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ChemSusChem ; : e202400967, 2024 Jun 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38830830


Solid-supported amines having low molecular weight branched poly(ethylenimine) (PEI) physically impregnated into porous solid supports are promising adsorbents for CO2 capture. Co-impregnating short-chain poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) together with PEI alters the performance of the adsorbent, delivering improved amine efficiency (AE, mol CO2 sorbed/mol N) and faster CO2 uptake rates. To uncover the physical basis for this improved gas capture performance, we probe the distribution and mobility of the polymers in the pores via small angle neutron scattering (SANS), solid-state NMR, and molecular dynamic (MD) simulation studies. SANS and MD simulations reveal that PEG displaces wall-bound PEI, making amines more accessible for CO2 sorption. Solid-state NMR and MD simulation suggest intercalation of PEG into PEI domains, separating PEI domains and reducing amine-amine interactions, providing potential PEG-rich and amine-poor interfacial domains that bind CO2 weakly via physisorption while providing facile pathways for CO2 diffusion. Contrary to a prior literature hypothesis, no evidence is obtained for PEG facilitating PEI mobility in solid supports. Instead, the data suggest that PEG chains coordinate to PEI, forming larger bodies with reduced mobility compared to PEI alone. We also demonstrate promising CO2 uptake and desorption kinetics at varied temperatures, facilitated by favorable amine distribution.

Chem Phys Lipids ; 262: 105397, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38740276


Amantadine, a small amphilphic organic compound that consists of an adamantane backbone and an amino group, was first recognized as an antiviral in 1963 and received approval for prophylaxis against the type A influenza virus in 1976. Since then, it has also been used to treat Parkinson's disease-related dyskinesia and is being considered as a treatment for corona viruses. Since amantadine usually targets membrane-bound proteins, its interactions with the membrane are also thought to be important. Biological membranes are now widely understood to be laterally heterogeneous and certain proteins are known to preferentially co-localize within specific lipid domains. Does amantadine, therefore, preferentially localize in certain lipid composition domains? To address this question, we studied amantadine's interactions with phase separating membranes composed of cholesterol, DSPC (1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycero-3-phosphocholine), and DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine), as well as single-phase DPhPC (1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phos-phocholine) membranes. From Langmuir trough and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements, we determined, respectively, that amantadine preferentially binds to disordered lipids, such as POPC, and lowers the phase transition temperature of POPC/DSPC/cholesterol mixtures, implying that amantadine increases membrane disorder. Further, using droplet interface bilayers (DIBs), we observed that amantadine disrupts DPhPC membranes, consistent with its disordering properties. Finally, we carried out molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on POPC/DSPC/cholesterol membranes with varying amounts of amantadine. Consistent with experiment, MD simulations showed that amantadine prefers to associate with disordered POPC-rich domains, domain boundaries, and lipid glycerol backbones. Since different proteins co-localize with different lipid domains, our results have possible implications as to which classes of proteins may be better targets for amantadine.

Amantadine , Amantadine/chemistry , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Lipid Bilayers/chemistry , Lipid Bilayers/metabolism , Cholesterol/chemistry , Membrane Lipids/chemistry , Membrane Lipids/metabolism
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1866(7): 184349, 2024 Oct.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38815687


Cell membranes are responsible for a range of biological processes that require interactions between lipids and proteins. While the effects of lipids on proteins are becoming better understood, our knowledge of how protein conformational changes influence membrane dynamics remains rudimentary. Here, we performed experiments and computer simulations to study the dynamic response of a lipid membrane to changes in the conformational state of pH-low insertion peptide (pHLIP), which transitions from a surface-associated (SA) state at neutral or basic pH to a transmembrane (TM) α-helix under acidic conditions. Our results show that TM-pHLIP significantly slows down membrane thickness fluctuations due to an increase in effective membrane viscosity. Our findings suggest a possible membrane regulatory mechanism, where the TM helix affects lipid chain conformations, and subsequently alters membrane fluctuations and viscosity.

Cell Membrane , Lipid Bilayers , Membrane Proteins , Membrane Proteins/chemistry , Membrane Proteins/metabolism , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Lipid Bilayers/chemistry , Lipid Bilayers/metabolism , Cell Membrane/chemistry , Cell Membrane/metabolism , Viscosity , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Membrane Lipids/chemistry , Membrane Lipids/metabolism , Neutrons
J Phys Chem B ; 128(17): 4220-4230, 2024 May 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38648367


Star block copolymers (s-BCPs) have potential applications as novel surfactants or amphiphiles for emulsification, compatibilization, chemical transformations, and separations. s-BCPs have chain architectures where three or more linear diblock copolymer arms comprised of two chemically distinct linear polymers, e.g., solvophobic and solvophilic chains, are covalently joined at one point. The chemical composition of each of the subunit polymer chains comprising the arms, their molecular weights, and the number of arms can be varied to tailor the surface and interfacial activity of these architecturally unique molecules. This makes identification of the optimal s-BCP design nontrivial as the total number of plausible s-BCP architectures is experimentally or computationally intractable. In this work, we use molecular dynamics (MD) simulations coupled with a reinforcement learning-based Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) to identify s-BCP designs that minimize the interfacial tension between polar and nonpolar solvents. We first validate the MCTS approach for the design of small- and medium-sized s-BCPs and then use it to efficiently identify sequences of copolymer blocks for large-sized s-BCPs. The structural origins of interfacial tension in these systems are also identified by using the configurations obtained from MD simulations. Chemical insights into the arrangement of copolymer blocks that promote lower interfacial tension were mined using machine learning (ML) techniques. Overall, this work provides an efficient approach to solve design problems via fusion of simulations and ML and provides important groundwork for future experimental investigation of s-BCPs for various applications.

J Chem Phys ; 160(9)2024 Mar 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38445839


A method for characterizing the topological fluctuations in liquids is proposed. This approach exploits the concept of the weighted gyration tensor of a collection of particles and permits the definition of a local configurational unit (LCU). The first principal axis of the gyration tensor serves as the director of the LCU, which can be tracked and analyzed by molecular dynamics simulations. Analysis of moderately supercooled Kob-Andersen mixtures suggests that orientational relaxation of the LCU closely follows viscoelastic relaxation and exhibits a two-stage behavior. The slow relaxing component of the LCU corresponds to the structural, Maxwellian mechanical relaxation. Additionally, it is found that the mean curvature of the LCUs is approximately zero at the Maxwell relaxation time with the Gaussian curvature being negative. This observation implies that structural relaxation occurs when the configurationally stable and destabilized regions interpenetrate each other in a bicontinuous manner. Finally, the mean and Gaussian curvatures of the LCUs can serve as reduced variables for the shear stress correlation, providing a compelling proof of the close connection between viscoelastic relaxation and topological fluctuations in glass-forming liquids.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 16(9): 12052-12061, 2024 Mar 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38411063


Interfaces are considered a major bottleneck in the capture of CO2 from air. Efforts to design surfaces to enhance CO2 capture probabilities are challenging due to the remarkably poor understanding of chemistry and self-assembly taking place at these interfaces. Here, we leverage surface-specific vibrational spectroscopy, Langmuir trough techniques, and simulations to mechanistically elucidate how cationic oligomers can drive surface localization of amino acids (AAs) that serve as CO2 capture agents speeding up the apparent rate of absorption. We demonstrate how tuning these interfaces provides a means to facilitate CO2 capture chemistry to occur at the interface, while lowering surface tension and improving transport/reaction probabilities. We show that in the presence of interfacial AA-rich aggregates, one can improve capture probabilities vs that of a bare interface, which holds promise in addressing climate change through the removal of CO2 via tailored interfaces and associated chemistries.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 62(47): e202310989, 2023 Nov 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37783669


Despite intensive research on sustainable elastomers, achieving elastic vitrimers with significantly improved mechanical properties and recyclability remains a scientific challenge. Herein, inspired by the classical elasticity theory, we present a design principle for ultra-tough and highly recyclable elastic vitrimers with a defined network constructed by chemically crosslinking the pre-synthesized disulfide-containing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chains with tetra-arm polyethylene glycol (PEG). The defined network is achieved by the reduced dangling short chains and the relatively uniform molecular weight of network strands. Such elastic vitrimers with the defined network, i.e., PDMS-disulfide-D, exhibit significantly improved mechanical performance than random analogous, previously reported PDMS vitrimers, and even commercial silicone-based thermosets. Moreover, unlike the vitrimers with random network that show obvious loss in mechanical properties after recycling, those with the defined network enable excellent thermal recyclability. The PDMS-disulfide-D also deliver comparable electrochemical signals if utilized as substrates for electromyography sensors after the recycling. The multiple relaxation processes are revealed via a unique physical approach. Multiple techniques are also applied to unravel the microscopic mechanism of the excellent mechanical performance and recyclability of such defined network.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(37): 44533-44540, 2023 Sep 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37696028


Phospholipid bilayers can be described as capacitors whose capacitance per unit area (specific capacitance, Cm) is determined by their thickness and dielectric constant─independent of applied voltage. It is also widely assumed that the Cm of membranes can be treated as a "biological constant". Recently, using droplet interface bilayers (DIBs), it was shown that zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine (PC) lipid bilayers can act as voltage-dependent, nonlinear memory capacitors, or memcapacitors. When exposed to an electrical "training" stimulation protocol, capacitive energy storage in lipid membranes was enhanced in the form of long-term potentiation (LTP), which enables biological learning and long-term memory. LTP was the result of membrane restructuring and the progressive asymmetric distribution of ions across the lipid bilayer during training, which is analogous, for example, to exponential capacitive energy harvesting from self-powered nanogenerators. Here, we describe how LTP could be produced from a membrane that is continuously pumped into a nonequilibrium steady state, altering its dielectric properties. During this time, the membrane undergoes static and dynamic changes that are fed back to the system's potential energy, ultimately resulting in a membrane whose modified molecular structure supports long-term memory storage and LTP. We also show that LTP is very sensitive to different salts (KCl, NaCl, LiCl, and TmCl3), with LiCl and TmCl3 having the most profound effect in depressing LTP, relative to KCl. This effect is related to how the different cations interact with the bilayer zwitterionic PC lipid headgroups primarily through electric-field-induced changes to the statistically averaged orientations of water dipoles at the bilayer headgroup interface.

Lipid Bilayers , Long-Term Potentiation , Cations , Learning , Lecithins
Acc Chem Res ; 56(19): 2620-2630, 2023 Oct 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37722889


ConspectusSolid-supported amines are a promising class of CO2 sorbents capable of selectively capturing CO2 from diverse sources. The chemical interactions between the amine groups and CO2 give rise to the formation of strong CO2 adducts, such as alkylammonium carbamates, carbamic acids, and bicarbonates, which enable CO2 capture even at low driving force, such as with ultradilute CO2 streams. Among various solid-supported amine sorbents, oligomeric amines infused into oxide solid supports (noncovalently supported) are widely studied due to their ease of synthesis and low cost. This method allows for the construction of amine-rich sorbents while minimizing problems, such as leaching or evaporation, that occur with supported molecular amines.Researchers have pursued improved sorbents by tuning the physical and chemical properties of solid supports and amine phases. In terms of CO2 uptake, the amine efficiency, or the moles of sorbed CO2 per mole of amine sites, and uptake rate (CO2 capture per unit time) are the most critical factors determining the effectiveness of the material. While structure-property relationships have been developed for different porous oxide supports, the interaction(s) of the amine phase with the solid support, the structure and distribution of the organic phase within the pores, and the mobility of the amine phase within the pores are not well understood. These factors are important, because the kinetics of CO2 sorption, particularly when using the prototypical amine oligomer branched poly(ethylenimine) (PEI), follow an unconventional trend, with rapid initial uptake followed by a very slow, asymptotic approach to equilibrium. This suggests that the uptake of CO2 within such solid-supported amines is mass transfer-limited. Therefore, improving sorption performance can be facilitated by better understanding the amine structure and distribution within the pores.In this context, model solid-supported amine sorbents were constructed from a highly ordered, mesoporous silica SBA-15 support, and an array of techniques was used to probe the soft matter domains within these hybrid materials. The choice of SBA-15 as the model support was based on its ordered arrangement of mesopores with tunable physical and chemical properties, including pore size, particle lengths, and surface chemistries. Branched PEI─the most common amine phase used in solid CO2 sorbents─and its linear, low molecular weight analogue, tetraethylenepentamine (TEPA), were deployed as the amine phases. Neutron scattering (NS), including small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS), alongside solid-state NMR (ssNMR) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, was used to elucidate the structure and mobility of the amine phases within the pores of the support. Together, these tools, which have previously not been applied to such materials, provided new information regarding how the amine phases filled the support pores as the loading increased and the mobility of those amine phases. Varying pore surface-amine interactions led to unique trends for amine distributions and mobility; for instance, hydrophilic walls (i.e., attractive to amines) resulted in hampered motions with more intimate coordination to the walls, while amines around hydrophobic walls or walls with grafted chains that interrupt amine-wall coordination showed recovered mobility, with amines being more liberated from the walls. By correlating the structural and dynamic properties with CO2 sorption properties, novel relationships were identified, shedding light on the performance of the amine sorbents, and providing valuable guidance for the design of more effective supported amine sorbents.

J Chem Phys ; 159(11)2023 Sep 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37712790


The collective density-density and hydrostatic pressure-pressure correlations of glass-forming liquids are spatiotemporally mapped out using molecular dynamics simulations. It is shown that the sharp rise of structural relaxation time below the Arrhenius temperature coincides with the emergence of slow, nonhydrodynamic collective dynamics on mesoscopic scales. The observed long-range, nonhydrodynamic mode is independent of wave numbers and closely coupled to the local structural dynamics. Below the Arrhenius temperature, it dominates the slow collective dynamics on length scales immediately beyond the first structural peak in contrast to the well-known behavior at high temperatures. These results highlight a key connection between the qualitative change in mesoscopic two-point collective dynamics and the dynamic crossover phenomenon.

Soft Matter ; 19(12): 2204-2213, 2023 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36880601


Since many advanced applications require specific assemblies of nanoparticles (NPs), considerable efforts have been made to fabricate nanoassemblies with specific geometries. Although nanoassemblies can be fabricated through top-down approaches, recent advances show that intricate nanoassemblies can also be obtained through self-assembly, mediated for example by DNA strands. Here, we show, through extensive molecular dynamics simulations, that highly ordered self-assemblies of NPs can be mediated by their adhesion to lipid vesicles (LVs). Specifically, Janus NPs are considered so that the amount by which they are wrapped by the LV is controlled. The specific geometry of the nanoassembly is the result of effective curvature-mediated repulsion between the NPs and the number of NPs adhering to the LV. The NPs are arranged on the LV into polyhedra which satisfy the upper limit of Euler's polyhedral formula, including several deltahedra and three Platonic solids, corresponding to the tetrahedron, octahedron, and icosahedron.

Soft Matter ; 19(8): 1499-1512, 2023 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36723357


We present a numerical investigation of the modes of adhesion and endocytosis of two spherocylindrical nanoparticles (SCNPs) on planar and tensionless lipid membranes, using systematic molecular dynamics simulations of an implicit-solvent model, with varying values of the SCNPs' adhesion strength and dimensions. We found that at weak values of the adhesion energy per unit of area, ξ, the SCNPs are monomeric and adhere to the membrane in the parallel mode. As ξ is slightly increased, the SCNPs dimerize into wedged dimers, with an obtuse angle between their major axes that decreases with increasing ξ. However, as ξ is further increased, we found that the final adhesion state of the two SCNPs is strongly affected by the initial distance, d0, between their centers of mass, upon their adhesion. Namely, the SCNPs dimerize into wedged dimers, with an acute angle between their major axes, if d0 is relatively small. However, for relatively high d0, they adhere individually to the membrane in the monomeric normal mode. For even higher values of ξ and small values of d0, the SCNPs cluster into tubular dimers. However, they remain monomeric if d0 is high. Finally, the SCNPs endocytose either as a tubular dimer, if d0 is low or as monomers for large d0, with the onset value of ξ of dimeric endocytosis being lower than that of monomeric endocytosis. Dimeric endocytosis requires that the SCNPs adhere simultaneously at nearby locations.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 15(2): 3420-3432, 2023 Jan 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36600562


Here, we report synergistic nanostructured surfaces combining bactericidal and bacteria-releasing properties. A polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-block-PMMA) diblock copolymer is used to fabricate vertically oriented cylindrical PS structures ("PS nanopillars") on silicon substrates. The results demonstrate that the PS nanopillars (with a height of about 10 nm, size of about 50 nm, and spacing of about 70 nm) exhibit highly effective bactericidal and bacteria-releasing properties ("dual properties") against Escherichia coli for at least 36 h of immersion in an E. coli solution. Interestingly, the PS nanopillars coated with a thin layer (≈3 nm thick) of titanium oxide (TiO2) ("TiO2 nanopillars") show much improved dual properties against E. coli (a Gram-negative bacterium) compared to the PS nanopillars. Moreover, the dual properties emerge against Listeria monocytogenes (a Gram-positive bacterium). To understand the mechanisms underlying the multifaceted property of the nanopillars, coarse-grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a lipid bilayer (as a simplified model for E. coli) in contact with a substrate containing hexagonally packed hydrophilic nanopillars were performed. The MD results demonstrate that when the bacterium-substrate interaction is strong, the lipid heads adsorb onto the nanopillar surfaces, conforming the shape of a lipid bilayer to the structure/curvature of nanopillars and generating high stress concentrations within the membrane (i.e., the driving force for rupture) at the edge of the nanopillars. Membrane rupture begins with the formation of pores between nanopillars (i.e., bactericidal activity) and ultimately leads to the membrane withdrawal from the nanopillar surface (i.e., bacteria-releasing activity). In the case of Gram-positive bacteria, the adhesion area to the pillar surface is limited due to the inherent stiffness of the bacteria, creating higher stress concentrations within a bacterial cell wall. The present study provides insight into the mechanism underlying the "adhesion-mediated" multifaceted property of nanosurfaces, which is crucial for the development of next-generation antibacterial surface coatings for relevant medical applications.

Escherichia coli , Lipid Bilayers , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Bacteria , Surface Properties
Nanoscale ; 15(3): 1042-1052, 2023 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36421060


To understand and resolve adsorption, reconfiguration, and equilibrium conformations of charged star copolymers, we carried out an integrated experimental and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation study of the assembly process at the oil-water interface. This is important to guide development of novel surfactants or amphiphiles for chemical transformations and separations. The star block copolymer consisted of arms that are comprised of hydrophilic-hydrophobic block copolymers that are covalently tethered via the hydrophobic blocks to one point. The hydrophobic core represents polystyrene (PS) chains, while the hydrophilic corona represents quaternized poly(2-vinylpyridine) (P2VP) chains. The P2VP is modeled to become protonated when in contact with an acidic aqueous phase, thereby massively increasing the hydrophilicity of this block, and changing the nature of the star at the oil-water interface. This results in a configurational change whereby the chains comprising the hydrophilic corona are significantly stretched into the aqueous phase, while the hydrophobic core remains solubilized in the oil phase. In the simulations, we followed the kinetics of the anchoring and assembly of the star block copolymer at the interface, monitoring the lateral assembly, and the subsequent reconfiguration of the star via changes in the interfacial tension that varies as the degree-of-protonation increases. At low fractions of protonation, the arm cannot fully partition into the aqueous side of the interface and instead interacts with other arms in the oil phase forming a network near the interface. These insights were used to interpret the non-monotonic dependence of pH with the asymptotic interfacial tension from pendant drop tensiometry experiments and spectral signatures of aromatic stretches seen in vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG) spectroscopy. We describe the relationship of interfacial tension to the star assembly via the Frumkin isotherm, which phenomenologically describes anti-cooperativity in adsorbing stars to the interface due to crowding. Although our model explicitly considers long-range electrostatics, the contribution of electrostatics to interfacial tension is small and brought about by strong counterion condensation at the interface. These results provide key insights into resolving the adsorption, reconfiguration, and equilibrium conformations of charged star block copolymers as surfactants.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 13(46): 10889-10896, 2022 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36394318


Conventional wisdom suggests that cations play a minimal role in the assembly of cationic amphiphiles. Here, we show that at liquid/liquid (L/L) interfaces, specific cation effects can modulate the assemblies of hydrophobic tails in an oil phase despite being attached to cationic headgroups in the aqueous phase. We used oligo-dimethylsiloxane (ODMS) methyl imidazolium amphiphiles to identify these specific interactions at hexadecane/aqueous interfaces. Small cations, such as Li+, bind to the O atoms in the ODMS tail and pin it to the interface, thereby imposing a kinked conformation─as evidenced by vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations. While larger Cs+ ions more readily partition to the interface, they do not form analogous complexes. Our data not only point to ways for controlling amphiphile structure at L/L interfaces but also suggest a means for the separation of Li+, or related applications, in soft-matter electronics.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Water , Cations , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions , Water/chemistry
Phys Rev Lett ; 129(5): 057801, 2022 Jul 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35960564


We present a quantitative approach to the self-dynamics of polymers under steady flow by employing a set of complementary reference frames and extending the spherical harmonic expansion technique to dynamic density correlations. Application of this method to nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of polymer melts reveals a number of universal features. For both unentangled and entangled melts, the center-of-mass motions in the flow frame are described by superdiffusive, anisotropic Gaussian distributions, whereas the isotropic component of monomer self-dynamics in the center-of-mass frame is strongly suppressed. Spatial correlation analysis shows that the heterogeneity of monomer self-dynamics increases significantly under flow.

Phys Rev E ; 106(1-1): 014502, 2022 Jul.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35974619


The self-correlation function and corresponding self-intermediate scattering function in Fourier space are important quantities for describing the molecular motions of liquids. This work draws attention to a largely overlooked issue concerning the analysis of these space-time density-density correlation functions of polymers. We show that the interpretation of non-Gaussian behavior of polymers is generally complicated by intrachain averaging of distinct self-dynamics of different segments. By the very nature of the mathematics involved, the averaging process not only conceals critical dynamical information, but also contributes to the observed non-Gaussian dynamics. To fully expose this issue and provide a thorough benchmark of polymer self-dynamics, we perform analyses of coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of linear and ring polymer melts as well as several theoretical models using a "two-step" approach, where interchain and intrachain averagings of segmental self-dynamics are separated. While past investigations primarily focused on the average behavior, our results indicate that a more nuanced approach to polymer self-dynamics is clearly required.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(11): 2316-2323, 2022 03 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35289625


Molecular orientation plays a pivotal role in defining the functionality and chemistry of interfaces, yet accurate measurements probing this important feature are few, due, in part, to technical and analytical limitations in extracting information from molecular monolayers. For example, buried liquid/liquid interfaces, where a complex and poorly understood balance of inter- and intramolecular interactions impart structural constraints that facilitate the formation of supramolecular assemblies capable of new functions, are difficult to probe experimentally. Here, we use vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy, numerical polarization analysis, and atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to probe molecular orientations at buried oil/aqueous interfaces decorated with amphiphilic oligomers. We show that the orientation of self-assembled oligomers changes upon the addition of salts in the aqueous phase. The evolution of these structures can be described by competitive ion effects in the aqueous phase altering the orientations of the tails extending into the oil phase. These specific anionic effects occur via interfacial ion pairing and associated changes in interfacial solvation and hydrogen-bonding networks. These findings provide more quantitative insight into orientational changes encountered during self-assembly and pave the way for the design of functional interfaces for chemical separations, neuromorphic computing applications, and related biomimetic systems.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Water , Hydrogen Bonding , Salts , Spectrum Analysis/methods , Water/chemistry
Phys Rev E ; 104(2-1): 024503, 2021 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34525580


The spatial correlations of entangled polymer dynamics are examined by molecular dynamics simulations and neutron spin-echo spectroscopy. Due to the soft nature of topological constraints, the initial spatial decays of intermediate scattering functions of entangled chains are, to the first approximation, surprisingly similar to those of an unentangled system in the functional forms. However, entanglements reveal themselves as a long tail in the reciprocal-space correlations, implying a weak but persistent dynamic localization in real space. Comparison with a number of existing theoretical models of entangled polymers suggests that they cannot fully describe the spatial correlations revealed by simulations and experiments. In particular, the strict one-dimensional diffusion idea of the original tube model is shown to be flawed. The dynamic spatial correlation analysis demonstrated in this work provides a useful tool for interrogating the dynamics of entangled polymers. Lastly, the failure of the investigated models to even qualitatively predict the spatial correlations of collective single-chain density fluctuations points to a possible critical role of incompressibility in polymer melt dynamics.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 13(28): 33734-33743, 2021 Jul 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34235915


Liquid/liquid interfaces play a central role in scientific fields ranging from nanomaterial synthesis and soft matter electronics to nuclear waste remediation and chemical separations. This diversity of functions arises from an interface's ability to respond to changing conditions in its neighboring bulk phases. Understanding what drives this interfacial flexibility can provide novel avenues for designing new functional interfaces. However, limiting this progress is an inadequate understanding of the subtle intermolecular and interphase interactions taking place at the molecular level. Here, we use surface-specific vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy combined with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the self-assembly and structure of model ionic oligomers consisting of an oligodimethylsiloxane (ODMS) tail covalently attached to a positively charged methyl imidazolium (MIM+) head group at buried oil/aqueous interfaces. We show how the presence of seemingly innocuous salts can impart dramatic changes to the ODMS tail conformations in the oil phase via specific ion effects and ion-pairing interactions taking place in the aqueous phase. These specific ion interactions are shown to drive enhanced amphiphile adsorption, induce morphological changes, and disrupt emergent hydrogen-bonding structures at the interface. Tuning these interactions allows for independent control over the oligomer structure in the oil phase versus interfacial population changes and represents key mechanistic insight that is needed to control chemical reactions at liquid/liquid interfaces.