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Psoriasis (Auckl) ; 14: 79-86, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38946911


Purpose: Multiple biological therapies have been developed for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Choosing the optimal treatment for psoriasis can depend on several factors and is strongly influenced by a drug's efficacy and safety profile. Continuous treatment with biological therapies is recommended to achieve effective disease management in patients with psoriasis. However, in real-world, patients often discontinue biologic therapy within the first year of treatment. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness and drug survival of two anti-interleukin 17 agents (ixekizumab and secukinumab) in a group of adult patients with moderate to severe psoriasis from Bucharest, Romania. Patients and Methods: We designed an observational, non-interventional, retrospective study of 255 adult patients with moderate to severe psoriasis receiving ixekizumab and secukinumab. We performed descriptive statistics and inferential methods, such as z-test, median test and Kaplan Meier curve comparison, to characterize the groups with two biological treatments. Results: Patients treated with ixekizumab had a longer drug survival compared to those treated with secukinumab with lower risks of non-persistence, discontinuation and switching therapy. Patients age-groups and psoriasis durations found to be significant factors in drug survival. Conclusion: This study contributes to the understanding of the drug survival profile and the factors that may influence it in ixekizumab and secukinumab treatment in a real-world setting.

Exp Ther Med ; 22(4): 1158, 2021 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34504603


Cutaneous basosquamous carcinoma is a variant of basal cell carcinoma that is characterized by histopathological features of both basal and squamous cell carcinoma. Due to its local invasiveness, high frequency of recurrence, and its metastatic potential, it is considered to be one of the most aggressive subtypes of basal cell carcinoma. We present the case of an 81-year-old male who was admitted to the hospital with incessant hemorrhage arising from a cutaneous tumor that later proved to be a basosquamous carcinoma. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic at the time, the patient did not seek medical attention as soon as the bleeding was observed, although he did present when the symptom increased in intensity and became incessant. To our knowledge, this is the first case report of a cutaneous basosquamous carcinoma that presents with a massive life-threatening hemorrhage tumor, thus endangering the patient's life. The clinical and histopathological features, the behavior and the treatment of cutaneous basosquamous carcinoma are further reviewed in this article.

J Pers Med ; 11(8)2021 Jul 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34442396


Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease with extracutaneous manifestations, that affects about 1-3% of the world's population. The disease is not life-threatening, but the disability which comes with it is comparable to the disability caused by other serious chronic diseases, such as oncologic or cardiovascular disease. Several risk factors, such as infections, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and genetic predisposition have been involved in inducing psoriasis. Smoking status is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including psoriasis. Moreover, recent studies have tried to answer the question of whether smoking also influences the response to biologic therapy in patients with psoriasis. Through the current study, our intention is to find out how smoking affects the response to biologic treatment. A hospital-based cross-sectional, observational, non-interventional, retrospective study of moderate and severe psoriasis patients receiving biologic treatment was developed. Two groups were defined based on smoking status: group 1 included smokers (more than 10 cigarettes/day) and former smokers, and group 2 included non-smokers. The data that resulted from the analysis of the cohort of patients demonstrate that smoking status does not affect the response of biologic therapy in patients with moderate and severe psoriasis.

Exp Ther Med ; 22(3): 981, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34345263


Psoriasis is a chronic, immune-mediated inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that may be associated with abnormal T-lymphocyte function. Ocular manifestations associated with psoriasis, particularly artropathic or pustular psoriasis, usually affect men, often during exacerbations of the disease. It has been reported that eye damage tends to occur later compared with cutaneous or joint manifestations, blindness being the most disabling complication. Previous studies have focused on ophthalmic manifestations and identified several etiopathogenic mechanisms. Psoriasis may be associated with eye complications such as lesions of the eyelids, conjunctiva and others, with systemic inflammation being the main contributor. In addition, the treatment used for psoriasis may cause ocular changes. The main ophthalmic manifestations associated with psoriasis are keratoconjunctivitis sicca, blepharitis, conjunctivitis and uveitis. The treatment of uveitis, perceived as one of the most serious eye conditions, is controversial and has yet to be clearly determined. Thus, the aim of the present review was to emphasize the importance of regular eye examination for patients with psoriasis, either those receiving biological treatment or those not receiving treatment, in order to diagnose and manage the disease appropriately.

Exp Ther Med ; 20(6): 184, 2020 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33101474


Non-invasive bioengineering technologies are constantly being developed, as they can provide useful insights and contribute to the improvement of medical care and scientific education. The purpose of this study was to assess skin viscoelasticity using the suction chamber method in patients with allergic contact dermatitis vs. healthy subjects, before and after applying a moisturizer safety testing cream. This was a prospective controlled study over a 3-year period (March 2016-March 2019), with 81 subjects being divided in two balanced groups: Patients with allergic contact dermatitis and healthy subjects, respectively. The skin viscoelasticity was determined for all subjects with Cutometer®, using the suction method, by performing a dynamic assessment of parameters before and after applying a moisturizing cream. The results indicate a decrease in the elasticity parameters in both groups, indicating an improvement of the elastic properties under the treatment. Skin capacity to return to its previous form after the deformation, i.e., pure elasticity and biological elasticity, showed overall elevated values in the group with contact dermatitis, demonstrating the efficacy of the emollient cream after applying it for 28 days (increase by 11.7 and 4.9% respectively, compared with baseline, when patients had dry, untreated skin). However, in healthy subjects, these parameters do not achieve important values, but they remain rather stable over time with a very slight improvement (6.6% after 28 days). The Cutometer is an easy to use, efficient and widely used instrument for measurements in studies that perform a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of different formulations intended for application on the skin.

Exp Ther Med ; 20(1): 47-51, 2020 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32508992


Considering that most of the patients (>2/3) are diagnosed with psoriasis in the cutaneous form long before the joint damage occurs and, in these conditions, a significant proportion of them is found in the dermatologist's initial records, a question must be asked: when is it necessary to send these patients to a rheumatology consultation? The recognition of psoriatic arthritis in patients with vulgar psoriasis and the dermatologist's ability to differentiate it from other arthritis, offers the opportunity to improve patient prognosis by prompt intervention and close collaboration with the rheumatologist. Diagnosis of early psoriatic arthropathy should be considered when a patient with psoriasis or family history of psoriasis has peripheral inflammatory arthritis (oligoarthritis or distal interphalangeal joints damage), enthesitis, dactylitis, spinal pain of inflammatory type. Given that patients with psoriasis are included in the dermatologists' medical records, it is very important to recognize psoriatic arthritis in patients with cutaneous psoriasis, to differentiate it from other possible arthritis, thus having the possibility to improve patient prognosis by prompt intervention and through collaboration with the rheumatologist.

Maedica (Bucur) ; 14(3): 287-291, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31798747


Introduction:Psoriasis is an inflammatory, chronic disorder that affects mainly the skin, always expecting systemic manifestations and distribution. The prevalence of psoriasis is estimated to be near 3% in adult population and industrialized countries. Also considering day to day consultations, it is one of the most frequently presented skin disorders, in which psychological stress and depression represent the key factors regarding the onset, flare or therapeutic resistance of psoriatic disease. Material and methods:We are going to present a review of the scientific literature about the psychological impact in individuals' well-being and further correlation with the severity of this disease. Conclusion:Prevention and further research of skin-psychology connection can guide to a multidisciplinary approach and a more effective treatment of psoriasis patients by treating the individual.

Exp Ther Med ; 18(2): 895-899, 2019 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31384320


Systemic therapy in patients with concurrent psoriasis and chronic hepatitis B is a challenging task for both dermatologists and gastroenterologists since there is a high risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation and hepatic toxicity under biological therapy. The therapeutic management of a patient with psoriasis and infection with the HBV is a challenge as the classical systemic treatment (methotrexate, acitretin, cyclosporine) shows a high risk of immunosuppression and/or hepatic toxicity and the biological therapy is endangered by the possibility of HBV reactivation. We present the case of a patient with moderate-severe psoriasis and chronic hepatitis B for whom we assessed the risk-benefit relation and considered useful to initiate the anti-TNF therapy concomitantly with the antiviral therapy with entecavir. The therapeutic algorithm included initiation of anti-TNF therapy with etanercept 2×50 mg/week combined with entecavir, an antiviral treatment administered continuously since the diagnosis of the HBV hepatitis, with hepatic function and viral load monitoring. After 3 months of therapy with etanercept the patient was given a dose of etanercept of 50 mg/week combined with entecavir 0.5 mg/day which he continued until week 36 when psoriatic lesions had cleared (PASI=0.6; DLQI=0). No adverse effects were registered and there was no evidence of HBV viral replication or changes in viral markers. We wish to emphasize that the use of etanercept in a patient with psoriasis and hepatitis B is a successful therapeutic alternative which may be safely used concomitantly with entecavir, with regular monitoring of viral load and hepatic function tests.

Exp Ther Med ; 18(2): 911-915, 2019 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31384323


Biosimilars are new drugs, highly similar copies of biological medicines, equally effective and safe but at lower prices. The aim of this brief review is to provide the current status of biosimilars approved in the European Union for dermatological use. We used PubMed for literature search up to June 2018. The keyword 'biosimilars' was searched and 1,691 items were found. From the 1,691 studies, we included 34 articles in our review. Biologics, biosimilars and generics are different types of drugs. Biosimilars are complex molecules produced by a difficult manufacturing process, and changes in product quality may affect its safety and efficacy. Now, there are 9 biosimilar medicines approved by European Medicines Agency (EMA) for plaque psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa: Amgevita, Solymbic, Cyltezo, Imraldi, Benepali, Erelzi, Flixabi, Inflectra and Remsima, and the number is increasing. In 2005, EMA issued the first guidelines for approval of biosimilars. Next-generation biologics, called 'biobetters', have the same target or mechanism of action as previously approved biologics, but they have structural changes and an improved formulation. The debate over the future of biosimilars is far from being finished. The explosive development of biological therapy and the emergence of biosimilars represent a significant success in the effort to provide advanced healthcare to patients all over the world.

Exp Ther Med ; 17(2): 1085-1090, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30679978


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease of unknown etiology, although its mechanisms involve genetic, epigenetic and environmental risk factors. Considering that SLE pathogenesis is yet to be explored, recent studies aimed to investigate the impact of diet, in terms of triggering or altering the course of the disease. To study the impact of diet on SLE pathogenesis, we conducted a search on Pubmed using the keywords 'diet and autoimmune diseases', 'diet and lupus', 'caloric restriction and lupus', 'polyunsaturated fatty acids and lupus', 'vitamin D and lupus', 'vitamin C and lupus' 'vitamin E and lupus' 'vitamin A and lupus' 'vitamin B and lupus', 'polyphenols and lupus', 'isoflavones and lupus', 'minerals and lupus', 'aminoacids and lupus', 'curcumin and lupus' and found 10,215 papers, from which we selected 47 relevant articles. The paper clearly emphasizes the beneficial role of personalized diet in patients with SLE, and the information presented could be used in daily practice. Proper diet in SLE can help preserve the body's homeostasis, increase the period of remission, prevent adverse effects of medication and improve the patient's physical and mental well-being.