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Space Sci Rev ; 220(5): 51, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38948073


The Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON) is a dual-frequency ice-penetrating radar (9 and 60 MHz) onboard the Europa Clipper mission. REASON is designed to probe Europa from exosphere to subsurface ocean, contributing the third dimension to observations of this enigmatic world. The hypotheses REASON will test are that (1) the ice shell of Europa hosts liquid water, (2) the ice shell overlies an ocean and is subject to tidal flexing, and (3) the exosphere, near-surface, ice shell, and ocean participate in material exchange essential to the habitability of this moon. REASON will investigate processes governing this material exchange by characterizing the distribution of putative non-ice material (e.g., brines, salts) in the subsurface, searching for an ice-ocean interface, characterizing the ice shell's global structure, and constraining the amplitude of Europa's radial tidal deformations. REASON will accomplish these science objectives using a combination of radar measurement techniques including altimetry, reflectometry, sounding, interferometry, plasma characterization, and ranging. Building on a rich heritage from Earth, the moon, and Mars, REASON will be the first ice-penetrating radar to explore the outer solar system. Because these radars are untested for the icy worlds in the outer solar system, a novel approach to measurement quality assessment was developed to represent uncertainties in key properties of Europa that affect REASON performance and ensure robustness across a range of plausible parameters suggested for the icy moon. REASON will shed light on a never-before-seen dimension of Europa and - in concert with other instruments on Europa Clipper - help to investigate whether Europa is a habitable world.

Geophys Res Lett ; 49(17): e2022GL099896, 2022 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36245892


Interpretation of radar sounder reflections to infer the structure and composition of the martian polar caps depends on whether bright returns correspond to single packed dust layers or a more finely layered structure. Reflections from multiple layers can create strong resonant scattering (interference) effects that impact analyses of radargram reflectors and inference of dielectric contrast. We identify resonant behavior for an areally extensive reflector in the north polar layered deposits from Shallow Radar data processed in two frequency bands. Echo strength varies by ∼2 dB between subband reflections across a region ∼400 km in extent, with the stronger echo shifting abruptly from the high- to low-frequency band outside the central region of Gemina Lingula. This behavior can arise from resonant scattering between two layers of dust (0.3-0.6 m thick) separated by 0.5-3 m of ice. Such layering requires there be little postdepositional aeolian activity to preserve layer thickness and spacing.

Icarus ; 308: 138-147, 2018 Jul 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29749975


Over the last decade, observations acquired by the Shallow Radar (SHARAD) sounder on individual passes of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed the internal structure of the Martian polar caps and provided new insights into the formation of the icy layers within and their relationship to climate. However, a complete picture of the cap interiors has been hampered by interfering reflections from off-nadir surface features and signal losses associated with sloping structures and scattering. Foss et al. (2017) addressed these limitations by assembling three-dimensional data volumes of SHARAD observations from thousands of orbital passes over each polar region and applying geometric corrections simultaneously. The radar volumes provide unprecedented views of subsurface features, readily imaging structures previously inferred from time-intensive manual analysis of single-orbit data (e.g., trough-bounding surfaces, a buried chasma, and a basal unit in the north, massive carbon-dioxide ice deposits and discontinuous layered sequences in the south). Our new mapping of the carbon-dioxide deposits yields a volume of 16,500 km3, 11% larger than the prior estimate. In addition, the radar volumes newly reveal other structures, including what appear to be buried impact craters with no surface expression. Our first assessment of 21 apparent craters at the base of the north polar layered deposits suggests a Hesperian age for the substrate, consistent with that of the surrounding plains as determined from statistics of surface cratering rates. Planned mapping of similar features throughout both polar volumes may provide new constraints on the age of the icy layered deposits. The radar volumes also provide new topographic data between the highest latitudes observed by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter and those observed by SHARAD. In general, mapping of features in these radar volumes is placing new constraints on the nature and evolution of the polar deposits and associated climate changes.

J Geophys Res Planets ; Volume 122(Iss 7): 1580-1596, 2017 Jul 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31709132


Radar-bright deposits on Venus that have diffuse margins suggest eruptions that distribute debris over large areas due to ground-hugging flows from plume collapse. We examine deposits in Eastern Eistla, Western Eistla, Phoebe, and Dione Regiones using Magellan data and Earth-based radar maps. The radar-bright units have no marginal lobes or other features consistent with viscous flow. Their morphology, radar echo strength, polarization properties, and microwave emissivity are consistent with mantling deposits comprised of few-cm or larger clasts. This debris traveled downhill up to ~100 km on modest slopes, and blanketed lava flows and tectonic features to depths of tens of cm to a few meters over areas up to 40×103 km2. There is evidence for ongoing removal and exhumation of previously buried terrain. A newly identified occurrence is associated with a ridge belt south of Ushas Mons. We also note radar-bright streaks of coarse material west of Rona Chasma that reflect the last traces of a deposit mobilized by winds from the formation of Mirabeau crater. If the radar-bright units originate by collapse of eruption columns, with coarse fragmental material entrained and fluidized by hot gases, then their extent suggests large erupted volatile (CO2 or H2O) amounts. We propose that these deposits reflect the early stage of renewed magmatic activity, with volatile-rich, disrupted magma escaping through vents in fractured regions of the upper crust. Rapidly eroding under Venus surface conditions, or buried by subsequent eruptions, these markers of recently renewed activity have disappeared from older regions.

Lead Edge ; 36(1): 43-57, 2017 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29400351


Since its arrival in early 2006, various instruments aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) have been collecting a variety of scientific and engineering data from orbit around Mars. Among these is the SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) instrument, supplied by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) and designed for subsurface sounding in the 15-25 MHz frequency band. As of this writing, MRO has completed over 46,000 nearly polar orbits of Mars, 30% of which have included active SHARAD data collection. By 2009, a sufficient density of SHARAD coverage had been obtained over the polar regions to support 3-D processing and analysis of the data. Using tools and techniques commonly employed in terrestrial seismic data processing, we have processed subsets of the resulting collection of SHARAD observations covering the north and south polar regions as SHARAD 3-D volumes, imaging the interiors of the north and south polar ice caps known, respectively, as Planum Boreum and Planum Australe. After overcoming a series of challenges revealed during the 3-D processing and analysis, a completed Planum Boreum 3-D volume is currently being used for scientific research. Lessons learned in the northern work fed forward into our 3-D processing and analysis of the Planum Australe 3-D volume, currently under way. We discuss our experiences with these projects and present results and scientific insights stemming from these efforts.

Science ; 340(6132): 607-10, 2013 May 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23470730


Outflow channels on Mars are interpreted as the product of gigantic floods due to the catastrophic eruption of groundwater that may also have initiated episodes of climate change. Marte Vallis, the largest of the young martian outflow channels (<500 million years old), is embayed by lava flows that hinder detailed studies and comparisons with older channel systems. Understanding Marte Vallis is essential to our assessment of recent Mars hydrologic activity during a period otherwise considered to be cold and dry. Using data from the Shallow Radar sounder on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, we present a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of buried channels on Mars and provide estimates of paleohydrologic parameters. Our work shows that Cerberus Fossae provided the waters that carved Marte Vallis, and it extended an additional 180 kilometers to the east before the emplacement of the younger lava flows. We identified two stages of channel incision and determined that channel depths were more than twice those of previous estimates.

Mars , Water , Extraterrestrial Environment , Floods , Radar
Science ; 332(6031): 838-41, 2011 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21512003


Shallow Radar soundings from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveal a buried deposit of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) ice within the south polar layered deposits of Mars with a volume of 9500 to 12,500 cubic kilometers, about 30 times that previously estimated for the south pole residual cap. The deposit occurs within a stratigraphic unit that is uniquely marked by collapse features and other evidence of interior CO(2) volatile release. If released into the atmosphere at times of high obliquity, the CO(2) reservoir would increase the atmospheric mass by up to 80%, leading to more frequent and intense dust storms and to more regions where liquid water could persist without boiling.

Dry Ice , Mars , Atmosphere , Carbon Dioxide , Cold Temperature , Extraterrestrial Environment , Ice , Water
Science ; 320(5880): 1182-5, 2008 May 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18483402


The Shallow Radar (SHARAD) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has imaged the internal stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits of Mars. Radar reflections within the deposits reveal a laterally continuous deposition of layers, which typically consist of four packets of finely spaced reflectors separated by homogeneous interpacket regions of nearly pure ice. The packet/interpacket structure can be explained by approximately million-year periodicities in Mars' obliquity or orbital eccentricity. The observed approximately 100-meter maximum deflection of the underlying substrate in response to the ice load implies that the present-day thickness of an equilibrium elastic lithosphere is greater than 300 kilometers. Alternatively, the response to the load may be in a transient state controlled by mantle viscosity. Both scenarios probably require that Mars has a subchondritic abundance of heat-producing elements.

Science ; 317(5845): 1715-8, 2007 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17885128


Mars' polar regions are covered with ice-rich layered deposits that potentially contain a record of climate variations. The sounding radar SHARAD on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mapped detailed subsurface stratigraphy in the Promethei Lingula region of the south polar plateau, Planum Australe. Radar reflections interpreted as layers are correlated across adjacent orbits and are continuous for up to 150 kilometers along spacecraft orbital tracks. The reflectors are often separated into discrete reflector sequences, and strong echoes are seen as deep as 1 kilometer. In some cases, the sequences are dipping with respect to each other, suggesting an interdepositional period of erosion. In Australe Sulci, layers are exhumed, indicating recent erosion.

Mars , Extraterrestrial Environment , Ice
Nature ; 443(7113): 835-7, 2006 Oct 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17051213


Shackleton crater at the Moon's south pole has been suggested as a possible site of concentrated deposits of water ice, on the basis of modelling of bi-static radar polarization properties and interpretations of earlier Earth-based radar images. This suggestion, and parallel assumptions about other topographic cold traps, is a significant element in planning for future lunar landings. Hydrogen enhancements have been identified in the polar regions, but these data do not identify the host species or its local distribution. The earlier Earth-based radar data lack the resolution and coverage for detailed studies of the relationship between radar scattering properties, cold traps in permanently shadowed areas, and local terrain features such as the walls and ejecta of small craters. Here we present new 20-m resolution, 13-cm-wavelength radar images that show no evidence for concentrated deposits of water ice in Shackleton crater or elsewhere at the south pole. The polarization properties normally associated with reflections from icy surfaces in the Solar System were found at all the observed latitudes and are strongly correlated with the rock-strewn walls and ejecta of young craters, including the inner wall of Shackleton. There is no correlation between the polarization properties and the degree of solar illumination. If the hydrogen enhancement observed by the Lunar Prospector orbiter indicates the presence of water ice, then our data are consistent with the ice being present only as disseminated grains in the lunar regolith.
