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J Colloid Interface Sci ; 666: 457-471, 2024 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608640


Migration of colloidal particles induced by temperature gradients is commonly referred to as thermodiffusion, thermal diffusion, or the (Ludwig-)Soret effect. The thermophoretic force experienced by a colloidal particle that drives thermodiffusion consists of two distinct contributions: a contribution resulting from internal degrees of freedom of single colloidal particles, and a contribution due to the interactions between the colloids. We present an irreversible thermodynamics based theory for the latter collective contribution to the thermophoretic force. The present theory leads to a novel "thermophoretic interaction force" (for uncharged colloids), which has not been identified in earlier approaches. In addition, an N-particle Smoluchowski equation including temperature gradients is proposed, which complies with the irreversible thermodynamics approach. A comparison with experiments on colloids with a temperature dependent attractive interaction potential over a large concentration and temperature range is presented. The comparison shows that the novel thermophoretic interaction force is essential to describe data on the Soret coefficient and the thermodiffusion coefficient.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(9): 7830-7836, 2024 Feb 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38375894


We investigate the thermodiffusive properties of aqueous solutions of lithium chloride, using thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering in a concentration range of 0.5-2 mole per kg of solvent and a temperature range of 5 to 45 °C. All solutions exhibit non-monotonic variations of the Soret coefficient ST with a concentration exhibiting a minimum at about one mole per kg of solvent. The depth of the minimum decreases with increasing temperature and shifts slightly towards higher concentrations. We compare the experimental data with published data and apply a recent model based on overlapping hydration shells. Additionally, we calculate the ratio of the phenomenological Onsager coefficients using our experimental results and published data to calculate the thermodynamic factor. Simple linear, quadratic and exponential functions can be used to describe this ratio accurately, and together with the thermodynamic factors, the experimental Soret coefficients can be reproduced. The main conclusion from this analysis is that the minimum of the Soret coefficients results from a maximum in the thermodynamic factor, which appears itself at concentrations far below the experimental concentrations. Only after multiplication by the (negative) monotonous Onsager ratio does the minimum move into the experimental concentration window.

J Chem Phys ; 158(10): 104901, 2023 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36922130


A general theory has been developed for a polydisperse semi-flexible multi-block copolymer melt. Using the Bawendi-Freed approach to model semi-flexible chains, an expression for the Landau free energy is derived in the weak segregation regime, which includes density and orientation order-parameters. The orientation order-parameter is described in the smectic phase and in more complicated structures, such as the hexagonal phase. The Landau free energy contains contributions of two kinds of interactions. The first kind is the Flory-Huggins interaction, which describes the incompatibility of chemically different blocks and may induce microphase separation. The second kind is the Maier-Saupe interaction, which may induce nematic ordering. In the framework of the weak segregation limit, the Landau theory allows us to predict phase structures in the melt as a function of the composition, persistence length, and the strength of the Flory-Huggins and Maier-Saupe interaction. The general theory is applied to a simple system of monodisperse semi-flexible diblock copolymers. In several phase diagrams, a number of possible phase structures are predicted, such as the bcc, hexagonal, smectic-A, smectic-C, and nematic phase. The influence of the Maier-Saupe interaction on the microphase structure is thoroughly discussed.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(44): 27380-27387, 2022 Nov 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36331005


We investigate the thermodiffusive properties of aqueous solutions of sodium iodide, potassium iodide and lithium iodide, using thermal diffusion forced Rayleigh scattering in a concentration range of 0.5-4 mol kg-1 of solvent, large enough to deal with associated salts, and a temperature range of 15 to 45 °C. All systems exhibit non-monotonic variations of the Soret coefficient ST with concentration, with a minimum at one mol kg-1 of solvent in all three cases. We take this as an indication that the relevant length and energy scales are very similar in all cases. On this basis we develop an intuitive picture in which the relevant objects are the fully hydrated salt molecules, including all water molecules that behave differently from bulk water. Preliminary, somewhat sketchy calculations indicate that indeed Soret coefficients begin to rise beyond concentrations where the fully hydrated particles are randomly close packed. Indications are given as to why the model will fail at large concentrations.

J Phys Chem B ; 125(51): 13886-13895, 2021 12 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34927438


The CO2 molecule is weakly bound in water. Here we analyze the influence of a dissolved CO2 molecule on the structure and OH vibrational spectra of the surrounding water. From the analysis of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations (BLYP-D3) we present static (structure, coordination, H-bonding, tetrahedrality) and dynamical (OH vibrational spectra) properties of the water molecules as a function of distance from the solute. We find a weakly oscillatory variation ("ABBA") in the 'solution minus bulk water' spectrum. The origin of these features can largely be traced back to solvent-solute hard-core interactions which lead to variations in density and tetrahedrality when moving from the solute's vicinity out to the bulk region. The high-frequency peak in the solute-affected spectra is specifically analyzed and found to originate from both water OH groups that fulfill the geometric H-bond criteria, and from those that do not (dangling ones). Effectively, neither is hydrogen-bonded.

Carbon Dioxide , Water , Hydrogen Bonding , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Solutions
Soft Matter ; 17(22): 5613-5632, 2021 Jun 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33998621


Amongst the theoretical approaches towards the dynamics and phase behaviour of suspensions of active Brownian particles (ABPs), no attempt has been made to specify the motility-induced inter-particle correlations as quantified by the pair-correlation function. Here, we derive expressions for the pair-correlation function for ABPs with very short-ranged direct interactions for small and large swimming velocities and low concentrations. The pair-correlation function is the solution of a differential equation that is obtained from the Fokker-Planck equation for the probability density function of the positions and orientations of the ABPs. For large swimming Peclet numbers, λ, the pair-correlation function is highly asymmetric. The pair-correlation function attains a large value, ∼λ, within a small region of spatial extent, ∼1/λ, near contact of the ABPs when the ABPs approach each other. The pair-correlation function is small within a large region of spatial extent, ∼λ1/3, when the ABPs move apart, with a contact value that is essentially zero. From the explicit expressions for the pair-correlation function, Fick's diffusion equation is generalized to include motility. It is shown that mass transport, in case of large swimming velocities, is dominated by a preferred swimming direction that is induced by concentration gradients. The expression for the pair-correlation function derived in this paper could serve as a starting point to obtain approximate results for high concentrations, which could then be employed in a first-principles analysis of the dynamics and phase behaviour of ABPs at higher concentrations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(21): 218003, 2019 Nov 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809142


Stress relaxation upon cessation of shear flow is known to be described by single-mode or multimode monotonic exponential decays. This is considered to be ubiquitous in nature. However, we found that, in some cases, the relaxation becomes anomalous in that an increase in the relaxing stress is observed. Those observations were made for physicochemically very different systems, having in common, however, the presence of self-associating units generating structures at large length scales. The nonmonotonic stress relaxation can be described phenomenologically by a generic model based on a redistribution of energy after the flow has stopped. When broken bonds are reestablished after flow cessation, the released energy is partly used to locally increase the elastic energy by the formation of deformed domains. If shear has induced order such that these elastic domains are partly aligned, the reestablishing of bonds gives rise to an increase of the overall stress.

J Chem Phys ; 150(1): 014903, 2019 Jan 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30621405


The most general linear equation describing the stress response at time t to a time-dependent shearing perturbation may be written as the integral over the past history t' of a time dependent relaxation modulus, depending on t - t', multiplied by the perturbing shear rate at time t'. This is in agreement with the Boltzmann superposition principle, which says that the stress response of a system to a time dependent shearing deformation may be written as the sum of responses to a sequence of step-strain perturbations in the past. In equilibrium rheology, the Boltzmann superposition principle gives rise to the equality of the shear relaxation modulus, obtained from oscillatory experiments, and the stress relaxation modulus measured after a step-strain perturbation. In this paper, we describe the results of Brownian dynamics simulations of a simple soft matter system showing that the same conclusion does not hold when the system is steadily sheared in a direction perpendicular to the probing flows, and with a gradient parallel to that of the probing deformations, as in orthogonal superposition rheology. In fact, we find that the oscillatory relaxation modulus differs from the step-strain modulus even for the smallest orthogonal shear flows that we could simulate. We do find, however, that the initial or plateau levels of both methods agree and provide an equation relating the plateau value to the perturbation of the pair-function.

J Chem Phys ; 149(1): 014903, 2018 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29981556


For highly non-uniformly flowing fluids, there are contributions to the stress related to spatial variations of the shear rate, which are commonly referred to as non-local stresses. The standard expression for the shear stress, which states that the shear stress is proportional to the shear rate, is based on a formal expansion of the stress tensor with respect to spatial gradients in the flow velocity up to leading order. Such a leading order expansion is not able to describe fluids with very rapid spatial variations of the shear rate, like in micro-fluidics devices and in shear-banding suspensions. Spatial derivatives of the shear rate then significantly contribute to the stress. Such non-local stresses have so far been introduced on a phenomenological level. In particular, a formal gradient expansion of the stress tensor beyond the above mentioned leading order contribution leads to a phenomenological formulation of non-local stresses in terms of the so-called "shear-curvature viscosity". We derive an expression for the shear-curvature viscosity for dilute suspensions of spherical colloids and propose an effective-medium approach to extend this result to concentrated suspensions. The validity of the effective-medium prediction is confirmed by Brownian dynamics simulations on highly non-uniformly flowing fluids.

J Chem Phys ; 148(3): 034902, 2018 Jan 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29352779


We present a novel coarse-grain particle-based simulation technique for modeling self-developing flow of dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions. The central idea in this paper is the two-way coupling between a mesoscopic polymer model and a phenomenological fluid model. As our polymer model, we choose Responsive Particle Dynamics (RaPiD), a Brownian dynamics method, which formulates the so-called "conservative" and "transient" pair-potentials through which the polymers interact besides experiencing random forces in accordance with the fluctuation dissipation theorem. In addition to these interactions, our polymer blobs are also influenced by the background solvent velocity field, which we calculate by solving the Navier-Stokes equation discretized on a moving grid of fluid blobs using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) technique. While the polymers experience this frictional force opposing their motion relative to the background flow field, our fluid blobs also in turn are influenced by the motion of the polymers through an interaction term. This makes our technique a two-way coupling algorithm. We have constructed this interaction term in such a way that momentum is conserved locally, thereby preserving long range hydrodynamics. Furthermore, we have derived pairwise fluctuation terms for the velocities of the fluid blobs using the Fokker-Planck equation, which have been alternatively derived using the General Equation for the Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling (GENERIC) approach in Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics (SDPD) literature. These velocity fluctuations for the fluid may be incorporated into the velocity updates for our fluid blobs to obtain a thermodynamically consistent distribution of velocities. In cases where these fluctuations are insignificant, however, these additional terms may well be dropped out as they are in a standard SPH simulation. We have applied our technique to study the rheology of two different concentrations of our model linear polymer solutions. The results show that the polymers and the fluid are coupled very well with each other, showing no lag between their velocities. Furthermore, our results show non-Newtonian shear thinning and the characteristic flattening of the Poiseuille flow profile typically observed for polymer solutions.

J Chem Phys ; 146(15): 155102, 2017 Apr 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28433029


The self-assembly process of clathrin coated pits during endocytosis has been simulated by combining and extending coarse grained models of the clathrin triskelion, the adaptor protein AP2, and a flexible network membrane. The AP2's core, upon binding to membrane and cargo, releases a motif that can bind clathrin. In conditions where the core-membrane-cargo binding is weak, the binding of this motif to clathrin can result in a stable complex. We characterize the conditions and mechanisms resulting in the formation of clathrin lattices that curve the membrane, i.e., clathrin coated pits. The mechanical properties of the AP2 ß linker appear crucial to the orientation of the curved clathrin lattice relative to the membrane, with wild-type short linkers giving rise to the inward curving buds enabling endocytosis while long linkers produce upside-down cages and outward curving bulges.

Clathrin/chemistry , Models, Chemical , Membranes/chemistry , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Particle Size , Protein Aggregates , Protein Conformation
J Chem Phys ; 145(19): 194903, 2016 Nov 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27875869


We present a coarse-grained particle-based simulation technique for modeling flow of complex soft matter fluids such as polymer solutions in the presence of solid interfaces. In our coarse-grained description of the system, we track the motion of polymer molecules using their centers-of-mass as our coarse-grain co-ordinates and also keep track of another set of variables that describe the background flow field. The coarse-grain motion is thus influenced not only by the interactions based on appropriate potentials used to model the particular polymer system of interest and the random kicks associated with thermal fluctuations, but also by the motion of the background fluid. In order to couple the motion of the coarse-grain co-ordinates with the background fluid motion, we use a Galilean invariant, first order Brownian dynamics algorithm developed by Padding and Briels [J. Chem. Phys. 141, 244108 (2014)], which on the one hand draws inspiration from smoothed particle hydrodynamics in a way that the motion of the background fluid is efficiently calculated based on a discretization of the Navier-Stokes equation at the positions of the coarse-grain coordinates where it is actually needed, but also differs from it because of the inclusion of thermal fluctuations by having momentum-conserving pairwise stochastic updates. In this paper, we make a few modifications to this algorithm and introduce a new parameter, viz., a friction coefficient associated with the background fluid, and analyze the relationship of the model parameters with the dynamic properties of the system. We also test this algorithm for flow in the presence of solid interfaces to show that appropriate boundary conditions can be imposed at solid-fluid interfaces by using artificial particles embedded in the solid walls which offer friction to the real fluid particles in the vicinity of the wall. We have tested our method using a model system of a star polymer solution at the overlap concentration.

Soft Matter ; 10(39): 7874-86, 2014 Oct 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25158294


An analysis is presented of forces acting on the centers of mass of three-armed star polymers in the molten state. The arms consist of 35 Kremer-Grest beads, which is slightly larger than needed for one entanglement mass. For a given configuration of the centers of mass, instantaneous forces fluctuate wildly around averages which are two orders of magnitude smaller than their root mean square deviations. Average forces are well described by an implicit many-body potential, while pair models fail completely. The fluctuating forces are modelled by means of dynamical variables quantifying the degree of mixing of the various polymer pairs. All functions and parameters in a coarse grain model based on these concepts are obtained from the underlying small scale simulation. The coarse model reproduces both the diffusion coefficient and the shear relaxation modulus. Ways to improve the model suggest themselves on the basis of our findings.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(15): 156102, 2014 Apr 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24785057


We propose a resolution to the puzzle presented by the surface defects observed with STM at the (111) surface facet of CeO 2 single crystals. In the seminal paper of Esch et al. [Science 309, 752 (2005)] they were identified with oxygen vacancies, but the observed behavior of these defects is inconsistent with the results of density functional theory (DFT) studies of oxygen vacancies in the literature. We resolve these inconsistencies via DFT calculations of the properties of both oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities at CeO2(111), the latter having recently been shown to exist in high concentrations in single crystals from a widely used commercial source of such samples. We find that the simulated filled-state STM images of surface-layer oxygen vacancies and fluorine impurities are essentially identical, which would render problematic their experimental distinction by such images alone. However, we find that our theoretical results for the most stable location, mobility, and tendency to cluster, of fluorine impurities are consistent with experimental observations, in contrast to those for oxygen vacancies. Based on these results, we propose that the surface defects observed in STM experiments on CeO2 single crystals reported heretofore were not oxygen vacancies, but fluorine impurities. Since the similarity of the simulated STM images of the two defects is due primarily to the relative energies of the 2p states of oxygen and fluorine ions, this confusion might also occur for other oxides which have been either doped or contaminated with fluorine.

Cerium/chemistry , Fluorine/chemistry , Oxygen/chemistry , Crystallization , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning Transmission , Models, Molecular , Surface Properties
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24730872


In the presence of adenosine triphosphate, molecular motors generate active force dipoles that drive suspensions of protein filaments far from thermodynamic equilibrium, leading to exotic dynamics and pattern formation. Microscopic modeling can help to quantify the relationship between individual motors plus filaments to organization and dynamics on molecular and supramolecular length scales. Here, we present results of extensive numerical simulations of active gels where the motors and filaments are confined between two infinite parallel plates. Thermal fluctuations and excluded-volume interactions between filaments are included. A systematic variation of rates for motor motion, attachment, and detachment, including a differential detachment rate from filament ends, reveals a range of nonequilibrium behavior. Strong motor binding produces structured filament aggregates that we refer to as asters, bundles, or layers, whose stability depends on motor speed and differential end detachment. The gross features of the dependence of the observed structures on the motor rate and the filament concentration can be captured by a simple one-filament model. Loosely bound aggregates exhibit superdiffusive mass transport, where filament translocation scales with lag time with nonunique exponents that depend on motor kinetics. An empirical data collapse of filament speed as a function of motor speed and end detachment is found, suggesting a dimensional reduction of the relevant parameter space. We conclude by discussing the perspectives of microscopic modeling in the field of active gels.

Cytoskeletal Proteins/chemistry , Cytoskeletal Proteins/ultrastructure , Cytoskeleton/chemistry , Cytoskeleton/ultrastructure , Models, Chemical , Molecular Motor Proteins/chemistry , Molecular Motor Proteins/ultrastructure , Computer Simulation , Gels/chemistry , Models, Biological , Models, Statistical , Multiprotein Complexes/chemistry , Multiprotein Complexes/ultrastructure
J Chem Phys ; 140(10): 104903, 2014 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24628201


We simulate the linear and nonlinear rheology of two different viscoelastic polymer solutions, a polyisobutylene solution in pristane and an aqueous solution of hydroxypropylcellulose, using a highly coarse-grained approach known as Responsive Particle Dynamics (RaPiD) model. In RaPiD, each polymer has originally been depicted as a spherical particle with the effects of the eliminated degrees of freedom accounted for by an appropriate free energy and transient pairwise forces. Motivated by the inability of this spherical particle representation to entirely capture the nonlinear rheology of both fluids, we extended the RaPiD model by introducing a deformable particle capable of elongation. A Finite-Extensible Non-Linear Elastic potential provides a free energy penalty for particle elongation. Upon disentangling, this deformability allows more time for particles to re-entangle with neighbouring particles. We show this process to be integral towards recovering the experimental nonlinear rheology, obtaining excellent agreement. We show that the nonlinear rheology is crucially dependent upon the maximum elongation and less so on the elasticity of the particles. In addition, the description of the linear rheology has been retained in the process.

Cellulose/analogs & derivatives , Computer Simulation , Models, Chemical , Polyenes/chemistry , Polymers/chemistry , Water/chemistry , Algorithms , Cellulose/chemistry , Elasticity , Linear Models , Nonlinear Dynamics , Rheology , Solutions , Viscoelastic Substances/chemistry , Viscosity
J Chem Phys ; 141(24): 244108, 2014 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554134


We present a Galilean invariant, momentum conserving first order Brownian dynamics scheme for coarse-grained simulations of highly frictional soft matter systems. Friction forces are taken to be with respect to moving background material. The motion of the background material is described by locally averaged velocities in the neighborhood of the dissolved coarse coordinates. The velocity variables are updated by a momentum conserving scheme. The properties of the stochastic updates are derived through the Chapman-Kolmogorov and Fokker-Planck equations for the evolution of the probability distribution of coarse-grained position and velocity variables, by requiring the equilibrium distribution to be a stationary solution. We test our new scheme on concentrated star polymer solutions and find that the transverse current and velocity time auto-correlation functions behave as expected from hydrodynamics. In particular, the velocity auto-correlation functions display a long time tail in complete agreement with hydrodynamics.

Models, Chemical , Polymers/chemistry , Algorithms , Computer Simulation , Hydrodynamics , Stochastic Processes , Viscosity
J Chem Phys ; 138(24): 244912, 2013 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23822279


In this paper, a previous coarse-grain model [J. T. Padding and W. J. Briels, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 925 (2002)] to simulate melts of linear polymers has been adapted to simulate polymers with more complex hierarchies. Bond crossings between highly coarse-grained soft particles are prevented by applying an entanglement algorithm. We first test our method on a virtual branch point inside a linear chain to make sure it works effectively when linking two linear arms. Next, we apply our method to study the diffusive and rheological behaviors of a melt of three-armed stars. We find that the diffusive behavior of the three-armed star is very close to that of a linear polymer with the same molecular weight, while its rheological properties are close to those of a linear chain with molecular mass equal to that of the longest linear sub-chain in the star.

Freezing , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Polyethylene/chemistry , Algorithms , Rheology
J Chem Phys ; 137(20): 204908, 2012 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23206032


We have studied the poorly understood process of flow-induced structure formation by colloids suspended in shear-thinning fluids. These viscoelastic fluids contain long flexible chains whose entanglements appear and disappear continuously as a result of brownian motion and the applied shear flow. Responsive particle dynamics simulates each chain as a single smooth brownian particle, with slowly evolving inter-particle degrees of freedom accounting for the entanglements. The colloids mixed homogeneously in all simulated quiescent dispersions and they remain dispersed under slow shear flow. Beyond a critical shear rate, which varies depending on the fluid, the colloids aggregate and form flow-aligned strings in the bulk of the fluid. In this work we explore the physical origins of this hitherto unexplained ordering phenomena, both by systematically varying the parameters of the simulated fluids and by analyzing the flow-induced effective colloidal interactions. We also present an expression for the critical shear rate of the studied fluids.

Colloids/chemistry , Microspheres , Elasticity , Models, Biological , Solvents/chemistry , Viscosity
J Chem Phys ; 135(10): 104902, 2011 Sep 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21932919


We investigate the shear-induced structure formation of colloidal particles dissolved in non-Newtonian fluids by means of computer simulations. The two investigated visco-elastic fluids are a semi-dilute polymer solution and a worm-like micellar solution. Both shear-thinning fluids contain long flexible chains whose entanglements appear and disappear continually as a result of Brownian motion and the applied shear flow. To reach sufficiently large time and length scales in three-dimensional simulations with up to 96 spherical colloids, we employ the responsive particle dynamics simulation method of modeling each chain as a single soft Brownian particle with slowly evolving inter-particle degrees of freedom accounting for the entanglements. Parameters in the model are chosen such that the simulated rheological properties of the fluids, i.e., the storage and loss moduli and the shear viscosities, are in reasonable agreement with experimental values. Spherical colloids dispersed in both quiescent fluids mix homogeneously. Under shear flow, however, the colloids in the micellar solution align to form strings in the flow direction, whereas the colloids in the polymer solution remain randomly distributed. These observations agree with recent experimental studies of colloids in the bulk of these two liquids.

Colloids/chemistry , Viscoelastic Substances/chemistry , Algorithms , Micelles , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Particle Size , Polymers/chemistry , Solutions