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J Sci Food Agric ; 96(10): 3590-5, 2016 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26608628


BACKGROUND: Palm kernel cake is a biodiesel byproduct and an alternative feed additive in cattle production. This study evaluated the effects of palm kernel cake added to bulls' diets on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of their meat. Thirty-two young Nellore bulls were used, distributed in a randomized experimental design with four treatments: 0, 7, 14 or 21% (w/w) palm kernel cake in the dry matter of the diet. Hay was used at 35% (w/w) in the diets, which were balanced to provide 150 g kg(-1) crude protein and 33 Mcal kg(-1) metabolizable energy. RESULTS: The moisture (P = 0.40), ash (P = 0.70), protein (P = 0.10) and ether extract (P = 0.31) contents of the meat samples were not affected by the inclusion of palm kernel cake. The qualitative characteristics of the meat, including pH (P = 0.69), water-holding capacity (P = 0.22), cooking loss (P = 0.14), shear force (P = 0.32) and instrumental color indices L* (P = 0.75), a* (P = 0.44) and b* (P = 0.41), were not affected by the substitution of palm kernel cake for soybean meal. CONCLUSION: Palm kernel cake may be included at up to 21% (w/w) in cattle feed without compromising the physicochemical, sensory and acceptance characteristics of the meat. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry.

Animal Feed/analysis , Arecaceae , Diet/veterinary , Meat/analysis , Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Animals , Cattle , Male
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 18(1): 3265-3272, ene.-abr. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-675375


Objective. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the best concentration of peanut cake in the ensiling of massai grass of the chemical-bromatological composition, fermentative characteristics, forage value rate, ingestion estimates, and digestibility of dry matter in the silage. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out at the Experimental Farm of São Gonçalo dos Campos at the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. The treatments consisted of massai grass that was cut at 40 days and dehydrated, in addition to 0%, 8%, 16%, and 24% peanut cake in the fresh matter and treatment without cake. The material was compressed in experimental silos (7 liter) that were opened after 76 days. Results. The addition of 8-24% peanut cake improved the silage’s chemical-bromatological parameters, increased the dry matter and non-fiber carbohydrates and reduced the fibrous components. There was a linear increase in the estimated values of digestibility and the ingestion of dry matter depending on the levels of peanut cake in the silage. There was an improvement in the fermentative characteristics, with a quadratic effect positive for levels of ammoniacal nitrogen. The forage value rate increased linearly with the inclusion of peanut cake. Conclusions. The inclusion of up to 24% peanut cake during ensiling of massai grass increases the nutritive value of silage and improves fermentation characteristics.

Objetivo. Este experimento se realizó para evaluar el mejor nivel de inclusión de harina de cacahuete en el ensilado de hierba massai a través de la composición química-bromatológica, las características fermentativas, la tasa de valor forrajero, las estimaciones de la ingestión y la digestibilidad de la materia seca. Materiales y métodos. El experimento se llevó a cabo en la Granja Experimental de São Gonçalo dos Campos, en la Universidad Federal de Bahía. Los tratamientos fueron hierba massai cortada a 40 días, deshidratada, además de un 8%, 16% y 24% de harina de maní en la materia fresca, además de tratamiento sin harina de cacahuete. El material se comprimió en silos experimentales que se abrieron después de 76 días. Resultados. La adición de harina de cacahuete 24% mejor que el ensilaje de productos químicos bromatológicos parámetros, el aumento de la materia seca y carbohidratos sin fibra, y la reducción de los componentes fibrosos. Hubo un aumento lineal de los valores estimados de la digestibilidad y la ingestión de materia seca en función de los niveles de harina de cacahuete en el ensilaje. Se observó una mejoría en las características fermentativas, con un efecto de segundo grado para los niveles de nitrógeno amoniacal. La tasa de valor forrajero aumentó linealmente con la inclusión de harina de cacahuete. Conclusiones. La inclusión de hasta un 24% de harina de cacahuete durante el ensilaje de pasto massai aumenta el valor nutritivo del ensilaje y mejora las características de la fermentación.

Animals , Biofuels , Ruminants , Silage
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 25(4): 625-638, oct.-dic. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-669193


Biodiesel industry by-products appear to be an excellent alternative source for ruminant feed and may contribute to increased agricultural activity in terms of productivity and profitability. Among the various by-products, oilseed cakes have great potential for use due to their high protein and lipid contents, which make them an energetic feed source that would fulfill the nutritional requirements of animals. Thus, studies that aim to determine the optimum levels of oilseed cake in ruminant feed are important for maximizing the potential use of these by-products.

El uso de los subproductos de la industria de biodiesel para alimentar a los rumiantes parece ser una excelente alternativa, que puede contribuir al aumento de las actividades agrícolas en términos de productividad y rentabilidad. Entre los sub-productos, las tortas de semillas oleaginosas tienen un gran potencial debido a los importantes niveles de proteínas y lípidos que las caracterizan como alimentos proteicos o energéticos capaces de satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales de los animales. Así, los estudios que tienen como objetivo determinar los niveles óptimos de tortas de semillas oleaginosas en los piensos para rumiantes son importantes para maximizar el uso potencial de estos subproductos.

A utilização de coprodutos oriundos da produção do biodiesel na alimentação de ruminantes surge como alternativa, que pode contribuir para o crescimento das atividades agropecuárias, em termos de produtividade e rentabilidade. Dentre os coprodutos, as tortas apresentam grande potencial, haja vista as consideráveis concentrações de proteína e extrato etéreo, que as caracterizam como alimentos protéicos e/ou energéticos, capazes de permitir o atendimento das exigências nutricionais destas frações pelos animais. Desta forma, é importante a realização de estudos que determinem os níveis ótimos de aplicação das diversas tortas oleaginosas, visando à busca de melhores resultados.

Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 17(2): 3041-3046, mayo-ago. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-657100


Objective. This experiment was conducted to evaluate the best sunflower meal concentration in Massai grass silage. Materials and methods. The treatments were composed of 0, 8, 16, and 24% sunflower meal (natural matter basis) during ensiling of Massai grass, with four repetitions. Results. The regression equation showed that the inclusion of sunflower meal between 2.14% and 13.91% obtained a silage dry matter between 25 and 35%, which are the values recommended for the production of high quality silage. The addition of sunflower meal showed a linear increase in crude protein, reaching 18% DM with the highest concentration of sunflower meal. The highest feed value index was obtained with the addition of 24% sunflower meal in the silage. The estimated total digestible nutrient of silage increased linearly with sunflower meal concentration. The silage pH values had a quadratic effect, reaching the lowest value (4.1) with 15% sunflower meal addition. Conclusions. Based on the chemical composition and forage quality, a concentration of 14% sunflower meal should be used for high-quality silage with good nutritional value.

Objetivo. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo para determinar el porcentual adecuado de harina de girasol en ensilaje de hierba Massai. Materiales y métodos. La harina de girasol fue adicionada en 0, 8, 16, y 24% durante el ensilaje de hierba Massai, con cuatro repeticiones por tratamiento. Resultados. La inclusión de la torta de girasol entre 2.14% y 13.91% resultó en porcentuales de materia seca entre 25 y 35%, que son los valores recomendados para la producción de forraje de alta calidad. La adición de harina de girasol proporcionó un aumento lineal de proteína cruda, alcanzando el 18% de MS con la mayor concentración de harina de girasol. El más alto índice de alimentación se obtuvo con la adición de un 24% de harina de girasol. La concentración de harina de girasol también tuvo efecto lineal sobre el total de nutrientes digestibles del ensilado de hierba Massai, mientras el pH del ensilaje tuvo un comportamiento cuadrático, alcanzando el más bajo valor (4.1) con 15% de harina de girasol. Conclusiones. Por fin, este trabajo recomienda 14% de harina de girasol para obtener un ensilado de la Hierba Massai con alta calidad y bueno valor nutricional.

Energy-Generating Resources , Fermentation , Ruminants , Silage