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Trop Anim Health Prod ; 54(4): 238, 2022 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35867201


Genotyping methods have led to a better understanding of the epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) infection, and its transmission dynamics, as well as the possible phylogenetic relationships between Mycobacterium strains, thus making bovine tuberculosis control programs more efficient. The goal of this study was to characterize the main spoligotypes of M. bovis isolated from cattle in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It was carried out in 28 municipalities of "Triângulo Mineiro" and "Alto Paranaíba" regions of the state. Viscera samples were obtained from 58 bovines positive for tuberculosis according to comparative cervical tests, and from another 100 bovines with lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, which were donated by the National Agricultural Laboratory of Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais. Microbiological isolation was performed in Stonebrink medium, and molecular identification of mycobacteria was performed by PCR. Genotyping was performed using the spoligotyping method at the Agrobiotechnology and Molecular Biology Institute of National Agricultural Technology Institute-National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Among the 158 viscera samples, we obtained 40 (25%) isolates of M. bovis, and detected 11 spoligotype patterns, with a predominance of SB1142 (37.5%), SB0121 (25.0%), and SB1145 (10.0%). Other standards, SB0295, SB1050, SB0881, SB1144, SB1802, SB0140, SB0120, and SB0849, varied from 2.5 to 7.5%, heterogeneously distributed among the municipalities. The presence of spoligotypes shared with other Brazilian states and different countries indicates their possible exchange through epidemiological relationships, such as the transit of live animals and/or genetic similarity between strains that share a common ancestor.

Cattle Diseases , Mycobacterium bovis , Tuberculosis, Bovine , Tuberculosis , Animals , Bacterial Typing Techniques/veterinary , Brazil/epidemiology , Cattle , Mycobacterium bovis/genetics , Phylogeny , Tuberculosis/veterinary , Tuberculosis, Bovine/epidemiology , Tuberculosis, Bovine/microbiology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 32(1): 202-207, jan./fev. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-965280


Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that occurs worldwide, affecting pets and livestock that can be a source of infection for humans, considered therefore an important disease in public health. Thus, an investigation was made into the occurrence of anti-Leptospira agglutinins in several animal species on a farm located in the municipality of Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 172 blood serum samples were collected from five species: cattle, dogs, goats, horses and sheep. The diagnosis was performed by means of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), using a collection of 12 live antigens. Of the 172 animals evaluated, 62 (36%) were seroreactive, and the most frequent serovars in each species were: Hardjo (54.54%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (27.27%), and Autumnalis (18.18%) in cattle; Icterohaemorrhagiae (37.5%), Autumnalis (31%), Canicola (18.7%) and Hardjo (12.5%) in dogs; Grippotyphosa (75%) and Hardjo (25%) in goats; Icterohaemorrhagiae (50%), Grippotyphosa (37.5%) and Hardjo (12.5%) in horses, and Hardjo (34.78%); Grippotyphosa (26.08%); Bratislava (17.39%), Autumnalis (17.39%) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (4.4%) in sheep. It is believed that the occurrence of anti-Leptospira agglutinins can be traced back to a source of infection that is common to these species, or that the agent was probably transmitted between them because they live in close proximity to each other.

A leptospirose é uma zoonose de ampla distribuição mundial, que acomete animais de estimação e produção, os quais podem ser fonte de infecção para a espécie humana, considerada, portanto uma relevante doença em saúde pública. Desta forma, objetivou-se investigar a ocorrência de aglutininas anti-Leptospira em diversas espécies animais em uma propriedade rural localizada no Município de Uberlândia-MG. Foram colhidas 172 amostras de soro sanguíneo provenientes de cinco espécies animais: bovinos, caninos, caprinos, equinos e ovinos. Estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico pela técnica de Soroaglutinação Microscópica (SAM) com uma coleção de 12 antígenos vivos. Dos 172 animais avaliados, 62 (36%) foram reagentes, as sorovariedades mais frequentes em cada espécie foram: Hardjo (54,54%), Icterohaemorrhagiae (27,27%), e Autumnalis (18,18%) nos bovinos; Icterohaemorrhagiae (37,5%), Autumnalis (31%), Canicola (18,7%) e Hardjo (12,5%) e nos caninos; Grippothyphosa (75%) e Hardjo (25%) nos caprinos; Icterohaemorrhagiae (50%), Grippothyphosa (37,5%) e Hardjo (12,5%) nos equinos e Hardjo (34,78%); Grippothyphosa (26,08%); Bratislava (17,39%), Autumnalis (17,39%) e Icterohaemorrhagiae (4.4%) nos ovinos. Acredita-se que a ocorrência de aglutininas anti-Leptospira possa estar relacionada com uma fonte de infecção comum para as espécies, ou ainda que a transmissão do agente tenha ocorrido entre espécies animais, provavelmente devido à convivência habitacional próxima.

Leptospira , Leptospirosis , Animals , Antibodies
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: e0592014, 2016. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1006570


Objetivou-se com este estudo comparar diferentes métodos complementares de diagnóstico (macroscópico, histopatológico, sorológico e molecular) da tuberculose, em bovinos naturalmente infectados. O trabalho deu-se por meio de amostras colhidas em abate sanitário de 40 bovinos reagentes no teste cervical comparativo (TCC) para tuberculose. A inspeção macroscópica post mortem das carcaças foi acompanhada de colheita de amostras de muco nasal, sangue e tecido (fígado, pulmão e linfonodo mediastínico) para realização do exame de reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR), de Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) e histopatológico com colorações de hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), respectivamente. Dos 40 bovinos inspecionados no abate, 22 (55%) animais apresentaram algum tipo de lesão macroscópica sugestiva de tuberculose. Nos achados histopatológicos visualizados em HE, 13 (32,5%) carcaças apontaram alterações histológicas, sendo 6 (15%) nos linfonodos mediastínicos, 5 (12,5%) no fígado e 3 (7,5%) no pulmão. Não foi observada a presença de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes em nenhuma das amostras avaliadas. O ensaio sorológico de ELISA/IDEXX(r) identificou um (2,5%) animal reagente, e o teste de PCR detectou DNA de Mycobacterium bovis em uma (2,5%) amostra. Concluiu-se que entre os exames complementares de diagnóstico avaliados nenhum foi capaz de detectar todos os animais que estavam positivos na tuberculinização, porém a associação de diferentes métodos pode garantir a confiabilidade do diagnóstico.(AU)

The aim of this study was to compare different complementary diagnostic methods (macroscopic, histological, serological and molecular) of tuberculosis in naturally infected cattle. The study was conducted from samples taken from 40 reagents cattle in cervical comparative intradermal tuberculin test (ITT). The macroscopic post mortem inspection of carcasses was followed by the collection of nasal swabs, blood and tissue samples (liver, lung and mediastinal lymph node) for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and histopathologic test with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), respectively. Of the 40 cattle slaughtered, 22 (55%) carcasses had macroscopic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis. The histopathology HE identified 13 (32.5%) carcasses with histological changes: 6 (15%) in the mediastinal lymph nodes, 5 (12.5%) in the liver and 3 (7.5%) in the lung. At ZN, the presence of acid-fast bacilli was not detected in any of the samples tested. The ELISA/IDEXX(r) identified one (2.5%) reagent animal, and the PCR test detected DNA of Mycobacterium bovis in one (2.5%) cow. It is concluded that among the diagnostic methods reviews none was able to detect all animals that were positive in tuberculin test, but the association of different methods can ensure diagnostic accuracy.(AU)

Animals , Tuberculosis, Bovine , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Diagnosis , Mycobacterium bovis , Health Surveillance , Polymerase Chain Reaction
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 83: e0152014, 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1006710


Leucose e tuberculose são doenças que acometem o rebanho bovino e acarretam consideráveis prejuízos econômicos, em virtude do impacto na produtividade, porém há poucos relatos de que elas ocorram concomitantemente. Diante disso, objetivou-se avaliar a intercorrência entre essas doenças em bovinos abatidos no município de São Gotardo, MG, sendo que esses animais foram reagentes à tuberculinização e apresentaram lesões características da doença durante o abate sanitário. Cento e trinta e três amostras de soro sanguíneo, todas oriundas de bovinos positivos para tuberculose, foram analisadas pela técnica de imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA), e a prevalência de bovinos que apresentaram positividade ao teste de IDGA foi de 55,64% (74/133). Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa permitiram concluir que a tuberculose e a leucose são doenças presentes nas regiões estudadas e encontram-se disseminadas na população avaliada, com níveis significativos, causando risco à saúde dos animais e das pessoas, dado o caráter zoonótico da tuberculose bovina.(AU)

Leukosis and tuberculosis are diseases that affect cattle and entail considerable economic losses, due to theim pact on productivity, but there are few reports that they occur simultaneously. Therefore, aimed to evaluate the complications of these diseases in cattles laughtered in São Gotardo, MG, these animals were positive to the tuberculin and showed lesions characteristic of the disease during the stamping. One hundred and thirty three samples of blood serum, all from positive to bovine tuberculosis, were analyzed by immuno diffusion technique in agar gel (AGID), and the prevalence of cattle that were positive by AGID test was 55.64% (74/133). The results of this research showed that tuberculos is and leukosis are diseases present in the studied regions and are disseminated in this population, with significant levels, causing risk to the health of animals and people, as the zoonotic bovine tuberculosis.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Tuberculosis, Bovine , Enzootic Bovine Leukosis , Zoonoses , Immunodiffusion , Agribusiness
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 81(4): 363-367, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1015899


O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a frequência de lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de tuberculose em carcaças de bovinos reagentes ao teste intradérmico de tuberculose. Os animais do estudo foram provenientes de rebanhos de exploração leiteira, localizados nos municípios de Perdizes, Patos de Minas, Lagoa Formosa e Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Foram avaliadas 140 carcaças de bovinos positivos no teste cervical comparativo. Durante o abate sanitário foi realizada inspeção post mortem das carcaças, e as lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de tuberculose foram registradas. Foram avaliados os linfonodos mediastínicos, fígado, pulmão e carcaça. Dos 140 bovinos examinados, 78 (55%) apresentaram algum tipo de lesão macroscópica sugestiva de tuberculose, 38 (49%) ocorreram exclusivamente nos linfonodos mediastínicos, 22 (28%) no fígado e 11 (14%) no pulmão; 5 (6%) carcaças apresentaram lesões no fígado, pulmão e linfonodo mediastínico, e 2 (4%) tiveram lesões no pulmão e linfonodo. Concluem-se que as lesões não visualizadas em bovinos reagentes ao teste tuberculínico podem ocorrer e estariam relacionadas principalmente ao estágio de evolução da doença, tempo insuficiente na inspeção post mortempara detecção, bem como reações inespecíficas para outras micobactérias.(AU)

The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of macroscopic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in cattle reacting to the tuberculin test. Cattle of this study were from dairy herds located in the cities of Perdizes, Patos de Minas, Lagoa Formosa and Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We evaluated 140 cattle carcasses positive to the cervical comparative intradermal tuberculin test. During the slaughter a post-mortem inspection of carcasses was done, and the lesions suggestive of tuberculosis were recorded. We evaluated the mediastinal lymph nodes, liver, lung and carcass. Of the 140 cattle examined, 78 (55%) carcasses had some kind of macroscopic lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, 38 (49%) occurred only in the mediastinal lymph nodes, 22 (28%) in the liver and 11 (14%) in the lungs; 5 (6%) carcasses showed lesions in liver, lungs and lymph node, and 2 (4%) showed lesions in lung and lymph nodes. We concluded that lesions that were not visualized in bovine tuberculin skin test reagents may occur and are related mainly to the stage of the disease, insufficient time to detect the lesions, and nonspecific reactions to other mycobacteria.(AU)

Cattle , Tuberculosis, Bovine , Wounds and Injuries/veterinary , Mycobacterium bovis , Intradermal Tests/methods , Tuberculin Test/methods , Food Inspection , Animal Culling