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J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(9)2022 Aug 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36135624


The genus Alternaria is comprised of well-known plant pathogens causing various important diseases in plants, as well as being common allergens in animals and humans. Species of Alternaria can be found as saprobes associated with various dead plant materials. This research aims to enhance the taxonomy of saprobic species in the genus Alternaria found on grasses and herbaceous plants from Italy, based on multi-locus phylogenetic analyses of a concatenated ITS, LSU, SSU, tef1-α, rpb2, gapdh and Alt-a1 DNA sequence dataset combined with morphological characteristics. Multi-locus phylogenetic analyses demonstrated six novel species belonging to the genus Alternaria sect. Alternaria as: A. muriformispora sp. nov., A. obpyriconidia sp. nov., A. ovoidea sp. nov., A. pseudoinfectoria sp. nov., A. rostroconidia sp. nov. and A. torilis sp. nov. Detailed morphological descriptions, illustrations and an updated phylogenetic relationship of taxa in the genus Alternaria sect. Alternaria are provided herein.

Biodivers Data J ; 9: e59648, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33519261


BACKGROUND: In the last few years, many microfungi-including plant-associated species-have been reported from various habitats and substrates in Italy. In this study of pleosporalean fungi, we researched terrestrial habitats in the Provinces of Arezzo (Tuscany region), Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna (Emilia-Romagna region) in Italy. NEW INFORMATION: Our research on Italian pleosporalean fungi resulted in the discovery of a new species, Italica heraclei (Phaeosphaeriaceae). In addition, we present a new host record for Pseudoophiobolus mathieui (Phaeosphaeriaceae) and the second Italian record of Phomatodes nebulosa (Didymellaceae). Species boundaries were defined, based on morphological study and multi-locus phylogenetic reconstructions using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses. Our findings expand the knowledge on host and distribution ranges of pleosporalean fungi in Italy.

Biodivers Data J ; 8: e55957, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32904352


BACKGROUND: In this study, we introduce Corylicola gen. nov. in the family of Bambusicolaceae (Pleosporales), to accommodate Corylicola italica sp. nov. The new species was isolated from dead branches of Corylus avellana (common hazel) in Italy. The discovery of this new genus with both sexual and asexual characters will contribute to expand the knowledge and taxonomic framework of Bambusicolaceae. NEW INFORMATION: Corylicola gen. nov. has similar morphological characters compared to other genera of Bambusicolaceae. These are solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose and ostiolate ascomata; anastomosing and branching pseudoparaphyses; cylindrical asci with a well-developed ocular chamber and short furcate pedicel; and single-septate ascospores. The coelomycetous asexual morph of Corylicola has holoblastic, phialidic conidiogenous cells and light brown conidia analogous to other members in the family. Corylicola differs from the other genera of Bambusicolaceae in having yellowish-brown ascospore masses at the top of the ascomatal neck. Detailed morphological illustrations with comprehensive descriptions for the new taxa are provided, as well as a key to the genera of Bambusicolaceae. Maximum Likelihood analysis and Bayesian Inference of a combined SSU, LSU, ITS, RPB2 and TEF1 sequence dataset confirms the placement of this genus as a distinct lineage in Bambusicolaceae.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 906, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32528427


Helotiales is a polyphyletic order of Ascomycetes. The paucity of relevant molecular data and unclear connections of sexual and asexual morphs present challenges in resolving taxa within this order. In the present study, Patellariopsidaceae fam. nov., the asexual morph of Patellariopsis atrovinosa, and a new record of Cheirospora botryospora (Vibrisseaceae) on Fagus sylvatica (Fagaceae) from Italy are discussed based on morphology and molecular phylogeny. Phylogenetic analyses based on a combined sequence dataset of LSU and ITS were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships within the Helotiales. The results of this research provide a solid base to the taxonomy and phylogeny of Helotiales.

PLoS One ; 14(6): e0217982, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31242234


During our studies on fungal diversity from plant substrates, a new species of Valsaria was isolated from dead branches of Ostrya carpinifolia. The taxon is morphologically similar to other taxa in Valsariaceae and is characterized by pseudostromata, apically free pseudoparaphyses, bitunicate asci, and dark brown, 2-celled ascospores. However, it differs from extant species in number of guttules and ornamentation of spore. It is introduced herein as Valsaria ostryae sp. nov. within the family Valsariaceae. Multigene phylogenies based on combined LSU, ITS and RPB2 DNA sequence data generated from maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and MrBayes analyses indicate that V. ostryae is basal to V. lopadostomoides and V. rudis and its establishment as a new species is strongly supported. No discordance was found between our morphological and phylogenetic species boundaries as postulated by other researchers and our molecular data strongly supports ornamentation of spore as useful for species delineation. Valsaria species do not appear to be host specific. Full morphological details are provided herein and phylogenetic relationships of Valsaria species are also discussed in light with host association.

Ascomycota/genetics , Multigene Family , Phylogeny , Spores, Fungal , Ascomycota/classification , Bayes Theorem , Genes, Fungal , Likelihood Functions
MycoKeys ; (38): 35-46, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30123029


Sulcispora is typified by S.pleurospora. We collected a sulcispora-like taxon on leaves of Anthoxanthumodoratum L. in Italy and obtained single ascospore isolates. Combined ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1 sequence analyses suggested that Sulcispora is placed in the family Phaeosphaeriaceae and a newly collected Sulcispora species is introduced here as S.supratumida sp. nov. Detailed descriptions and illustrations are provided for Sulcisporasupratumida and it is compared with the type species, S.pleurospora.

Fungal Biol ; 120(11): 1354-1373, 2016 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27742094


Laburnicola gen. nov., with four new species, Paramassariosphaeria gen. nov., with a new species and Montagnula saikhuensis sp. nov. are introduced in this paper. The phylogeny of these taxa and genera of Didymosphaeriaceae are resolved based on analysis of combined LSU, SSU, and ITS sequence data. Laburnicola is characterized by obpyriform, immersed ascomata, with a peridium fused to the host tissues, long pedicellate asci and ellipsoidal to fusoid ascospores, whose central cells have longitudinal septa and a rugged surface. Paramassariosphaeria is characterized by globose to subglobose ascomata, papillate ostioles, a peridium comprising pseudoparenchymatous cells of textura angularis, cylindric-clavate to clavate, pedicellate asci and brown, curved-fusoid ascospores, with multiple transverse septa and a mucilaginous sheath. Montagnula saikhuensis has immersed ascomata, with a peridium fused to the host tissues, long pedicellate asci and blackish brown, ellipsoidal ascospores with a single septum. The relationship of these taxa with other Didymosphaeriaceae species is discussed based on comparative morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Munkovalsaria appendiculata and Munkovalsaria donacina are transferred to the genus Montagnula.

Ascomycota/classification , Ascomycota/genetics , Phylogeny , Ascomycota/growth & development , Ascomycota/isolation & purification , DNA, Fungal/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , Species Specificity , Spores, Fungal/classification , Spores, Fungal/genetics , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification
Saudi J Biol Sci ; 23(1): 1-8, 2016 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26858532


During a study of saprobic fungi from Bagno di Cetica Province, Italy, we collected a pleosporoid ascomycete on stems of Cytisus sp. In morphology, our collection is similar to Cucurbitaria species, but molecular analysis of SSU, LSU and ITS genes reveals it can be referred to Camarosporium. In this study we compare all other Cucurbitaria species from Cytisus sp. and based on both morphology and molecular data, we introduce our collection as a new species in Camarosporium viz. C. arezzoensis.

IMA Fungus ; 6(2): 507-23, 2015 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26734553


This paper provides recommendations of one name for use among pleomorphic genera in Dothideomycetes by the Working Group on Dothideomycetes established under the auspices of the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF). A number of these generic names are proposed for protection because they do not have priority and/or the generic name selected for use is asexually typified. These include: Acrogenospora over Farlowiella; Alternaria over Allewia, Lewia, and Crivellia; Botryosphaeria over Fusicoccum; Camarosporula over Anthracostroma; Capnodium over Polychaeton; Cladosporium over Davidiella; Corynespora over Corynesporasca; Curvularia over Pseudocochliobolus; Elsinoë over Sphaceloma; Excipulariopsis over Kentingia; Exosporiella over Anomalemma; Exserohilum over Setosphaeria; Gemmamyces over Megaloseptoria; Kellermania over Planistromella; Kirschsteiniothelia over Dendryphiopsis; Lecanosticta over Eruptio; Paranectriella over Araneomyces; Phaeosphaeria over Phaeoseptoria; Phyllosticta over Guignardia; Podonectria over Tetracrium; Polythrincium over Cymadothea; Prosthemium over Pleomassaria; Ramularia over Mycosphaerella; Sphaerellopsis over Eudarluca; Sphaeropsis over Phaeobotryosphaeria; Stemphylium over Pleospora; Teratosphaeria over Kirramyces and Colletogloeopsis; Tetraploa over Tetraplosphaeria; Venturia over Fusicladium and Pollaccia; and Zeloasperisporium over Neomicrothyrium. Twenty new combinations are made: Acrogenospora carmichaeliana (Berk.) Rossman & Crous, Alternaria scrophulariae (Desm.) Rossman & Crous, Pyrenophora catenaria (Drechsler) Rossman & K.D. Hyde, P. dematioidea (Bubák & Wróbl.) Rossman & K.D. Hyde, P. fugax (Wallr.) Rossman & K.D. Hyde, P. nobleae (McKenzie & D. Matthews) Rossman & K.D. Hyde, P. triseptata (Drechsler) Rossman & K.D. Hyde, Schizothyrium cryptogamum (Batzer & Crous) Crous & Batzer, S. cylindricum (G.Y. Sun et al.) Crous & Batzer, S. emperorae (G.Y. Sun & L. Gao) Crous & Batzer, S. inaequale (G.Y. Sun & L. Gao) Crous & Batzer, S. musae (G.Y. Sun & L. Gao) Crous & Batzer, S. qianense (G.Y. Sun & Y.Q. Ma) Crous & Batzer, S. tardecrescens (Batzer & Crous) Crous & Batzer, S. wisconsinense (Batzer & Crous) Crous & Batzer, Teratosphaeria epicoccoides (Cooke & Massee) Rossman & W.C. Allen, Venturia catenospora (Butin) Rossman & Crous, V. convolvularum (Ondrej) Rossman & Crous, V. oleaginea (Castagne) Rossman & Crous, and V. phillyreae (Nicolas & Aggéry) Rossman & Crous, combs. nov. Three replacement names are also proposed: Pyrenophora grahamii Rossman & K.D. Hyde, Schizothyrium sunii Crous & Batzer, and Venturia barriae Rossman & Crous noms. nov.