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Int J Dent ; 2024: 1454079, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38966138


Objective: This study aimed to perform a histological evaluation of teeth diagnosed with internal root resorption. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study involved the examination of 50 human teeth extracted due to an unfavorable prognosis for retention in the oral cavity. Teeth were preserved in 10% buffered formalin and subsequently subjected to the decalcification process. Masson-Goldner staining was applied for comprehensive histological assessment. Results: In all the 50 teeth examined, resorption gaps within the dentin tissue were identified, accompanied by the presence of reparative cells in the vicinity of these cavities. Marked structural loss and dentin fragmentation were evident, with regions exhibiting fissures and an absence of dentinal tubules. Conclusions: The histological evaluation of 50 teeth diagnosed with internal dental resorption revealed significant structural alterations, including resorption lacunae, the presence of multinucleated osteoclast-like cells, and reparative connective tissue. These findings highlight the complex and multifaceted nature of internal dental resorption. These histological insights provide a deeper understanding of the pathological processes involved in internal dental resorption and underscore the necessity for early detection and intervention to mitigate tooth loss and preserve dental health.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(10)2024 May 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38793871


The sky may seem big enough for two flying vehicles to collide, but the facts show that mid-air collisions still occur occasionally and are a significant concern. Pilots learn manual tactics to avoid collisions, such as see-and-avoid, but these rules have limitations. Automated solutions have reduced collisions, but these technologies are not mandatory in all countries or airspaces, and they are expensive. These problems have prompted researchers to continue the search for low-cost solutions. One attractive solution is to use computer vision to detect obstacles in the air due to its reduced cost and weight. A well-trained deep learning solution is appealing because object detection is fast in most cases, but it relies entirely on the training data set. The algorithm chosen for this study is optical flow. The optical flow vectors can help us to separate the motion caused by camera motion from the motion caused by incoming objects without relying on training data. This paper describes the development of an optical flow-based airborne obstacle detection algorithm to avoid mid-air collisions. The approach uses the visual information from a monocular camera and detects the obstacles using morphological filters, optical flow, focus of expansion, and a data clustering algorithm. The proposal was evaluated using realistic vision data obtained with a self-developed simulator. The simulator provides different environments, trajectories, and altitudes of flying objects. The results showed that the optical flow-based algorithm detected all incoming obstacles along their trajectories in the experiments. The results showed an F-score greater than 75% and a good balance between precision and recall.

Sci Rep ; 14(1): 5553, 2024 03 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38448515


A person with impaired emotion recognition is not able to correctly identify facial expressions represented by other individuals. The aim of the present study is to assess eyes gaze and facial emotion recognition in a healthy population using dynamic avatars in immersive virtual reality (IVR). For the first time, the viewing of each area of interest of the face in IVR is studied by gender and age. This work in healthy people is conducted to assess the future usefulness of IVR in patients with deficits in the recognition of facial expressions. Seventy-four healthy volunteers participated in the study. The materials used were a laptop computer, a game controller, and a head-mounted display. Dynamic virtual faces randomly representing the six basic emotions plus neutral expression were used as stimuli. After the virtual human represented an emotion, a response panel was displayed with the seven possible options. Besides storing the hits and misses, the software program internally divided the faces into different areas of interest (AOIs) and recorded how long participants looked at each AOI. As regards the overall accuracy of the participants' responses, hits decreased from the youngest to the middle-aged and older adults. Also, all three groups spent the highest percentage of time looking at the eyes, but younger adults had the highest percentage. It is also noteworthy that attention to the face compared to the background decreased with age. Moreover, the hits between women and men were remarkably similar and, in fact, there were no statistically significant differences between them. In general, men paid more attention to the eyes than women, but women paid more attention to the forehead and mouth. In contrast to previous work, our study indicates that there are no differences between men and women in facial emotion recognition. Moreover, in line with previous work, the percentage of face viewing time for younger adults is higher than for older adults. However, contrary to earlier studies, older adults look more at the eyes than at the mouth.Consistent with other studies, the eyes are the AOI with the highest percentage of viewing time. For men the most viewed AOI is the eyes for all emotions in both hits and misses. Women look more at the eyes for all emotions, except for joy, fear, and anger on hits. On misses, they look more into the eyes for almost all emotions except surprise and fear.

Virtual Reality , Male , Middle Aged , Humans , Female , Aged , Emotions , Fear , Avatar , Anger
Psiquiatr. biol. (Internet) ; 31(1): [100449], ene.-mar 2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231636


A pesar de que en España el suicidio supone la primera causa de muerte externa, no existe a nivel nacional un plan de prevención o intervención protocolizado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo final el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de un nuevo programa de prevención del riesgo de suicidio en el Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete, llamado «RENACE». Para ello, se describe el perfil sociodemográfico y clínico de los pacientes con ideación y con conducta suicida. Se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: la mayoría de pacientes fueron mujeres (59%) y el grupo etario más prevalente fue el de 31 a 65 años. Entre la población infantojuvenil, predominó el rango de edad de 14 a 17 años. En cuanto al perfil clínico, el diagnóstico principal fue trastornos relacionados con traumas y factores de estrés, seguido de trastornos depresivos. (AU)

Despite the fact that suicide is the leading cause of external death in Spain, there is no protocolized prevention or intervention plan at national level. The final aim of this study is the design, implementation and evaluation of a new suicide risk prevention program at the Albacete University Hospital Complex, called "RENACE". For this purpose, the sociodemographic and clinical profile of patients with suicidal ideation and behavior was described. The following results were obtained: the majority of patients were women (59%) and the most prevalent age group was 31 to 65 years old. Among the juvenile population, the predominant age range was 14 to 17 years. Regarding the clinical profile, the main diagnosis was trauma-related disorders and stress factors, followed by depressive disorders. (AU)

Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , /methods , /organization & administration , Suicide/prevention & control , Suicidal Ideation , Demography
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-8, 20240130.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554956


Introducción: se considera la osteomielitis mandibular un proceso patológico poco frecuente. La mayor parte de los casos presentados involucran pacientes con osteorradionecrosis y aquellos pacientes con ingesta de algunos medicamentos antirresortivos. El objetivo es informar un caso inusual de una paciente con osteomielitis, perimplantitis y fractura vertical radicular con antecedentes de fibromialgia. Presentación del caso: mujer de 70 años de edad, no fumadora ni consumidora de alcohol, que acudió con un dolor posteroinferior izquierdo de un año de evolución. Presentaba una profundidad de son-deo mayor de 12 mm en el órgano dental (od) 37, sangrado a la palpación, dolor y movilidad grado ii. En el od 36 fue notoria la exposición clínica del tercio superior del implante dental, sin movilidad, con una profundidad de 4 mm. El tratamiento consistió en una exodoncia atraumática del od 37, donde se identificó una fractura radicular vertical. Discusión: actualmente, los implantes dentales permiten restablecer la salud bucodental. Sin embargo, ellos también pueden inducir una osteomielitis en los maxilares. La terapia instaurada redujo ostensiblemente la morbilidad del implante dental implicado y regeneró la zona intervenida.

Introduction: Mandibular osteomyelitis is considered a rare pathological process. Most of the cases pre-sented involve patients with osteoradionecrosis and those patients with intake of some antiresorptive drugs. The objective of this report is to report an unusual case of a patient with osteomyelitis, peri-im-plantitis and vertical root fracture with a history of fibromyalgia. Case presentation: A 70-year-old female patient, non-smoker or alcohol consumer, who presented with lower left postero-pain of one year's evolution. She presented a probing depth greater than 12 mm in dental organ (od) 37, bleeding on palpation, pain and grade II mobility. At the level of do 36, the clinical exposure of the upper third of the dental implant was notorious, without mobility, with a depth of 4 mm. The treatment consisted of an atraumatic extraction of do 37, where a vertical root fracture was identified. Discussion: Currently, dental implants make it possible to restore oral health. However, they can also induce osteomyelitis in the jaws. The established therapy ostensibly reduced the morbidity of the involved dental implant and regeneration of the intervened area

Introdução: a osteomielite mandibular é considerada um processo patológico raro. A maioria dos casos apresentados envolve pacientes com osteorradionecrose e aqueles pacientes com uso de alguns medi-camentos antirreabsortivos. O objetivo deste relato é relatar um caso incomum de um paciente com osteomielite, periimplantite e fratura radicular vertical com histórico de fibromialgia. Apresentação do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 70 anos, não fumante ou etilista, que apresentou dor póstero-infe-rior esquerda com um ano de evolução. Apresentava profundidade de sondagem maior que 12 mm no órgão dentário (od) 37, sangramento à palpação, dor e mobilidade grau ii. Ao nível de do 36, foi notória a exposição clínica do terço superior do implante dentário, sem mobilidade, com profundidade de 4 mm. O tratamento consistiu em uma extração atraumática de do 37, onde foi identificada uma fratura vertical da raiz. Discussão: atualmente, os implantes dentários possibilitam o restabelecimento da saúde bucal. No entanto, eles também podem induzir osteomielite nos maxilares. A terapia instituída reduziu ostensivamente a morbidade do implante dentário envolvido e a regeneração da área intervencionada

Elife ; 122023 Nov 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37975568


An animal's responses to environmental cues are critical for its reproductive program. Thus, a mechanism that allows the animal to sense and adjust to its environment should make for a more efficient reproductive physiology. Here, we demonstrate that in Caenorhabditis elegans specific sensory neurons influence onset of oogenesis through insulin signaling in response to food-derived cues. The chemosensory neurons ASJ modulate oogenesis onset through the insulin-like peptide (ILP) INS-6. In contrast, other sensory neurons, the olfactory neurons AWA, regulate food type-dependent differences in C. elegans fertilization rates, but not onset of oogenesis. AWA modulates fertilization rates at least partly in parallel to insulin receptor signaling, since the insulin receptor DAF-2 regulates fertilization independently of food type, which requires ILPs other than INS-6. Together our findings suggest that optimal reproduction requires the integration of diverse food-derived inputs through multiple neuronal signals acting on the C. elegans germline.

Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins , Caenorhabditis elegans , Animals , Insulin , Receptor, Insulin , Caenorhabditis elegans Proteins/genetics , Sensory Receptor Cells/physiology , Fertilization
J Imaging ; 9(10)2023 Sep 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37888300


Surface defect detection with machine learning has become an important tool in industries and a large field of study for researchers or workers in recent years. It is necessary to have a simplified source of information that helps us to better focus on one type of surface. In this systematic review, we present a classification for surface defect detection based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focused on surface types. Findings: Out of 253 records identified, 59 primary studies were eligible. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, we analyzed the structures of each study and the concepts related to defects and their types on surfaces. The presented review is mainly focused on finding a classification for the types of surfaces most used in industry (metal, building, ceramic, wood, and special). We delve into the specifics of each surface category, offering illustrative examples of their applications within both industrial and laboratory settings. Furthermore, we propose a new taxonomy of machine learning based on the obtained results and collected information. We summarized the studies and extracted the main characteristics such as type of surface, problem types, timeline, type of network, techniques, and datasets. Among the most relevant results of our analysis, we found that the metallic surface is the most used, as it is the one found in 62.71% of the studies, and the most prevalent problem type is classification, accounting for 49.15% of the total. Furthermore, we observe that transfer learning was employed in 83.05% of the studies, while data augmentation was utilized in 59.32%. Our findings also provide insights into the cameras most frequently employed, along with the strategies adopted to address illumination challenges present in certain articles and the approach to creating datasets for real-world applications. The main results presented in this review allow for a quick and efficient search of information for researchers and professionals interested in improving the results of their defect detection projects. Finally, we analyzed the trends that could open new fields of study for future research in the area of surface defect detection.

J Imaging ; 9(10)2023 Sep 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37888301


This paper presents a systematic review of articles on computer-vision-based flying obstacle detection with a focus on midair collision avoidance. Publications from the beginning until 2022 were searched in Scopus, IEEE, ACM, MDPI, and Web of Science databases. From the initial 647 publications obtained, 85 were finally selected and examined. The results show an increasing interest in this topic, especially in relation to object detection and tracking. Our study hypothesizes that the widespread access to commercial drones, the improvements in single-board computers, and their compatibility with computer vision libraries have contributed to the increase in the number of publications. The review also shows that the proposed algorithms are mainly tested using simulation software and flight simulators, and only 26 papers report testing with physical flying vehicles. This systematic review highlights other gaps to be addressed in future work. Several identified challenges are related to increasing the success rate of threat detection and testing solutions in complex scenarios.

Internet Interv ; 34: 100679, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37822788


Background: Anxiety in university students can lead to poor academic performance and even dropout. The Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale (AMAS-C) is a validated measure designed to assess the level and nature of anxiety in college students. Objective: The aim of this study is to provide internet-based alternatives to the AMAS-C in the automated identification and prediction of anxiety in young university students. Two anxiety prediction methods, one based on facial emotion recognition and the other on text emotion recognition, are described and validated using the AMAS-C Test Anxiety, Lie and Total Anxiety scales as ground truth data. Methods: The first method analyses facial expressions, identifying the six basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise) and the neutral expression, while the students complete a technical skills test. The second method examines emotions in posts classified as positive, negative and neutral in the students' profile on the social network Facebook. Both approaches aim to predict the presence of anxiety. Results: Both methods achieved a high level of precision in predicting anxiety and proved to be effective in identifying anxiety disorders in relation to the AMAS-C validation tool. Text analysis-based prediction showed a slight advantage in terms of precision (86.84 %) in predicting anxiety compared to face analysis-based prediction (84.21 %). Conclusions: The applications developed can help educators, psychologists or relevant institutions to identify at an early stage those students who are likely to fail academically at university due to an anxiety disorder.

Int J Neural Syst ; 33(10): 2350053, 2023 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37746831


Facial affect recognition is a critical skill in human interactions that is often impaired in psychiatric disorders. To address this challenge, tests have been developed to measure and train this skill. Recently, virtual human (VH) and virtual reality (VR) technologies have emerged as novel tools for this purpose. This study investigates the unique contributions of different factors in the communication and perception of emotions conveyed by VHs. Specifically, it examines the effects of the use of action units (AUs) in virtual faces, the positioning of the VH (frontal or mid-profile), and the level of immersion in the VR environment (desktop screen versus immersive VR). Thirty-six healthy subjects participated in each condition. Dynamic virtual faces (DVFs), VHs with facial animations, were used to represent the six basic emotions and the neutral expression. The results highlight the important role of the accurate implementation of AUs in virtual faces for emotion recognition. Furthermore, it is observed that frontal views outperform mid-profile views in both test conditions, while immersive VR shows a slight improvement in emotion recognition. This study provides novel insights into the influence of these factors on emotion perception and advances the understanding and application of these technologies for effective facial emotion recognition training.

Facial Recognition , Immersion , Humans , Emotions , Healthy Volunteers
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536279


Introducción: El agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia es un aumento progresivo, localizado o generalizado del tejido gingival. Objetivo: Determinar aspectos morfológicos en la membrana basal del tejido gingival de pacientes con agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, donde se analizaron tejidos gingivales de pacientes con agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia (grupo test: n=5) e individuos sanos (grupo control: n=5) mediante análisis histológicos e inmunohistoquímico con anticuerpo policlonal anti-citoqueratina 14. Las interrupciones de la membrana basal grado 1 y grado 2 fueron identificadas. Fue utilizado el programa estadístico R versión 4.0.2 para Windows. Se declaró significancia si p <0,05. Resultados: Se constató la presencia de rupturas de la membrana basal en todos los pacientes del grupo test. Estos individuos presentaron una mayor cantidad de cambios morfológicos en el tejido gingival. Exponiendo así, valores estadísticamente significativos de rupturas de la membrana basal (Grado I) y rupturas rodeadas de células epiteliales y/o fibroblastos gingivales (Grado II) en comparación con el grupo control (p <0,001). Conclusión: El tejido epitelial de pacientes con agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia presenta una evidente pérdida en la integridad de la membrana basal. Estas discontinuidades sugieren un aumento considerable de la plasticidad del epitelio en pacientes con agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia.

Introduction: Orthodontic treatment-induced gingival enlargement is a progressive, localized or generalized increase in gingival tissue. Objective: To determine morphologic aspects in the basal membrane of the gingival tissue in patients with orthodontic treatment-induced gingival enlargement. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, in which gingival tissues of patients with orthodontic treatment-induced gingival enlargement (test group: n=5) and healthy individuals (control group: n=5) were analyzed by histological and immunohistochemical analysis with the polyclonal antibody anticytokeratin 14. Grade 1 and grade 2 disrupted basal membrane were identified. The statistical program R (version 4.0.2) for Windows was used. Significance was declared if p was greater than 0.05. Results: The presence of disrupted basal membranes was observed in all the patients from the test group. These individuals presented a greater number of morphological changes in the gingival tissue. Compared to the control group (p < 0.001), statistically significant values were observed for cases of disrupted basal membrane (grade I) and disruptions surrounded by epithelial cells or gingival fibroblasts (grade II). Conclusion: The epithelial tissue of patients with orthodontic treatment-induced gingival enlargement shows an evident loss of the basal membrane integrity. These discontinuities are suggestive of a considerable increase in epithelial plasticity in patients with orthodontic treatment-induced gingival enlargement.

Humans , Basement Membrane , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534420


R E S U M E N En pacientes con ortodoncia aparecen eventos patológicos no deseados como agrandamiento gingival inducido por tratamiento de ortodoncia (AGTO) o hipertrofia gingival. El objetivo del estudio es identificar la distribución inmunohistoquímica de citoqueratina CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 en epitelio gingival de pacientes con AGTO. Se seleccionaron I3 pacientes divididos en: grupo control (n=6), conformado por individuos periodontalmente sanos no portadores de aparatología ortodóntica y grupo test (n=7), integrado por pacientes con AGTO. Los marcadores CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 fueron identificados mediante inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos monoclonales y observados en un microscopio óptico Leica DM 500. En los pacientes del grupo test el tejido epitelial se mostró hipertrófico con pérdida en la continuidad de la membrana basal. La CK-14 y CK-19 fue positiva en el epitelio de todos los sujetos evaluados, con una expresión positiva de alta intensidad en células de la lámina basal del grupo test. El promedio de células positivas para Ki-67 en el grupo test fue de 56%. En conclusión, la CK-14, CK-19 y Ki-67 son marcadores con elevada inmunoreactividad en tejido gingival de pacientes con AGTO portadores de ortodoncia.

During orthodontic treatment, unwanted pathological events such as gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment or gingival hypertrophy may appear The objective of this study is to identify immunohistochemical distribution of cytokeratin CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 in the gingival epithelium of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment. Thirteen patients were selected divided into: control group (n = 6), conformed of periodontally healthy individuals without orthodontic appliances and the test group (n = 7), conformed of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment. The biomarkers CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 were identified by immunohistochemistry with monoclonal antibodies and observed in a Leica DM 500 optical microscope. Hypertrophic epithelial tissue with loss of continuity of the basement membrane was found in the test group patients. CK-14 and CK-19 were positive in the epithelial tissue of all the subjects evaluated, with a high intensity positive expression in the cells of the basal lamina of the test group. The average number of cells positive for Ki-67 in test group was 56%. In conclusion, CK-14, CK-19 and Ki-67 are biomarkers with high immunoreactivity in the gingival tissue of patients with gingival overgrowth induced by orthodontic treatment.

Durante o tratamento ortodôntico, eventos patológicos indesejados como o crescimento gengival induzido pelo tratamento ortodôntico (CGTO) ou hipertrofia gengival podem aparecer: O objetivo deste estudo é identificar a distribuição imuno-histoquímica das citoqueratinas CK -14, CK-19 e Ki-67 no epitélio gengival de pacientes com CGTO. Foram selecionados 13 pacientes divididos em: grupo controle (n=6), conformado por indivíduos periodontalmente saudáveis sem aparelhos ortodônticos e o grupo teste (n=7), conformado por pacientes com CGTO. Os biomarcadores CK-14, CK-19 e Ki-67 foram identificados por imuno-histoquímica com anticorpos monoclonais e observados em microscópio óptico Leica DM 500. Tecido epitelial hipertrófico com perda de continuidade da membrana basal foi encontrado nos pacientes do grupo teste. CK-14 e CK-19 foram positivos no tecido epitelial de todos os sujeitos avaliados, com expressão positiva de alta intensidade nas células da lâmina basal do grupo teste. O número médio de células positivas para Ki-67 no grupo teste foi de 56%. Em conclusão, CK-14, CK-19 e Ki-67 são biomarcadores com alta imunorreatividade no tecido gengival de pacientes com CGTO.

Sci Rep ; 13(1): 6007, 2023 04 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37045889


The negative, mood-congruent cognitive bias described in depression, as well as excessive rumination, have been found to interfere with emotional processing. This study focuses on the assessment of facial recognition of emotions in patients with depression through a new set of dynamic virtual faces (DVFs). The sample consisted of 54 stable patients compared to 54 healthy controls. The experiment consisted in an emotion recognition task using non-immersive virtual reality (VR) with DVFs of six basic emotions and neutral expression. Patients with depression showed a worst performance in facial affect recognition compared to healthy controls. Age of onset was negatively correlated with emotion recognition and no correlation was observed for duration of illness or number of lifetime hospitalizations. There was no correlation for the depression group between emotion recognition and degree of psychopathology, excessive rumination, degree of functioning, or quality of life. Hence, it is important to improve and validate VR tools for emotion recognition to achieve greater methodological homogeneity of studies and to be able to establish more conclusive results.

Depression , Facial Recognition , Humans , Quality of Life , Facial Expression , Emotions
Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536832


El agrandamiento gingival asociado al tratamiento de ortodoncia (AGTO) es el crecimiento no controlado de la encía. Aquí reportamos dos casos clínicos de pacientes masculinos sistèmicamente sanos con AGTO generalizado, con asociación a la biopelícula dental y sin esta. En ambos pacientes se identificó un tejido epitelial hiperplásico con abundantes células positivas para Ki-67 y tejido conectivo rico en fibras de colágeno distribuidas aleatoriamente. Futuros estudios serán útiles para dilucidar las diferencias fisiopatológicas del AGTO con relación con el biofilm dental y sin esta.

Orthodontic treatment-induce gingival overgrowth (OTGO) is uncontrolled growth of the gingiva. Here, we report two clinical cases of systemically healthy male patients with generalized GH undergoing orthodontic treatment, with and without association with dental biofilm. In both patients, hyperplastic epithelial tissue was identified with abundant Ki-67 positive cells and connective tissue rich in randomly distributed collagen fibers. Future studies will be useful to elucidate the pathophysiological differences of OTGO with and without relation to dental biofilm.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1521914


Introducción: La fibrina rica en plaquetas es una membrana o coágulo de fibrina, que brinda gran cantidad de factores de crecimiento, leucocitos y citoquinas. Esta es una buena alternativa para promover una mejor cicatrización, además de potenciar otros biomateriales con el fin de condicionar una mejor regeneración y en un menor período de tiempo. Su fácil preparación y manipulación, a diferencia de otros preparados plaquetarios, hacen que pueda ser usada en la práctica clínica diaria. Objetivo: Mostrar el manejo de una cirugía apical con aplicación de fibrina rica en plaquetas y su resultado clínico. Presentación de caso: Paciente de sexo femenino, de 47 años, con absceso apical crónico a nivel del segundo premolar superior derecho. Radiográficamente se observó una lesión apical persistente, el instrumento fracturado en uno de los conductos radiculares, el material de obturación sobreextendido y retenedor intrarradicular. Se decidió realizar cirugía apical con obturación retrógrada y relleno óseo en combinación con fibrina rica en plaquetas. Resultados: El paciente evolucionó de forma favorable y se evidenció cicatrización ósea en desarrollo, sin complicaciones. Conclusiones: La utilización de fibrina rica en plaquetas, en combinación de relleno óseo durante la cirugía endodóntica, es una buena alternativa por sus propiedades de regeneración ósea(AU)

Introduction: Platelet-rich fibrin is a fibrin membrane or clot, which provides a large amount of growth factors, leukocytes and cytokines. This is a good alternative to help better healing, in addition to enhancing other biomaterials in order to condition better regeneration and in a shorter period of time. Its easy preparation and handling, unlike other platelet preparations, mean that it can be used in daily clinical practice. Objective: To show the management of an apical surgery with the application of platelet-rich fibrin and its clinical result. Case report: This is the case of a female patient, 47 years old, with chronic apical abscess at the level of the upper right second premolar. Radiographically, a persistent apical lesion was observed, the instrument fractured in one of the root canals, the obturation material overextended, and the intraradicular retainer. It was decided to perform apical surgery with retrograde obturation and bone filling in combination with platelet-rich fibrin. Results: The patient evolved favorably and evidenced bone healing in development, without complications. Conclusions: The use of platelet-rich fibrin, in combination with bone filler during endodontic surgery, is a good alternative due to its bone regeneration properties(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Apicoectomy/adverse effects , Platelet-Rich Fibrin
Iran Endod J ; 18(1): 53-58, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36751409


Introduction: Disinfection of the root canal system is crucial for a successful endodontic treatment. Several factors influence the performance of effective irrigation. Diverse irrigating substances have been used but none has proved to completely penetrate the root canal system. HybenX dries biofilm due to its hygroscopic properties; therefore, it is effective in the treatment of biofilm-related diseases. This investigation aimed to estimate HybenX's degree of penetration into the dentinal tubules of upper first premolars. Materials and Methods: Experimental in vitro intervention where 30 extracted maxillary premolars were evaluated to determine HybenX's degree of penetration and 5% sodium hypochlorite in the dentinal tubules using three different irrigation techniques (passive ultrasonic irrigation, dynamic manual irrigation and conventional single jet irrigation technique). After preparation, the root canals were irrigated with fluorescent rhodamine 6G; then 500-micrometer sections were made to be analyzed under a fluorescence microscope. Measurements were made in micrometer in ZEN software to determine the penetration degree of each substance in the different root thirds. Results: In the apical third, significant differences between the 3 irrigation techniques were found (P<0.05), similarly, for the middle and cervical thirds. Significant statistical differences between the HybenX and sodium hypochlorite were found at the cervical and middle levels when using the conventional Monoject irrigation and passive ultrasonic irrigation techniques. As for the apical level, differences were found between the passive ultrasonic irrigation techniques and the dynamic manual irrigation technique. Conclusions: Based on this in vitro study, HybenX proved to highly penetrate into the dentinal tubules, especially when using the passive ultrasonic irrigation technique. HybenX may be a useful option for root canal irrigation in endodontics.

Sensors (Basel) ; 24(1)2023 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38203095


Defect detection is a key element of quality control in today's industries, and the process requires the incorporation of automated methods, including image sensors, to detect any potential defects that may occur during the manufacturing process. While there are various methods that can be used for inspecting surfaces, such as those of metal and building materials, there are only a limited number of techniques that are specifically designed to analyze specialized surfaces, such as ceramics, which can potentially reveal distinctive anomalies or characteristics that require a more precise and focused approach. This article describes a study and proposes an extended solution for defect detection on ceramic pieces within an industrial environment, utilizing a computer vision system with deep learning models. The solution includes an image acquisition process and a labeling platform to create training datasets, as well as an image preprocessing technique, to feed a machine learning algorithm based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) capable of running in real time within a manufacturing environment. The developed solution was implemented and evaluated at a leading Portuguese company that specializes in the manufacturing of tableware and fine stoneware. The collaboration between the research team and the company resulted in the development of an automated and effective system for detecting defects in ceramic pieces, achieving an accuracy of 98.00% and an F1-Score of 97.29%.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(22)2022 Nov 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36433482


This article introduces a systematic review on arousal classification based on electrodermal activity (EDA) and machine learning (ML). From a first set of 284 articles searched for in six scientific databases, fifty-nine were finally selected according to various criteria established. The systematic review has made it possible to analyse all the steps to which the EDA signals are subjected: acquisition, pre-processing, processing and feature extraction. Finally, all ML techniques applied to the features of these signals for arousal classification have been studied. It has been found that support vector machines and artificial neural networks stand out within the supervised learning methods given their high-performance values. In contrast, it has been shown that unsupervised learning is not present in the detection of arousal through EDA. This systematic review concludes that the use of EDA for the detection of arousal is widely spread, with particularly good results in classification with the ML methods found.

Galvanic Skin Response , Machine Learning , Arousal , Neural Networks, Computer , Support Vector Machine