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Viana do Castelo; s.n; 20220608.
Thesis in Portuguese | BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1398960


Este relatório surge no âmbito da Unidade Curricular - Estágio de Natureza Profissional, do Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, e procura descrever de forma critica e reflexiva todo o processo de aquisição e desenvolvimento de competências especializadas em enfermagem médico-cirúrgica, na área da pessoa em situação crítica. Para o desenvolvimento de competências procurou-se reunir o máximo de experiências e basear a praxis clínica em evidência científica, abarcando as dimensões da prestação de cuidados à pessoa e família em situação crítica, da formação, da gestão e da investigação. Nesse sentido, o estágio desenrolou-se num serviço de urgência básico, no qual emergiu a problemática de investigação, com a necessidade de construir um procedimento de enfermagem no âmbito da pessoa em situação crítica com ventilação não invasiva. A pertinência do estudo de investigação decorreu do impacto das doenças respiratórias na saúde, sociedade e economia, e a ventilação não invasiva surge como um tratamento seguro e eficaz no doente com insuficiência respiratória aguda ou crónica agudizada, e o seu sucesso depende de uma equipa de enfermagem treinada e qualificada na preparação, adaptação e vigilância do doente durante a técnica. Por outro lado, a construção de um procedimento de enfermagem, visa ser um instrumento de apoio a uma prática de cuidados mais diferenciada e sustentada. Tendo em conta o objetivo de investigação, optou-se por um estudo com recurso à técnica de Delphi. Para tal, aplicou-se um questionário a um grupo de enfermeiros peritos para avaliação da pertinência das intervenções sugeridas com vista à obtenção de consenso. Os resultados evidenciaram um consenso global muito favorável entre os peritos. Desta forma, o estudo permitiu a construção de um procedimento com as intervenções de enfermagem validadas e consensuais, para uma abordagem uniforme, segura e de excelência. Na sequência deste estudo, sugere-se a validação e implementação do procedimento na prática clínica real para aferir lacunas e poder ser alargado em âmbito nacional. Da experiência de estágio, salienta-se o papel preponderante do enfermeiro especialista em médico-cirúrgica num ambiente tão singular como um Serviço de Urgência Básico, na promoção da aprendizagem na equipa multidisciplinar e na diferenciação e melhoria contínua dos cuidados de enfermagem. De um ponto de vista individual, destaca-se o papel da formação profissional em enfermagem no aprofundamento de competências, num continuum de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, na reflexão sobre as práticas, na interação com o contexto envolvente, no saber agir em ambientes altamente imprevisíveis e mutáveis e na valorização da profissão.

This report falls within the scope of the Curricular Unit - Professional Internship, in the Master's degree of Medical-Surgical Nursing, and aims to describe, in a critical and reflective point of view, the process of acquisition and development of specialized skills of medical-surgical nursing, in what concerns the critically ill patient. To develop such skills, the trainee sought to gather as many practical experiences as possible and to base them in the best clinical practice and in the most accurate scientifically validated data. Also, the trainee had to persuade all the dimensions of care delivery to the person in a critical ill situation and to its family. To do so, it was necessary to reunite as many data as possible, to develop all the dimensions of care giving as well as training, management, and research. To accomplish the above mentioned, the internship took place at the peripherical emergency department. Since respiratory illnesses have a huge impact in the healthcare system, society and economy, a design of nursing procedures for the critically ill patient with non-invasive ventilated support was proposed. As a matter of fact, it is known that the success of non-invasive ventilated support depends largely on a trained and qualified nursing team, which is responsible for the preparation, initiation, and surveillance of the technique. Those procedures concur for the uniformization of nursing care, thus easing the decision-making processes, and promoting safety and quality regarding nursing care of the critically ill patient with non-invasive ventilated support. Taking into consideration the objective of the study, an approach according to Delphi methodology was chosen. To accomplish this, a questionnaire was applied to a group of expert nurses, who evaluated the relevance of the suggested interventions for the nursing procedure. The results showed a global favorable consensus among the group of experts. The study allowed the development of a procedure with validated and consensual nursing care, to achieve uniform, secure, and excellency in those results. After analyzing the results of this study, It was possible to suggest the validation and implementation of the procedure in real clinical practice, to assess gaps and to make it extended to country level. From the experience obtained in this internship, we could highlight the importance of the specialist in medical-surgical nursing as part of the team in an unique environment such as the peripherical emergency department. This role was determinant in matters of professional training of the nursing team, to improve and guarantee the safety of the process and to make the difference in the established processes. From a more personal point of view, this internship allowed the increase of personal skills, the urge to the continuum life learning process, the reflection on nursing practices, the interaction with the surrounding contexts, and the capacity to act in a highly unpredictable and mutable environments. It contributed as well to the valorization of the nursing profession.

Patients , Critical Illness , Emergency Medical Services , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 374(1769): 20180194, 2019 04 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30967076


Brood parasitism has evolved independently in several bird lineages, giving rise to strikingly similar behavioural adaptations that suggest convergent evolution. By comparison, convergence of physiological traits that optimize this breeding strategy has received much less attention, yet these species share many similar physiological traits that optimize this breeding strategy. Eggshell structure is important for embryonic development as it controls the flux of metabolic gases, such as O2, CO2 and H2O, into and out of the egg; in particular, water vapour conductance ( GH2O) is an essential process for optimal development of the embryo. Previous work has shown that common cuckoos ( Cuculus canorus) have a lower than expected eggshell GH2O compared with their hosts. Here, we sought to test whether this is a trait found in other independently evolved avian brood parasites, and therefore reflects a general adaptation to a parasitic lifestyle. We analysed GH2O for seven species of brood parasites from four unique lineages as well as for their hosts, and combined this with species from the literature. We found lower than expected GH2O among all our observed brood parasites both compared with hosts (except for brown-headed cowbirds ( Molothrus ater)) and compared with the expected rates given their phylogenetic positions. These findings suggest that a lowered GH2O may be a general adaptation for brood parasitism, perhaps helping the parasite nestling to develop greater aerobic fitness. This article is part of the theme issue 'The coevolutionary biology of brood parasitism: from mechanism to pattern'.

Biological Evolution , Birds/physiology , Birds/parasitology , Egg Shell/physiology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Animals , Nesting Behavior