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Cureus ; 16(7): e65184, 2024 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176357


The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) encompasses various autoimmune conditions triggered by exposure to substances with adjuvant activity. Despite its potential relevance to public health, global scientific production on ASIA syndrome is significantly limited. This knowledge gap underscores the need for a comprehensive bibliometric assessment to understand global research in this field. Therefore, this article aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis to identify and evaluate research trends related to ASIA syndrome worldwide. A Scopus search identified scientific documents published between 2010 and 2022. A total of 2,133 articles meeting inclusion criteria were selected and analyzed for scientific production, authors, and institutions. Two-hundred fifty six documents were analyzed, mostly journal articles with multiple authors. The year with the highest publications was 2023, marking a notable increase since 2021. Italy and Israel had the most documents and citations, correlating with authors Yehuda Shoenfeld (Israel) and Carlo Perricone (Italy). Standout journals are "The Journal of Immunologic Research" and "Lupus." Relevant affiliations include Tel-Aviv University and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This article identifies and analyzes scientific trends associated with ASIA syndrome. Despite increased publications, this field remains controversial and lacks full acceptance within the medical and scientific community, as evidenced by limited scientific production compared to other pathologies. These findings may motivate researchers to generate impactful publications, contributing to the global knowledge expansion on this syndrome.

Cureus ; 15(8): e43888, 2023 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37746500


Objective This study aims to describe demographic and clinical characteristics and the factors associated with the risk of COVID-19 general hospitalization and intensive care unit (ICU) care of patients who consulted in a third-level hospital in Santander, Colombia. Methods We used baseline data from an ambidirectional cohort study. We included all patients with positive real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for COVID-19 who came to the emergency room (ER) for respiratory symptoms related to COVID-19. Information regarding patients' baseline characteristics and symptoms was collected through telephone interviews and review of medical records. Vital signs were extracted from medical records as well. Results We enrolled 3,030 patients, predominantly men, with a median age of 60 (interquartile range (IQR): 44-73). Symptoms of the acute phase varied between men and women. Men presented with more respiratory symptoms, and women had general symptoms. Hypertension, obesity, and diabetes were common risk factors for hospital admission. Antibiotic consumption may also play a role in hospital admission.  Conclusions Male sex, older age, hypertension, obesity, prior thrombotic events, and self-medicated antibiotics were associated with general hospitalization. Hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and cancer were associated with ICU admission. The Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) is a powerful tool for evaluate the impact of pre-existing health conditions on COVID-19 hospital admission. We highlight the importance of these findings as possible predictors in our region.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 10: 1325616, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38188329


Introduction: After acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection, some patients persist with clinical symptoms, a phenomenon known as Long COVID syndrome. It is necessary to understand the factors associated with the persistence of these symptoms to develop individualized preventive approaches and effectively address this challenge. Objective: To determine the factors associated with the persistence of symptoms six months after COVID-19 infection. Materials and methods: A ambidirectional cohort, single-center study, that included individuals previously diagnosed with COVID-19 by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positive test, who were followed for a period of six months. Univariate, bivariate and a multivariate binomial regression model were performed to determine risk factors associated with the persistence of COVID-19 symptoms at the six months of follow-up. Results: The prevalence of long COVID syndrome was 47%. Age demonstrated no significant association with Long COVID (RR 0.999 [95% CI 0.996-1.002]); however, female sex (RR 1.148 [95% CI 1.038-1.268]), requirement of mechanical ventilation (RR 1.278 [95% CI 1.050-1.555]), presence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (RR 1.340 [95% CI 1.104-1.626]), Rheumatic Disease (RR 1.259 [95% CI 1.055-1.504]) and the Hospitalization Type: General Hospitalization (RR 1.247 [95% CI 1.090-1.427]) and ICU Hospitalization (RR 1.490 [95% CI 1.221-1.818]) were significantly associated with the persistence of symptoms at the six month of follow-up. Conclusion: Female sex, presence of COPD, rheumatic disease, hospitalization type and requirement of mechanical ventilation during index infection were identified as significant risk factors for the diagnosis of Long COVID. These findings emphasize the importance of addressing Long COVID syndrome in terms of prevention and management, taking these risk factors into consideration.

Acta méd. colomb ; 45(3): 28-40, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1130698


Resumen Introducción: la hidroxicloroquina se ha venido postulando en estos tiempos de pandemia como posible tratamiento eficaz frente a COVID-19. Esto ya que se ha demostrado por expertos chinos su capacidad para inhibir la replicación viral usando distintos mecanismos. En este momento es de vital importancia tener conocimiento acerca de las últimas investigaciones y ensayos clínicos en lo que respecta a un esquema de tratamiento efectivo que ayude a un mejor manejo de pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV-2. Objetivo: presentar la información disponible sobre el uso de hidroxicloroquina como opción de manejo para pacientes infectados por SARS-CoV-2. Material y métodos: se realizó una revisión siguiendo el marco metodológico sugerido por Arksey y O'Malley. Las bases de datos utilizadas fueron: PubMed, MedLine, Lilacs, Scopus, Clinical Trials, Cochrane y CNKI. Se incluyeron únicamente textos en español e inglés, finalmente se realizó una caracterización y resumen de los estudios pertinentes para esta revisión. Resultados: se incluyeron en la revisión 87 artículos académicos incluyendo estudios experimentales y no experimentales; todos con evidencia sobre el uso de hidroxicloroquina en COVID-19. Conclusiones: A la fecha no hay información científica disponible que sustente y tenga la suficiente evidencia para soportar el uso de la hidroxicloroquina como tratamiento farmacológico en la pandemia actual. Dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados se contradicen en cuanto a la efectividad de la hidroxicloroquina; sin embargo, ambos comparten errores metodológicos y tamaños de muestra limitados; y un único ensayo no aleatorizado con los mismos errores demuestra efectividad de la hidroxicloroquina. En cuanto al perfil de seguridad se cuenta con información que evidencia una menor tasa de efectos adversos de la hidroxicloroquina frente a la cloroquina por lo que se preferiría su uso en caso de demostrar efectividad frente a COVID-19. Existen varios ensayos clínicos aleatorizados en curso que se espera esclarezcan las dudas que surgen al revisar la literatura.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Abstract Introduction: hydroxychloroquine has been recommended in this pandemic as a possible effective treatment for COVID-19. This is because Chinese experts have demonstrated its ability to inhibit viral replication through various mechanisms. At this juncture, it is vitally important to understand the latest research and clinical trials regarding an effective treatment regimen which would help improve the treatment of patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Objective: to present the available information regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option for patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Material and methods: a review was carried out following the methodological framework proposed by Arksey and O'Malley. The data bases used were: PubMed, MedLine, Lilacs, Scopus, Clinical Trials, Cochrane and CNKI. Only texts in Spanish and English were included. Finally, the pertinent studies for this review were described and summarized. Results: a total of 87 academic articles were included in the review, including experimental and non-experimental studies, all containing evidence regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19. Conclusions: To date, there is no available substantiating scientific data with enough evidence to support the use of hydroxychloroquine as a pharmacological treatment for the current pandemic. Two randomized clinical trials contradict each other regarding the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. However, they both share methodological errors and have small sample sizes. A single nonrandomized trial with the same errors shows efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. As far as the safety profile, there is data showing a lower rate of adverse effects for hydroxychloroquine compared with chloroquine, so its use would be preferred if it were to be proven effective against COVID-19. There are several randomized clinical trials underway which, it is hoped, will answer the questions raised by the literature review.(Acta Med Colomb 2020; 45. DOI:

Hydroxychloroquine , Coronavirus Infections , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 38(2): e337834, May-Aug. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115183


Resumen Objetivo: Describir la percepción que tienen adolescentes escolarizados entre 12 y 16 años, en Piedecuesta (Santander), en 2016, sobre los facilitadores y las barreras que influyen en la práctica de la actividad física. Metodología: Análisis cualitativo desde un enfoque fenomenológico, con la participación de 20 adolescentes escolarizados que, mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y un grupo focal, conversaron sobre la práctica, los beneficios, los entornos y la influencia y la compañía en relación con la actividad física, para identificar barreras y facilitadores. Resultados: La práctica de la actividad física se limitaba a las clases de educación física en la mayoría de los casos. El compañero principal en la práctica extracurricular era el padre del mismo sexo. La actividad física representaba una oportunidad para el disfrute, mejorar la salud física y mental, así como la contextura corporal, y para romper con la rutina diaria. La falta de tiempo por compromisos académicos fue la razón principal para no realizar actividad física. Los lugares públicos no siempre estaban disponibles, a menudo no se consideraban seguros. En la escuela, el espacio y las instalaciones eran inadecuados, y el uso estaba restringido. Conclusiones: La escuela es un punto de convergencia importante para la práctica de la actividad física, lo que sugiere la necesidad de fortalecer el plan de estudios al respecto; este entorno es un facilitador potencial para aumentar el nivel de actividad física en adolescentes. También se percibe como barrera, dado que la práctica interfiere con las actividades académicas. Las mejoras en la seguridad y el atractivo estético en el entorno comunitario se visibilizan como un facilitador para promover la actividad física.

Abstract Objective: Describe the perception of adolescents aged between 12 and 16 years, in Piedecuesta (Santander), in 2016, about the facilitators and barriers that influence physical activity. Methodology: Qualitative analysis from a phenomenological approach, with the participation of 20 adolescents who talked about the practice, benefits, environments, influence and company in connection with physical activity , to identify barriers and facilitators, through semi-structured interviews and a focus group. Results: Physical activity was limited to physical education classes in most cases. The main companion in extracurricular physical activity was the parent of the same sex. Physical activity represented an opportunity for enjoyment, improvement of physical and mental health, as well as body composition, and to have a break in their daily routine. Lack of time due to academic commitments was the main reason for not doing physical activity. Public places were not always available and they were often not considered to be safe. Space and facilities at school were inadequate, and their use was restricted.. Conclusions: The school is an important point of convergence for doing physical activity, suggesting the need to strengthen the curriculum in this respect; this environment is a potential facilitator to increasing the level of physical activity in adolescents. It can also be seen as a barrier, given that the practice interferes with academic activities. Improvements in safety and aesthetic appeal in the surrounding community are seen as a facilitator to promoting physical activity.

Resumo Objetivo: Descrever a percepção que os adolescentes entre 12 e 17 anos de Piedecuesta em Santander, tiveram em 2016 sobre os facilitadores e as barreiras que influenciaram na prática da atividade física. Metodologia: Análise qualitativa partindo de um foco fenomenológico, com a participação de 20 adolescentes em idade escolar que, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas e um grupo focal, conversaram sobre a prática, os benefícios, os entornos, a influência e o acompanhamento relacionados com a atividade física, para identificar barreiras e facilitadores. Resultados: Na maioria dos casos, a prática da atividade física limitava-se às aulas de educação física. O companheiro principal na prática extracurricular era o genitor ou genitora do mesmo sexo. A atividade física representava uma oportunidade para disfrutar, melhorar a saúde física e mental, além da estrutura corporal e para sair da rotina diária. A falta de tempo devido às responsabilidades escolares foi a principal razão para não realizarem atividade física. Os lugares públicos nem sempre estavam disponíveis e geralmente não são considerados seguros. Na escola, o espaço e as instalações eram inadequados e o uso estava restrito. Conclusões: A escola é um importante ponto de convergência para a prática da atividade física, o que determina a necessidade de fortalecer o currículo relacionado; esse ambiente é um facilitador potencial para aumentar o nível de atividade física nos adolescentes. Também se percebe como barreira, já que a prática interfere com as atividades escolares. As melhorias na segurança e um espaço comunitário mais atraente do ponto de vista estético são determinantes como facilitadores para a promoção da atividade física.

Rev. esp. geriatr. gerontol. (Ed. impr.) ; 54(6): 346-355, nov.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-192729


Antecedentes y objetivo: La demencia es un problema de salud pública creciente. Involucra el declive de funciones cognitivas, generando discapacidad mental y física, y con ello mayor dependencia funcional. Se dispone de limitada información epidemiológica que revele un valor aproximado real de su prevalencia en la población adulta mayor latinoamericana. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de demencia en población adulta mayor de América Latina y su comportamiento según área geográfica y sexo. Materiales y métodos: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática en bases de datos: PubMed, Ovid, Lilacs, Cochrane, Scielo y Google Académico, a fin de identificar estudios que estimaran la prevalencia de demencia en población urbana o rural mayor de 65 años de edad de Latinoamérica. Resultados: A febrero del 2018m la búsqueda bibliográfica arrojó 357 publicaciones, incluyéndose 25 en esta revisión. La prevalencia global de demencia en la población adulta mayor de América Latina es del 11%, prevaleciendo más en el sexo femenino y en población urbana. Conclusión: Primera revisión sistemática que sugiere una prevalencia de demencia en adultos mayores de América Latina mayor que lo estimado por organizaciones internacionales e inclusive que en otros continentes

Background and objective: Dementia is a growing public health problem. It involves the impairment of several cognitive functions, generating mental and physical disability, and therefore greater functional dependence. There is limited epidemiological information which reveals an approximate prevalence in older adults from Latin America. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dementia in the older adult population of Latin America, and its distribution according to geographic area and gender. Materials and methods: A systematic review was carried out in databases: PubMed, Ovid, Lilacs, Cochrane, Scielo and Google Scholar, in order to identify studies that estimate the prevalence of dementia in urban and / or rural population over 65 years of age. Results: On February 2018, the literature search yielded 357 publications. The overall prevalence of dementia in the older adult population of Latin America was found to be 11%, prevailing more in female gender and urban people. Conclusion: The prevalence of dementia in Latin America is higher than registered previously, and even than in other continents

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Dementia/epidemiology , Cuba/epidemiology , Dominican Republic/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiology , Prevalence , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , South America/epidemiology , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data
Acta méd. colomb ; 44(4): 20-33, Oct.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1124058


Abstract Objective: to determine the prevalence of arterial hypertension in individuals ≥18 years old and its behavior according to sex and age in Colombia. Data source: the search was carried out in the PubMed, Lilacs, Ovid, Google Scholar and Scielo databases, and was not restricted by study year. Search strategy: (Hypertension) AND (Colombia) or (Hipertensión Arterial) AND (Colombia) or (Cardiovascular Risk Factors) AND (Colombia). Study selection: descriptive population and cross-sectional studies which determined the prevalence of hypertension in the population ≥18 years old were included. With multiple reviewers, 23 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Data extraction: the quality of the information was verified according to the STROBE declaration and by evaluating the risk of bias in each study. Data synthesis: prevalence was determined along with confidence intervals and heterogeneity. The prevalence of hypertension (52,570 individuals) is 24% [95% CI 19-29%; p<0.001]. It is slightly more prevalent in males (29%) [95% CI 23-37%; p<0.001], increases proportionally with age and is less prevalent in urban areas (21%) [95% CI 14-29%; p<0.001]. The tendency changes according to sex-age; it is more prevalent in males at early ages and in females beginning at middle age. Conclusion: There is a tendency towards increased prevalence of hypertension in Colombia. There are no major differences between the sexes. Prevalence varies in relation to age, age-sex and geographical area of residence. This is explained by the changing physiological behavior and the socioeconomic level of the population sample included. (Acta Med Colomb 2019; 44. DOI:

Resumen Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de hipertensión arterial en personas ≥18 años de edad y su comportamiento según género y edad en Colombia. Fuente de los datos: la búsqueda fue realizada en bases de datos PubMed, Lilacs, Ovid, Google Académico y Scielo. No restricción por año de realización de los estudios. Estrategia de búsqueda: (Hypertension) AND (Colombia) o (Hipertensión Arterial) AND (Colombia) o (Cardiovascular Risk Factors) AND (Colombia). Selección de los estudios: se incluyeron estudios descriptivos, de corte poblacional y transversal que determinen la prevalencia de hipertensión en población ≥18 años de edad. Con revisores múltiples, 23 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Extracción de los datos: la calidad de la información verificada según la declaración STROBE y evaluando el riesgo de sesgo en cada estudio. Síntesis de los datos: se determina la prevalencia con intervalos de confianza y heterogeneidad. La prevalencia de hipertensión (52 570 individuos) es 24% [IC 95% 19-29%; p<0.001]. Ligeramente más prevalente en hombres 29% [IC 95% 23-37%; p<0.001], aumenta proporcionalmente con la edad y menos prevalente en área urbana 21% [IC 95% 14-29%; p<0.001]. La tendencia cambia en relación a género-edad, prevalece más en hombres a edad temprana y en mujeres a partir de la adultez media. Conclusión: Existe una tendencia al aumento de la prevalencia de hipertensión en Colombia. No hay mayores diferencias entre géneros. Existe variabilidad de prevalencia en relación con la edad, edad-género y área geográfica de residencia; esto explicado por el comportamiento fisiológico cambiante y el nivel socioeconómico de la muestra poblacional incluida. (Acta Med Colomb 2019; 44. DOI:

Humans , Adolescent , Hypertension , Prevalence , Colombia , Adult , Men
Arch. med ; 19(1): 23-31, 20190330.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-998827


Objective: this study is aimed to evaluate knowledge about the disease, some behavioral habits and the level of compliance to pharmacological treatment, in a sample of diabetic patients, attending at hospital institution in the city of Bucaramanga (Colombia), during 2016. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease whose prevalence is increasing significantly in developing countries. Materials and Methods: cross sectional, descriptive study; a sample of 411 diabetic, aged over 35 years, who consulted at cardiovascular risk program, answered in the period between January and December 2016, a self-administered questionnaire that included the instruments IMEVID, Berbés and modified SMMS; Additionally, sociodemographic variables such as age, sex, stratum, education, were included. Results: 90% had a low socioeconomic status and 82.7% only reached primary studies or less. High Pharmacological adherence was observed in only 3.65%, medium adherence in 87.83% and low at 8.52%. Mean level of knowledge about diabetes was 13.32; Almost half (46.72%) scored below the average; Mean of glycosylated hemoglobin was 7.93%; 34.8% scored above this value. 18.7% have an inadequate lifestyle (IMEVID score <60). Low adherence found associated with: alcohol intake, IMEVID score <60, Ask more after eating, have a job and don't use insulin. Conclusion: it is necessary to esta-blish learning strategies and methodologies of motivation and training for diabetic patients, to improve quality of life and knowledge of the diabetes and, in this way,optimize the prognosis of the disease..(AU)

Objetivo: el estudio se propone evaluar el conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, algunos hábitos de comportamiento y el nivel de cumplimiento con el tratamiento farmacológico en una muestra de pacientes diabéticos que asistieron a una institución hospitalaria en la ciudad de Bucaramanga (Colombia) durante el 2016. La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad crónica, su prevalencia está aumentando significativamente en los países en desarrollo. Materiales y Métodos: estudio de corte transversal, descriptivo; una muestra de 411 diabéticos, mayores de 35 años, que consultaron al programa de riesgo cardiovascular, respondieron en el período comprendido entre enero a diciembre de 2016, un cuestionario autoadministrado que incluía los instrumentos IMEVID, Berbés y SMMS modificado; Adicionalmente, se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas como edad, sexo, estrato, educación. Resultados: el 90% tenía un estatus socioeconómico bajo y el 82.7% solo alcanzó estudios primarios o menos. Se observó una alta adherencia farmacológica en solo el 3,65%, una adherencia media en el 87,83% y una baja en el 8,52%. El nivel medio de conocimiento sobre la diabetes fue de 13.32; Casi la mitad (46.72%) puntuó por debajo del promedio; La media de hemoglobina glicosilada fue de 7.93%; El 34.8% puntuó por encima de este valor. El 18.7% tiene un estilo de vida inadecuado (puntuación IMEVID <60). Se encontró que la baja adherencia estaba asociada con: consumo de alcohol, puntaje IMEVID <60, pedir más después de comer, tener un trabajo y no usar insulina. Conclusión: es necesario establecer estrategias de aprendizaje y metodologías de motivación y entrenamiento a los pacientes diabéticos, para mejorar la calidad de vida y el conocimiento de la diabetes, y de esta manera, optimizar el pronóstico de la enfermedad..(AU)

Humans , Diabetes Mellitus , Healthy Lifestyle , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol ; 54(6): 346-355, 2019.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30772072


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Dementia is a growing public health problem. It involves the impairment of several cognitive functions, generating mental and physical disability, and therefore greater functional dependence. There is limited epidemiological information which reveals an approximate prevalence in older adults from Latin America. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dementia in the older adult population of Latin America, and its distribution according to geographic area and gender. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review was carried out in databases: PubMed, Ovid, Lilacs, Cochrane, Scielo and Google Scholar, in order to identify studies that estimate the prevalence of dementia in urban and / or rural population over 65 years of age. RESULTS: On February 2018, the literature search yielded 357 publications. The overall prevalence of dementia in the older adult population of Latin America was found to be 11%, prevailing more in female gender and urban people. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of dementia in Latin America is higher than registered previously, and even than in other continents.

Dementia/epidemiology , Aged , Cuba/epidemiology , Dominican Republic/epidemiology , Female , Humans , Male , Mexico/epidemiology , Prevalence , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , South America/epidemiology , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data
World Neurosurg ; 122: 390-396, 2019 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30404055


OBJECTIVE: To compare pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) treatment with continuous radiofrequency (CRF) to improve pain, functionality, and safety profile in patients with facet joint chronic low back pain. METHODS: A systematic, critical review of recent literature was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, Clinical Trials, and LILACS databases were searched. Medical Subject Heading terms were "low back pain," "zygapophyseal joint," and "pulsed radiofrequency treatment." Original research articles in peer-reviewed journals were included in the review. The articles were thoroughly examined and compared on the basis of study design and outcomes. Only studies that met the eligibility criteria were included. RESULTS: Three randomized clinical trials comprising 103 patients (39 in PRF group, 44 in CRF group, and 20 in control group) were included in the final analysis. Two trials compared PRF with CRF, and 1 trial compared 3 groups: PRF, CRF, and control with intervention as conventional treatment. The studies reported greater pain control and better functionality with CRF compared with PRF. PRF showed a decrease in visual analog scale and Oswestry Disability Index in 2 studies, and 1 study reported increased pain and disability after the intervention. No side effects were reported. CONCLUSIONS: PRF treatment is less effective than CRF regarding pain control and return of functionality in patients with facet joint chronic low back pain. We recommend CRF with a large safety profile after conventional treatment.

Chronic Pain/therapy , Low Back Pain/therapy , Radiofrequency Therapy/methods , Humans , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Zygapophyseal Joint
Rev. colomb. radiol ; 30(2): 5147-5152, Jun. 2019. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1290845


Las alteraciones del cuerpo calloso tienen una prevalencia en general de 1 por 1.000 nacidos vivos, estas alteraciones se encuentran en un 2-3 % de los niños con discapacidad o alteraciones del neurodesarrollo. Dentro de estos trastornos se incluyen la agenesia, la disgenesia, la hipoplasia y la hiperplasia. Debido a que estas alteraciones se asocian en un gran porcentaje con diferentes anomalías cerebrales y síndromes es relevante realizar un adecuado abordaje diagnóstico prenatal. Existen varios signos clave en la ecografía prenatal que permiten determinar si existe alguna alteración en el cuerpo calloso. La resonancia magnética se indica en casos de sospecha de alguna alteración en la ecografía prenatal y permite evaluar de manera más específica si existe alguna anomalía cerebral adicional. Esto es importante para determinar el pronóstico neurológico y realizar intervenciones oportunas.

Alterations of the corpus callosum have a general prevalence of 1/1,000 live births, and are found in 2-3% of children with developmental disabilities. These disabilities include agenesis, dysgenesis, hypoplasia and hyperplasia. Because these alterations are associated in a large percentage to different brain anomalies and syndromes, it is relevant to perform an adequate prenatal diagnostic approach. There are several key signs in the prenatal ultrasound that determine if there is any alteration in the corpus callosum. Magnetic resonance is indicated in cases of suspected anomalies in the prenatal ultrasound, and it can also evaluate more specifically if an additional cerebral anomaly is present. This is important because it allows to determine the neurological prognosis and to perform promptly interventions.

Humans , Corpus Callosum , Agenesis of Corpus Callosum , Prenatal Diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 30(2): 1-12, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED | ID: cum-73253


Objetivo: medir la validez de constructo de la escala NEI-VFQ-25 en una población colombiana con enfermedad ocular crónica. Métodos: se evaluó la tecnología diagnóstica mediante el Modelo Rasch. Se calculó una muestra para garantizar la estabilidad en la calibración de los ítems. Se incluyeron hombres y mujeres de 40-70 años de edad, con enfermedad ocular crónica bilateral, a quienes, previo consentimiento informado, se les aplicó, vía telefónica, la escala NEI-VFQ-25. Resultados: se entrevistaron 206 personas con edad promedio de 58,1 años, quienes presentaban glaucoma (21,7 por ciento), catarata (36,9 por ciento) o algún tipo de retinopatía (35,4 por ciento). Se eliminaron dos ítems del cuestionario original, por funcionamiento diferencial (DIF) y cuatro por ajuste al modelo. Se estandarizaron todas las preguntas a tres opciones de respuesta, y quedó una escala conformada por 17 ítems que cumplía con los criterios de validez de constructo. Conclusión: la escala NEI-VFQ mostró validez sustantiva, de contenido, generalización y estructural, en personas de 40 a 70 años con diagnóstico de glaucoma, catarata y retinopatía(AU)

Objective: to measure the validity of the NEI-VFQ-25 scale construct in a Colombian population with chronic ocular disease. Methods: the diagnostic technology was evaluated through Rasch model. A sample was estimated to guarantee the stability of item gaging. Forty to seventy years-old men and women, with chronic bilateral ocular disease, participated. After informed consent, they were applied the NEI-VFQ-25 scale by phone. Results: two hundred and six persons aged 58.1 years as average, who presented with glaucoma (21.7 percent), cataract (36.9 percent) or some type of retinopathy (35.4 percent). Two items were taken out of the original questionnaire because of differential functioning and four items due to model adjustment. All the questions were then standardized to have three response options, and finally the scale was made up of 17 items which met the validity criteria for construct. Conclusions: NEI-VFQ scale showed substantial, content, generalization and structural validity for application in 40 to 70 years old people with diagnosis of glaucoma, cataract and retinopathy(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Eye Diseases/diagnosis , Quality of Life , Reproducibility of Results , Technology Assessment, Biomedical/methods , Cataract/diagnosis , Colombia , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/adverse effects , Glaucoma/diagnosis
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 30(2): 1-12, abr.-jun. 2017. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901364


Objetivo: medir la validez de constructo de la escala NEI-VFQ-25 en una población colombiana con enfermedad ocular crónica. Métodos: se evaluó la tecnología diagnóstica mediante el Modelo Rasch. Se calculó una muestra para garantizar la estabilidad en la calibración de los ítems. Se incluyeron hombres y mujeres de 40-70 años de edad, con enfermedad ocular crónica bilateral, a quienes, previo consentimiento informado, se les aplicó, vía telefónica, la escala NEI-VFQ-25. Resultados: se entrevistaron 206 personas con edad promedio de 58,1 años, quienes presentaban glaucoma (21,7 por ciento), catarata (36,9 por ciento) o algún tipo de retinopatía (35,4 por ciento). Se eliminaron dos ítems del cuestionario original, por funcionamiento diferencial (DIF) y cuatro por ajuste al modelo. Se estandarizaron todas las preguntas a tres opciones de respuesta, y quedó una escala conformada por 17 ítems que cumplía con los criterios de validez de constructo. Conclusión: la escala NEI-VFQ mostró validez sustantiva, de contenido, generalización y estructural, en personas de 40 a 70 años con diagnóstico de glaucoma, catarata y retinopatía(AU)

Objective: to measure the validity of the NEI-VFQ-25 scale construct in a Colombian population with chronic ocular disease. Methods: the diagnostic technology was evaluated through Rasch model. A sample was estimated to guarantee the stability of item gaging. Forty to seventy years-old men and women, with chronic bilateral ocular disease, participated. After informed consent, they were applied the NEI-VFQ-25 scale by phone. Results: two hundred and six persons aged 58.1 years as average, who presented with glaucoma (21.7 percent), cataract (36.9 percent) or some type of retinopathy (35.4 percent). Two items were taken out of the original questionnaire because of differential functioning and four items due to model adjustment. All the questions were then standardized to have three response options, and finally the scale was made up of 17 items which met the validity criteria for construct. Conclusions: NEI-VFQ scale showed substantial, content, generalization and structural validity for application in 40 to 70 years old people with diagnosis of glaucoma, cataract and retinopathy(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Eye Diseases/diagnosis , Quality of Life , Reproducibility of Results , Technology Assessment, Biomedical/methods , Cataract/diagnosis , Colombia , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/adverse effects , Glaucoma/diagnosis
PLoS One ; 10(4): e0122112, 2015.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25909595


Hypertension is a leading cause of premature death worldwide and the most important modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Effective screening programs, communication with patients, regular monitoring, and adherence to treatment are essential to successful management but may be challenging in health systems facing resource constraints. This qualitative study explored patients' knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and health care seeking experiences in relation to detection, treatment and control of hypertension in Colombia. We conducted in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 26 individuals with hypertension and 4 family members in two regions. Few participants were aware of ways to prevent high blood pressure. Once diagnosed, most reported taking medication but had little information about their condition and had a poor understanding of their treatment regime. The desire for good communication and a trusting relationship with the doctor emerged as key themes in promoting adherence to medication and regular attendance at medical appointments. Barriers to accessing treatment included co-payments for medication; costs of transport to health care facilities; unavailability of drugs; and poor access to specialist care. Some patients overcame these barriers with support from social networks, family members and neighbours. However, those who lacked such support, experienced loneliness and struggled to access health care services. The health insurance scheme was frequently described as administratively confusing and those accessing the state subsidized system believed that the treatment was inferior to that provided under the compulsory contributory system. Measures that should be addressed to improve hypertension management in Colombia include better communication between health care professionals and patients, measures to improve understanding of the importance of adherence to treatment, reduction of co-payments and transport costs, and easier access to care, especially in rural areas.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Hypertension/epidemiology , Hypertension/prevention & control , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Colombia/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Delivery of Health Care , Disease Management , Female , Focus Groups , Humans , Hypertension/diagnosis , Hypertension/therapy , Male , Middle Aged , Physician-Patient Relations , Population Surveillance , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires
Bogotá; IETS; oct. 2014.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, BRISA/RedTESA | ID: biblio-875828


INTRODUCCIÓN: La enfermedad de Gaucher es ocasionada por deficiencia o ausencia de enzima Glucocerebrosidasa. Esta deficiencia favorece la acumulación del sustrato glucocerebrósido en los lisosomas de macrófagos (células de Gaucher) y monocitos, causando daño celular y disfunción orgánica. Existen tres tipos, según la ausencia (I) o presencia (II y III) de afección neurológica. En Colombia actualmente hay 139 enfermos con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Gaucher (Asociación Colombiana de Pacientes con Enfermedad Lisosomal - ACOPEL, Informe verbal 2014). La sospecha clínica se confirma midiendo actividad enzimática de Glucocerebrosidasa en leucocitos o sangre seca. En individuos con EG, la actividad enzimática está entre 0%-15% de su actividad normal. El tratamiento con terapia de reemplazo enzimático suele ser eficaz. No hay tratamiento para daño cerebral. Esta evaluación hace parte del esfuerzo del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social de actualizar las tecnologías disponibles para el diagnóstico de enfermedades huérfanas como parte del proceso de actualización del plan obligatorio de salud. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la validez diagnóstica de la prueba de actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca y en leucocitos, en pacientes sospechosos de la enfermedad de Gaucher. METODOLOGÍA: Búsqueda sistemática y exhaustiva de literatura (MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CDSR y DARE), según estándares de la Colaboración Cochrane. Usando criterios QUADAS-2, dos revisores independientes evaluaron la calidad de la literatura. La información básica de los artículos seleccionados e incluidos se extrajo usando un formato estándar diseñado en Excel®. RESULTADOS: Se realizaron 5 búsquedas encontrándose 75 referencias, una vez se removieron los duplicados quedaron 47 referencias. Se excluyeron 46 artículos obtenidos de la búsqueda. Los resultados están basados en el estudio de validez diagnostica de Stroppiano y cols., que tuvo una calidad de 16/18. Este estudio reportó una sensibilidad del 88,2% (IC 95% 72.9­100%), especificidad del 88,5% (IC 95% 85.5­91.5%), valor predictivo positivo 23.4% y valor predictivo negativo de 99.5% para un punto de corte ajustado de 4.4, para la actividad enzimática de glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca comparada con la prueba en leucocitos. CONCLUSIONES: La evidencia sobre la medición enzimática de glucocerebrosidasa en sangre seca es escasa, sin embargo el único artículo encontrado es de alta calidad, de acuerdo con la escala QUADAS-2. Esta evidencia nos permitió establecer que la prueba tiene muy buen desempeño como método diagnóstico inicial, pero no es concluyente debido a la alta proporción de falsos positivos. Esta prueba es de utilidad por su facilidad en la toma y transporte, pero sus resultados deben confirmarse con la medición de la actividad enzimática de la glucocerebrosidasa en leucocitos.(AU)

Humans , Gaucher Disease/diagnosis , Glucosylceramidase/analysis , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Colombia
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 41(2): 273-283, abr.-jun. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659489


Introducción: Estudios previos han confirmado altas prevalencias de abuso de alcohol en adolescentes escolarizados de Bucaramanga; sin embargo, son escasos los estudios sobre factores asociados. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del abuso de alcohol en niños y adolescentes escolarizados de Bucaramanga, Colombia, y sus factores asociados. Metodología: Una muestra aleatoria de estudiantes adolescentes completó un cuestionario anónimo acerca del consumo de alcohol, sustancias ilegales y legales, el cuestionario CAGE y una serie de escalas y cuestionarios que evaluaban factores de riesgo para abuso de alcohol. Para ajustar por variables de confusión, se realizó un análisis multivariado mediante un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: Se encuestaron 2.916 estudiantes. La edad de la muestra estuvo entre 10 y 22 años, con una media de 14,4 años (DE = 1,65); 51,1% eran mujeres, 36% cursaban básica superior (10° y 11°), el 17,66 % en colegios privados. El patrón de consumo abusivo de alcohol medido por la escala del CAGE fue del 14,6% (IC95%; 13,3-16,0%). Los factores asociados fueron: edad (OR = 1,15, IC95% 1,04-1,27), tener un hermano consumidor de cigarrillo o alcohol (OR = 1,48, IC95% 1,01-1,17), comportamiento antisocial (OR = 3,03, IC95% 2,12-4,32), mejor amigo que consume sustancias ilícitas (OR =1,71, IC95% 1,06-2,76), mejor amigo que fuma o consume alcohol (OR = 2,01, IC95% 1,40-2,88). Conclusiones: Uno de cada siete estudiantes presentó un patrón de consumo abusivo de alcohol. La influencia de los amigos, la familia, la edad y el comportamiento antisocial fueron los factores asociados…

Introduction:Previous studies have confirmed high prevalence of alcohol abuse in adolescent students from Bucaramanga, Colombia. However, few studies on the associated factors have been carried out. Objective: Assessment of prevalence of alcohol abuse and associated factors in student children and adolescents from Bucaramanga. Methodology: A random sample of adolescent students completed an anonymous questionnaire about the consumption of alcohol, illegal and legal substances, together with the CAGE questionnaire and a series of scales and questionnaires assessing risk factors for alcohol abuse. To adjust for confusing variables, a multivariate analysis was performed using a logistic regression model. Results: 2916 students were surveyed with an average age between 10 and 22, and a mean of 14.4 years (SD 1.65), 51.1% were female, 36% were in the last two years of high school (10thand 11th grades), and 17.66% were in private schools. The alcohol abuse pattern as measured by the CAGE scale was 14.6% (95% CI, 13.3 - 16.0%). The associated factors were: age (OR: 1.15, 95% CI 1.04 - 1.27), having a smoking or consuming alcohol sibling (OR: 1.48, 95% CI, 1.01 - 1.17) antisocial behavior (OR 3.03, 95% CI, 2.12 - 4.32) and best friend who uses illicit substances (OR 1.71, 95% CI, 1.06 - 2.76), best friend who smokes or drinks alcohol (OR 2.01, 95% CI, 1.40 - 2.88). Conclusions: One out of 7 students showed a pattern of alcohol abuse. The associated factors were the influence of friends, family, age and antisocial behavior…

Adolescent , Alcoholism/epidemiology , Students
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 40(2): 279-288, jun. 2011. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620203


Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia del trastorno obsesivo compulsivo (TOC) en niños y adolescentes escolarizados y determinar los factores sociodemográficos asociados. Método: Se desarrolló un estudio transversal con una muestra de 501 niños y niñas de 10 a 17 años de colegios de Bucaramanga. Se tomaron los datos sociodemográficos y se les realizó la entrevista clínica estructurada para los trastornos del eje I del DSM-IV, versión clínica. Se examinaron los factores sociodemográficos con un análisis bivariado. Se realizó análisis estratificado y una regresión logística no condicional, tomando el trabajo por dinero como una variable explicatoria de riesgo para el desarrollo de TOC. Resultados: La prevalencia del TOC fue de 7,4% (IC 95%: 5,3-10,0). Los estudiantes con TOC presentan una prevalencia de trabajo por dinero mayor que en los que no tienen (OR: 2,23; IC 95%: 1,0-4,4). Al controlar variables confusoras, las niñas que trabajaban por dinero mostraron un mayor riesgo en la presencia de TOC (OR: 5,4; IC 95%: 1,7-17,4). Conclusión: El estudio sugiere que la prevalencia del TOC en niños escolarizados de Bucaramanga es alta. La doble condición de trabajar y estudiar en las niñas podría ser un factor de riesgo asociado con TOC...

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents attending school in Bucaramanga, Colombia, and to determine its associated socio-demographic factors. Method: A cross-sectional design was used with a sample size of 501 individuals between the ages of 10 to 17 years enrolled in Bucaramanga’s schools. They were administered a structured clinical interview OCD module. Socio-demographic data was also collected. The inquired sociodemographic factors were analyzed with bivariate analysis. Work for money was taken as a risk explanatory variable for developing OCD; stratified analysis and unconditional logistic regression were carried out. Results: Prevalence of OCD was found to be 7.4% (95% CI: 5.3-10.0) in this population. Students with OCD had a prevalence of working for money higher than those who did not (OR: 2.2; 95% CI: 1.0-4.4). Girls who worked for money showed a higher risk of having OCD than those who did not (OR: 5.4; 95% CI: 1.7-7.4), in a logistic regression model. Conclusion: These results suggest that the prevalence of OCD among Colombian school children is higher than elsewhere. In addition, working while going to school might be a risk factor associated with OCD in girls...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , Prevalence , Adolescent , Child Labor
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 40(1): 38-48, mar. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620271


Introducción: El abuso de sustancias ilícitas se establece durante la adolescencia temprana. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados al consumo de sustancias ilícitas en adolescentes escolarizados de Bucaramanga. Método: Una muestra aleatoria de estudiantes adolescentes que completó un cuestionario anónimo acerca del consumo de sustancias ilegales y legales más escalas y cuestionarios de diferente tipo. Resultados: 2.916 estudiantes participaron en esta investigación. La prevalencia del uso de sustancias ilícitas durante el último año fue del 3,81%. El uso de sustancias ilícitas en hombres se asoció de manera independiente con la presencia de comportamientos antisociales, fumar todos los días durante el último mes, patrón de dependencia a alcohol y tener un amigo que usa sustancias ilícitas. En mujeres se asoció de manera independiente con la presencia de comportamientos antisociales, tener un amigo que usa sustancias ilícitas, fumar todos los días durante el último mes y la edad. Conclusión: Uno de cada 26 adolescentes escolarizados de Bucaramanga ha usado sustancias ilícitas durante el último año. Mujeres y hombres mostraron factores asociados similares, sin embargo, los hombres mostraron asociación con dependencia al alcohol y las mujeres mostraron asociación con la edad...

Introduction: The abuse of illicit drugs is established during early adolescence. Furthermore, a lot of variables in Colombian adolescents have not been studied yet. Objective: To establish the prevalence and associated factors of illicit drug use among adolescent students in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methods: A random sample of adolescent students completed an anonymous questionnaire about illegal and legal substance use, and others questionnaires and scales.. Logistical regression was used to control confounding variables. Results: 2,916 students participated in this research. The prevalence of illicit drug use during the last year was 3.81%. Illicit drug use in men was independently associated with antisocial behavior, smoking everyday during the last month, alcohol dependence pattern and having a friend who uses illicit drugs. In women was independently associated with antisocial behavior, having a friend who uses illicit drugs, smoking everyday during the last month, and the age. Conclusions: One in 26 adolescent students from Bucaramanga has used illicit drugs during the last year. Women and men showed similar associated factors, although, men also showed an association with alcohol dependence and women showed an association with the age...

Adolescent , Illicit Drugs , Epidemiology , Students
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 38(4): 669-680, dic. 2009. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-620301


Introducción: Habitualmente, el consumo de cigarrillo se inicia en la adolescencia temprana, el cual al hacerse diario se asocia con una alta morbimortalidad en la vida adulta. Objetivo: Calcular la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el consumo diario de cigarrillo en adolescentes estudiantes de sexto a décimo primer grado de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Una muestra probabilística de 2.848 estudiantes diligenció en forma anónima una encuesta que indagaba el consumo de sustancias legales e ilegales, el cuestionario CAGE, la Escala para Depresión del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos, la escala de Francis de Actitud frente al Cristianismo, la Escala de Autoestima de Rosemberg, el Módulo de Personalidad Antisocial del Cuestionario de la Entrevista Clínica Estructurada para diagnósticos del eje II del DSM-IV y la escala de APGAR para funcionalidad familiar. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 14,4 años; 49,9% fueron hombres. La prevalencia de fumador actual y consumo diario de cigarrillo durante el último mes fue 12,43% y 4,56%, respectivamente. El análisis de regresión logística mostró una asociación con el consumo de sustancias de un familiar, tener una mala percepción de la salud, alta autoestima y un patrón de dependencia alcohólica. Conclusiones: Uno de 22 estudiantes adolescentes de Bucaramanga consume cigarrillo diariamente. Los factores asociados más importantes fueron tener relaciones con consumidores de sustancias, percibir mala salud, patrón de dependencia alcohólica y alta autoestima...

Introduction: Daily cigarette intake is associated with high morbidity and mortality in adults. This pattern of tobacco use is established during the early adolescence. Objective: To assess smoking prevalence, daily cigarette intake, and associated factors among middle and high school-students in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Methods: An anonymous questionnaire concerning illegal and legal substance use, the CAGE Questionnaire, the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, the Francis Scale of Attitude Toward Christianity, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Module for Antisocial Personality of the Questionnaire of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Diagnosis, and the APGAR Family Questionnaire, were applied to a random sample of 2,848 students. Logistical regression was used to establish association. Results: Mean age was 14.4 years, 49.9% were male. The prevalence of current smokers and daily cigarette intake during the last month was 12.43% and 4.56%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed association with substance use in a relative of the adolescent, and having a bad perception of health, high self-esteem and an alcohol dependence pattern. Conclusions: These data demonstrated that 1 out of 22 middle and high school adolescent students from Bucaramanga is an everyday smoker. The most important associated factors were family relationships with substance users, and having a bad perception of health, an alcohol dependence pattern, and high self-esteem...

Epidemiology , Tobacco Use Disorder , Adolescent , Prevalence , Public Health , Students
Gastroenterol Hepatol ; 32(6): 395-400, 2009.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19520461


INTRODUCTION: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disorder with a clinical diagnosis. The prevalence of this disorder and associated factors are unknown among the Colombian population. Nowadays, diagnosis of IBS is made by applying the Rome III criteria, and other disorders should be excluded before establishing the diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of IBS and associated factors in a population aged between 18 and 60 years old in Bucaramanga, Colombia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed. We applied a questionnaire that included sociodemographic variables, types of food, identification of IBS by the Rome III criteria, the Zung self-rating depression scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) test and self-reported use of medical services among a random sample of an adult population in Bucaramanga. Univariate analysis and logistic regression was used to establish associations. RESULTS: Of the 615 individuals selected, 558 were included in the study. The mean age was 36.4 years and 62.4% was female. The prevalence of IBS was 19.9%. Logistic regression analysis showed an association with depressive symptoms and female sex independently of age and anxiety symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of IBS is high and is associated with depressive symptoms and female sex in an adult population in Colombia. This disorder generates substantial health system utilization and medical disability and restricts activities of daily life.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome/epidemiology , Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior , Female , Humans , Irritable Bowel Syndrome/diagnosis , Male , Middle Aged , Prevalence , Sampling Studies , Self-Assessment , Socioeconomic Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires