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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 25(1): 31-35, jan./mar. 2018. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-987923


Objetivou-se caracterizar o colostro da primeira ordenha de búfalas da raça Murrah utilizando a metodologia não oficial de absorção infravermelha. Para isso, foram colhidas amostras individuais de 42 fêmeas multíparas, por meio de ordenha manual. As amostras foram coletadas em até 12 h após o parto e encaminhadas para determinação de gordura, proteína, lactose, sólidos totais e sólidos não gordurosos por meio de absorção infravermelha. Realizamos também a contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e leitura de condutividade elétrica (CE) do colostro. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva através do procedimento proc means. Os valores de condutividade elétrica foram divididos em quatro classes e as médias das características físico-químicas das diferentes classes foram comparadas pelo teste T com 5% de significância. Também foi realizada análise de correlação entre as características químicas, CCS e CE do colostro. Foram obtidas médias de 4,34 ± 3,24% para gordura, 11,88 ± 3,93% para proteína, 2,54 ± 0,9% para lactose, 10,01 ± 3,33% para caseína, 26,56 ± 4,18% para sólidos totais, 16,20 ± 3,70% para sólidos não gordurosos, 316,86 ± 341,56 mil células somáticas, e 4,44 ± 0,81 mS cm-1 para condutividade elétrica do colostro. O colostro de búfalas ordenhadas em até 12h pós-parto apresenta elevado teor de proteína. Além disso, observamos que quanto maior a leitura da condutividade elétrica, menores são os percentuais de proteína, caseína e sólidos não gordurosos no colostro.

The objective of this study was to characterize the colostrum of the first milking of buffaloes of the Murrah breed using the infrared absorption. For this, individual samples of 42 multiparous females were collected by manual milking. Samples were collected up to 12h after delivery and sent for determination of fat, protein, lactose, total solids and non-greasy solids by the infrared absorption method. We also performed somatic cell counts (SCC) and electric conductivity (EC) reading of colostrum. The data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis through the procedure proc means. The values of electrical conductivity were divided into four classes and the means of physical-chemical characteristics of the different classes were compared by the T test with 5% significance. A correlation analysis was also performed between the chemical characteristics, SCC and EC of colostrum. Averages of 4.34 ± 3.24% for fat, 11.88 ± 3.93% for protein, 10.01 ± 3.33% for casein, 2.54 ± 0.9% for lactose, 26, 56 ± 4.18% for total solids, 16.20 ± 3.70% for non-greasy solids, 316.86 ± 341.56 mil somatic cells and 4.44 ± 0.81 mS cm -1 for electrical conductivity of colostrum. The colostrum of milked buffaloes up to 12 hours postpartum presents high protein content. In addition, we observed that the higher the electrical conductivity reading, the lower the percentages of protein, casein and non-greasy solids in colostrum.

Animals , Buffaloes , Absorption
Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 30(9): 1340-1349, 2017 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28183165


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological and cellular milk profile for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in female buffaloes and to assess risk factors for predisposition of the disease. METHODS: Analyses were carried out by standard plate count (SPC), identification of species and antibiotic resistance, somatic cell count (SCC), electrical electrical conductivity of milk (ECM), and lactoferrin content in milk. Teat cups were swabbed to evaluate risk factors, observing hyperkeratosis, milking vacuum pressure and cleanliness of the site. Hence, 30 female buffaloes were randomly selected (15 from a group in early lactation and 15 in late lactation). RESULTS: The most common bacteria in the microbiological examination were Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp. and Corynebacterium sp. In the antibiotic sensitivity test, 10 (58.82%) of the 17 antibiotics tested were sensitive to all isolates, and resistant bacteria were Streptococcus uberis, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Streptococcus haemolyticus, and Escherichia coli. It was observed that positive samples in the microbiological examination showed total bacterial count between 9.10×103 to 6.94×106 colony forming units/mL, SCC between 42,000 to 4,320,000 cells/mL and ECM ranging from 1.85 to 7.40 mS/cm. It was also found that the teat cups had high microbial counts indicating poor hygiene, and even faults in the cleanliness of the animals' waiting room were observed. It is concluded that values of SCC above 537,000 cells/mL and ECM above 3.0 mS/mL are indications of mammary gland infection for this herd; however, the association of these values with a microbiological analysis is necessary to more accurately evaluate the health status of mammary glands with subclinical mastitis. CONCLUSION: Through phenotypic characterization of bacteria involved in the samples, the genera Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., and Corynebacterimum bovis were the most prevalent in this study. Faults in environment and equipment hygienization are factors that are directly associated with mastitis.