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Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35434266


This work seeks to support scholars interested in non-face-to-face modalities of higher education in making decisions about the use of digital and educational technologies (DET) to promote educational transformation (ET) in the context of their organizations. This organizational change deals with the implementation of technology-based flexible educational practices, focused on helping students develop competencies of interest for their personal and professional growth. With this in mind, in 2018 we identified and followed six leading higher education institutions on three continents that, for years, have carried out educational innovation experiences with the support of technology. Two of the analyzed experiences make use of eLearning, another of bLearning, and the others combine eLearning and bLearning as a complement to the face-to-face modality. The meta-analysis of the cases, carried out in 2019, followed suggestions from (Stake in The art of case study research, Sage Publications Inc., 1995) as well as from qualitative research that seeks to understand what is behind the cases from three dimensions: education, technology, organization. For each one, we determined what they do, how they do it, and what success factors must be considered. As the data was collected before the 2020 pandemic and this issue produced structural imbalances in society and in higher education, it was considered pertinent, at the end of 2020, to check the pulse of the ET mediated with DET in three of the six institutions studied. The purpose was to refine the findings of the meta-analysis and learn from the decisions made in the situation of forced change in environments, means, and strategies to continue providing quality higher education.

repert. med. cir ; 31(1): 52-57, 2022.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1366975


Objetivo: analizar la relación de las prácticas pedagógicas y estrategias didácticas utilizadas en el aula y los escenarios de práctica clínica de V semestre de la facultad de enfermería de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud de Bogotá, con el modelo pedagógico institucional. Método: estudio cualitativo con enfoque etnográfico en el que participaron directivos, docentes y estudiantes, aplicando técnicas de observación no participante y entrevista semiestructurada. Se utilizó la herramienta ATLAS. Ti y se realizó triangulación entre documentos institucionales, entrevistas y la observación no participante. Resultados: se partió de cuatro categorías predeterminadas y emergieron cuatro adicionales, que dan cuenta de la relación entre el modelo pedagógico institucional con las prácticas pedagógicas y estrategias didácticas utilizadas por los docentes. Conclusiones: la institución en su trayectoria ha pasado por varios modelos pedagógicos sin que se haya realizado un estudio que evidencie el tránsito de un modelo a otro; ahora se están implementando varias estrategias para que docentes y estudiantes se apropien del modelo constructivista, lo que ha derivado en dificultades en la implementación, confusiones y tensiones. Este trabajo en conjunto con directivos, docentes y estudiantes, propone estrategias para facilitar la apropiación del modelo y su incorporación en las prácticas y estrategias didácticas.

Objective: to analyze the relationship between the pedagogical practices and teaching strategies used in the classroom and clinical practice scenarios of the 5th semester of the School of Nursing at Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud in Bogotá, and the institutional pedagogical model. Method: ethnographic qualitative study with the participation of the directive staff, teachers and students, applying non-participant observation and semi-structured interview techniques. The ATLAS.Ti software was used and triangulation comparing institutional documents, interviews and non-participant observation was conducted. Results: four predetermined categories were used as a starting point and four additional categories emerged, showing the relationship between the institutional pedagogical model and the pedagogical practices and teaching strategies used by teachers. Conclusions: the institution has used several pedagogical models without conducting a study that evidences the transition from one model to another; currently, several strategies are being implemented for teachers and students to appropriate the constructivist model, causing difficulties, confusion and tension during its implementation. This work, with the participation of the directive staff, teachers and students, proposes strategies to facilitate the appropriation of the model and its integration in didactic practices and strategies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Teaching , Health Strategies , Remedial Teaching , Nursing , Qualitative Research