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Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 55(1): 42362, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552566


During COVID-19 pandemic an increase electronic media (e-media) usage time was reported correlated to behavioral problems. This study verified the associations between e-media and behavioral/emotional problems in children in the context of the pandemic. Sample: Parents of 277 children aged 7-11 years old. Instruments: socioeconomic questionnaire; MAF-P and CBCL/6-18. Spearman's correlation analyses showed positive associations between the MAF-P and CBCL/6-18 scales. Adult games were correlated with 12 scales; websites for information/entertainment were associated with 6 scales, gambling online with one scale; electronic games and watching YouTube videos were associated with all 17 scales. In conclusion, overall, the results indicate the need of supervising children's e-media access considering the number and frequency of use and the elevated number of emotional and behavioral problems found among the evaluated group

Durante a pandemia da COVID-19 verificou-se aumento no tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas (e-media) relacionado a problemas comportamentais. Este trabalho avaliou associações entre tempo de uso de e-media e problemas comportamentais/emocionais em crianças no contexto da pandemia. Contou com uma amostra de 277 responsáveis por crianças de 7-11 anos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram questionário socioeconômico, MAF-P e CBCL/6-18. As análises de correlação de Spearman apontaram associações positivas entre as e-media na MAF-P e escalas do CBCL/6-18. Os jogos adultos correlacionaram-se a 12 escalas; sites para informação/diversão foram associados a seis; apostar na internet a um; e jogos eletrônicos e ver vídeos no YouTube associaram-se a 17 escalas. Conclui-se, de modo geral, que os resultados indicam a necessidade de supervisão para acesso a e-media por crianças, considerando o número, a frequência de uso e o elevado número de problemas emocionais e comportamentais verificados no grupo estudado

Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, hubo un aumento en el tiempo dedicado al uso de medios electrónicos (e-media) relacionados con problemas de comportamiento. Este trabajo evaluó las asociaciones entre el tiempo de uso de los medios electrónicos y los problemas conductuales/emocionales en niños en el contexto de la pandemia. Muestra: 277 tutores de niños de 7 a 11 años. Instrumentos: socioeconómico, MAF-P y CBCL/6-18. Los análisis de correlación de Spearman mostraron asociaciones positivas entre los medios electrónicos en las escalas MAF-P y CBCL/6-18. Juegos para adultos correlacionados con 12 escalas; sitios de información/diversión asociados a 6; apostar en internet a las 1; los juegos electrónicos y ver videos en YouTube se asociaron con 17 escalas. Se concluye, en general, que los resultados indican la necesidad de supervisión para el acceso a e-media por parte de los niños, considerando el número y la frecuencia de uso y el elevado número de problemas emocionales y conductuales verificados en el grupo estudiado

Child , Video-Audio Media
Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 14855, 10 jul. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451194


The correlation between inattention and hyperactivity symptoms/behavior manifestations and screen time was evaluated among Brazilian children and adolescents (7-18 years old) who were socially isolated due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 517 legal guardians completed questionnaires about electronic media use (MAF-P) and emotional/behavioral problems (CBCL/6-18). The results showed that texting was correlated to less inattention/hyperactivity symptoms; listening to music, the use of social media and electronics for school purposes were negatively correlated to attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and playing videos games and online videos were associated to more attention problems and inattention/hyperactivity symptoms. The results contribute to the understanding of the relationship between inattention/hyperactivity symptoms and screen time in a sample of Brazilian children and adolescents during the pandemic.

Se evaluó la correlación entre síntomas/manifestaciones conductuales de inatención e hiperactividad y tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos entre niños y adolescentes brasileños (7-18 años) en aislamiento social por la pandemia de COVID-19. Los participantes fueron 517 tutores que completaron inventarios de uso de medios (MAF-P) y problemas emocionales/conductuales (CBCL/6-18), entre junio y agosto de 2020. Los resultados indican que más tiempo dedicado a la comunicación de mensajes se correlacionó con menos informes de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad; Escuchar música durante más tiempo, usar redes sociales y dispositivos electrónicos para la escuela/el trabajo se asoció con menos síntomas inatención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Finalmente, jugar más videojuegos y ver videos en línea se asoció con más síntomas de falta de atención/hiperactividad y problemas de atención. Los resultados contribuyen a comprender que existen asociaciones entre la frecuencia de síntomas de inatención/hiperactividad y el tiempo de uso de medios electrónicos en una muestra de niños y adolescentes brasileños durante la pandemia.

Avaliou-se a correlação entre sintomas/manifestações comportamentais de desatenção e hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas entre crianças e adolescentes (7-18 anos) brasileiras em isolamento social devido a pandemia da COVID-19. Participaram 517 responsáveis que preencheram inventários de uso de mídias (MAF-P) e de problemas emocionais/comportamentais (CBCL/6-18), entre junho-agosto de 2020. Resultados indicam que mais tempo em comunicação por mensagens correlacionou-se a menos relatos de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade; já mais tempo ouvindo música, usando redes sociais e eletrônicos para escola/trabalho associaram-se com menor número de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e de problemas atencionais. Por fim, maior em videogames e assistindo vídeos online associaram-se a mais sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e problemas atencionais. Os resultados contribuem para entender que existem associações entre frequência de sintomas de desatenção/hiperatividade e tempo de uso de mídias eletrônicas em uma amostra de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros durante a pandemia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/psychology , Child Behavior/psychology , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Social Media , COVID-19 , Time Factors , Checklist
Neurosci Lett ; 792: 136962, 2023 01 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36375626


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with deficits in inhibitory functions including interference control, inhibition of prepotent/automatic responses and suppression of already initiated responses. This study used functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate the neural basis of these three forms of inhibition assessed by a recently developed behavioral protocol combining the Stroop-matching/stop-signal task in twenty-five young adults with inattention, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity symptoms. The severity of ADHD symptoms was measured using the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS). The concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO) was assessed in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and temporoparietal regions (TP) during the Stroop-matching/stop-signal task. Correlations yielded significant associations between ASRS scores and HbO concentration in frontal regions during blocks with stop-signal tasks, namely the right IFG, the left DLPFC and the left IFG. This study revealed that different types of inhibition involve unique frontal and temporoparietal activities and linked frontal dysfunction during the suppression of ongoing responses to the severity of ADHD symptoms.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Young Adult , Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnostic imaging , Spectroscopy, Near-Infrared , Inhibition, Psychological , Impulsive Behavior , Prefrontal Cortex/diagnostic imaging
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0139, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449598


ABSTRACT: The birth of a child with a disability brings implications, changes in the environment and family dynamics. The family goes through a process of overcoming until the child acceptance with disability and the establishment of a suitable family environment that includes and meets his/her needs. Trisomy 21 (T21) is the most frequent genetic anomaly among those diagnosed. This study aimed to identify the perception of a sibling group of people with T21 regarding their family and social relationships. The sample consisted of 18 adolescents aged between 11 and 16 years, siblings of people with T21, and 17 guardians. Data collection occurred through semi-structured interviews conducted by video calls, with an average duration of 10 to 15 minutes. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed qualitatively based on the creation of thematic nuclei and categories. The results reinforce the importance of family relationships as a security factor and acceptance of the siblings' needs.

RESUMO: O nascimento de uma criança com deficiência traz implicações, mudanças no ambiente e na dinâmica familiar como um todo. A família passa por um processo de superação até a aceitação da criança com deficiência e a instalação de um ambiente familiar propício que a inclua e atenda às suas necessidades. A trissomia 21 (T21) é a anomalia genética mais frequente dentre as diagnosticadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer a percepção de um grupo de irmãos de pessoas com T21 quanto às suas relações familiares e sociais. A amostra foi composta por 18 adolescentes com idades entre 11 e 16 anos, irmãos de pessoas com T21 e 17 responsáveis. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de entrevista semiestruturada realizadas por meio de chamada de vídeo, com duração média de dez a 15 minutos. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e analisadas qualitativamente a partir da criação de núcleos temáticos e categorias. Os resultados reforçam a importância das relações familiares como um fator segurança e acolhimento das necessidades dos irmãos.

Psicopedagogia ; 39(120): 333-343, set.-dez. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1448982


O estudo investigou a linguagem escrita de crianças do 2º e 4º anos com e sem sinais de transtorno específico de aprendizagem. Objetivou comparar as escritas entre dois os grupos de alunos, de modo a verificar se a diferença entre eles seria menor nas séries iniciais e tenderia a aumentar nas séries finais, como previsto teoricamente com base no efeito Mateus. Participaram do estudo 51 professores e 1085 alunos, sendo 49 indicados com sinais compatíveis com o transtorno específico de aprendizagem. O instrumento utilizado para analisar a escrita dos alunos foi o Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE-II). A partir das análises realizadas, observou-se que o total de palavras certas no ditado do TDE-II foi maior no 4º ano do que no 2º ano para a amostra total, como esperado, e que a diferença entre os alunos com e sem queixas de dificuldades foi maior no 4º ano do que no 2º ano. Análise de post-hoc revelou que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os alunos com queixas do 2º ano e do 4º ano, ou seja, a diferença entre eles foi tão pequena que não se mostrou significativa. Tal resultado corrobora o efeito Mateus, sugerindo que crianças com dificuldades ao início da escolarização tendem a apresentar menores ganhos e se distanciar cada vez mais dos colegas com habilidades mais desenvolvidas. Logo, estratégias e intervenções precisam ser desenvolvidas para facilitar o desenvolvimento da linguagem escrita das crianças e promover avanços logo ao início da escolarização.

The study investigated writing of 2nd and 4th grade children with and without signs of the specific learning disorder, and aimed to compare the difference in writing between these two groups of students, to analyze whether the difference between them would be smaller in the early grades and would tend to increase in the final grades, as theoretically predicted by Matthew effect. 51 teachers and 1085 students participated in this study, among which 49 had signs compatible with the specific learning disorder. The instrument used to analyze the students writing was the School Performance Test (TDE-II). It was observed that, in general, the total number of correct words in the TDE-II dictation was greater in the 4th grade, compared to the 2nd grade, as expected, and the difference between students with and without complaints of difficulties was greater among the students in 4th grade than among 2nd grade students. Post-hoc tests showed that there was no statistically significant difference between 2nd grade students with complaints and 4th grade students of with complaints, that is, the difference between them was so small that it was not significant. This result corroborates the "Matthew effect": children with difficulties at the beginning of schooling tend to present lower gains and, increasingly, distance themselves from colleagues with more developed skills. Thus, strategies and interventions must be designed to facilitate children's literacy and promote advances at beginning of schooling.

Front Pediatr ; 10: 746311, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35242723


Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic disorder requiring interdisciplinary team monitoring and intensive care by parents. So far there is little information on people with PWS in Brazil. Our aim was to describe health problems and treatments used by people with PWS in Brazil and their relationship to their parents' quality of life. Parents answered questionnaires about their child's medical and exercise history, behavior problems, sociodemographic characteristics, and their own quality of life. Results: The responses of the participants showed similar health problems as in other countries. Anxiety and tantrums were the behavioral problems most commonly cited by parents. Parents of people with PWS had lower scores in respect of quality of life than the Brazilian population. Behavioral problems in individuals with PWS were negatively associated with their parents' quality of life. Behavioral and medical conditions in the children were associated with reduced quality of life in the parents. We conclude that heath care should not only be directed toward those with PWS, but also their parents.

Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 48(3): 155-161, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349967


ABSTRACT Objective: Voluntary and automatic orienting of attention enable proper processing of environmental information. Few studies have assessed how this process varies during development in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: This study analyzed voluntary and automatic orienting in 30 children with ADHD and 30 age and sex matched controls (Control group-CG). Two experiments assessed voluntary and automatic orienting by recording reaction times (RT) to conditions in relation to temporal interval, spatial position, cue validity and age. The RT medians calculated for each condition and participant were analyzed using ANOVA to compare ADHD and CG. Results: Children with ADHD exhibited globally higher RT than the CG group. They also showed prejudices during the reorienting process and demonstrated adequate voluntary orienting for shorter intervals. In automatic task, there was no group interaction, expressing early facilitation, but not inhibition of return. Conclusion: These results identify correlations of ADHD and the children's age in relation to voluntary and automatic orienting of attention.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150480


O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever e analisar a percepção dos estudantes sobre a experiência de criar e vivenciar jogos nas aulas de educação física. Participaram 56 estudantes, entre 8 e 10 anos, de uma escola da cidade de São Paulo e dois professores de educação física. As percepções e reações dos estudantes neste projeto de criação de jogos foram obtidos por dois instrumentos: a) Observação das aulas e construção de Diário de campo e b) Diálogo coletivo com os estudantes ao final da intervenção, ambos analisados qualitativamente. Nos relatos dos estudantes o sentimento de felicidade esteve presente assim como o vislumbramento por receberem elogios dos colegas. Mencionaram também o desafio na mediação de conflitos e posturas no grupo. Identificam-se aqui uma grande variedade de formas de aprendizagens por conta do protagonismo do estudante fruto dessa relação dialógica entre criar o jogo, comunicar o jogo e vivenciar o jogo.

The purpose of this article was to describe and analyze the students' perception of the experience of creating and experiencing games in physical education classes. 56 students, between 8 and 10 years old, participated in a school in the city of São Paulo and two physical education teachers. The perceptions and reactions of students in this game creation project were obtained by two instruments: a) Observation of classes and construction of field diary and b) Collective dialogue with students at the end of the intervention, both analyzed qualitatively. In the students' reports, the feeling of happiness was present as well as the visibility gained by receiving praise from their colleagues. They also mentioned the challenge in mediating conflicts and postures in the group. A wide variety of learning forms are identified here due to the student's role as a result of this dialogical relationship between creating the game, communicating the game and experiencing the game.

El propósito de este artículo fue describir y analizar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la experiencia de crear y experimentar juegos en las clases de educación física. Participaron de la investigación 56 estudiantes, entre 8 y 10 años, de una escuela de la ciudad de São Paulo y dos profesores de educación física. Las percepciones y reacciones de los estudiantes en este proyecto de creación de juegos se obtuvieron por medio de dos instrumentos: a) La observación de clases y construcción de un diario de campo y b) Un diálogo colectivo con los estudiantes al final de la intervención, ambos analizados cualitativamente. En los informes de los estudiantes, el sentimiento de felicidad estaba presente así como el vislumbramiento de recibir elogios de sus compañeros. También mencionaron el desafío de mediar conflictos y posturas en el grupo. Aquí se identifican una amplia variedad de formas de aprendizaje debido al rol del alumno como resultado de esta relación dialógica entre crear el juego, comunicar el juego y experimentar el juego

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-1155112


Abstract Considering the importance of the functional assessment, a scale was developed to evaluate Executive Functions (EFs), State Regulation (SR) and Delay Aversion (DA) in adults, based on a children's scale, and evidence of content validity was investigated. In Phase 1, items from the children's version were adapted to generate the Inventory of Difficulties in Executive Functions, Regulation and Delay Aversion for Adults (IFERA-II), with 28 items of EFs (inhibition, working memory and flexibility), RS and DA. Analysis by judges verified the representativeness of the contents of the items. After adaptations, 18 adult participants responded to the IFERA-II and were interviewed regarding comprehension, need for examples and clarity of vocabulary. A new revision led to the preliminary version of the IFERA-II, the psychometric properties of which should be investigated.

Resumo Diante da importância da avaliação funcional, foi elaborada uma escala para avaliar Funções Executivas (FE), Regulação do Estado (RE) e Aversão ao Adiamento (AA) em adultos, baseada em uma escala infantil, e foram investigadas evidências de validade de conteúdo. Na Fase 1, itens da versão infantil foram adaptados gerando o Inventário de Dificuldades em Funções Executivas, Regulação e Aversão ao Adiamento para Adultos (IFERA-II), com 28 itens de FE (inibição, memória de trabalho, flexibilidade), RE e AA. Análise pelos juízes verificou representatividade de conteúdo dos itens. Após adequações, 18 participantes adultos responderam ao IFERA-II e à entrevista sobre compreensão, necessidade de exemplos e clareza de vocabulário. Nova revisão resultou na versão preliminar do IFERA-II, cujas propriedades psicométricas devem ser investigadas futuramente.

Psicopedagogia ; 36(111): 352-367, set.-dez. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057001


Este estudo de revisão sistemática teve como objetivo levantar as pesquisas que investigaram o efeito da atividade física realizada no ambiente escolar em crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Quinze estudos reuniram os critérios de inclusão estipulados e foram divididos em dois grupos, tendo como base a observação do efeito da atividade física sobre os sintomas de TDAH considerando as adaptações agudas e crônicas. Os programas de atividade física empregados eram variados, como os exercícios respiratórios do programa de ioga e a prática de diferentes modalidades esportivas, individuais e coletivas. Os resultados dos estudos apontam para a melhora dos sintomas do TDAH, tanto nas pesquisas que analisaram os efeitos agudos quanto crônicos das intervenções. Conclui-se que há efeitos benéficos da atividade física nos sintomas de TDAH em crianças e jovens e ressalta-se o protagonismo da escola como um espaço possível para o desenvolvimento de diferentes estratégias de intervenção física com potencial efeito sobre o TDAH.

This systematic review aimed to investigate the effect of physical activity in the school setting in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Fifteen studies met the stipulated inclusion criteria and were divided into two groups based on the observation of the effect of physical activity on the symptoms of ADHD considering the acute and chronic adaptations. The programs of physical activity employed were varied, such as the breathing exercises of the yoga program and the practice of different sports modalities, individual and collective. The results of the studies point to the improvement of the symptoms of ADHD, both in the studies that analyzed the effects of acute and chronic interventions. It is concluded that there are beneficial effects of physical activity on the symptoms of ADHD in children and youngsters, and emphasizes the role of the school as a possible space for the development of different strategies of physical intervention with potential effect on ADHD.

Trends Psychiatry Psychother ; 41(2): 167-175, 2019 May 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31166562


INTRODUCTION: There are only a few instruments available to assess behavioral problems in school-age children based on reports of physical education teachers. The Motor Behavior Checklist (MBC) was designed to be completed by this professional in free play-situations or during physical education classes to rate students' motor-related behavior using 5-point Likert scales. The MBC comprises 59 items distributed into two broadband factors (externalizing and internalizing) and seven behavior problem scales: rule breaking, hyperactivity/impulsivity, lack of attention, low energy, stereotyped behaviors, lack of social interaction, and lack of self-regulation. The objective of this study was to describe the translation and cross-cultural adaptation processes of the MBC into Brazilian Portuguese. METHOD: The following procedures were conducted: forward translation of the original instrument, production of a synthesized version, back-translation, literal and semantic comparison, back-translator's evaluation of divergent items, synthesized version with back-translator's suggestions, clarity assessment of the synthesized version by professionals (physical education teachers), focus group to assess clarity indicators of the instrument, evaluation of adjustments by the author of the instrument, and production of the final version. RESULTS: The results indicated a satisfactory level of agreement between the original and the back-translated versions, with 68% of exact equivalence between the translated items and 16% of terms requiring minor adjustments. In the draft version, 84% of the items were evaluated as clear by physical education teachers. CONCLUSION: The translated version has compatible content with the original version. Future studies should be conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the MBC.

Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Impulsive Behavior/physiology , Interpersonal Relations , Motor Activity/physiology , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/physiopathology , Brazil , Checklist , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Psychometrics , School Teachers , Translations
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(2): 167-175, Apr.-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014734


Abstract Introduction There are only a few instruments available to assess behavioral problems in school-age children based on reports of physical education teachers. The Motor Behavior Checklist (MBC) was designed to be completed by this professional in free play-situations or during physical education classes to rate students' motor-related behavior using 5-point Likert scales. The MBC comprises 59 items distributed into two broadband factors (externalizing and internalizing) and seven behavior problem scales: rule breaking, hyperactivity/impulsivity, lack of attention, low energy, stereotyped behaviors, lack of social interaction, and lack of self-regulation. The objective of this study was to describe the translation and cross-cultural adaptation processes of the MBC into Brazilian Portuguese. Method The following procedures were conducted: forward translation of the original instrument, production of a synthesized version, back-translation, literal and semantic comparison, back-translator's evaluation of divergent items, synthesized version with back-translator's suggestions, clarity assessment of the synthesized version by professionals (physical education teachers), focus group to assess clarity indicators of the instrument, evaluation of adjustments by the author of the instrument, and production of the final version. Results The results indicated a satisfactory level of agreement between the original and the back-translated versions, with 68% of exact equivalence between the translated items and 16% of terms requiring minor adjustments. In the draft version, 84% of the items were evaluated as clear by physical education teachers. Conclusion The translated version has compatible content with the original version. Future studies should be conducted to assess the psychometric properties of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the MBC.

Resumo Introdução Existem poucos instrumentos disponíveis para avaliar problemas de comportamento em crianças em idade escolar com base no relato de professores de educação física. O Motor Behavior Checklist (MBC) foi criado para ser usado por este profissional observando a criança em uma situação de brincadeira livre ou nas aulas de educação física utilizando escalas Likert de 5 pontos. O MBC compreende 59 itens distribuídos em duas categorias (externalizantes e internalizantes) e sete escalas de problemas de comportamento: quebra de regras, hiperatividade/impulsividade, falta de atenção, baixa energia, comportamentos estereotipados, falta de interação social e falta de autorregulação. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o processo de tradução e adaptação transcultural do MBC para o português do Brasil. Método Os procedimentos foram: tradução do instrumento original, produção de uma versão sintetizada, retrotradução, comparação literal e semântica, parecer do retrotradutor sobre itens divergentes, versão síntese com as sugestões do retrotradutor, avaliação da clareza da versão síntese por profissionais (professores de educação física), grupo focal para avaliar indicadores de clareza do instrumento, avaliação dos ajustes pelo autor do instrumento e produção da versão final. Resultados Os resultados indicaram um nível satisfatório de concordância entre as versões originais e retrotraduzidas, com 68% de itens iguais e 16% de itens com poucas alterações. A versão síntese teve 84% dos itens avaliados como claros por professores de educação física. Conclusão A versão traduzida possui conteúdo compatível com a versão original. Estudos futuros deverão ser conduzidos para a verificação das propriedades psicométricas da versão em português brasileiro do MBC.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Impulsive Behavior/physiology , Interpersonal Relations , Motor Activity/physiology , Psychometrics , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/physiopathology , Translations , Brazil , Checklist , School Teachers
Rev. CEFAC ; 20(6): 815-823, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-976898


ABSTRACT Williams syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder with different manifestations caused by a heterozygous segmental deletion of 1.55-1.83Mb at chromosomal band 7q11.23. The Williams syndrome phenotype is characterized by intellectual deficiency and expressive learning deficits, with impairments in phonological awareness skills. The aim of the study was to verify the effects of an intervention in phonological awareness and grammar teaching, for the acquisition of reading skills and literacy indicators in a child with Williams Syndrome. A case of a 6-year old girl, enrolled in the first year of Elementary School, was reported. The Phonological Awareness Test by Oral Production, the Words and Pseudo-words Reading Competence Test, the Provinha Brasil (reading test), and a Phonological Awareness Literacy Software, were used for phonological awareness and grammar teaching intervention. The study was developed in four phases: pre-intervention assessment, intervention, post-intervention assessment and follow-up, after six months. The results showed progress in phonological awareness skills, mainly in tasks of rhyme, alliteration and syllabic synthesis, as well as reading indicators that were compatible with the school year, following the intervention.

Codas ; 30(4): e20170188, 2018 Jul 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30043830


PURPOSE: To verify indicators of cognitive development, receptive language skills and adaptive behavioral patterns in toddlers with Williams syndrome (WS). METHODS: The sample comprised 8 children of both sex, aged between 48 and 72 months with WS. Instruments of data collection were Denver Developmental Screening Test II; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1½-5and 6 to 18; Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS), and Behavior Problems Inventory-01. RESULTS: The major developmental impairments were associated with fine motor skills and personal care abilities. Deficits in receptive language and communication skills were reported according to the PPVT and Denver II, respectively. The caregivers reported behavioral and emotional problems associated to anxiety and depression, and attention problems scales of CBCL. CONCLUSION: The toddlers demonstrated deficits in adaptive functioning and behavioral, motor and cognitive difficulties such as inattention and hyperactivity, stereotypies and aggressive behavior.

Adaptation, Psychological , Language Development , Social Behavior , Williams Syndrome/psychology , Child , Child, Preschool , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Developmental Disabilities/psychology , Female , Humans , Infant , Intelligence Tests , Language Tests , Male , Neuropsychological Tests , Williams Syndrome/genetics
CoDAS ; 30(4): e20170188, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952867


ABSTRACT Purpose To verify indicators of cognitive development, receptive language skills and adaptive behavioral patterns in toddlers with Williams syndrome (WS). Methods The sample comprised 8 children of both sex, aged between 48 and 72 months with WS. Instruments of data collection were Denver Developmental Screening Test II; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1½-5and 6 to 18; Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS), and Behavior Problems Inventory-01. Results The major developmental impairments were associated with fine motor skills and personal care abilities. Deficits in receptive language and communication skills were reported according to the PPVT and Denver II, respectively. The caregivers reported behavioral and emotional problems associated to anxiety and depression, and attention problems scales of CBCL. Conclusion The toddlers demonstrated deficits in adaptive functioning and behavioral, motor and cognitive difficulties such as inattention and hyperactivity, stereotypies and aggressive behavior.

RESUMO Objetivo Verificar indicadores de desenvolvimento cognitivo, habilidades de linguagem receptiva e padrões comportamentais adaptativos em pré-escolares com Síndrome de Williams (SW). Método A amostra foi composta por 8 crianças de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 48 e 72 meses com SW. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados foram Denver Developmental Screening Test II; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Escala de comportamento adaptativo Vineland; Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) para as idades 1½-5 e 6 a 18; Inventário de Problemas de Comportamento (BPI-01) e Escala de Maturidade Mental Columbia. Resultados Os principais prejuízos de desenvolvimento foram associados a habilidades motoras finas e habilidades de cuidados pessoais. Os déficits em linguagem receptiva e habilidades de comunicação foram relatados de acordo com o PPVT e Denver II, respectivamente. Os cuidadores relataram problemas comportamentais e emocionais associados às escalas de ansiedade e depressão e de problemas de atenção do CBCL. Conclusão Os pré-escolares demonstraram déficits no funcionamento adaptativo e dificuldades comportamentais, motoras e cognitivas, como desatenção e hiperatividade, estereotipias e comportamento agressivo.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Social Behavior , Adaptation, Psychological , Williams Syndrome/psychology , Language Development , Developmental Disabilities/psychology , Cognition Disorders/psychology , Williams Syndrome/genetics , Intelligence Tests , Language Tests , Neuropsychological Tests
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto, Online) ; 27(67): 46-55, May-Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, Index Psychology - journals | ID: biblio-895162


Abstract: Parental report is essential to understand adaptive difficulties in childhood. The aim of the study was to identify concerns of parents and qualities of children reported by parents, as well as the association of these variables with sociodemographic factors and child behavior problems. Parents of 353 schoolchildren from three public schools and one private school took part in the study. Assessment of behavior problems and parental reports about concerns and children's strengths were obtained from the Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL. We submitted parents' answers to the open-ended questions in the CBCL to a lexical analysis with the IRAMUTEQ software. Results concerning 'strengths' were related to affective and social interaction, while 'concerns' were related to academic performance and prevention of behavior problems. We concluded that parent concerns are targets of preventive interventions in childhood, while child strengths reported by parents are skills that need to be developed, as they help in adaptive functioning.

Resumo: O relato de pais é essencial na compreensão de dificuldades adaptativas na infância. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar preocupações dos pais e qualidades dos filhos, relatadas pelos pais, bem como a associação dessas variáveis com fatores sociodemográficos e problemas de comportamento das crianças. Participaram 353 pais de alunos de três escolas públicas e uma escola privada. A avaliação de problemas de comportamento dos filhos e o relato dos pais sobre preocupações e qualidades foram obtidos com o Inventário de Comportamentos para Crianças e Adolescentes - CBCL. As respostas às questões abertas do CBCL foram submetidas à análise lexical no software IRAMUTEQ. Resultados sobre qualidades da criança foram relacionados à interação afetiva e social. As preocupações foram relacionadas a desempenho acadêmico e prevenção de problemas de comportamento. Concluímos que as preocupações relatadas são indicativas de alvos para intervenções preventivas e as qualidades, se desenvolvidas, poderão auxiliar no funcionamento adaptativo.

Resumen: El relato de padres es esencial para la comprensión de dificultades adaptativas de niños. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron identificar preocupaciones y cualidades relatadas por padres y verificar sus asociaciones con fatores sociodemográficos y problemas de conducta. Fueron participantes 353 padres de alumnos de cuatro escuelas públicas y una privada. La evaluación de problemas de comportamiento de los hijos y el relato de los padres sobre preocupaciones y cualidades fueron obtenidos con la Lista de Comportamientos para Niños y Adolescentes (CBCL). Conducimos un análisis lexical de las respuestas a las preguntas abiertas de la CBCL mediante el software IRAMUTEQ. Los resultados sobre las cualidades del niño fueron relacionados con la interacción afectiva y social. Las preocupaciones estuvieron relacionadas al desempeño académico y la prevención de problemas de comportamiento. Concluimos que las preocupaciones de los padres indican metas para intervenciones preventivas en la infancia, mientras que las cualidades, si desarrolladas, podrán auxiliar el funcionamento adaptativo.

Middle Aged , Parents , Child Behavior , Checklist , Mental Disorders
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 75(4): 244-247, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28489145


OBJECTIVE: To assess the diagnostic status, the sociodemographic and health profiles for students with special educational needs (SEN) in a public educational system, and to map their use of educational/social services. METHODS: The sample comprised 1,202 SEN students from a total of 59,344 students. RESULTS: Only 792 students of the 1,202 had an established diagnosis. The most prevalent SEN condition was intellectual disability. There was a low percentage (29.4%) of use of specialized educational services or support. It was found that, for some neurodevelopmental disorders, prevalence data suggest an under-reporting in the school system. CONCLUSION: Results suggest that there is a mismatch between the diagnostic reports and the SEN condition legally recognized according to Brazilian law, in addition to the under-reporting and under specialized service use of students with disabilities.

Disabled Children/classification , Education, Special/statistics & numerical data , Mainstreaming, Education/methods , Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Disabled Children/statistics & numerical data , Education, Special/methods , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Mainstreaming, Education/statistics & numerical data , Male , Socioeconomic Factors
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 75(4): 244-247, Apr. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-838894


ABSTRACT Objective To assess the diagnostic status, the sociodemographic and health profiles for students with special educational needs (SEN) in a public educational system, and to map their use of educational/social services. Methods The sample comprised 1,202 SEN students from a total of 59,344 students. Results Only 792 students of the 1,202 had an established diagnosis. The most prevalent SEN condition was intellectual disability. There was a low percentage (29.4%) of use of specialized educational services or support. It was found that, for some neurodevelopmental disorders, prevalence data suggest an under-reporting in the school system. Conclusion Results suggest that there is a mismatch between the diagnostic reports and the SEN condition legally recognized according to Brazilian law, in addition to the under-reporting and under specialized service use of students with disabilities.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a situação diagnóstica, o perfil sociodemográfico e de saúde dos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) de uma rede municipal de educação, assim como mapear o uso de serviços educacionais e sociais. Métodos A amostra foi composta por 1202 alunos com NEE de um total de 59344 alunos. Resultados Dos 1202 alunos somente 792 tinha diagnóstico estabelecido. A condição de NEE mais prevalente foi a deficiência intelectual. Verificou-se um baixo percentual (29,4%) de uso de serviços educacionais especializados ou de apoio. Foi constatado que, para alguns transtornos do neurodesenvolvimento, os dados de prevalência parecem indicar uma subnotificação. Conclusão Os resultados sugerem um descompasso entre os registros diagnósticos e a condição de necessidade educacional especial segundo a legislação brasileira, além disso verificou-se uma subnotificação diagnóstica e baixo uso de serviços especializados entre estudantes com deficiências.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Mainstreaming, Education/methods , Disabled Children/classification , Education, Special/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Mainstreaming, Education/statistics & numerical data , Disabled Children/statistics & numerical data , Education, Special/methods
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 48(4): 295-305, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-968072


O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a concordância entre múltiplos informantes sobre problemas de comportamento externalizantes e internalizantes de adolescentes entre 11 e 16 anos encaminhados para avaliação diagnóstica com queixas de desatenção e/ou hiperatividade. A amostra foi composta por 24 pais, 24 professores e 24 adolescentes que responderam aos questionários CBCL/6-18, TRF/6-18 e YSR/11-18, respectivamente, completando um total de 72 participantes. Em média, os pais reportaram mais problemas que os demais, o que levou a um maior número de casos na faixa clínica dos instrumentos. Os índices de concordância quanto à classificação dos problemas na faixa normal ou clínica dos instrumentos variaram de k=0,333 a k=0,120 e as correlações Q entre os pares de instrumentos variaram de 0,715 a 0,804, semelhantes às encontradas em trabalhos com amostras populacionais. As implicações para o diagnóstico clínico são discutidas tendo como base a importância da avaliação feita por múltiplos informantes para conhecer os comportamentos dos adolescentes com queixas de saúde mental em diferentes contextos e assim elaborar diagnósticos mais precisos e planejar intervenções mais adequadas.

The objective of this study was to verify the agreement rates among multiple informants regarding internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems in adolescents between 11 and 16 years old referred for diagnostic assessment with complaints of inattention and/or hyperactivity. The sample was composed by 24 parents, 24 teachers and 24 youths that filled the forms CBCL/6-18, TRF/6-18 and YSR/11/18, respectively, completing a total of 72 participants. On average, parents reported more problems than other informants for all problem-scales, which led to a greater number of cases identified in the clinical range of the form. Agreement indexes for classification of problems in normal vs. clinical range ranged from k=0.333 to k=0.120. Q Correlations for items ratings by pair of forms ranged from 0.715 to 0.804, similar to those found in other population sample studies. The implications for clinical diagnosis are discussed based on the important of multiple informants' assessment to understand adolescents' behaviors with mental health complaints in different contexts, to elaborate more accurate diagnoses and to plan appropriate interventions.

El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar los índices de concordancia entre múltiples informantes sobre problemas de conducta externalizantes e internalizantes de adolescentes entre 11 y 16 años llevados por los padres para evaluación diagnóstica por quejas de falta de atención y/o hiperactividad. La muestra del estudio fue compuesta por 24 padres, 24 profesores y 24 jóvenes (completando un total de 72 participantes) que llenaron los formularios CBCL/6-18, TRF/6-18 y YSR/11-18. En la media los padres reportaron más problemas que los otros informantes, lo que llevó a un mayor número de casos identificados en el rango clínico de los instrumentos. Los índices de concordancia de la clasificación de los problemas en el rango normal o clínico de los instrumentos variaron de k=0,333 a k=0,120 y las correlaciones Q entre los pares de instrumentos variaron de 0,715 a 0,804, datos que fueron semejantes a los encontrados en trabajos con muestras poblacionales. Las implicaciones para el diagnóstico clínico son discutidas teniendo como base la importancia de la evaluación hecha por informantes múltiples para conocer las conductas de los adolescentes con quejas de salud mental en diferentes contextos y así elaborar diagnósticos más precisos y planificar intervenciones más adecuadas.

Psychology, Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(10): 3297-3302, 2016 Oct.
Article in Portuguese, English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27783802


The present study aimed to present an overview of recent national and international research on the Zika virus (ZIKV), as well as to explore possible action plans focused on children, their families and the health teams involved.Therefore, the study proposes the implementation of tracking systems in order to identify, describe and characterize the potential correlates of prenatal exposure to ZIKV, divided into three lines of action: 1. Diagnostic and etiological evaluation as well as screening of developmental problems in children confirmed or suspected of prenatal ZIKV infection. 2. Investigation of the emotional impact, quality of life, coping strategies and support network of the affected children and their families. 3. Training of multidisciplinary teams to conduct assessments and intervention programs throughout these children's development, especially in the first three years of life. In conclusion, the recent ZIKV outbreak in Brazil and several other Latin American countries places a significant burden on the health care systems: to understand the real meaning of a potential new teratogen; to unravel the pathogenic mechanisms of ZIKV, particularly in a prevention perspective; and to recognize the broad spectrum of clinical manifestations in order to devise intervention programs.

Attitude to Health , Microcephaly/virology , Zika Virus Infection/complications , Child , Family , Health Personnel , Humans