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Anal Chem ; 96(18): 7220-7230, 2024 May 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38656924


Online and real-time analysis of a chemical process is a major analytical challenge that can drastically change the way the chemical industry or chemical research operates. With in situ analyses, a new and powerful understanding of chemistry can be gained; however, building robust tools for long-term monitoring faces many challenges, including compensating for instrument drift, instrument replacement, and sensor or probe replacement. Accounting for these changes by recollecting calibration data and rebuilding quantification models can be costly and time-consuming. Here, methods to overcome these challenges are demonstrated with an application of Raman spectroscopy to monitoring hydrogen isotopes with varied speciation within dynamic gas streams. Specifically, chemical data science tools such as chemometric modeling are leveraged along with several examples of calibration transfer approaches. Furthermore, the optimization of instrument and sensor cell parameters for targeted gas-phase analyses is discussed. While the particular focus on hydrogen is highly beneficial within the nuclear energy sector, mechanisms built and demonstrated here are widely applicable to optical spectroscopy monitoring in numerous other chemical systems that can be leveraged in other processes.

Inorg Chem ; 62(17): 6711-6721, 2023 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37058585


The mechanism by which high concentrations (1.5 M in n-dodecane) of N,N-di-2-ethylhexyl-isobutyramide (DEHiBA) extracts HNO3 and UO2(NO3)2 is under examination. Most prior studies have examined the extractant and the mechanism at a concentration of 1.0 M in n-dodecane; however, under the higher loading conditions that can be achieved by a higher concentration of extractant, this mechanism could change. Increased extraction of both nitric acid and uranium is observed with an increased concentration of DEHiBA. The mechanisms are examined by thermodynamic modeling of distribution ratios, 15N nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy coupled with principal component analysis (PCA). Speciation diagrams produced through thermodynamic modeling have been qualitatively reproduced through PCA of the FTIR spectra. The predominant extracted species of HNO3(DEHiBA), HNO3(DEHiBA)2, and UO2(NO3)2(DEHiBA)2 are in good agreement with prior literature reports for 1.0 M DEHiBA systems. Evidence for an additional species of either UO2(NO3)2(DEHiBA) or UO2(NO3)2(DEHiBA)2(HNO3) also contributing to the extraction of uranium species is given.

Inorg Chem ; 59(7): 4453-4467, 2020 Apr 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32191453


Coordination of trivalent lanthanide and actinide metal ions by lipophilic diglycolamides and phosphonic acids has been proposed for their separation through extraction from aqueous nitric acid solutions. However, the nature of M3+ coordination complexes in these combined solvent systems is not well understood, resulting in low predictability of their behavior. This work demonstrates that a combination of N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-ethylhexyl)diglycolamide (T2EHDGA) and weakly acidic 2-ethylhexylphosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (HEH[EHP]) in n-dodecane exhibits a complicated extraction mechanism for Eu3+ and Am3+, which continuously evolves as a function of the aqueous phase acidity. At low aqueous phase nitric acid concentrations, M3+ ions are primarily extracted via exchange of the phosphonic acid proton and coordination with HEH[EHP]. At high aqueous phase nitric acid concentrations, HEH[EHP] remains protonated, and M3+ ions are transported to the organic phase by the coextraction of nitrate anions from the aqueous phase, thus forming complex species with T2EHDGA. At moderate acid regimes, both ligands participate in the coordination of M3+ ions and show a synergistic relationship resulting in considerable enhancement of M3+ transport into the combined solvent system over the simple sum of the individual extractants. The observed synergism is caused by differences in organic phase M3+ speciation and has a significant impact on the performance of the organic solvent. Distribution studies with Eu3+ indicate that nominally two or three T2EHDGA ligands participate in metal extraction in the presence of phosphonic acid, while nominally three diglycolamide ligands participate in the presence or absence of phosphonic acid. While synergistic behavior has been observed in many solvent-extraction processes, this system demonstrates a clear correlation between the continuously changing organic speciation of M3+ and its transport into the organic solvent. This paper reports the spectroscopic characterization of the organic phase M3+ species by IR, X-ray absorption, and visible spectroscopies. Spectroscopic evidence indicates a mixed-ligand complex, i.e., a ternary complex at the moderate acid regime, where the greatest degree of synergism is observed. Differences in synergistic extraction of Am3+ and Eu3+ at the low acid regime were observed, indicating their dissimilar extraction behavior.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 12842, 2019 Sep 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31492918


Expanded low-carbon baseload power production through the use of nuclear fission can be enabled by recycling long-lived actinide isotopes within the nuclear fuel cycle. This approach provides the benefits of (a) more completely utilizing the energy potential of mined uranium, (b) reducing the footprint of nuclear geological repositories, and (c) reducing the time required for the radiotoxicity of the disposed waste to decrease to the level of uranium ore from one hundred thousand years to a few hundred years. A key step in achieving this goal is the separation of long-lived isotopes of americium (Am) and curium (Cm) for recycle into fast reactors. To achieve this goal, a novel process was successfully demonstrated on a laboratory scale using a bank of 1.25-cm centrifugal contactors, fabricated by additive manufacturing, and a simulant containing the major fission product elements. Americium and Cm were separated from the lanthanides with over 99.9% completion. The sum of the impurities of the Am/Cm product stream using the simulated raffinate was found to be 3.2 × 10-3 g/L. The process performance was validated using a genuine high burnup used nuclear fuel raffinate in a batch regime. Separation factors of nearly 100 for 154Eu over 241Am were achieved. All these results indicate the process scalability to an engineering scale.

Anal Chem ; 87(10): 5139-47, 2015 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25873074


In nuclear fuel reprocessing, separating trivalent minor actinides and lanthanide fission products is extremely challenging and often necessitates tight pH control in TALSPEAK (Trivalent Actinide-Lanthanide Separation by Phosphorus reagent Extraction from Aqueous Komplexes) separations. In TALSPEAK and similar advanced processes, aqueous pH is one of the most important factors governing the partitioning of lanthanides and actinides between an aqueous phase containing a polyaminopolycarboxylate complexing agent and a weak carboxylic acid buffer and an organic phase containing an acidic organophosphorus extractant. Real-time pH monitoring would significantly increase confidence in the separation performance. Our research is focused on developing a general method for online determination of the pH of aqueous solutions through chemometric analysis of Raman spectra. Spectroscopic process-monitoring capabilities, incorporated in a counter-current centrifugal contactor bank, provide a pathway for online, real-time measurement of solution pH. The spectroscopic techniques are process-friendly and can be easily configured for online applications, whereas classic potentiometric pH measurements require frequent calibration/maintenance and have poor long-term stability in aggressive chemical and radiation environments. Raman spectroscopy discriminates between the protonated and deprotonated forms of the carboxylic acid buffer, and the chemometric processing of the Raman spectral data with PLS (partial least-squares) regression provides a means to quantify their respective abundances and therefore determine the solution pH. Interpretive quantitative models have been developed and validated under a range of chemical composition and pH conditions using a lactic acid/lactate buffer system. The developed model was applied to new spectra obtained from online spectral measurements during a solvent extraction experiment using a counter-current centrifugal contactor bank. The model predicted the pH of this validation data set within 11% for pH > 2, thus demonstrating that this technique could provide the capability of monitoring pH online in applications such as nuclear fuel reprocessing.