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Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507749


Introduction: Sea urchins in the order Spatangoida are the most diverse group of extant echinoids. Objective: Describe a new genus and species of Spatangoida from abyssal depths, and add new records for known species. Methods: Specimens were collected during several cruises at different areas of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWAO), among 37-55° S latitude at depths ranging from 55 to 3 000 m. We present morphological and ultrastructure analyses. Results: Corparva lyrida gen. et sp. nov. (Palaeotropidae) is described from the Mar del Plata Canyon on the Argentine continental slope (2 950 m depth), the first record of this family from Argentina. Corparva gen. nov. differs in having an apical system semi-ethmolytic, and labrum reaching to rear part of second adjacent ambulacral plate. We also report the northernmost distribution and deepest record for Brisaster moseleyi (38° S latitude, 2 212 m depth), the northward extension of the distribution range of Tripylus excavatus (39° S latitude, 74 m depth), and the first record of Abatus philippii and Abatus agassizii at the Burdwood Bank/MPA Namuncurá. Conclusions: The present work brings novel and updated data about the diversity and distribution of spatangoids from the SWAO, including the description of C. lyrida gen. et sp. nov., and new records of species. This shows how much remains to be known about the diversity and distribution of heart urchins in the SWAO, especially from the deep-sea.

Introducción: Los erizos de mar del orden Spatangoida son el grupo más diverso de equinoideos recientes. Objetivo: Describir un nuevo género y una nueva especie de Spatangoida de profundidades abisales, y reportar nuevos registros para especies conocidas. Métodos: Los ejemplares fueron recolectados durante varias expediciones a diferentes áreas del Océano Atlántico sudoccidental (OAS), entre las latitudes 37-55° S y abarcando profundidades desde 55 a 3 000 metros. Presentamos análisis morfológicos y de ultraestructura. Resultados: Corparva lyrida gen. et sp. nov. (Palaeotropidae) fue descripta para el cañón submarino Mar del Plata en el talud continental de Argentina (2 950 m de profundidad), el primer registro de esta familia para Argentina. Corparva gen. nov. difiere en tener un sistema apical semi-etmolítico y labrum que llega a la parte posterior de la segunda placa ambulacral adyacente. También informamos la distribución más septentrional y el registro más profundo para Brisaster moseleyi (latitud 38° S, 2 212 m de profundidad), la extensión hacia el norte del rango de distribución de Tripylus excavatus (latitud 39° S, 74 m de profundidad) y el primer registro de Abatus philippii y Abatus agassizii en el Banco Burdwood/AMP Namuncurá. Conclusiones: El presente trabajo aporta datos novedosos y actualizados sobre la diversidad y distribución de erizos de mar espatangoideos del OAS, incluyendo la descripción de C. lyrida gen. et sp. nov., y nuevos registros para especies conocidas. Esto muestra cuánto queda por conocer sobre la diversidad y distribución de los erizos corazón en el OAS, especialmente de las profundidades marinas.

Animals , Sea Urchins/classification , Echinodermata/anatomy & histology , Argentina
PLoS One ; 13(8): e0202046, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30092013


The peristomial plates are skeletal components of the interbrachial frame (or mouth frame), which is located below the true mouth of ophiuroids. Whilst the peristomial plates were extensively described and used as diagnostic characters by some early workers, for the past 100 years they have been largely neglected as a taxonomic resource. In this investigation the peristomial plates of 48 species representing 21 families were examined directly, and information on a further 61 species, including representatives of another eight families, was obtained from the published literature. Observations were made with regard to fragmentation state, relative size and orientation of the peristomial plates. Although fragmentation state showed little consistency at any taxonomic level, relative size and orientation segregated a group of families comprising species with relatively small, inclined peristomial plates, viz. Ophiotrichidae, Ophiopholidae, Ophiactidae, Amphiuridae and Ophiocomidae, together with a single hemieuryalid species-Ophioplocus januarii. The distribution of peristomial plate traits was strongly correlated with that of several other character states pertaining to the interbrachial frame. This supported the proposition that two major types of interbrachial frame are present in ophiuroids (designated 'A' and 'B'). Current phylogenies inferred from both morphological and molecular data imply that type B is derived and has evolved independently at least twice in the orders Amphilepidida and Ophiacanthida. This represents a remarkable example of evolutionary convergence. An analysis of the distribution of all interbrachial frame character states suggested that within the Amphilepidida paedomorphosis was probably responsible for the complete reversion of the interbrachial frame to the ancestral type A condition in two families (Ophiothamnidae and Amphilepididae) of suborder Gnathophiurina and possibly responsible for varying degrees of trait reversal in the four families of suborder Ophionereidina. Such paedomorphic events may have been associated with a secondary return to the deep-sea from shallow-sea environments.

Echinodermata/anatomy & histology , Echinodermata/classification , Animals , Biological Evolution , Geography , Phenotype , Phylogeny , Water
Zootaxa ; 3972(3): 432-40, 2015 Jun 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26249502


The taxonomy of some ophiuroids reported from off Argentina, western Antarctica and the SW Atlantic Ocean is reviewed. The species Amphilepis sanmatiensis, known only from the small holotype, is a synonym of Amphioplus lucyae. This synonymy removes the only reported endemic ophiuroid from Argentina. The species name "Ophiacantha ingrata Koehler, 1923" used for specimens from South Georgia is invalid; the specimens are likely to belong to one of two cryptic species within the O. vivipara complex. Specimens of Amphiura joubini reported from Argentina are re-identified as Amphiura princeps, and specimens of Ophiactis amator from the Antarctic Peninsula are re-identified as Ophiactis asperula.

Echinodermata/classification , Animal Distribution , Animals , Argentina
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.2): 353-360, Apr.-Jun. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958182


Abstract Ophioplocus januarii is a common brittle star on soft and hard substrates along the Argentinian and Brazilian coasts. Based on stomach contents, tooth microstructure and field observations we identified its food. Opposed to previous suggestions, O. januarii appears to be a microphagous species feeding on macroalgal fragments (found in 60.0 % of the analyzed stomachs with content), plant debris (28.0 %), animal cuticle structures (13.0 %), and unidentifiable material (30.7 %). Less frequent items found were foraminiferans, ostracods, an amphipod, a juvenile bivalve, and other crustaceans. Electronic microscope revealed digested material, diatoms and small crustacean appendices. Thus, O. januarii is an omnivorous species, feeding mainly on algae, complemented opportunistically with other items. Suspension feeding was observed in the field. It has an fenestrated arrangement intermediate between the previously described uniform and compound teeth. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 353-360. Epub 2015 June 01.

Resumen El ofiuroideo Ophioplocus januarii se distribuye a lo largo de las costas de Argentina y Brasil, encontrándose tanto en substratos duros como blandos. En base al análisis de contenidos estomacales y la microestructura de los dientes, junto a observaciones de campo, se describe el comportamiento alimentario de esta especie. Opuesto a suposiciones previas, O. januarii es una especie micrófaga que se alimenta de fragmentos de macroalgas (encontrados en el 60.0 % de los estómagos analizados que presentaban contenido), detritos vegetales (28.0 %), estructuras cuticulares animales (13.0 %) y material inidentificable (30.7 %). Menos frecuente, se encontraron foraminíferos, ostrácodos, un anfípodo, un bivalvo juvenil y otros crustáceos. Pequeñas porciones del material inidentificable fueron analizadas en el microscopio electrónico de barrido, resultando ser material digerido, diatomeas y pequeños apéndices de crustáceos. Así, O. januarii es una especie omnívora, que se alimenta principalmente de algas, complementando su dieta de manera oportunista con otros ítems. Las observaciones de campo revelaron alimentación suspensívora. El análisis de la microestructura del estereoma del diente resultó en un arreglo del tipo fenestrado intermedio, que se encuentra entre los dos tipos de arreglos descriptos hasta ahora, los dientes de tipo uniforme y los compuestos. De estos últimos, el primero ha sido encontrado en especies macrófagas mientras que el segundo se corresponde a ofiuroideos micrófagos. En el presente trabajo, se propone la existencia de un nuevo tipo de arreglo intermedio en la matriz dental de los ofiuroideos.

Animals , Starfish/anatomy & histology , Tooth , Echinodermata/anatomy & histology
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.2): 297-308, Apr.-Jun. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958177


Abstract Wound healing in the arm tip after amputation in the brittle star Ophioplocus januarii was examined in San José gulf, Argentina, to observe histological and morphological changes. The process of wound healing is described and compared with other brittle stars species. This process in O. januarii involves the closure of the wound, the repair of the tissue damage and posterior formation of a presumptive stalked blastema by undifferentiated cells, sclerocytes and presumptive blastemic cells. The sclerocytes are the most abundant cell type due to this cells are crucial to the future skeleton regeneration. The results found in this study support the results found in others brittle stars Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 2): 297-308. Epub 2015 June 01.

Resumen Se examinaron los cambios histológicos y morfológicos producidos en la punta del brazo de la ofiura Ophioplocus januarii luego de su amputación. En el presente trabajo se describe el proceso de cicatrización de la herida y se lo compara con otras especies de la misma Clase. Este proceso en O. januarii involucra el cierre de la herida, la reparación del tejido dañado y la posterior formación de un presunto blastema formado por células indiferenciadas, esclerocitos y presuntas células blastémicas. Los esclerocitos son las células más abundantes debido a que estas células son cruciales para la regeneración del esqueleto. Los resultados encontrados en este estudio apoyan los resultados que se encuentran en otras estrellas frágiles.

Animals , Starfish , Bone Remodeling , Echinodermata/anatomy & histology
J Morphol ; 275(6): 703-19, 2014 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24469987


The cytoarchitecture of the female gonad of the endosymbiont umagillid Syndesmis patagonica has been investigated using electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. The female gonad consists of paired germaria and vitellaria located behind the pharynx in the mid-posterior region of the body. Both the germaria and the vitellaria are enveloped by an outer extracellular lamina and an inner sheath of accessory cells which contribute to the extracellular lamina. Oocyte maturation occurs completely during the prophase of the first meiotic division. Oocyte differentiation is characterized by the appearance of chromatoid bodies and the development of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complexes. These organelles appear to be involved in the production of round granules, about 2-2.5 µm in diameter, with a homogeneous electron-dense core surrounded by a granular component and a translucent halo delimited by a membrane. These egg granules migrate to the periphery of mature oocytes, are positive to the cytochemical test for polyphenol detection, are unaffected by protease and have been interpreted as eggshell granules. The mature oocytes also contain a small number of yolk granules, lipid droplets, and glycogen particles scattered throughout the ooplasm. The vitellaria are branched organs composed of vitelline follicles with vitellocytes at different stages of maturation. Developing vitellocytes contain well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and small Golgi complexes involved in the production of eggshell and yolk globules. Eggshell globules are round, measure 4-5 µm in diameter, and have a mosaic-like patterned content which contains polyphenols. The yolk globules, 2-3 µm in diameter, show a homogeneous protein content of medium electron density, devoid of polyphenols, and completely digested by protease. The mature vitellocytes also contain glycogen as further reserve material. The presence of polyphenolic eggshell granules in the oocytes and of polyphenolic eggshell globules with a mosaic-like pattern in the vitellocytes have been considered apomorphic features of the Rhabdocoela + Prolecithophora.

Platyhelminths/physiology , Platyhelminths/ultrastructure , Animals , Female , Gonads/cytology , Oocytes/chemistry , Oocytes/metabolism , Oocytes/ultrastructure , Oogenesis , Platyhelminths/classification