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Arch. med. deporte ; 36(192): 215-219, jul.-ago. 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-185177


Controlar las variables de entrenamiento es vital para garantizar las adaptaciones deseadas en el entrenamiento de fuerza, siendo la intensidad especialmente importante para mejorar la fuerza máxima y el RFD. La velocidad de ejecución ha resultado ser la mejor variable para monitorizar la intensidad del entrenamiento de fuerza, en particular las pérdidas de velocidad relacionadas con la fatiga. Sin embargo, existen impedimentos materiales para poder utilizar esta variable. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre el RPE y las pérdidas de velocidad como alternativa para controlar el entrenamiento. Se midió a 5 sujetos (4 hombres y 1 mujer) pertenecientes a la selección española de lucha libre olímpica un total de 15 series de press de banca (3 series/sujeto), de las cuales solo 14 se incluyeron en el análisis estadístico por incumplir una de ellas el protocolo, con 3 cargas relativas distintas (5 series/carga) y una pérdida de velocidad entre 20%-32%. Las variables dependientes fueron: RPE, la pérdida de velocidad, el número de repeticiones realizadas en cada serie y velocidad de la mejor repetición de cada serie. Se analizaron las correlaciones entre las variables RPE-pérdida de velocidad; RPE-número de repeticiones; RPE-velocidad mejor repetición, obteniéndose solamente correlación significativa (r Pearson 0,843; P < 0,001) entre el RPE y la pérdida de velocidad; la correlaciones entre el RPE-número de repeticiones y RPE-velocidad mejor repetición no mostraron significación estadística. Estos resultados podrían indicar la posibilidad de gestionar la fatiga y la intensidad del entrenamiento utilizando la relación RPE-pérdida de velocidad, aunque es necesario llevar a cabo estudios similares con tamaños muestrales mayores que refuercen los resultados obtenidos en este estudio

Controlling the training variables is vital to ensure the desired adaptations in resistance training; intensity is the most important variable to improve maximum strength and rate of force development (RFD). The movement velocity has shown to be the best variable to monitor the intensity of resistance training, in particular the velocity loss related to fatigue. However, there are material impediments to use this variable. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between RPE and velocity losses as an alternative to control training. Sample included 5 subjects (4 men and 1 woman) from the Spanish Olympic Wrestling team who performed a total of 15 sets of bench press (3 set/subject), of which only 14 were included in the statistical analysis for breaching one of them the protocol, with 3 different relative loads (5 set/load) and a velocity loss between 20%-32%. The dependent variables were: RPE, the velocity loss, the number of repetitions performed in each set and the velocity of the best repetition of each set. The correlations between the RPE-velocity loss; RPE-number of repetitions; and RPE-velocity best repetition variables were analyzed, obtaining only significant correlation (r Pearson 0.843, P < 0.001) between the RPE and the velocity loss; correlations between RPE-number of repetitions; and RPE-velocity best repetition did not show statistical significance . The results of the present work could indicate the possibility of managing fatigue and controlling training intensity using the RPE-velocity loss relationship, although it is necessary to carry out similar studies with larger sample sizes that reinforce the results of this study

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Outflow Velocity Measurement/methods , Resistance Training/methods , Movement/physiology , Physical Exertion/physiology , Exercise/physiology , 28599 , 35170
Arch. med. deporte ; 34(180): 201-206, jul.-ago. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-167619


El objetivo del estudio fue identificar diferencias en los componentes de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) según el estado ponderal en una muestra de adolescentes de tres ciudades localizadas en Argentina, Brasil y Chile. Se aplicó el cuestionario Kidscreen-52 a 1.357 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 17 años (48,6% chicos) en muestras seleccionadas en los tres países. El estado ponderal (eutrófico, sobrepeso y obesidad) fue definido mediante el índice de masa corporal, utilizándose los puntos de corte sugeridos por la International Obesity Task Force. Para establecer comparaciones entre los estratos formados, se utilizó el análisis de covarianza mediante el control de las puntuaciones asociadas a la ciudad/país de origen, sexo y edad. Considerando la totalidad de los adolescentes reunidos en el estudio, el 35,2% de las chicas y el 28,6% de los chicos presentaron exceso de peso corporal, de los cuales, 6,4% y el 4,7% respectivamente, mostraron ser obesos. Se observó aumento en las prevalencias de sobrepeso y obesidad con la edad, sobretodo en el grupo de los chicos. En comparación con los adolescentes eutróficos, los adolescentes obesos obtuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más comprometidas en los diez componentes de CVRS. Los adolescentes con sobrepeso mostraron valores significativamente menores que los adolescentes eutróficos en los componentes de Bienestar Físico, Bienestar Psicológico, Estado de Ánimo y Emociones, Autopercepción, Amigos y Apoyo Social, Entorno Escolar y Rechazo Social/Bullying. Además, en la comparación entre adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesos, las diferencias demostraron estadísticamente significativas para los componentes de Bienestar Físico, Autopercepción y Rechazo Social/Bullying. Por consiguiente, las evidencias encontradas apuntan hacia la importancia de monitorizar e intervenir en los componentes de CVRS relacionados con la propuesta de programas dirigidos la reversión del sobrepeso/obesidad y al control del peso corporal

The purpose of the study was to identify differences in the components of health-related quality of life (HRQL) across weight status in samples of adolescents from three cities in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. The Kidscreen-52 questionnaire was administered to 1357 adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age (48.6% of them male) in selected samples in the three countries. To define the weight status (eutrophic, overweight, obesity) we used the gender-and-age-specific body mass index cut-offs recommended by theInternational Obesity Task Force - IOFT. Analysis of covariance was used to make comparisons between strata formed by controlling the scores associated with the city/country of origin, sex and age. Considering all adolescents in the study, 35.2% of girls and 28.6% of boys were overweight, of which 6.4% and 4.7%, respectively, showed to be obese. Magnitude of the prevalence increases with age, being these values more pronounced among the boys. Compared to eutrophic adolescents, the obese adolescents presented scores significantly more injured in the ten components of HRQL. The overweight adolescents showed significantly lower values than eutrophic adolescents in the components equivalent to Physical Well-being, Psychological Well-being, Moods and Emotions, Self-Perceptions, Social Support and Peers, School Environment, and Social Acceptance/Bullying. In addition, the comparison between overweight and obese adolescents showed statistically significant differences for the components of Physical Well-being, Self-Perceptions, and Social Acceptance/Bullying. Therefore the evidences found indicate to the importance of monitoring and intervening in HRQOL components related to the proposed programs for the reversal of overweight/obesity and weight control

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Overweight/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Self Concept , Quality of Life , Latin America/epidemiology , Social Adjustment , Social Desirability , Overweight/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Body Weights and Measures/statistics & numerical data
J Strength Cond Res ; 30(7): 1968-74, 2016 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26670993


Balsalobre-Fernández, C, Kuzdub, M, Poveda-Ortiz, P, and Campo-Vecino, Jd. Validity and reliability of the PUSH wearable device to measure movement velocity during the back squat exercise. J Strength Cond Res 30(7): 1968-1974, 2016-The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of a wearable device to measure movement velocity during the back squat exercise. To do this, 10 recreationally active healthy men (age = 23.4 ± 5.2 years; back squat 1 repetition maximum [1RM] = 83 ± 8.2 kg) performed 3 repetitions of the back squat exercise with 5 different loads ranging from 25 to 85% 1RM on a Smith Machine. Movement velocity for each of the total 150 repetitions was simultaneously recorded using the T-Force linear transducer (LT) and the PUSH wearable band. Results showed a high correlation between the LT and the wearable device mean (r = 0.85; standard error of estimate [SEE] = 0.08 m·s) and peak velocity (r = 0.91, SEE = 0.1 m·s). Moreover, there was a very high agreement between these 2 devices for the measurement of mean (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.907) and peak velocity (ICC = 0.944), although a systematic bias between devices was observed (PUSH peak velocity being -0.07 ± 0.1 m·s lower, p ≤ 0.05). When measuring the 3 repetitions with each load, both devices displayed almost equal reliability (Test-retest reliability: LT [r = 0.98], PUSH [r = 0.956]; ICC: LT [ICC = 0.989], PUSH [ICC = 0.981]; coefficient of variation [CV]: LT [CV = 4.2%], PUSH [CV = 5.0%]). Finally, individual load-velocity relationships measured with both the LT (R = 0.96) and the PUSH wearable device (R = 0.94) showed similar, very high coefficients of determination. In conclusion, these results support the use of an affordable wearable device to track velocity during back squat training. Wearable devices, such as the one in this study, could have valuable practical applications for strength and conditioning coaches.

Accelerometry/instrumentation , Exercise Test/instrumentation , Resistance Training/methods , Adolescent , Adult , Exercise/physiology , Exercise Test/methods , Humans , Male , Reproducibility of Results , Resistance Training/instrumentation , Smartphone , Weight-Bearing/physiology , Young Adult
Arch. med. deporte ; 32(166): 82-86, mar.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-139227


El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las demandas físicas de dos situaciones de fútbol reducido, modificando el espacio relativo de juego. El estudio siguió un diseño pre-experimental de grupo único. Un total de diez deportistas profesionales pertenecientes a un equipo de primera división de la liga española de futbol fueron sometidos a dos tareas de fútbol reducido: 7x7 (25x45 m) y 11x11 (60x45 m). Mediante GPS se midieron las siguientes variables cinemáticas: distancia recorrida, distancia recorrida a alta intensidad, número de aceleraciones moderadas, número de aceleraciones medias, número de aceleraciones máximas, duración de las aceleraciones, y distancia recorrida durante las aceleraciones. Se procedió con estadística descriptiva y, tras comprobar la normalidad de las distribuciones, se procedió con prueba T para muestras relacionadas, estimándose el tamaño del efecto mediante el porcentaje de cambio. En la situación 11x11 los jugadores recorrieron más distancia (p = 0,003), corrieron más distancia a altas velocidades (p = 0,016) y se produjeron aceleraciones más duraderas en tiempo (p = 0,017) y en distancia recorrida (p = 0,001). En la situación de juego 7x7 se registraron mayor número de aceleraciones moderadas (p = 0,002) y medias (p = 0,004). Mientras que la carga de trabajo total es mayor en la situación 11x11, el 7x7 es más exigente en cuanto a aceleraciones y cambios de ritmo, lo que implica una carga interna distinta, de orientación más neuromuscular. A juicio de los autores de este trabajo, las demandas físicas propias del 7x7, en el que se realizan un mayor número de aceleraciones, convierten al 7x7 en un ejercicio idóneo para trabajar la fuerza específi ca en un contexto en el que se integran aspectos físico, técnico y táctico

The aim of the present study was to compare the physical demands of two SSG (small sided games) modifying the relative pitch area per player. The study followed a pre-experimental design only group. A total of ten professional soccer players belonging to a team of Spanish fi rst division soccer league were monitored during two diff erent SSG: 7x7 (25x45 m) and 11x11 (60x45 m). Using GPS the following cinematic variables were measured: distance, distance at high speed running, number of moderate accelerations, average number of accelerations, number of maximal acceleration, duration of acceleration, and distance traveled during acceleration. After checking the normal distribution, data were analyzed by T test for related sample, and eff ect size was estimated using percentage change. According to the results, in 11x11 SSG players covered more total distance (p = 0.003), covered more distance at high intensity running (p = 0.016) and accelerations occurred along more time (p = 0.017) and distance (p = 0.001). In the 7x7 SSG more number of moderate (p = 0.002) and medium (p = 0.004) accelerations were registered. Even though the total workload is higher in the 11x11 situation, 7x7 is more demanding in terms of accelerations and direction changes, which implies a diff erent internal load, more neuromuscular. Furthermore, the physical demands of the SSG 7x7, where a higher number of accelerations are performed, becoming the 7x7 an ideal task to work specifi c strength, in a context where physical, technical and tactical aspects are integrated

Adult , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Soccer , Physical Endurance , Physical Exertion , Epidemiological Monitoring/trends , Biomechanical Phenomena , Spain/epidemiology