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Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 394-399, dez 5, 2020. ilus, tab, fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357898


Introdução: os traumatismos dentários precisam ser corretamente diagnosticados e tratados desde o primeiro atendimento, com a finalidade de minimizar as alterações tardias que poderão complicar o tratamento endodôntico. Objetivo: avaliar a prevalência dos traumatismos dentários na dentição permanente e apresentar as principais alterações subsequentes a estes. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo observacional da prevalência de traumatismo dentário na dentição permanente e da ocorrência de possíveis complicações endodônticas pós-traumáticas, por meio do acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico dos pacientes atendidos na disciplina de Endodontia Clínica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia, no período de 2012 a 2016. Resultados: os dados obtidos foram tabulados e a análise dos resultados incluiu distribuição de frequência e teste Qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5%. A amostra compreendeu 178 dentes de 89 pacientes, sendo a sua maioria do gênero masculino (54%). A faixa etária mais prevalente foi dos 11 aos 20 anos de idade. A maxila foi a região mais afetada, sendo os dentes anteriores os mais acometidos (83%). A queda foi o fator etiológico predominante (61%) e a fratura coronária não complicada foi o tipo de trauma mais prevalente (23,2%), seguido da luxação lateral (19,7%) e da avulsão (17,7%). A necrose da polpa foi a complicação endodôntica mais frequente (42,7%), seguida da reabsorção radicular externa com 18,3%. Conclusão: pôde-se observar uma alta ocorrência das complicações pós-traumáticas, sendo necessário o tratamento e o acompanhamento criterioso desses pacientes com o intuito de evitar a perda dentária.

Introduction: dental trauma needs to be correctly diagnosed and treated from the first visit, in order to minimize late changes that may complicate endodontic treatment. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental trauma in permanent dentition and to present the main subsequent changes. Metodology: an observational study of the prevalence of dental trauma in permanent dentition and the occurrence of possible post-traumatic endodontic complications was carried out through clinical and radiographic follow-up of patients treated at the Clinical Endodontics discipline of the Federal University School of Dentistry. Bahia, from 2012 to 2016. Results: the data obtained were tabulated and the analysis of the results included frequency distribution and Chi-square test with a significance level of 5%. The sample comprised 178 teeth from 89 patients, most of them male (54%). The most prevalent age group was from 11 to 20 years old. The maxilla was the most affected region, with the anterior teeth being the most affected (83%). Fall was the predominant etiological factor (61%) and uncomplicated coronary fracture was the most prevalent type of trauma (23.2%), followed by lateral dislocation (19.7%) and avulsion (17.7%). . Pulp necrosis was the most common endodontic complication (42.7%), followed by external root resorption with 18.3%. Conclusion: it was observed a high occurrence of post-traumatic complications, requiring the treatment and careful monitoring of these patients in order to prevent tooth loss.

Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Epidemiology , Tooth Injuries , Endodontics , Sports , Accidents, Traffic , Retrospective Studies , Aggression , Observational Study
REVISA (Online) ; 9(4): 854-859, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146150


Objetivo: Este relato descreve o tratamento de um incisivo central superior previamente traumatizado, afetado pela reabsorção radicular inflamatória interna / externa. Método: Trata-se do relato de caso de um paciente com 12 anos de idade que relatou um trauma de queda um ano antes da consulta, causando fratura da coroa e luxação intrusiva no incisivo central superior direito. Os exames clínicos verificaram sensibilidade à percussão e descoloração da coroa. Radiograficamente, as áreas radiolúcidas sugeriram reabsorção radicular inflamatória (no terço da raiz cervical) e lesão periapical. Resultados: O tratamento endodôntico foi realizado, com uma pasta de hidróxido de cálcio com paramonoclorofenol canforado inserida no canal radicular por 2 meses. Quando uma barreira calcificada na área apical foi observada radiograficamente, toda a raiz foi obturada com agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA). O dente foi acompanhado por 4 anos, mostrando regressão dos sintomas, cicatrização por reabsorção e também aumento no comprimento radicular. Conclusão: O presente caso mostrou que o tratamento endodôntico associado ao MTA promoveu a remodelação óssea da área periapical e paralisou a reabsorção.

Objective: This report describes the treatment of a previously traumatized central central incisor affected by internal/external inflammatory root resorption. Method: This is the case report of a 12-year-old patient who reported a fall trauma one year before the consultation, causing crown fracture and intrusive dislocation in the right upper central incisor. Clinical examinations verified sensitivity to percussion and discoloration of the crown. Radiographically, radiolucent areas suggested inflammatory root resorption (in the third of the cervical root) and periapical lesion. Results: Endodontic treatment was performed with a calcium hydroxide paste with canouted paramonochlorophenol inserted into the root canal for 2 months. When a calcified barrier in the apical area was observed radiographically, the entire root was computed with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The tooth was followed for 4 years, showing regression of symptoms, healing by resorption and also increase in root length. Conclusion: The present case showed that endodontic treatment associated with MTA promoted bone remodeling of the periapical area and paralyzed resorption.

Objetivo: Este informe describe el tratamiento de un incisivo central central previamente traumatizado afectado por la resorción de raíz inflamatoria interna/externa. Método: Este es el informe del caso de un paciente de 12 años que reportó un trauma de caída un año antes de la consulta, causando fractura de corona y dislocación intrusiva en el incisivo central superior derecho. Los exámenes clínicos verificaron la sensibilidad a la percusión y la decoloración de la corona. Radiográficamente, las áreas radiolúcidas sugirieron resorción inflamatoria de la raíz (en la tercera de la raíz cervical) y lesión periapical. Resultados: El tratamiento endodóntico se realizó con una pasta de hidróxido de calcio con paramonoclorofenol canouted insertado en el conducto radicular durante 2 meses. Cuando se observó radiográficamente una barrera calcificada en el área apical, toda la raíz se calculó con el agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA). El diente fue seguido durante 4 años, mostrando regresión de los síntomas, curación por resorción y también aumento en la longitud de la raíz. Conclusión: El presente caso mostró que el tratamiento endodóntico asociado con la MTA promovía la remodelación ósea de la zona periapical y la resorción paralizada.

Root Resorption , Tooth Injuries , Endodontics
ROBRAC ; 28(85): 82-86, abr./jun. 2019. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049226


Introdução: os traumatismos dentários são muito frequentes e estão entre os principais problemas de saúde pública. As fraturas radiculares tem uma ocorrência que varia entre 0,5 a 7% e acometem principalmente os incisivos superiores de crianças e adultos jovens. Portanto, necessitam de um diagnóstico preciso para que seja realizado um plano de tratamento e acompanhamento adequado. Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico de fratura radicular em terço médio de um dente anterior, que foi tratado de forma conservadora e acompanhado por 30 meses. Relato de caso: O paciente gênero masculino, 42 anos, que procurou atendimento odontológico 23 dias após ter sofrido uma agressão física acometendo a face e o incisivo central superior. Ao exame clínico, observou-se uma discreta extrusão do 21 e ao exame radiográfico periapical detectou-se uma fratura horizontal no terço médio da raiz do mesmo dente. Foi realizada uma contenção semirrígida e desgaste incisal do 21. Após 45 dias, a contenção foi removida e o paciente orientado a retornar periodicamente para controle clínico e radiográfico. Após 30 meses de proservação, verifica-se ausência de dor e de mobilidade, resposta positiva aos testes térmicos de sensibilidade pulpar e cicatrização da linha de fratura ao exame radiográfico e tomográfico. Conclusões: Após este período de acompanhamento, pode-se concluir que o tratamento conservador proposto foi efetivo na manutenção do dente traumatizado, uma vez que este apresenta-se vital e desempenhando suas funções fisiológicas e estéticas

Introduction: dental injuries are very frequent and are among the main problems of public health. The root fractures occur between 0,5 a 7% and mainly affect the central incisors of children and young adults. So, its necessary a certain diagnosis and a proper treatment and follow-up plan. Objective: this study aims to report the clinical case of root fracture in the middle third of a previous tooth, which was treated conservatively and followed up for 30 months. Case report: the male patient, 42 years old, who sought dental care 23 days after having suffered a physical aggression involving the face and upper central incisor. Clinical examination revealed a discrete extrusion of the 21 and periapical radiographic examination a horizontal fracture was detected in the middle third of the root of the same tooth. A semi-rigid restraint and incisal wear of the 21 were performed. After 45 days, a restraint was removed and the patient was instructed to return periodically for clinical and radiographic control. During a period of 30 months of proservation, there is no pain and mobility, positive response to the thermal pulpal sensitivity tests and healing of the fracture line in the radiographic and tomography examination. Conclusions: After this follow up, it was concluded that the conservative treatment proposed was effective in the maintenance of the traumatized tooth, since it is vital and performs its physiological and aesthetic functions.

Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 48: e20180144, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: biblio-1014406


Resumo Introdução A busca por protocolos efetivos para reduzir a incidência de reabsorções radiculares e favorecer a reparação do ligamento periodontal perdido ainda representa um grande desafio, tendo em vista o prognóstico desfavorável dos reimplantes dentais tardios. Objetivo Avaliar, por meio da análise histológica, os efeitos do laser de alta potência e da fotobiomodulação na ocorrência de reabsorção radicular e no reparo periodontal, em dentes reimplantados tardiamente. Material e método Foram utilizados 50 incisivos centrais direitos de ratos Wistar. Após a extração, os espécimes foram divididos em cinco grupos (n = 10): G1 (controle positivo): reimplante imediato; G2 (controle negativo): reimplante tardio (RT): espécimes mantidos em ambiente seco por 60 minutos, sem tratamento adicional; G3: RT associado ao tratamento da superfície radicular com laser diodo de alta potência (810 nm, 1.5 W); G4: RT + superfícies radiculares e feridas alveolares tratadas com fotobiomodulação (laser diodo 660 nm, 30 mW e 780 nm, 40 mW, respectivamente); G5: RT + superfícies radiculares irradiadas com laser de alta e alvéolos com fotobiomodulação, nos mesmos parâmetros que G3 e G4, respectivamente. Após 60 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados. Os espécimes foram processados para análise histológica. Resultado G3 e G5 apresentaram as menores médias de scores com relação à ocorrência de reabsorções radiculares e anquilose, quando comparados a G2 e G4 (Teste Kruskall-Wallis, p<0,05). Com relação ao reparo periodontal, todos os grupos experimentais (G3, G4 e G5) apresentaram médias de escores inferiores (Teste Kruskall-Wallis, p<0,05) comparadas ao G1 e semelhantes ao G2 (Teste Kruskall-Wallis, p>0,05). Conclusão O laser de alta potência, associado ou não à fotobiomodulação, diminuiu a ocorrência das reabsorções radiculares e da anquilose, e a fotobiomodulação não favoreceu o controle das reabsorções radiculares nem o reparo periodontal.

Abstract Introduction The search for effective protocols for a lower incidence of root resorptions reduction and for a favor periodontal repair still represents a great challenge, considering the unfavorable prognostic of the delayed replanted tooth. Objective To evaluate by histologic analyses the effects of high power diode laser and photobiomodulation on the occurrence of root resorption and on the tissue repair of delayed replanted teeth. Material and method Fifty right central incisors of Wistar rats were used. After the extraction, the specimens were assigned to 5 groups (n=10): G1 and G2 were the control groups-with no treatment and they were respectively submitted to immediate and delayed replantation (DR- 60 minutes after the extraction). The other three groups received tissue repair treatment prior the DR: G3 - root surfaces were irradiated with high power laser (810 nm, 1.5 W); G4- root surfaces and the alveolar wounds were irradiated with low power laser (photobiomodulation), respectively with 660 nm, 90 mW and 780 nm, 40 mW; G5- root surfaces were irradiated with high power and the alveolar wound received photobiomodulation with the same parameters used in G3 and G4. After 60 days the animals were euthanized. The specimens were processed for histological analyses. Result The histologic analysis showed lower means values of scores of root reabsorptions and ankylosis in G3 and G5 when compared to G2 and G4 (Kruskall-Wallis test, p>0.05). Regarding the periodontal repair, all the experimental groups (G3, G4 and G5) presented lower means values of scores than G1 (Kruskall-Wallis test, p <0.05) and similar values to G2 (Kruskall-Wallis test, p>0.0.5). Conclusion High power laser reduced the occurrence of root resorption and photobiomodulation did not enhance the tissue healing process in delayed tooth replantation in rats.

Animals , Male , Rats , Root Resorption , Tooth Avulsion , Tooth Replantation , Lasers, Semiconductor/therapeutic use , Phototherapy , Incidence , Rats, Wistar , Tooth Ankylosis
ROBRAC ; 27(83): 211-216, out./dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-997307


Objetivo: Avaliar a anatomia radicular de primeiros pré- -molares inferiores em uma população do Nordeste do Brasil, por meio da análise externa das raízes, radiografia digital e diafanização. Materiais e Método: Cem dentes extraídos foram selecionados. A análise clínica avaliou as características radiculares e incluiu o número de raízes, a presença e o tipo de sulcos radiculares nas superfícies proximais, ocorrência e tipo de dilaceração da raiz, tamanho e forma da raiz. Dois exames radiográficos (ortogonal e mesio-distal) foram realizados, e em seguida a diafanização. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram maior ocorrência de raiz única (96%), com formato piramidal cônica (53%), presença de sulcos radiculares (71%) e dilaceração apical (46%). Na posição ortogonal, 75% dos dentes apresentaram um canal, enquanto no mesio-distal esse valor foi de 57% (p = 0,00). Na diafanização, a ramificação mais comum foi a intercanal (38,9%) e, para o tipo Vertucci, o tipo I foi o mais frequente (63%). Ao comparar a classificação de Vertucci na radiografia e na diafanização, houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p = 0,00). Conclusões: Os primeiros pré-molares inferiores, na população estudada, apresentaram grande variação da anatomia radicular, o que pode gerar dificuldades durante o tratamento endodôntico.

Objetive: To evaluate the root anatomy of the mandibular first premolars in a population of the Northeast of Brazil, through the external root analysis, digital radiography and diaphanization. Material and Method: One hundred extracted mandibular first premolar were selected. The analysis included the number of roots, the presence and type of radicular grooves at the proximal surfaces, the presence and type of root dilaceration, the root size and shape. Two radiographic examinations (orthogonal and mesio-distal) were performed, followed by diaphanization of the teeth. Results: The results revealed a higher prevalence of single rooted teeth (96%), with conical pyramidal aspect (53%), radicular grooves (71%) and apical dilaceration (46%). At the orthogonal position, 75% of the teeth presented one canal, whereas in the mesio-distal this value was 57% (p=0.00). In the diaphanization, the most common branch was the intercanal (38.9%) and regarding the Vertucci's classification, type I was the most frequent (63%). When comparing the Vertucci's classification in the radiography and in the diaphanization, there was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.00). Conclusions: The mandibular first premolars, in the study population, presented a great variation of the root anatomy, which may generate difficulties during endodontic treatment.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 17(1): 78-83, jul.17,2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-909998


Introdução: Microrganismos subsecivos de infecções endodônticas primárias ou secundárias são a causa das infecções persistentes ou refratárias. Objetivo: realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre as infecções endodônticas persistentes, descrevendo a microbiota mais comumente associada ao insucesso da terapia endodôntica, bem como ressaltar o diagnóstico e tratamento dessas infecções. Metodologia: Foram realizadas buscas bibliográficas eletrônicas utilizando base de dados como Pubmed, Lilacs e Bireme que abordassem o tema proposto no período de 2000 a 2016. Para tanto, foram utilizados os seguintes descritores de assunto na língua portuguesa: "Endodontia", "Infecção persistente", "Periodontite apical" e na língua inglesa: "Endodontics", "Persistent infection","Apical Periodontitis". Resultados: Os artigos selecionados foram lidos criteriosamente e mostraram que esses microrganismos resistem aos procedimentos intracanais de desinfecção, resultando em uma periodontite apical persistente, com ou sem sintomatologia clínica e radiográfica evidente. O diagnóstico e tratamento são dificultados devido à complexidade anatômica do sistema de canais radiculares e capacidade de resistência bacteriana e o tratamento envolve um tratamento endodôntico efetivo, com necessidade cirúrgica em alguns casos. Conclusão: A análise desses patógenos é crucial nas infecções refratárias, tornando-se necessário avançar nas pesquisas para a determinação de novas técnicas de desinfecção associadas a novas medicações que tornarão a Endodontia cada vez mais eficaz e com resultados ainda mais previsíveis

Humans , Periodontal Diseases/microbiology , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Periodontal Diseases/therapy
Dent Traumatol ; 33(2): 91-99, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27748036


AIM: The search for effective protocols to reduce the incidence of root resorption and allow periodontal ligament repair is still challenging, given the unpredictable outcome of late tooth replantation. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of both high-power diode laser irradiation (DL) and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF) on the periodontal healing of replanted teeth after extended extra-oral dry time. METHODS: Maxillary incisors of 50 male rats were extracted and assigned to three experimental and two control groups (n = 10). DL: root surfaces treated with DL (810 nm, continuous mode, 1.0 W, 30 s), FGF: topical application of FGF gel to the root surface and in the alveolar wound, DL + FGF: DL and topical application of FGF gel, C+: no treatment after extraction and immediate replantation and C-: no treatment after extraction and replantation after 60 min. In the experimental groups, the specimens were kept dry for 60 min, the pulps were removed and the canals were filled with calcium hydroxide paste prior to tooth replantation. The animals were euthanized after 60 days. The specimens were processed for radiographic, histological and immunohistochemical analyses. RESULTS: The radiographic analysis showed fewer resorptive areas in DL + FGF (P < 0.05). The histological and immunohistochemical analyses showed that the DL group had lower mean values of ankylosis, replacement and inflammatory resorption when compared to C-, not differing statistically from C+. DL + FGF produced significantly more collagen fibers (type I and type III) than C-, not differing from C+ in the case of type I fibers (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: DL, with or without FGF, reduced the occurrence of external root resorption and ankylosis. Periodontal healing was favored and some fiber reinsertion occurred only when FGF was used.

Fibroblast Growth Factors/pharmacology , Lasers, Semiconductor , Root Resorption/prevention & control , Tooth Replantation , Wound Healing/physiology , Animals , Immunohistochemistry , Male , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Time Factors , Tooth Avulsion/surgery
Photomed Laser Surg ; 32(8): 458-62, 2014 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25045801


OBJECTIVE: This study sought to assess if discoloration of tooth structures occurs after photodynamic therapy (PDT) and to determine the efficacy of a protocol to remove the photosensitizers. BACKGROUND DATA: PDT has been used in root canal treatment to enhance cleaning and disinfection of the root canal system. PDT uses a low power laser in association with a dye as a photosensitizer. Photosensitizers can induce staining of the dental structures, resulting in an unaesthetic appearance. METHODS: Forty teeth were randomly divided into four groups according to the photosensitizer used and pre-irradiation time: 0.01% methylene blue for 5 min (MB5); 0.01% methylene blue for 10 min (MB10); 0.01% toluidine blue for 5 min (TB5); and 0.01% toluidine blue for 10 min (TB10). Specimens were irradiated with a 660 nm diode laser with a 300 µm diameter optical fiber, at 40 mW power setting for 3 min. Immediately after, the photosensitizers were removed with Endo-PTC cream+2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). The shade was measured by a Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer based on the CIELAB color system (L*a*b* values) at three different experimental times: before PDT (T0), immediately after PDT (T1), and after removal of the photosensitizer (T2). RESULTS: The results showed a decrease in the averages of the L*a*b* coordinate values after PDT (T1) in all the groups, when compared with the number at T0, with a significant statistical difference in group MB10. After photosensitizer removal (T2), all the values of the coordinates increased with significant statistical differences (p<0.05) between T1 and T2 in L* and a*. CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that both methylene blue and toluidine blue dyes cause tooth discoloration, and that Endo-PTC cream associated with 2.5% NaOCl effectively remove these dyes, regardless of the pre-irradiation time used for PDT.

Photochemotherapy , Tooth Discoloration/etiology , Coloring Agents/adverse effects , Humans , Methylene Blue/adverse effects , Tolonium Chloride/adverse effects
Dent Traumatol ; 28(6): 429-36, 2012 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22236150


UNLABELLED: BACKGROUND AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate, by radiographic and histomorphometric analyses, the effects of high-power diode laser irradiation on the root surfaces of delayed replanted rat teeth. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Maxillary right incisors were extracted from 60 Wistar rats and kept dry for 60 min. Subsequently, the root canals were prepared and filled with calcium hydroxide paste. According to the root surface treatment before the replantation, the teeth were assigned to four groups (n = 15): G1 (negative control) - no root surface treatment; G2 (positive control) - treated with 2% sodium fluoride solution; G3 - irradiated with a high-power diode laser (810 nm, continuous mode, 1.0 W, 30 s); and G4 - irradiated with a diode laser using the same parameters as those used for G3 but in pulsed mode. The rats were euthanized after 15, 30, and 60 days of replantation. The specimens were digitally radiographed and processed for histomorphometric analysis to determine the average root resorption areas and to evaluate the histological events. RESULTS: The percentage of root resorption was in the following order: G1 > G2 > G4 > G3. Both histomorphometric and radiographic analyses showed significantly lower means (P < 0.05) of the occurrence of root resorption in the irradiated groups (G3 and G4) when compared to the control groups (G1 and G2). Replacement resorption and ankylosis were observed in histological sections only after 30 and 60 days; however, such events were not observed in G3. CONCLUSION: Root surface treatments with high-powered diode laser irradiation prior to delayed replantation reduced the occurrence of external root resorption compared to no treatment or sodium fluoride treatment at up to 60 days.

Lasers, Semiconductor/therapeutic use , Root Resorption/etiology , Sodium Fluoride/therapeutic use , Tooth Ankylosis/etiology , Tooth Avulsion/complications , Tooth Replantation/methods , Tooth Root/pathology , Animals , Histological Techniques/methods , Radiography , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Root Resorption/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Ankylosis/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Avulsion/surgery
Rev. odonto ciênc ; 27(2): 127-131, 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-649736


PURPOSE: To evaluate a strategic method of real time visual demonstration of the operatory procedures using an intraoral camera system and monitor videos, comparing them to those of conventional laboratory classes. METHODS: Fifty-two structured, multiple choice questionnaires were applied to undergraduate students of the 4th year (G1) and 3rd year (G2) submitted to the traditional and strategic teaching methods, respectively. These tests were also able to detect the main problems faced by the students during the training of this operatory phase. RESULTS: Students of both groups (G1- 30.8% and G2- 34.6%) considered the access cavity to be one of the most difficult phase of endodontic treatment. The results of the evaluation among the 3rd year students demonstrated that 23.1% graded the new method as excellent, 38.4% as very good and 38.5 % as good, whereas none of the students (0%) considered the method to be regular, bad or very bad. A minor accident occurrence (P<0.05) was reported by the 3rd year students (G1- 50% and G2- 34.6%). CONCLUSION: The new strategy was found to favor learning, reduce the incidence of errors and was appraised as efficient by the students.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar um método estratégico nas aulas práticas, utilizando micro câmeras e monitores de vídeo para transmitir demonstrações da técnica operatória, comparando-o com o método de ensino aprendizagem clássico. METODOLOGIA: Foram aplicados 52 questionários direcionados aos alunos do 4º ano (grupo 1) submetidos a esta nova prática e aos do 3º ano (grupo 2) submetidos a metodologia de ensino tradicional. Este questionário também possibilitou detectar os principais problemas enfrentados pelos discentes durante o aprendizado desta etapa operatória. RESULTADOS: A fase de cirurgia de acesso foi considerada de difícil execução por ambos os grupos (G1- 30,8 % e G2- 34,6%), sendo a manobra de localização dos orifícios de entrada dos canais a etapa mais complicada. Quanto à avaliação da metodologia empregada no 3º ano, 23,1% dos alunos a consideraram excelente, 38,4% ótima, e 38,5% boa, ao passo que nenhum dos estudantes (0%) consideraram o método como regular, ruim ou péssimo. Uma menor ocorrência de erros (P<0,05), foi relatada pelos alunos do 3º ano (G1- 50% e G2- 34.6%). CONCLUSÃO: A nova estratégia de ensino favoreceu a aprendizagem, diminuiu a incidência de erros e foi considerada eficaz pelos alunos.

Learning , Education, Dental , Endodontics
Photomed Laser Surg ; 29(8): 559-63, 2011 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21631374


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The disadvantage of photodynamic therapy (PDT) is in the photosensitizing agents that may stain the tooth structure. There is no register of PDT studies evaluating protocols to minimize that concern. The present study evaluated the efficiency of chemical adjuncts in methylene blue dye (MB) removal after PDT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty single-rooted teeth, after root canal preparation, were filled with 0.01% MB for 5 min, and irradiated with diode laser 660 nm at 40 mW for 240 sec (total energy 9.6 J). The specimens were divided into four groups (n = 10), according to the chemical adjuncts used for dye removal: (a) 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); (b) 2.5% NaOCl + Endo-PTC cream; (c) 70% ethyl alcohol and (d) saline (control). The crowns were sectioned and fixed in a device. Photographs were taken before the PDT (T0), immediately after (T1) and upon dye removal (T2). The chromatic alterations were evaluated using Adobe Photoshop and K values were determined in four fixed points of each crown. RESULTS: K values (dental staining) increased in all groups when comparing T0 and T1. The effectiveness of the tested adjuncts was, in decreasing order: G1 (-3.11) > G2 (-2.97) > G3 (-1.28) > G4 (-1.19), not observing significant statistical differences (p < 0.05) between G1 and G2 and also between G3 and G4. CONCLUSIONS: Protocols to remove photosensitizing dyes should be applied after PDT in order to minimize dental stain. The protocols tested in this study by using 2.5% NaOCl, associated or not with Endo-PTC cream, were effective in avoiding tooth staining caused by MB during PDT.

Dental Pulp Cavity/drug effects , Dental Pulp Cavity/radiation effects , Methylene Blue/chemistry , Photochemotherapy/methods , Photosensitizing Agents/chemistry , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Ethanol/chemistry , Humans , Photography , Root Canal Irrigants/chemistry , Sodium Hypochlorite/chemistry , Surface Properties
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 49(3): 20-23, 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO - Dentistry | ID: lil-563468


O selamento coronário, juntamente com a obturação do canal radicular, possibilita um ambiente propício ao reparo dos tecidos periapicais, epílogo do tratamento endodôntico. Além disso, um bom selamento temporário impede que haja recontaminação entre as possíveis sessões do tratamento endodôntico, resguardando também a medicação intracanal. Muitos estudos têm sido realizados para investigar o vedamento marginal das restaurações temporárias. Este trabalho se propõe a avaliar a infiltração marginal na porção coronária de dentes que sofreram ação das substâncias químicas usadas no tratamento endodôntico, selados com quatro diferentes materiais provisórios. Para tanto, foram utilizados 60 pré-molares humanos hígidos, divididos em 5 grupos experimentais, conforme o material selador provisório empregado (Bioplic , Coltosol , XTempLC, IRM, Coltosol + Ação das substâncias químicas) , e 2 grupos-controle. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que todos os materiais restauradores temporários avaliados permitiram certo grau de infiltração, sendo o Grupo II (Coltosol) aquele que apresentou o menor índice. Constatou-se também que as substâncias químicas auxiliares empregadas durante o preparo químico mecânico podem influenciar no selamento marginal, aspecto observado no Grupo V que apresentou infiltração coronária estatisticamente mais significante.

The coronary sealing, next to root canal obturation, permits an appropriate environment to the periapical tissues repair, which is the major endodontic treatment’s outcome. Furthermore, good temporary sealing prevents new contamination between sessions of the endodontic treatment, also protecting the intracanal dressing. Many studies have been achieved for examining the marginal sealing of temporary restorations. This study intended to evaluate the marginal leakage in the coronary portion of teeth which suffered action of irrigating solutions used in endodontics, sealed with four different temporary materials. Sixty entire human premolars were divided into 5 experimental and 2 control groups according to each temporary restorative material used (Bioplic, Coltosol, XTempLC, IRM, Coltosol + instrumentation). The results indicated that all temporary materials used allowed a certain degree of infiltration, however, Group II (Coltosol) showed the least index. It was also observed that irrigating solutions used during biomechanical preparation can influence the marginal sealing, such as that observed in Group V which presented the greatest significant marginal leakage.

Humans , Dental Cavity Lining , Dental Leakage , Dental Restoration, Temporary , Root Canal Irrigants/adverse effects , Case-Control Studies