of mothers and infants was identified if the retinol values were <0.7 µmol L- 1 in maternal serum or umbilical cord blood or <1.05 µmol L-1 in colostrum. RESULTS: The prevalence of inadequate maternal vitamin A status was 21.5% (95% CI: 11.5%-31.5%) and 13.8% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.4%-22.2%] based on maternal serum and colostrum, respectively. Among newborns, 41.5% (95% CI = 29.3%-53.5%) presented a low status of vitamin A based on cord serum. Multiple linear regression analysis identified that maternal serum retinol is a predictor of umbilical cord retinol (P = 0.005). Retinol in maternal serum was lower in mothers who were less educated (P = 0.04) and colostrum retinol was higher in older (P = 0.04) and multiparous (P = 0.002) mothers. CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem among mothers attended in public hospitals in Northeast Brazil and maternal retinol concentrations are associated with retinol status in newborns. Maternal age, parity and educational level were related to the maternal vitamin A status.

Maternal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Nutritional Status , Vitamin A Deficiency/epidemiology , Vitamin A/blood , Adult , Brazil/epidemiology , Colostrum/chemistry , Female , Fetal Blood/chemistry , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Lactation/blood , Male , Pregnancy , Vitamin A Deficiency/blood
Odontol. pediatr. (Lima) ; 9(1): 54-60, ene.-jun. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-565344


Objetivo: El presente estudio evaluó la microdureza de dos distintas resinas que fueron fotopolimerizadas a cuatro distancias diferentes. Materiales y Métodos: Se obtuvieron cuarenta muestras utilizando una matriz metálica de acero y dos resinas fotopolimerizables (Filtek-A110, Filtek-Z250). Las muestras se prepararon de forma aleatoria constituyendo 8 grupos, 4 por cada resina fotopolimerizable (n igual que 5), las cuales fueron polimerizadas a 0, 2, 4 y 8 mm de distancia de la fuente de luz, usando la misma intensidad de energía. Posteriormente, las medidas de microdureza Vickers fueron obtenidas en la superficie superior e inferior de las muestras. Los datos resultantes fueron sometidos al t test o ANOVA y al test Tukey (alfa igual que 0.05). Resultados: La microdureza de la resina microhíbrida (Filtek-Z250), fue superior en todas las distancias analizadas en relación con la resina de microrelleno (Filtek-A110). Para la resina Filtek-Z250, la distancia de polimerización no influyó en la dureza de la parte superior o inferior, excepto a 8mm de la distancia inferior, donde se encontró el menor valor de microdureza. En la resina Filtek-A110, se observó una disminución progresiva de la microdureza con el incremento de la distancia, en la parte superior e inferior. En general, la microdureza en la parte superior fue significativamente mayor que en la parte inferior de ambas resinas. Conclusiones: El incremento en la distancia de fotopolimerización no modificó el grado de polimerización de la resina microhíbrida. Sin embargo, esta distancia es un factor importante a ser considerado durante la polimerización de las resinas de microrelleno.

Objetive: This study investigated the surface microhardness of two different composite resins light cured at four different distance. Material and methods: Forty specimens were obtained sin composites (Filtek-A110 and Filtek-Z250). The samples were randomly prepared, constituting 8 groups, 4 for each resin composite (n=5), which were light cured at 0,2,4 or 8 mm distances, using the same output power. Afterwards, Vickers microhardness measurements were obtained on top and botton surfaces of the samples. Data were submitted to t test or ANOVA followed by Turkey test (a=0.05). Results: The microhardness of the microhybrid resin, Filtek-Z250, was superior in all distances analyzed in relation to the microfilled resin, Filtek-A110. Filtek-Z250, the distance of polymerization did not influence the hardness at top or bottom, except for 8 mm distance at bottom, where the lowest microharness was found. For Filtek-A110, a progressive decrease in microhardness with the increase of distance was observed at both top and bottom. At general, hardness at top was significantly higher than at bottom for both resins. Conclusions: In the conditions of this study, the increase in the distance of polymerization did no change microhybrid composite resin polymerization. However, this distance is an important factor to be observed in polymerization of microfilled composite resins.

Humans , Hardness , Resins
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536690


Hipertensão Arterial e Diabetes Mellitus constituem os principais fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Neste contexto, o acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico demonstra ser uma importante estratégia de controle destas condições de saúde. Como objetivo, avaliou-se as características dos usuários do Programa Nacional de Hipertensão e Diabetes (Hiperdia) em uma Unidade de Saúde Pública, para averiguar a necessidade de implantar um serviço de Atenção Farmacêutica. Utilizaram-se questionários para verificar a compreensão do usuário sobre: doença, terapia medicamentosa e adesão ao tratamento. Observou-se que dos 50 usuários entrevistados, a média de idade foi 56,68 ±10,1 anos, sendo 82% gênero feminino. 62% apresentaram ensino fundamental, 12% eram analfabetos e 32% tinham algum conhecimento sobre sua doença. Em relação aos medicamentos prescritos, 10% compreendiam o intervalo de uso, 14% relataram dificuldades em tomar e 50% esqueciam de tomá-los. Verificou-se, um gasto de R$785,00/mês com medicamentos, cuja média de atendimento foi para 980 usuários. O que demonstra baixo custo no tratamento, não justificando os altos índices de internações hospitalares e morbimortalidade presentes no país. Portanto, acompanhamento farmacoterapêutico poderia contribuir para otimizar os resultados clínicos e reduzir gastos em saúde.

Arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) are the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and post-medication follow-up has proved to be an important control strategy for these health conditions. In this context, the profile of users of the Brazilian National Hypertension and Diabetes Program (Hiperdia) at a Public Health Unit was analyzed, to determine the need to set up a Pharmaceutical Care service. Questionnaires were used to assess the users? understanding of the disease and of the drug therapy, as well as to monitor their adhesion to the treatment. The replies revealed that the 50 interviewed users had an average age of 56.68 ±10.1 years, 82% were female, 62% had elementary education, 12% were illiterate and only 32% had any knowledge of the disease. Regarding the drugs prescribed, only 10% understood the dose interval, 14% reported difficulties in taking them and 50% forgot to take the medicine. There was a total monthly expenditure of R$ 785.00 on medication for a monthly average attendance of 980 users. This shows the low level of spending on drug treatment in this Program, compared to the cost of the high rates of hospital admission and mortality associated with CVD and DM. In conclusion, a drug treatment follow-up would help to optimize clinical results and reduce health costs.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension , Pharmaceutical Services , Public Health