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Fungal Syst Evol ; 13: 15-28, 2024 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39135881


A taxonomically comprehensive perspective on the fungal associates of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), and powerful molecular tools for detection of these fungi, are imperative to understanding bark beetle impacts on forest ecosystems. The most common filamentous fungi living alongside bark beetles in infested trees are ophiostomatoids (Ascomycota: Ophiostomatales and Microascales), yet an undescribed species of Neonectria (Neonectria sp. nov.; Ascomycota: Hypocreales) was recently identified cohabitating with the alder bark beetle, Alniphagus aspericollis, in red alder, Alnus rubra. The hardwood-infesting alder bark beetle is found throughout the range of its red alder host in the Pacific Coast region of North America and is associated with Neonectria sp. nov. in southwestern British Columbia, Canada. The aim of this study was to describe and name Neonectria sp. nov. and to develop a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay to enable rapid detection of Neonectria sp. nov. from individual adult alder bark beetles and to define the distribution of the fungus. Neonectria sp. nov. was phylogenetically and morphologically determined to represent a distinct species closely related to N. ditissima and is described herein as Neonectria bordenii sp. nov. Neonectria bordenii was reliably detected from individual whole-beetle DNA extractions using a probe-based qPCR assay targeting multi-copy internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The qPCR assay amplified the fungus from 87.8 % (36/41) of individual alder bark beetle samples and was highly sensitive to N. bordenii, with a lower limit of detection of 1 × 10-6 ng/µL of culture DNA (or ~262 genome copies). Application of the qPCR assay developed in this study will expedite future research evaluating N. bordenii as a potential symbiote of the alder bark beetle. Citation: Wertman DL, Tanney JB, Hamelin RC, Carroll AL (2024). Neonectria bordenii sp. nov., a potential symbiote of the alder bark beetle, and its detection by quantitative PCR. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 13: 15-28. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2024.13.02.

Front Ophthalmol (Lausanne) ; 4: 1332197, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38984141


Fundus cameras are widely used by ophthalmologists for monitoring and diagnosing retinal pathologies. Unfortunately, no optical system is perfect, and the visibility of retinal images can be greatly degraded due to the presence of problematic illumination, intraocular scattering, or blurriness caused by sudden movements. To improve image quality, different retinal image restoration/enhancement techniques have been developed, which play an important role in improving the performance of various clinical and computer-assisted applications. This paper gives a comprehensive review of these restoration/enhancement techniques, discusses their underlying mathematical models, and shows how they may be effectively applied in real-life practice to increase the visual quality of retinal images for potential clinical applications including diagnosis and retinal structure recognition. All three main topics of retinal image restoration/enhancement techniques, i.e., illumination correction, dehazing, and deblurring, are addressed. Finally, some considerations about challenges and the future scope of retinal image restoration/enhancement techniques will be discussed.

J Dairy Sci ; 2024 Jul 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39067760


Lower-lignin (LoL) varieties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) have been developed in recent years, and have the potential to positively impact animal performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing the proportion of LoL alfalfa hay in diets fed to lactating dairy cows. Research plots were planted with a conventional variety (CON; Dairyland Hybriforce 3400), and 2 LoL varieties (LLG; 54HVX42 and LLB; Aflorex HiGest 460). After harvest, the LoL varieties were blended in equal proportions for feeding. Twelve multiparous Jersey cows (100 ± 4 d in milk) were used in a 3 × 3 Latin square with 3 periods of 28 d. Cows were assigned to 3 diets containing 0 (CNTRL), 16.1 (MdLL), and 32.2% (HiLL) of the diet DM as LoL alfalfa hay, which replaced CON. The CON alfalfa had average CP, NDF, and lignin contents (DM basis) of 20.5 ± 1.15, 42.1 ± 1.37, and 6.81 ± 0.57%, respectively, while the LoL alfalfa averaged 19.8 ± 0.75, 39.9 ± 1.56, and 6.07 ± 0.28%, respectively. No difference was observed in DMI (20.4 ± 0.61 kg/d). No difference in milk yield was observed, averaging 31.0 ± 1.02 kg/d across treatments. Similarly, no difference was observed in ECM yield (averaging 36.2 ± 1.43 kg/d). Feed conversion (ECM/DMI) tended to increase linearly with LoL alfalfa inclusion (1.74 to 1.80 ± 0.03). No difference was observed for milk fat yield and content (1.39 ± 0.075 kg/d and 4.51 ± 0.219%) or milk protein yield and content (1.06 ± 0.041 kg/d and 3.43 ± 0.096%). Total methane production quadratically decreased from CNTRL to MdLL then increased to HiLL (441, 389, 412 ± 18.2 L/d, respectively). No differences were observed on total-tract digestibility of DM (averaging 67.2 ± 0.55%) and NDF (averaging 50.9 ± 1.56%). No difference was observed in the concentration of DE, ME or NEL was observed averaging 2.82 ± 0.021, 2.51 ± 0.027, and 1.72 ± 0.030 Mcal/kg respectively. Our results suggest that replacing CON alfalfa with LoL alfalfa has no effects on milk production, milk composition, or nutrient digestibility but may improve feed efficiency.

Ocul Immunol Inflamm ; : 1-8, 2024 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38916581


PURPOSE: Uveitis is a common ocular manifestation in individuals with sarcoidosis, a multisystem inflammatory disorder. This study aimed to explore clinical and genetic factors associated with the presence or absence of uveitis in sarcoidosis patients. METHODS: Total 625 Dutch sarcoidosis patients were included. Among these, 170 underwent ophthalmic examination, and 61 were diagnosed with uveitis. Demographic and clinical data, including age, gender, race, biopsy status, chest radiography findings, TNF-α inhibitor treatment, and uveitis classification were collected retrospectively from medical records. Genetic data was available for HLA haplotypes, TNF-α G-308A, and BTNL2 G16071A polymorphisms. RESULTS: The majority of the patients presented with bilateral uveitis (80.3%). The proportion of women was higher in the uveitis group compared to the non-uveitis group (67.2% and 47.7%; p = 0.014). Pulmonary involvement (chest radiographic stage II-III) was significantly lower in patients with uveitis (36.1% versus 64.2%; p < 0.001). Patients with uveitis were more often treated with TNF-α inhibitors (67.2% versus 29.4%; p < 0.001) and the outcome was better compared with the non-uveitis group, 92% vs 68%, responders (p < 0.012). Uveitis patients treated with TNF-α inhibitors (either adalimumab or infliximab) were more likely to suffer from intermediate or posterior uveitis than anterior uveitis. Genetic analysis identified a significant association between the BTNL2 G16071A GG genotype and uveitis (p = 0.012). CONCLUSION: This study highlights distinctive demographic, clinical and genetic features associated with uveitis in sarcoidosis patients. Ocular sarcoidosis was more prevalent in women. Further research is warranted to explore the implications of these findings for treatment strategies and prognostic assessments.

J Dairy Sci ; 2024 Jun 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38945257


Research in a variety of species including cattle has suggested energy required for maintenance may be affected by body condition. The objective of this study was to use indirect calorimetry and total fecal and urine collections to estimate maintenance energy and fasting heat production (FHP) of cows differing in body condition score (BCS). Twelve multiparous nonpregnant and nonlactating Jersey cows were randomly assigned to one of 2 treatment groups. To construct these groups, cows were fed 2 different TMRs in a preexperimental period for 84 d resulting in a BCS of >5 (HiBCS) and a BCS <3 (LoBCS), and no difference was observed (P > 0.49) in initial body weight (BW) or BCS between treatments, averaging 509 ± 26.0 kg and 4.1 ± 0.23. To begin the experiment all animals were fed at maintenance (NELmaint, (Mcal/d) = 0.10 × BW0.75) for 24 d followed by 4 d of data collection for energy balance, cows were then fasted of 96 h with data collection for energy balance once again taken over the final 24 h. While during the maintenance collection period, differences in BW and BCS existed (439 and 566 ± 19.0 kg BW, and 3.0 and 5.0 ± 0.13 BCS) for LoBCS and HiBCS, respectively. Heat production increased with increasing BCS (13.1 to 16.2 ± 0.55 Mcal/d), but when expressed per unit of BW0.75 no difference was observed (0.14 ± 0.002 Mcal/d/ BW0.75). When fasted, body weight loss did not differ averaging 28.9 ± 0.181 kg. The FHP did not differ (P = 0.40) averaging 0.10 ± 0.004 Mcal/d/ BW0.75 and resulted in the following representation of maintenance; NELmaint, (Mcal/d = 0.10 ± 0.004 × BW0.75). During fasting the nitrogen free respiratory quotient tended to differ (0.69 and 0.73 ± 0.014) and O2 consumption and CO2 production for protein oxidation differed for LoBCS and HiBCS (5.44 and 2.35 ± 0.988 O2 and 4.52 and 1.95 ± 0.821 CO2 L/ BW0.75). Overall, FHP increased with increasing BCS, but FHP per unit of BW0.75 did not differ. Although BW change was similar during fasting, differences O2 consumption and CO2 production per unit of BW0.75 used for protein oxidation may indicate differences in the nature of body tissue utilization in cows differing in BCS.

J Dairy Sci ; 2024 May 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38825139


Animals vary in the way in which they utilize energy due to diet, genetics, and management. Energy consumed by the animal supports milk production, but considerable variation among-animals in energy utilization is thought to exist. The study objective was to estimate the among-animal variance in energy utilization in data collected from Jersey cows using indirect calorimetry. Individual animal-period data from 15 studies (n = 560) were used. The data set included 115 animals from 44 to 410 DIM producing 11.5 to 39.1 kg/d of milk. On average, the 63 treatments in the data set ranged 14.8 to 19.5% CP, 21.4 to 43.0% NDF, 16.2 to 33.3% starch, and 2.21 to 6.44% crude fat. Data were analyzed with the Glimmix procedure of SAS (9.4) with random effects of cow, treatment nested within period, square, and experiment. The percentage of among-animal, dietary treatment, and experimental variance was calculated as the variance associated with each fraction divided by the sum of variance from animal, dietary treatment, experiment, and residual which was considered the total variance. The percentage of among-animal variance was characterized as high or low when the value was greater than or less than the mean value of 29.2%. Among-animal variance explained approximately 29.3 - 42.5% of the total variance in DM intake (DMI), gross energy (GE), digestible energy (DE), metabolizable energy (ME), and net energy of lactation (NEL) in Mcal/d. When energetic components of feces, urine, and heat in Mcal/d were expressed per unit of DMI the among-animal variance decreased by 20.4, 4.82, and 9.55% units, respectively. However, among-animal variance explained 4.80, 8.78, and 5.02% units more of the total variation for methane energy, lactation energy, and tissue energy in Mcal/d when expressed per unit of DMI. Variance in energetic efficiencies of DE/GE, ME/GE, and ME/DE were explained to a lesser extent by among-animal variance (averaging 17.8 ± 1.95%). The among-animal contribution to total variance in milk energy was 28.8%. Milk energy was a large proportion of the energy efficiency calculation which included milk energy plus corrected tissue energy over net energy intake which likely contributed to the 22.2% of total among-animal variance in energy efficiency. Results indicate that among-animal variance explains a large proportion of the total variation in DMI. This contributes to the variance observed for energy fractions as well as energy components when expressed in Mcal/d. Variation in energetic loss associated with methane was primarily explained by differences among-animals and was increased when expressed per unit of DMI highlighting the role of inherent animal differences in these losses.

BMJ Mil Health ; 2024 Apr 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38604756


INTRODUCTION: Measuring cortisol during military training offers insights into physiological responses to stress. We attempted precisely timed, cortisol awakening response (CAR) and pre-sleep cortisol (PSC), and diurnal slope (peak morning minus evening cortisol), during a British Army exercise. We aimed to understand cortisol dynamics and evaluate the feasibility of CAR and PSC in this environment. METHOD: Setting: high-intensity, 10-day infantry exercise. Participants: regular infantry soldiers exercising (EX, n=25) or headquarters-based (HQ, n=6). Participants undertook PSC and WAKE and WAKE+30 min samples after 1-2 days, 5-6 days and 9-10 days. Wrist-worn GENEActiv accelerometers were used to assess sleep duration in EX only. Samples taken ±15 min from prespecified time points were deemed adherent. Validated questionnaires were used to measure resilience and perceived stress. Cortisol and cortisone were measured simultaneously by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. RESULTS: From adherent participants' samples, CAR was positive and tended to decrease as the exercise progressed. From all available data, HQ demonstrated greater diurnal slope than EX (F=7.68, p=0.02), reflecting higher morning cortisol (F=4.72, p=0.038) and lower PSC (p=0.04). No differences were seen in cortisol:cortisone ratio. 26.1% of CAR samples were adherent, with moderately strong associations between adherence and stress (r=0.41, p=0.009) but no association between adherence and day of exercise (χ2=0.27, p=0.8), sleep duration (r=-0.112, p=0.43) or resilience (r=-0.79, p=0.75). Test-retest reliability ratings for CAR were Cronbach's α of 0.48, -11.7 and 0.34 for the beginning, middle and end of the exercise, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a reduction in morning cortisol and decreased diurnal slope during a high-intensity military exercise, compared with the HQ comparator cohort in whom diurnal slope was preserved. A carefully timed CAR was not feasible in this setting.

Cell Death Discov ; 10(1): 180, 2024 Apr 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38632223


Neurodegenerative disorders are characterized by the progressive loss of structure and function of neurons, often including the death of the neuron. Previously, we reported that, by removing the cell death stimulus, dying/injured neurons could survive and recover from the process of regulated cell death, even if the cells already displayed various signs of cellular damage. Now we investigated the role of mitochondrial dynamics (fission/fusion, biogenesis, mitophagy) in both degeneration and in recovery of neuronal cells. In neuronal PC12 cells, exposure to ethanol (EtOH) induced massive neurite loss along with widespread mitochondrial fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane potential loss, reduced ATP production, and decreased total mitochondrial volume. By removing EtOH timely all these mitochondrial parameters recovered to normal levels. Meanwhile, cells regrew neurites and survived. Study of the mitochondrial dynamics showed that autophagy was activated only during the cellular degeneration phase (EtOH treatment) but not in the recovery phase (EtOH removed), and it was not dependent on the Parkin/PINK1 mediated mitophagy pathway. Protein expression of key regulators of mitochondrial fission, phospho-Drp1Ser616 and S-OPA1, increased during EtOH treatment and recovered to normal levels after removing EtOH. In addition, the critical role of PGC-1α mediated mitochondrial biogenesis in cellular recovery was revealed: inhibition of PGC-1α using SR-18292 after EtOH removal significantly impeded recovery of mitochondrial damage, regeneration of neurites, and cell survival in a concentration-dependent manner. Taken together, our study showed reversibility of mitochondrial morphological and functional damage in stressed neuronal cells and revealed that PGC-1α mediated mitochondrial biogenesis played a critical role in the cellular recovery. This molecular mechanism could be a target for neuroprotection and neurorescue in neurodegenerative diseases.

J Dairy Sci ; 107(8): 5699-5708, 2024 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38608940


Lignin is a polyphenolic polymer that is an important factor in limiting fiber digestibility by ruminants. The objective of the current study was to evaluate lignin's effects on whole animal energy utilization in diets similar in NDF content. A low-lignin (LoLig) diet was formulated to contain 32.5% NDF (DM basis) and 9.59% lignin (NDF basis) and the high-lignin (HiLig) diet was formulated to contain 31.0% NDF (DM basis) and 13.3% lignin (NDF basis). These diets were randomly assigned and fed to 12 late-lactation (mean ± SD; 214 ± 14.9 DIM) multiparous Jersey cows (mean ± SD; 435 ± 13.9 kg) in a 2-period crossover design. Cows fed the LoLig treatment consumed more DM than cows on the HiLig diet (mean ± SD; 19.9 vs. 18.7 ± 0.645 kg/d) and the LoLig diet was concurrently of a greater gross energy concentration (mean ± SEM; 4.27 vs. 4.23 ± 0.03 Mcal/kg). As expected, increasing the concentration of lignin resulted in a reduction in total-tract NDF digestibility (45.5% vs. 40.4% ± 0.742%). Increasing lignin also resulted in a reduction in the digestibility of starch (97.7 vs. 96.3 ± 0.420) and CP (65.0 vs. 60.0 ± 0.829). Lignin also decreased the concentration of digestible energy (2.83 vs. 2.63 ± 0.04 Mcal/kg) and ME (2.52 vs. 2.36 ± 0.05 Mcal/kg), but the concentration of NEL was similar (1.81 vs. 1.75 ± 0.06 Mcal/kg). Increasing the concentration of lignin also reduced yields of ECM (33.7 vs. 30.0 ± 0.838 kg/d), milk protein (1.00 vs. 0.843 ± 0.027 kg/d), and milk fat (1.30 vs. 1.19 ± 0.058 kg/d). Decreasing the dietary lignin concentration did not affect daily methane emissions, averaging 391 ± 29.6 L/d. Results of this study indicate that feeding a diet greater in lignin decreases the digestibility of nutrients and provides less energy for production responses and that energy supplied from digestible NDF may be less than predicted by some nutrition models.

Animal Feed , Diet , Dietary Fiber , Lactation , Lignin , Animals , Cattle , Female , Diet/veterinary , Dietary Fiber/metabolism , Milk/chemistry , Energy Metabolism , Digestion , Detergents
Psychol Med ; : 1-10, 2024 Mar 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469703


BACKGROUND: Cerebral microvascular dysfunction may contribute to depression via disruption of brain structures involved in mood regulation, but evidence is limited. We investigated the association of retinal microvascular function, a proxy for microvascular function in the brain, with incidence and trajectories of clinically relevant depressive symptoms. METHODS: Longitudinal data are from The Maastricht Study of 5952 participants (59.9 ± 8.5 years/49.7% women) without clinically relevant depressive symptoms at baseline (2010-2017). Central retinal arteriolar equivalent and central retinal venular equivalent (CRAE and CRVE) and a composite score of flicker light-induced retinal arteriolar and venular dilation were assessed at baseline. We assessed incidence and trajectories of clinically relevant depressive symptoms (9-item Patient Health Questionnaire score ⩾10). Trajectories included continuously low prevalence (low, n = 5225 [87.8%]); early increasing, then chronic high prevalence (early-chronic, n = 157 [2.6%]); low, then increasing prevalence (late-increasing, n = 247 [4.2%]); and remitting prevalence (remitting, n = 323 [5.4%]). RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 7.0 years (range 1.0-11.0), 806 (13.5%) individuals had incident clinically relevant depressive symptoms. After full adjustment, a larger CRAE and CRVE were each associated with a lower risk of clinically relevant depressive symptoms (hazard ratios [HRs] per standard deviation [s.d.]: 0.89 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.83-0.96] and 0.93 [0.86-0.99], respectively), while a lower flicker light-induced retinal dilation was associated with a higher risk of clinically relevant depressive symptoms (HR per s.d.: 1.10 [1.01-1.20]). Compared to the low trajectory, a larger CRAE was associated with lower odds of belonging to the early-chronic trajectory (OR: 0.83 [0.69-0.99]) and a lower flicker light-induced retinal dilation was associated with higher odds of belonging to the remitting trajectory (OR: 1.23 [1.07-1.43]). CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that cerebral microvascular dysfunction contributes to the development of depressive symptoms.

Leukemia ; 38(4): 720-728, 2024 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38360863


Current strategies to treat pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia rely on risk stratification algorithms using categorical data. We investigated whether using continuous variables assigned different weights would improve risk stratification. We developed and validated a multivariable Cox model for relapse-free survival (RFS) using information from 21199 patients. We constructed risk groups by identifying cutoffs of the COG Prognostic Index (PICOG) that maximized discrimination of the predictive model. Patients with higher PICOG have higher predicted relapse risk. The PICOG reliably discriminates patients with low vs. high relapse risk. For those with moderate relapse risk using current COG risk classification, the PICOG identifies subgroups with varying 5-year RFS. Among current COG standard-risk average patients, PICOG identifies low and intermediate risk groups with 96% and 90% RFS, respectively. Similarly, amongst current COG high-risk patients, PICOG identifies four groups ranging from 96% to 66% RFS, providing additional discrimination for future treatment stratification. When coupled with traditional algorithms, the novel PICOG can more accurately risk stratify patients, identifying groups with better outcomes who may benefit from less intensive therapy, and those who have high relapse risk needing innovative approaches for cure.

Burkitt Lymphoma , Precursor B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma , Child , Humans , Young Adult , Precursor B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/diagnosis , Precursor B-Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/therapy , Prognosis , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/diagnosis , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/therapy , Recurrence , Risk Assessment , Disease-Free Survival
Cell Commun Signal ; 22(1): 88, 2024 01 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38297331


BACKGROUND: Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) degeneration and death cause vision loss in patients with glaucoma. Regulated cell death, once initiated, is generally considered to be an irreversible process. Recently, we showed that, by timely removing the cell death stimulus, stressed neuronal PC12 cells can recover from phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure, nuclear shrinkage, DNA damage, mitochondrial fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane potential loss, and retraction of neurites, all hallmarks of an activated cell death program. Whether the cell death process can be reversed in neurons of the central nervous system, like RGCs, is still unknown. Here, we studied reversibility of the activated cell death program in primary rat RGCs (prRGCs). METHODS: prRGCs were exposed to ethanol (5%, vol/vol) to induce cell death. At different stages of the cell death process, ethanol was removed by washing and injured prRGCs were further cultured in fresh medium to see whether they recovered. The dynamics of single cells were monitored by high-resolution live-cell spinning disk microscopy. PS exposure, mitochondrial structure, membrane potential, and intracellular Ca2+ were revealed by annexin A5-FITC, Mito-tracker, TMRM, and Fluo 8-AM staining, respectively. The distribution of cytochrome c was investigated by immunofluorescence. The ultrastructure of mitochondria was studied by electron microscopy. RESULTS: Analysis of temporal relationships between mitochondrial changes and PS exposure showed that fragmentation of the mitochondrial network and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential occurred before PS exposure. Mitochondrial changes proceeded caspase-independently, while PS exposure was caspase dependent. Interestingly, prRGCs recovered quickly from these mitochondrial changes but not from PS exposure at the plasma membrane. Correlative light and electron microscopy showed that stress-induced decrease in mitochondrial area, length and cristae number was reversible. Intracellular Ca2+ was elevated during this stage of reversible mitochondrial injury, but there was no sign of mitochondrial cytochrome c release. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that RGCs with impaired mitochondrial structure and function can fully recover if there is no mitochondrial cytochrome c release yet, and no PS is exposed at the plasma membrane. This finding indicates that there is a time window for rescuing dying or injured RGCs, by simply removing the cell death stimulus. Video Abstract.

Apoptosis , Retinal Ganglion Cells , Animals , Rats , Caspases/metabolism , Cytochromes c/metabolism , Ethanol , Retinal Ganglion Cells/metabolism
J Am Heart Assoc ; 13(3): e9112, 2024 Feb 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38240213


BACKGROUND: Microvascular dysfunction is involved in the development of various cerebral disorders. It may contribute to these disorders by disrupting white matter tracts and altering brain connectivity, but evidence is scarce. We investigated the association between multiple biomarkers of microvascular function and whole-brain white matter connectivity. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cross-sectional data from The Maastricht Study, a Dutch population-based cohort (n=4326; age, 59.4±8.6 years; 49.7% women). Measures of microvascular function included urinary albumin excretion, central retinal arteriolar and venular calibers, composite scores of flicker light-induced retinal arteriolar and venular dilation, and plasma biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction (intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1, E-selectin, and von Willebrand factor). White matter connectivity was calculated from 3T diffusion magnetic resonance imaging to quantify the number (average node degree) and organization (characteristic path length, global efficiency, clustering coefficient, and local efficiency) of white matter connections. A higher plasma biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction composite score was associated with a longer characteristic path length (ß per SD, 0.066 [95% CI, 0.017-0.114]) after adjustment for sociodemographic, lifestyle, and cardiovascular factors but not with any of the other white matter connectivity measures. After multiple comparison correction, this association was nonsignificant. None of the other microvascular function measures were associated with any of the connectivity measures. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that microvascular dysfunction as measured by indirect markers is not associated with whole-brain white matter connectivity.

White Matter , Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Male , White Matter/pathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Brain/pathology , Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Biomarkers
Hormones (Athens) ; 23(1): 25-34, 2024 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37910311


Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune orbital inflammatory disease which ranges from mild to severe. Tissue remodeling, fibrosis and fat proliferation cause changes in the orbital tissues which can affect esthetics and visual function. In its severe form, it is sight threatening, debilitating, and disfiguring and may lead to social stigma, the embarrassment about which has an impact on the quality of life of those affected and the family members. The pathogenesis of TED, which is influenced by genetic, immunological, and environmental factors, is complex and not fully elucidated. However, it remains unknown what factors determine the severity of the disease. Recent research has revealed a number of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers of this disease. In this overview of TED, we focus on new insights and perspectives regarding biological agents that may provide a basis for new treatment modalities.

Autoimmune Diseases , Graves Ophthalmopathy , Humans , Graves Ophthalmopathy/therapy , Quality of Life
Alzheimers Dement ; 20(1): 316-329, 2024 Jan.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37611119


INTRODUCTION: The retina may provide non-invasive, scalable biomarkers for monitoring cerebral neurodegeneration. METHODS: We used cross-sectional data from The Maastricht study (n = 3436; mean age 59.3 years; 48% men; and 21% with type 2 diabetes [the latter oversampled by design]). We evaluated associations of retinal nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, and inner plexiform layer thicknesses with cognitive performance and magnetic resonance imaging indices (global grey and white matter volume, hippocampal volume, whole brain node degree, global efficiency, clustering coefficient, and local efficiency). RESULTS: After adjustment, lower thicknesses of most inner retinal layers were significantly associated with worse cognitive performance, lower grey and white matter volume, lower hippocampal volume, and worse brain white matter network structure assessed from lower whole brain node degree, lower global efficiency, higher clustering coefficient, and higher local efficiency. DISCUSSION: The retina may provide biomarkers that are informative of cerebral neurodegenerative changes in the pathobiology of dementia.

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , White Matter , Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Female , White Matter/diagnostic imaging , White Matter/pathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retina/diagnostic imaging , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Brain/pathology , Biomarkers , Cognition
BMJ Mil Health ; 2023 Nov 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38053268


INTRODUCTION: Wearable sensor technologies enable Defence to optimise human performance, remotely identify physiological abnormalities and enhance medical support. Maximising the acceptability of devices will ensure they are worn alongside other equipment. This study assessed the acceptability and comfort of four devices at different anatomical locations during military training. METHOD: A cross-sectional pilot study during a live firing infantry exercise or adventurous training assessed four anatomical locations concurrently over 5 days: finger, wrist, upper arm and chest. Participants rated comfort, acceptability and preference using a standardised questionnaire after 12 hours and 5 days of wear. RESULTS: Twenty-one regular British Army personnel soldiers participated, aged 24.4 (4.3) years. The upper arm location received the highest rating by participants for comfort, followed in order by wrist, finger and chest (p=0.002, Χ2=40.0). The finger was most commonly identified as uncomfortable during specific activities (76%), followed by chest (48%), wrist (23%) and upper arm devices (14%). There was no significant difference in participant confidence in the devices to collect data or allow movement, but there was a trend towards greater confidence in upper arm and wrist locations to stay in position than the others (p=0.059, Χ2=28.0). After 5 days of wear, 43% of participants said they preferred the upper arm for comfort, followed by wrist (36%), finger (24%) and chest (10%). 73% and 71% would wear the wrist and upper arm devices on deployed operations, compared with 29% and 24% for chest and finger devices, respectively. CONCLUSION: The upper arm location offered greater acceptability and comfort than finger, wrist or chest locations. It is essential to consider such findings from occupationally relevant settings when selecting wearable technology. A larger service evaluation in diverse settings is recommended to guide the choice of the most acceptable wearable devices across different equipment, roles and environments.

bioRxiv ; 2023 Nov 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38014342


Dravet syndrome (DS) is a severe genetic epilepsy primarily caused by de novo mutations in a voltage-activated sodium channel gene (SCN1A). Patients face life-threatening seizures that are largely resistant to available anti-seizure medications (ASM). Preclinical DS animal models are a valuable tool to identify candidate ASMs for these patients. Among these, scn1lab mutant zebrafish exhibiting spontaneous seizure-like activity are particularly amenable to large-scale drug screening. Prior screening in a scn1lab mutant zebrafish line generated using N-ethyl-Nnitrosourea (ENU) identified valproate, stiripentol, and fenfluramine e.g., Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved drugs with clinical application in the DS population. Successful phenotypic screening in scn1lab mutant zebrafish consists of two stages: (i) a locomotion-based assay measuring high-velocity convulsive swim behavior and (ii) an electrophysiology-based assay, using in vivo local field potential (LFP) recordings, to quantify electrographic seizure-like events. Using this strategy more than 3000 drug candidates have been screened in scn1lab zebrafish mutants. Here, we curated a list of nine additional anti-seizure drug candidates recently identified in preclinical models: 1-EBIO, AA43279, chlorzoxazone, donepezil, lisuride, mifepristone, pargyline, soticlestat and vorinostat. First-stage locomotion-based assays in scn1lab mutant zebrafish identified only 1-EBIO, chlorzoxazone and lisuride. However, second-stage LFP recording assays did not show significant suppression of spontaneous electrographic seizure activity for any of the nine anti-seizure drug candidates. Surprisingly, soticlestat induced frank electrographic seizure-like discharges in wild-type control zebrafish. Taken together, our results failed to replicate clear anti-seizure efficacy for these drug candidates highlighting a necessity for strict scientific standards in preclinical identification of ASMs.

J Dairy Sci ; 106(12): 8809-8820, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37690720


Advancing technologies of the corn dry-milling ethanol production process includes the mechanical separation of fiber-containing particles from a portion of plant- and yeast-based nitrogenous particles. The resulting high-protein processed corn coproduct (HPCoP) contains approximately 52% crude protein (CP), 36% neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 6.4% total fatty acids (TFA). The objective of this experiment was to examine the effects of replacing nonenzymatically browned soybean meal with the HPCoP on dry matter intake (DMI), energy and N utilization, and milk production of lactating Jersey cows. Twelve multiparous Jersey cows were used in a triplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design consisting of four 28-d periods. Cows were blocked by milk yield and assigned randomly to 1 of 4 treatment diets that contained HPCoP (dry matter [DM] basis) at (1) 0%; (2) 2.6%; (3) 5.4%; and (4) 8.0%. Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and thus replace nonenzymatically browned soybean meal with HPCoP in the concentrate mix, while forage inclusion remained the same across diets. Increasing the concentration of HPCoP had no effect on DMI (mean ± SE; 19.9 ± 0.62 kg/d), but tended to linearly increase milk yield (27.8, 28.5, 29.8, and 29.0 ± 1.00 kg/d). Although no difference was observed in the concentration of milk protein with increasing inclusion of HPCoP (3.40% ± 0.057%), the concentration of fat linearly increased with the inclusion of HPCoP (5.05%, 5.19%, 5.15%, 5.47% ± 0.18%). No differences were observed in the digestibility of DM, NDF, CP, TFA, and gross energy averaging 66.6% ± 0.68%, 49.0% ± 1.03%, 66.1% ± 0.82%, 73.6% ± 1.73%, 66.3% ± 0.72%, respectively, with increasing HPCoP inclusion. The concentration of dietary gross energy linearly increased with increasing concentrations of HPCoP (4.25, 4.26, 4.28, and 4.31 ± 0.01 Mcal/kg), but no difference was observed in digestible energy and metabolizable energy (ME) across treatments averaging 2.83 ± 0.033 and 2.53 ± 0.043 Mcal/kg, respectively. Concentration of dietary net energy for lactation (NEL) tended to increase with increasing HPCoP (1.61, 1.72, 1.74, 1.72 ± 0.054 Mcal/kg) with the ratio of NEL:ME increasing linearly with increasing HPCoP inclusion (0.648, 0.676, 0.687, 0.677 ± 0.0124). Results of this study suggest that inclusion of the HPCoP can replace nonenzymatically browned soybean meal and support normal milk production.

Lactation , Zea mays , Female , Cattle , Animals , Zea mays/metabolism , Animal Feed/analysis , Milk/metabolism , Diet/veterinary , Fatty Acids/metabolism , Dietary Fiber/metabolism , Glycine max , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Nitrogen/metabolism , Rumen/metabolism , Silage/analysis , Digestion
Anim Microbiome ; 5(1): 46, 2023 Sep 29.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37770990


BACKGROUND: The dog is the most popular companion animal and is a valuable large animal model for several human diseases. Canine immune-mediated hematological diseases, including immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), share many features in common with autoimmune hematological diseases of humans. The gut microbiome has been linked to systemic illness, but few studies have evaluated its association with immune-mediated hematological disease. To address this knowledge gap, 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to profile the fecal microbiota of dogs with spontaneous IMHA and ITP at presentation and following successful treatment. In total, 21 affected and 13 healthy control dogs were included in the study. RESULTS: IMHA/ITP is associated with remodeling of fecal microbiota, marked by decreased relative abundance of the spirochete Treponema spp., increased relative abundance of the pathobionts Clostridium septicum and Escherichia coli, and increased overall microbial diversity. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that Treponema spp. were associated with decreased risk of IMHA/ITP (odds ratio [OR] 0.24-0.34), while Ruminococcaceae UCG-009 and Christensenellaceae R-7 group were associated with increased risk of disease (OR = 6.84 [95% CI 2-32.74] and 8.36 [95% CI 1.85-71.88] respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates an association of immune-mediated hematological diseases in dogs with fecal dysbiosis, and points to specific bacterial genera as biomarkers of disease. Microbes identified as positive or negative risk factors for IMHA/ITP represent an area for future research as potential targets for new diagnostic assays and/or therapeutic applications.