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Mar Environ Res ; 186: 105898, 2023 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36780804


Climatic variability and anthropogenic pressures impact the structure and dynamics of pelagic ecosystems and copepods are good indicators of such changes. This investigation aims to explore the interannual pattern of the mesozooplankton community, in relation to environmental variables in the Bahía Blanca Estuary during winter-spring from last two decades focusing on the dominant species Eurytemora americana. Main changes recorded include increased temperature, alteration of the nutrient balance, a decrease in chlorophyll-a, modifications in the abundance-structure of the phytoplankton assemblages, and changes in the abundance-structure of the mesozooplankton community. A significant decrease was observed in species richness of the mesozooplankton over time. Alterations in abundance and reproductive traits of E. americana, were also found. The population of E. americana dropped from mean relative abundance of 47% in first years to 20-12% in lasts one, accompanied with an increase of copepod species characterized by higher trophic plasticity in eutrophic conditions, like Acartia tonsa and Euterpina acutifrons.

Copepoda , Zooplankton , Animals , Ecosystem , Sentinel Species , Chlorophyll A
J Hazard Mater ; 440: 129737, 2022 10 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35988489


In this study, the influence of the plastisphere on metals accumulation and weathering processes of polystyrene (PSMPs) and nylon microplastics (NyMPs) in polluted waters during a 129 day-assay were studied. MPs were characterized through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflectance Fourier transformed infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle, and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Also Cr, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu in the plastisphere on MPs were analyzed during the assay. Potentially pathogenic Vibrio, Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas spp. were abundant in both MPs. Ascomycota fungi (Phona s.l., Alternaria sp., Penicillium sp., and Cladosporium sp.), and yeast, were also identified. NyMPs and PSMPs exhibited a decrease in the contact angle and increased their weights. SEM/EDX showed weathering signs, like surface cracks and pits, and leaching TiO2 pigments from NyMPs after 42 days. XRD displayed a notorious decrease in NyMPs crystallinity, which could alter its interaction with external contaminants. Heavy metal accumulation on the plastisphere formed on each type of MPs increased over the exposure time. After 129 days of immersion, metals concentrations in the plastisphere on MPs were in the following order Cr ˃ Mn ˃ Zn ˃ Cu ˃ Pb ˃ Cd, demonstrating how the biofilm facilitates metal mobilization. The results of this study lead to a better understanding of the impact of marine plastic debris as vectors of pathogens and heavy metals in coastal environments.

Metals, Heavy , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Cadmium/analysis , Lead , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Microplastics , Nylons , Plastics/chemistry , Polystyrenes/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry
Opt Express ; 22(3): 3045-53, 2014 Feb 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663595


We describe the spatio-temporal evolution of ultrashort pulses propagating in a fiber ring cavity using an extension of the Lugiato-Lefever model. The model predicts the appearance of multistability and spontaneous symmetry breaking in temporal pulse shape. We also use a hydrodynamical approach to explain the stability of the observed regimes of asymmetry.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(14): 143903, 2013 Apr 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25166991


In this Letter we show that, in spectral regions where there are no orbital cladding resonances to cause transmission loss, the core mode of a continuously twisted photonic crystal fiber (PCF) exhibits optical activity, and that the magnitude of the associated circular birefringence increases linearly with twist rate and is highly reproducible. In contrast to previous work on twist-induced circular birefringence, PCF has zero linear birefringence and an on-axis core, making the appearance of circular birefringence rather unexpected. A theoretical model based on symmetry properties and perturbation theory is developed and used to show that both spin and orbital angular momentum play a role in this effect. It turns out that the degenerate left- and right-circularly polarized modes of the untwisted PCF are not 100% circularly polarized but carry a small amount of orbital angular momentum caused by the interaction between the core mode and the hollow channels.

Science ; 337(6093): 446-9, 2012 Jul 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22837523


Spiral twisting offers additional opportunities for controlling the loss, dispersion, and polarization state of light in optical fibers with noncircular guiding cores. Here, we report an effect that appears in continuously twisted photonic crystal fiber. Guided by the helical lattice of hollow channels, cladding light is forced to follow a spiral path. This diverts a fraction of the axial momentum flow into the azimuthal direction, leading to the formation of discrete orbital angular momentum states at wavelengths that scale linearly with the twist rate. Core-guided light phase-matches topologically to these leaky states, causing a series of dips in the transmitted spectrum. Twisted photonic crystal fiber has potential applications in, for example, band-rejection filters and dispersion control.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(9): 093903, 2012 Mar 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22463639


It is shown that optomechanical forces can cause nonlinear self-channeling of light in a planar dual-slab waveguide. A system of two parallel silica nanowebs, spaced ~100 nm and supported inside a fiber capillary, is studied theoretically and an iterative scheme developed to analyze its nonlinear optomechanical properties. Steady-state field distributions and mechanical deformation profiles are obtained, demonstrating that self-channeling is possible in realistic structures at launched powers as low as a few mW. The differential optical nonlinearity of the self-channeled mode can be as much as 10×10(6) times higher than the corresponding electronic Kerr nonlinearity. It is also intrinsically broadband, does not utilize resonant effects, can be viewed as a consequence of the extreme nonlocality of the mechanical response, and in fact is a notable example of a so-called accessible soliton.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(20): 203901, 2011 Nov 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22181732


By using a gas-filled kagome-style photonic crystal fiber, nonlinear fiber optics is studied in the regime of optically induced ionization. The fiber offers low anomalous dispersion over a broad bandwidth and low loss. Sequences of blueshifted pulses are emitted when 65 fs, few-microjoule pulses, corresponding to high-order solitons, are launched into the fiber and undergo self-compression. The experimental results are confirmed by numerical simulations which suggest that free-electron densities of ∼10(17) cm(-3) are achieved at peak intensities of 10(14) W/cm(2) over length scales of several centimeters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(20): 203901, 2011 May 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21668228


We report on the spectral broadening of ~1 µJ 30 fs pulses propagating in an Ar-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. In contrast with supercontinuum generation in a solid-core photonic crystal fiber, the absence of Raman and unique pressure-controlled dispersion results in efficient emission of dispersive waves in the deep-UV region. The UV light emerges in the single-lobed fundamental mode and is tunable from 200 to 320 nm by varying the pulse energy and gas pressure. The setup is extremely simple, involving <1 m of a gas-filled photonic crystal fiber, and the UV signal is stable and bright, with experimental IR to deep-UV conversion efficiencies as high as 8%. The source is of immediate interest in applications demanding high spatial coherence, such as laser lithography or confocal microscopy.

Opt Lett ; 33(22): 2680-2, 2008 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19015707


We observe experimentally, for the first time to our knowledge, the simultaneous emission of two strong conjugate resonant dispersive waves by optical solitons. The effect is observed in a small waveguiding glass feature within the cladding of a Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fiber. We demonstrate theoretically that the phenomenon is attributed to the unusually high fourth-order dispersion coefficient of the waveguiding feature.

Opt Lett ; 33(18): 2080-2, 2008 Sep 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18794937


Nonlinear interaction between spectral components in two different photonic bandgaps is experimentally demonstrated by launching femtosecond pulses near a zero-dispersion wavelength of a hybrid photonic crystal fiber, which guides by a combination of total internal reflection and bandgap effects. It is demonstrated that the initial pulse becomes spectrally broadened, and narrowband resonant radiation is generated in a different bandgap from the one responsible for guiding at the pump wavelength. The spectral intensity of the resonant radiation peaks at 2.7 dB below that of the broadened pulse in the pump-guiding bandgap.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 73(4 Pt 2): 045603, 2006 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16711871


Using analytical and numerical methods we demonstrate that the pulse propagation equations accounting for the quantum description of the Raman transition and for the optical Kerr nonlinearity have a multiparameter family of nontopological solitary wave solutions. We study properties of these solitons and report the transition from stable to unstable regimes of propagation. We also discuss the feasibility of observation of these structures in gas filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(14): 143907, 2004 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15524797


We predict a strong effective Kerr nonlinearity in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled with a Raman active gas which exceeds the intrinsic Kerr nonlinearity by 2 orders of magnitude. Two-color bright-bright and dark-bright solitons supported by this nonlinearity are found and the feasibility of their experimental observation is demonstrated.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 70(1 Pt 2): 016615, 2004.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15324197


We develop a theory of the soliton self-frequency shift compensation by the resonant radiation recently observed in photonic crystal fibers. Our approach is based on the calculation of the soliton plus radiation solution of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger (GNLS) equation and on subsequent use of the adiabatic theory leading to a system of equations governing evolution of the soliton parameters in the presence of the Raman effect and radiation. Our theoretical results are found to be in good agreement with direct numerical modeling of the GNLS equation.

Opt Express ; 12(2): 299-309, 2004 Jan 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19471538


Photonic crystal fibres exhibiting endlessly single-mode operation and dispersion zero in the range 1040 to 1100 nm are demonstrated. A sub-ns pump source at 1064 nm generates a parametric output at 732 nm with an efficiency of 35%, or parametric gain of 55 dB at 1315 nm. A broad, flat supercontinuum extending from 500 nm to beyond 1750 nm is also demonstrated using the same pump source.

Opt Express ; 12(26): 6498-507, 2004 Dec 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19488300


Nonlinear dynamics of ultrashort optical pulses in the vicinity of the second zero-dispersion point of a small-core photonic crystal fiber is visualized and studied using cross-correlation frequency-resolved optical gating. New spectral features observed in the experiments match well with recent theoretical predictions of the generation of new frequencies via mixing of solitons and dispersive waves. Power- as well as length-dependent dynamics is obtained showing strong interaction between solitons and dispersive waves, soliton-soliton interaction, soliton stabilization against Raman self-frequency shift and Cherenkov continuum generation.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 68(4 Pt 2): 046603, 2003 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14683061


Four-wave mixing instabilities are theoretically studied for continuous wave propagation in ultrasmall core photonic-crystal and tapered fibers. The waveguide, or geometrical, contribution to the overall dispersion of these structures is much stronger than in conventional fibers. This leads to the appearance of unstable frequency bands that are qualitatively and quantitatively different from those seen in conventional fibers. The four-wave mixing theory developed here is based on the full wave equation, which allows rigorous study of the unstable bands even when the detunings are of the order of the pump frequency itself. Solutions obtained using the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which is an approximate version of the full wave equation, reveal that it suffers from several deficiencies when used to describe four-wave mixing processes.

Nature ; 424(6948): 511-5, 2003 Jul 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12891348


Photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) offer greatly enhanced design freedom compared to standard optical fibres. For example, they allow precise control of the chromatic dispersion (CD) profile--the frequency dependence of propagation speed--over a broad wavelength range. This permits studies of nonlinear pulse propagation in previously inaccessible parameter regimes. Here we report on spectral broadening of 100-fs pulses in PCFs with anomalously flat CD profiles. Maps of the spectral and spatio-temporal behaviour as a function of power show that dramatic conversion (to both longer and shorter wavelengths) can occur in remarkably short lengths of fibre, depending on the magnitude and shape of the CD profile. Because the PCFs used are single-mode at all wavelengths, the light always emerges in a fundamental guided mode. Excellent agreement is obtained between the experimental results and numerical solutions of the nonlinear wave equation, indicating that the underlying processes can be reliably modelled. These results show how, through appropriate choice of CD, nonlinearities can be efficiently harnessed to generate laser light at new wavelengths.