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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(2): e00116321, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360296


A COVID-19 foi classificada como pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) em 11 de março de 2020. Diante da sua acelerada propagação, governantes, comunidades e serviços de saúde estão tendo que agir na mesma velocidade para ampliar a capacidade da força de trabalho em saúde. Este estudo objetivou, a partir do método revisão de escopo [scoping review], identificar as principais estratégias relacionadas a medidas de flexibilização de regulações que regem as práticas de profissionais de saúde que vêm sendo adotadas e/ou recomendadas internacionalmente. O estudo seguiu as etapas propostas pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs. Para a construção da questão de pesquisa, utilizou-se o método PCC (população, conceito e contexto). A busca se baseou nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Scopus e Base de Dados da OMS; e na literatura cinzenta. Foram identificados 36 documentos, classificados nas seguintes estratégias: (1) ampliação de escopo de prática; (2) transferência de funções de uma categoria profissional para outra; (3) autorização para atendimento e faturamento via telemedicina; (4) licenciamento e recrutamento de profissionais não ativos; (5) recrutamento de profissionais de outras regiões/estado; (6) mudanças na formação e oferta de treinamento. Uma das estratégias mais importantes em resposta a situações de escassez de profissionais de saúde tem sido e a disponibilidade para adaptar, ampliar e redistribuir as atividades dos profissionais, de modo a atender as rápidas mudanças. Esta revisão reflete a importância em se realizarem reformas nas regulações profissionais de forma a otimizar a força de trabalho em saúde existente para que esta possa atender às demandas constantes de necessidade da população.

La COVID-19 fue clasificada como pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el 11 de marzo de 2020. Ante su acelerada propagación, gobernantes, comunidades y servicios de salud están teniendo que actuar a la misma velocidad para ampliar la capacidad de la fuerza de trabajo en salud. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo, a partir del método revisión de alcance, identificar las principales estrategias relacionadas con medidas de flexibilización de regulaciones que rigen las prácticas de profesionales de salud que vienen siendo adoptadas y/o recomendadas internacionalmente. El estudio siguió las etapas propuestas por parte del Instituto Joanna Briggs. Para la construcción de la cuestión de investigación, se utilizó el método PCC (población, concepto y contexto). La búsqueda se basó en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Scopus, Base de Datos de la OMS; y en la literatura gris. Se identificaron 36 documentos, clasificados en las siguientes estrategias: (1) ampliación de ámbito de práctica; (2) transferencia de funciones de una categoría profesional a otra; (3) autorización para atención y facturación vía telemedicina; (4) permisos y reclutamiento de profesionales no activos; (5) reclutamiento de profesionales de otras regiones/estado; (6) cambios en la formación y oferta de entrenamiento. Una de las estrategias más importantes en respuesta a situaciones de escasez de profesionales de salud ha sido la disponibilidad para adaptar, ampliar y redistribuir las actividades de los profesionales, de modo que atienda a cambios rápidos. Esta revisión refleja la importancia de que se realicen reformas en las regulaciones profesionales, de forma que se optimice la fuerza de trabajo en salud existente para que esta pueda atender a las demandas de necesidades constantes de la población.

COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Given its rapid spread, governments, communities, and health services are having to act with the same speed to expand their health workforce capacity. Based on the scoping review method, this study aimed to identify the principal strategies related to measures for flexibilization of regulations on healthcare workers' practices that have been adopted and/or recommended internationally. The study followed the stages proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The research question was developed with the PCC method (population, concept, and context). Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, WHO Database, and the gray literature. A total of 36 documents were identified, classified in the following strategies: (1) expansion of scope of practice; (2) shifting of roles from one professional category to another; (3) authorization for patient care and billing via telemedicine; (4) licensing and recruitment of inactive workers; (5) recruitment of workers from other regions/states; and (6) changes in basic training and supply of new training. One of the most important strategies in response to health workforce shortages has been the willingness to adapt, expand, and redistribute workers' activities to deal with rapid changes. This review reflects the importance of reforms in workforce regulation to optimize the existing health workforce so that it can meet the population's constant needs and demands.

Cad Saude Publica ; 37(9): e00211520, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34586168


This study aimed to identify differences in the scope of practice of primary care physicians and find the main factors associated with expanded practice in rural and urban areas of Brazil. Data from an online survey with 2,277 primary care physicians, conducted between January and March 2016, were used. Differences regarding activities and procedures performed by physicians per area were verified using Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's post hoc and chi-square tests. Multivariate linear regression analyses were done using a bootstrap technique to identify the main factors associated with an expanded scope of practice. Regardless of the location, the results showed that the practices of the primary care physicians are below their competences. Rural physicians performed a higher number of procedures and activities compared with their peers from intermediate and urban municipalities. Within the overall sample, the variables related to a broader scope of practice included: male gender, work in rural municipalities, participation in training and continuing education programs and consultation of clinical protocols, articles and books. This study contributes with evidence that the medical scope of practice varies according to location. Recognizing and understanding the differences and associated factors for an expanded scope of practice is necessary to determine the skills and resources required for practice in rural and urban areas, collaborating in proposals of strategies to improve quality and access of health care services.

Physicians, Primary Care , Rural Health Services , Brazil , Humans , Male , Primary Health Care , Rural Population , Scope of Practice
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(9): e00211520, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339551


This study aimed to identify differences in the scope of practice of primary care physicians and find the main factors associated with expanded practice in rural and urban areas of Brazil. Data from an online survey with 2,277 primary care physicians, conducted between January and March 2016, were used. Differences regarding activities and procedures performed by physicians per area were verified using Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn's post hoc and chi-square tests. Multivariate linear regression analyses were done using a bootstrap technique to identify the main factors associated with an expanded scope of practice. Regardless of the location, the results showed that the practices of the primary care physicians are below their competences. Rural physicians performed a higher number of procedures and activities compared with their peers from intermediate and urban municipalities. Within the overall sample, the variables related to a broader scope of practice included: male gender, work in rural municipalities, participation in training and continuing education programs and consultation of clinical protocols, articles and books. This study contributes with evidence that the medical scope of practice varies according to location. Recognizing and understanding the differences and associated factors for an expanded scope of practice is necessary to determine the skills and resources required for practice in rural and urban areas, collaborating in proposals of strategies to improve quality and access of health care services.

O estudo buscou identificar diferenças no escopo da prática de médicos na atenção primária e os principais fatores associados com a ampliação dessa prática nas áreas rural e urbana do Brasil. Foram usados dados de um inquérito online com 2.277 médicos de atenção primária, realizado entre janeiro e março de 2016. Foram utilizados os testes de Kruskal-Wallis/post hoc de Dunn e qui-quadrado para verificar as diferenças em relação às atividades e procedimentos realizados pelos médicos, de acordo com o local. Foram realizadas análises de regressão linear multivariada, usando a técnica bootstrap para identificar os principais fatores associados com o escopo ampliado da prática. Independente de localização, os resultados mostraram que os médicos de atenção primária estão praticando abaixo de seus níveis de competências. Os médicos rurais realizavam mais procedimentos e atividades quando comparados aos colegas de municípios intermediários e urbanos. Na amostra total, as variáveis relacionadas ao escopo ampliado incluíam: sexo masculino, trabalho em municípios rurais, participação em programas de capacitação e de educação continuada, além de consultas a protocolos clínicos, artigos e livros. O estudo corrobora evidências de que o escopo da prática médica varia de acordo com a localização. O reconhecimento e compreensão das diferenças e fatores associados à ampliação do escopo de prática são relevantes para determinar as competências e recursos necessários para a prática médica nas áreas rural e urbana, contribuindo para propostas de estratégias para melhorar a qualidade e acesso a serviços de saúde.

El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las diferencias en el alcance de las consultas médicas en atención primaria, así como averiguar los principales factores asociados con las consultas practicadas en áreas rurales y urbanas de Brasil. Los datos que se usaron provenían de una encuesta en línea a 2.277 médicos de asistencia primaria, llevada a cabo entre enero y marzo de 2016. Las diferencias, respecto a las actividades y procedimientos realizados por médicos según su localización, fueron verificadas por los test post hoc de Kruskal-Wallis/Dunn y chi-cuadrados. Los análisis de regresión lineal multivariada se realizaron usando una técnica de bootstrap para identificar los factores principales, asociados con un alcance extendido de la consulta. Independientemente de la localización, los resultados mostraron que los médicos de atención primaria están realizando su trabajo por debajo de sus competencias. Los médicos rurales realizaron un número más alto de procedimientos y actividades, comparado con sus pares en municipios de tamaño medio y urbanos. En la muestra global, las variables relacionadas con un alcance más amplio de las consultas incluyeron: género masculino, trabajo en municipalidades rurales, participar en el entrenamiento y programas de educación continua y protocolos de consulta clínica, artículos, y libros. Este estudio corrobora con evidencias que el alcance de las consultas médicas varía según la localización. Reconocer y comprender las diferencias y factores asociados para un alcance extendido de las consultas, son relevantes para determinar las habilidades y recursos requeridos para realizar consultas en áreas rurales y urbanas, así como para colaborar con propuestas de estrategias en la mejora de la calidad y acceso a los servicios de salud.

Humans , Male , Rural Health Services , Physicians, Primary Care , Primary Health Care , Rural Population , Brazil , Scope of Practice
Cad Saude Publica ; 33(8): e00075316, 2017 Aug 21.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28832780


This article presents the results of a discrete choice experiment (DCE) conducted in 2012 with 277 final-year medical students from Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The experiment tested students' preferences concerning future work as physicians in primary health care, based on hypothetical job scenarios aimed at measuring the likelihood of placement in areas with a shortage of doctors. Application of DCE involved (i) a qualitative stage to define the attributes and their respective levels to comprise the job scenarios, (ii) construction and application of the instrument, and (iii) analysis with application of multinomial logit with conditional probability to estimate the weight of attributes and to construct scenarios for choice probability. The results indicate that the job attribute that most impacted students' choice was location, followed by job conditions, pay, access to medical residency, type of employment relationship, and workload. Students from private medical schools, with higher family income, and females were generally more likely to resist job assignments in unsafe urban areas and remote areas of the countryside. The job scenarios that proved most plausible in terms of public intervention were those that combined middle-level wages, good working conditions, and 10 to 20 bonus points on medical residency exams.

Career Choice , Primary Health Care , Professional Practice Location , Students, Medical , Brazil , Choice Behavior , Female , Humans , Income , Male , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(8)Aug. 2017. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-849103


Este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados da aplicação de um experimento de preferência declarada (DCE - discrete choice experiment) realizado em 2012 com 277 estudantes do último ano dos cursos de medicina do Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O experimento permitiu investigar as preferências dos estudantes sobre o trabalho futuro como médicos na atenção primária à saúde, com base em de cenários de emprego hipotéticos que visavam aferir a probabilidade de deslocamento para áreas com escassez de médicos. A aplicação do DCE envolveu (i) uma etapa qualitativa para definição dos atributos e seus respectivos níveis que comporiam os cenários de emprego, (ii) uma etapa de construção e aplicação do instrumento e (iii) uma etapa de análise com a aplicação de logit multinomial de probabilidade condicional para estimativa dos pesos de cada atributo e construção de cenários de probabilidade de escolha. Os resultados apontaram que o atributo do emprego que mais impactou a escolha dos respondentes foi o de localização do trabalho, seguido por condições de trabalho, remuneração, acesso à residência médica, tipo de vínculo e carga de trabalho. Constatou-se que os entrevistados de faculdades privadas, com maior renda familiar e do sexo feminino, em geral, têm maior resistência para deslocar-se para as regiões urbanas inseguras e áreas remotas do interior. Os cenários de emprego que se mostraram mais plausíveis em termos de intervenção pública foram aqueles que combinavam os salários de valores intermediários, boas condições de trabalho e obtenção de 10 a 20 pontos adicionais nos exames de residência médica.

This article presents the results of a discrete choice experiment (DCE) conducted in 2012 with 277 final-year medical students from Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The experiment tested students' preferences concerning future work as physicians in primary health care, based on hypothetical job scenarios aimed at measuring the likelihood of placement in areas with a shortage of doctors. Application of DCE involved (i) a qualitative stage to define the attributes and their respective levels to comprise the job scenarios, (ii) construction and application of the instrument, and (iii) analysis with application of multinomial logit with conditional probability to estimate the weight of attributes and to construct scenarios for choice probability. The results indicate that the job attribute that most impacted students' choice was location, followed by job conditions, pay, access to medical residency, type of employment relationship, and workload. Students from private medical schools, with higher family income, and females were generally more likely to resist job assignments in unsafe urban areas and remote areas of the countryside. The job scenarios that proved most plausible in terms of public intervention were those that combined middle-level wages, good working conditions, and 10 to 20 bonus points on medical residency exams.

This article presents the results of a discrete choice experiment (DCE) conducted in 2012 with 277 final-year medical students from Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The experiment tested students' preferences concerning future work as physicians in primary health care, based on hypothetical job scenarios aimed at measuring the likelihood of placement in areas with a shortage of doctors. Application of DCE involved (i) a qualitative stage to define the attributes and their respective levels to comprise the job scenarios, (ii) construction and application of the instrument, and (iii) analysis with application of multinomial logit with conditional probability to estimate the weight of attributes and to construct scenarios for choice probability. The results indicate that the job attribute that most impacted students' choice was location, followed by job conditions, pay, access to medical residency, type of employment relationship, and workload. Students from private medical schools, with higher family income, and females were generally more likely to resist job assignments in unsafe urban areas and remote areas of the countryside. The job scenarios that proved most plausible in terms of public intervention were those that combined middle-level wages, good working conditions, and 10 to 20 bonus points on medical residency exams.

Humans , Health Workforce , Job Market , Medically Underserved Area , Primary Health Care , Students, Medical , Brazil
Physis (Rio J.) ; 27(1): 147-172, jan.-mar. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-875931


A escassez e a má distribuição geográfica de médicos são problemas graves e persistentes no Brasil. Conhecer o que atrai e principalmente o que retém esses profissionais em áreas remotas e desassistidas é essencial para orientar políticas públicas. Neste trabalho, investigaram-se os principais fatores de atração e retenção em munícipios que apresentavam escassez de médicos, compondo as denominadas "rotas da escassez". Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com 51 médicos em 10 rotas que abrangeram as cinco regiões do Brasil. Na análise de conteúdo, foram identificadas seis categorias: remuneração, vínculo de trabalho, condições de trabalho, fatores profissionais, fatores locais e fatores pessoais, divididas em 27 subcategorias, com destaque para os itens de salário, flexibilidade da jornada de trabalho, infraestrutura da unidade de saúde, origem do profissional, infraestrutura e opções de lazer do município. Os resultados evidenciam a importância de combinar diferentes incentivos, financeiros e não financeiros, para atrair médicos para áreas remotas e desassistidas.(AU)

The shortage and the maldistribution of physicians are severe and persistent problems in Brazil. Knowning what attracts and especially what retains these professionals in remote and underserved areas is essential to guide public policies aimed at this issue. This study investigated the main factors that attract and retain physicians in municipalities with shortage of physicians, composing the so-called "Shortage Routes"; 51 doctors in 10 routes covering the five regions of Brazil were in-depth interviewed. The content analyses identified six categories: wages, employment relationship, working conditions, work-related factors, local factors and personal factors, disaggregated in 27 subcategories; highlighting items as salary, flexibility of working hours, health facilities infrastructure, origin of the professional and infrastructure and leisure options in the city. The results show the importance of combining different incentives, financial and nonfinancial to attract doctors to remote and underserved areas.(AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care , Physicians Distribution , Medically Underserved Area , Brazil , National Health Programs
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 17(supl.1): S219-S228, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013066


Abstract Objectives: to identify on the one hand whether there has been any changes in the nurse training in Brazil and on the other if regionalizing health incurred interference in this process. Methods: an exploratory research of a multiple case study in a qualitative approach developed between November 2015 and March 2017, in seven regions in Brazil. The data were collected by in-depth interviews with 16 administrators of the undergraduate courses in nursing and by documentary analysis of the Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos (Political Pedagogical Projects). Content analysis was undertaken by having the theoretical references of the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (National Curriculum Guidelines). Results: varied profiles of undergraduates were observed with higher tendency for the basic level in health practice or for hospital level with competencies in health care that is still fragmented and not interdisciplinary. The curricular structure of the courses focuses on isolated disciplines with little or no interdisciplinary integration and the pedagogical model is based on traditional teaching-learning strategies and additional evaluation process. There were no differences in health among the regions. Conclusions: it is necessary in concomitance with the changes that are required in the field of training to undertake efforts in the development of health units and training institutions, which has already proven to be a factor of professional retention and regional development.

Resumo Objetivos: identificar se ocorreram mudanças na formação do enfermeiro no Brasil, por um lado, e se a regionalização da saúde incorreu em ingerência nesse processo, de outro. Métodos: pesquisa exploratória, do tipo estudo de casos múltiplos, de abordagem quali-tativa, desenvolvida entre os meses de novembro de 2015 e março de 2017, em sete regiões de saúde do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas em profundidade com 16 gestores de cursos de graduação em enfermagem, e por análise documental de projetos políticos pedagógicos. Foi empreendida análise de conteúdo, tendo como referencial teórico as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Resultados: verificou-se perfis de egressos variados, com maior tendência ou para as práticas de saúde de nível básico ou para as de nível hospitalar, com competências para uma assistência à saúde ainda fragmentada e não interdisciplinar. A estrutura curricular dos cursos centra-se em disciplinas isoladas, com pouca ou nenhuma integração interdisciplinar e o modelo pedagógico alicerça-se em estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem majoritariamente tradicionais e em processos de avaliação somativa. Não foram evidenciadas diferenças entre as regiões de saúde. Conclusões: é preciso, em concomitância com as mudanças que se exigem no campo de formação, empreender esforço no desenvolvimento das redes de saúde e das instituições formadoras, o que já vem se provando fator de retenção profissional e de desenvolvimento regional.

Humans , Regional Health Planning , Educational Measurement , Professional Training , Primary Care Nursing , Unified Health System , Health Systems , Education, Nursing , Education, Nursing, Diploma Programs
Article in English, Portuguese | Coleciona SUS | ID: biblio-946119


Objectives: The review on scopes of practice tends to gain importance in Human Resource in Health agenda in Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the scope of practice of physicians and nurses who work in the Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) (Primary Healthcare) and their main barriers. Methods: this is an exploratory qualitative study conducted in 2015 and 2016, through interviews with 26 physicians and 26 nurses who work in the APS in 12 cities distributed in five Brazilian health regions. Results: physicians and nurses in the health region of the North and Northeast performed a great number of procedures, and those physicians who work in units located in rural areas. Both professional categories indicated that they knew how to carry out several procedures that were not performed in practice. The main barriers for not performing those procedures include, lack of access to exams, materials and inadequate infrastructure, protocols and city guides restrictions, legal restrictions and lack of training. Conclusions: the results suggests the need to ease the health professionals’ attributions, facilitate the integration between the professionals’ practices and optimizing their work, especially in remote and unassisted regions, in order to be in favor of expanding the access and problem solving in APS.

Objetivos: A revisão dos escopos de prática tende a ganhar importância crescente na agenda dos Recursos Humanos em Saúde no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o escopo de prática de médicos e enfermeiros que atuam na Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) e suas principais barreiras. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa realizado em 2015 e 2016, por meio de entrevistas com 26 médicos e 26 enfermeiros que atuam na APS em 12 municípios, distribuídos em cinco regiões de saúde brasileiras. Resultados: médicos e enfermeiros em regiões de saúde no Norte e Nordeste realizam maior número de procedimentos, e ainda aqueles médicos que atuam em unidades localizadas em áreas rurais. Ambas as categorias profissionais indicaram saber realizar diversos procedimentos que não são realizados na prática. As principais barreiras para a não realização dos mesmos incluem, entre outras, falta de acesso a exames, insumos e infraestrutura inadequada, restrições de protocolos e guias municipais, restrições legais e a falta de capacitação. Conclusões: os resultados sugerem a necessidade de flexibilizar as atribuições dos profissionais de saúde, facilitando a integração entre as práticas destes profissionais, e otimizando seu trabalho, principalmente naquelas regiões mais remotas e desassistidas, de forma a favorecer a ampliação do acesso e resolutividade na APS.

Humans , Employment , Health Workforce , Professional Practice , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Brazil , National Health Programs , Nurses, Male/organization & administration , Physicians/organization & administration
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(9): 2675-84, 2016 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27653053


The Mais Médicos (More Doctors) Program (PMM) was put in place in Brazil aiming to reduce inequalities in access to Primary Healthcare. Based on diverse evidence that pointed to a scenario of profound shortage of doctors in the country, one of its central thrusts was emergency provision of these professionals in vulnerable areas, referred to as the Mais Médicos para o Brasil (More Doctors for Brazil) Project. The article analyses the impact of the PMM in reducing shortage of physicians in Brazilian municipalities. To do this, it uses the Primary Healthcare Physicians Shortage Index, which identifies and measures the shortage in the periods of March 2003 and September 2015, before and after implementation of the program. The results show that there was a substantial increase in the supply of physicians in primary healthcare in the period, which helped reduce the number of municipalities with shortage from 1,200 to 777. This impact also helped reduce inequalities between municipalities, but the inequities in distribution persisted. It was also found that there was a reduction in the regular supply of doctors made by municipalities, suggesting that these were being simply substituted by the supply coming from the program. Thus, an overall situation of insecurity in care persists, reflecting the dependence of municipalities on the physician supply from the federal government.

Government Programs , Physicians/supply & distribution , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Primary Health Care , Brazil , Humans , Workforce
Cien Saude Colet ; 21(9): 2739-48, 2016 Sep.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27653059


The purpose of this study was to characterize the scope of practice of physicians working in primary healthcare participating in the Mais Médicos (More Doctors) Program ('PMM') and investigate the factors associated with execution of a larger number of clinical activities. It is an exploratory study carried over January to March 2016, through a self-applied questionnaire containing a list of 49 procedures, activities and actions carried out in primary healthcare. A total of 1,241 physicians took part in the study, most of them female, between age 40 and 49, and of Cuban nationality. The physicians carried out an average of 22.8 ± 8.2 procedures; they reported knowing how to carry out a larger number of procedures. Factors associated with executing a larger number of procedures were: being male, having graduated more recently, two years or less practicing in their primary healthcare unit, practicing in the North or South geographical regions, in small towns and more distant from the regional health headquarters. The main reason for not carrying out the procedures and activities that they reported knowing how to do was the lack of materials and inadequate infrastructure. The results show that the scope of practice of the physicians of the PMM is lower than their capacities, and that interventions with the intention of widening their scope are necessary.

Delivery of Health Care , Government Programs , Physicians/supply & distribution , Professional Practice , Adult , Brazil , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Professional Practice/organization & administration , Workforce , Young Adult
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(9): 2675-2684, Set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-795319


Resumo O Programa Mais Médicos (PMM) foi implantado no Brasil com o objetivo de reduzir as desigualdades no acesso à Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Baseado em diversas evidências que apontavam para um cenário de profunda escassez de médicos no país, um dos seus eixos de ação foi a provisão emergencial desses profissionais em áreas vulneráveis, denominado de Projeto Mais Médicos para o Brasil. O artigo analisa o impacto do PMM na redução da escassez de médicos nos municípios brasileiros. Para tanto, lança mão do Índice de Escassez de Médicos em APS, o qual a identifica e a mensura nos períodos março de 2013 e setembro de 2015, antes e depois da implantação do programa. Os resultados mostram que ocorreu um substantivo aumento na oferta de médicos em APS no período, o que contribuiu para reduzir o número de municípios com escassez desses profissionais de 1.200 para 777. Este impacto também contribuiu para reduzir as desigualdades entre os municípios, mas as iniquidades distributivas permaneceram. Foi verificado ainda que ocorreu uma redução na oferta regular de médicos pelos municípios, sugerindo uma substituição da mesma pela do programa. Assim, permaneceu um quadro de insegurança assistencial em função da dependência dos municípios em relação ao provimento federal.

Abstract The Mais Médicos (More Doctors) Program (PMM) was put in place in Brazil aiming to reduce inequalities in access to Primary Healthcare. Based on diverse evidence that pointed to a scenario of profound shortage of doctors in the country, one of its central thrusts was emergency provision of these professionals in vulnerable areas, referred to as the Mais Médicos para o Brasil (More Doctors for Brazil) Project. The article analyses the impact of the PMM in reducing shortage of physicians in Brazilian municipalities. To do this, it uses the Primary Healthcare Physicians Shortage Index, which identifies and measures the shortage in the periods of March 2003 and September 2015, before and after implementation of the program. The results show that there was a substantial increase in the supply of physicians in primary healthcare in the period, which helped reduce the number of municipalities with shortage from 1,200 to 777. This impact also helped reduce inequalities between municipalities, but the inequities in distribution persisted. It was also found that there was a reduction in the regular supply of doctors made by municipalities, suggesting that these were being simply substituted by the supply coming from the program. Thus, an overall situation of insecurity in care persists, reflecting the dependence of municipalities on the physician supply from the federal government.

Humans , Physicians/supply & distribution , Physicians/statistics & numerical data , Primary Health Care , Government Programs , Brazil
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(9): 2739-2748, Set. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, RHS Repository | ID: lil-795322


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o escopo de prática de médicos inseridos na Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS), participantes do Programa Mais Médicos (PMM) e investigar os fatores associados à execução de maior número de atividades clínicas. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório transversal realizado entre janeiro e março de 2016, por meio de questionário autoaplicável, contendo uma lista de 49 procedimentos, atividades e ações realizadas na APS. Participaram do estudo 1.241 médicos, a maioria do sexo feminino, entre 40-49 anos de idade, de nacionalidade cubana. Os médicos realizaram uma média de 22,8 ± 8,2 procedimentos, porém, relataram saber fazer um número maior. Fatores associados à realização de maior número de procedimentos foram sexo masculino, menor tempo de graduação, dois anos ou menos de atuação na UBS, atuar na região geográfica Norte ou Sul, em municípios de pequeno porte e mais distantes da sede da região de saúde. O principal motivo para não realizar os procedimentos e atividades que relataram saber fazer foi a falta de materiais e a infraestrutura inadequada. Os resultados revelam que o escopo de prática dos médicos do PMM está abaixo de suas capacidades, sendo necessárias intervenções para o ampliar.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to characterize the scope of practice of physicians working in primary healthcare participating in the Mais Médicos (More Doctors) Program (‘PMM') and investigate the factors associated with execution of a larger number of clinical activities. It is an exploratory study carried over January to March 2016, through a self-applied questionnaire containing a list of 49 procedures, activities and actions carried out in primary healthcare. A total of 1,241 physicians took part in the study, most of them female, between age 40 and 49, and of Cuban nationality. The physicians carried out an average of 22.8 ± 8.2 procedures; they reported knowing how to carry out a larger number of procedures. Factors associated with executing a larger number of procedures were: being male, having graduated more recently, two years or less practicing in their primary healthcare unit, practicing in the North or South geographical regions, in small towns and more distant from the regional health headquarters. The main reason for not carrying out the procedures and activities that they reported knowing how to do was the lack of materials and inadequate infrastructure. The results show that the scope of practice of the physicians of the PMM is lower than their capacities, and that interventions with the intention of widening their scope are necessary.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Primary Health Care , Health Workforce , National Health Programs , Primary Health Care , Unified Health System , Physicians, Primary Care
Physis (Rio J.) ; 22(2): 567-586, abr.-jun. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-643771


Desde os anos 50, os fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares passaram a ser valorizados. O gerenciamento de doenças cardiovasculares (PGC) busca a construção da autonomia e melhoria da qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Em alguns países, para alcançar esses objetivos, tem sido apontada a utilização de programas de pagamento por desempenho (PPP) aos médicos como um dos elementos de melhoria nos processos e nos resultados dos pacientes e na condição de remuneração. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar o ponto de vista dos médicos sobre a implantação dos pagamentos por desempenho vinculados ao PGC em uma operadora de plano de saúde. Trata-se de investigação de caráter qualitativo, do tipo estudo de caso, apresentando entrevistas semiestruturadas com médicos participantes ou não do PGC, em setembro de 2009, tendo como referência as ações implantadas em 2008. Foram entrevistados 23 médicos (14 homens e 09 mulheres). Como resultado foi observado que o incentivo financeiro é reconhecido pelos médicos como importante, mas não determinante da inclusão de pacientes no PGC. O principal motivo apresentado foi a organização do cuidado, no qual o paciente é mais bem acompanhado e controlado, e o trabalho médico, avaliado segundo parâmetros preestabelecidos. O PGC e o PPP têm potencial de transformação do cuidado em saúde. O trabalho multidisciplinar e a maior produtividade nos atendimentos no consultório foram os principais efeitos positivos identificados. Outros estudos são necessários para acompanhar a evolução e os efeitos do pagamento por desempenho no trabalho médico.

Since the '50s, people began to give increasing value to the risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The management of cardiovascular disease (CMP) seeks the construction of patient autonomy and improved quality of life. In some countries, to reach these goals, the use of pay-per-performance (PPP) to physicians has been mentioned as one of the elements of improvement in the process, in patient outcomes and in remuneration conditions. Our goal is to study the medical perspective of the implementation of performance payment linked to the CMP. This is a qualitative research, a case study, using semi-structured interviews with PGC participating and non-participating doctors. The interviews were conducted in September 2009, based on the actions implemented in 2008. We interviewed 23 doctors (14 men and 9 women). The main reason cited for the inclusion of CMP patients was the organization of their care, in which the patient is well controlled and monitored and medical work is evaluated by pre-established parameters. The financial incentive is recognized as important but not determining of the inclusion of patients. The CMP and the PPP have the potential to transform health care, improving outcome indicators. Multidisciplinary work and increased productivity in appointments in the practice were the main positive effects identified. Further studies are required to observe the progress and effects of performance payment.

Humans , Health Human Resource Evaluation , Physician Incentive Plans/trends , Fee-for-Service Plans/trends , Supplemental Health , Case Reports , Qualitative Research
PLoS One ; 7(3): e33399, 2012.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22479392


INTRODUCTION: Both the quantity and the distribution of health workers in a country are fundamental for assuring equitable access to health services. Using the case of Brazil, we measure changes in inequalities in the distribution of the health workforce and account for the sources of inequalities at sub-national level to identify whether policies have been effective in decreasing inequalities and increasing the density of health workers in the poorest areas between 1991 and 2005. METHODS: With data from Datasus 2005 and the 1991 and 2000 Census we measure the Gini and the Theil T across the 4,267 Brazilian Minimum Comparable Areas (MCA) for 1991, 2000 and 2005 to investigate changes in inequalities in the densities of physicians; nurse professionals; nurse associates; and community health workers by states, poverty quintiles and urban-rural stratum to account for the sources of inequalities. RESULTS: We find that inequalities have increased over time and that physicians and nurse professionals are the categories of health workers, which are more unequally distributed across MCA. The poorest states experience the highest shortage of health workers (below the national average) and have the highest inequalities in the distribution of physicians plus nurse professionals (above the national average) in the three years. Most of the staff in poor areas are unskilled health workers. Most of the overall inequalities in the distribution of health workers across MCA are due to inequalities within states, poverty quintiles and rural-urban stratum. DISCUSSION: This study highlights some critical issues in terms of the geographical distribution of health workers, which are accessible to the poor and the new methods have given new insights to identify critical geographical areas in Brazil. Eliminating the gap in the health workforce would require policies and interventions to be conducted at the state level focused in poor and rural areas.

Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Health Workforce/statistics & numerical data , Rural Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Geography , Health Personnel/standards , Humans , Poverty , Rural Health Services/trends , Socioeconomic Factors
Divulg. saúde debate ; (45): 11-23, maio 2010. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-565538


O presente artigo tem por objetivo propiciar uma reflexão acerca do tema da precarização/desprecarização do trabalho na área da saúde, suas tendências e perspectivas, utilizando como material empírico os dados obtidos pelo Observatório de Recursos Humanos em Saúde do NESCON-UFMG. A escolha da ESF se justifica pela importância estratégica do programa para a política de saúde atual. Em uma breve discussão conceitual acerca do trabalho precário, apresentam-se algumas evidências a partir das pesquisas realizadas junto a gestores dos sistemas municipais de saúde nesta primeira década.

This article aims to provide a reflection about the subject precarious/unprecarious of the labor in the health area, its trends and perspectives using, as empirical material, the data obtained by the Human resources Observatory at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (NESCOM-UFMG). The choice of ESF (Family Health Strategy) is justified by the strategic importance of the program for the current health policy. From a brief conceptual discussion concerning precarious labor, some evidences are presented from the surveys held among managers of the municipal health systems in this decade.

Family Health , Health Workforce , Health Policy , Job Satisfaction
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 13(1): 55-76, jan.-mar. 2006.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-426947


Este artigo analisa o processo de profissionalizacão da odontologia, tendo como cenário os Estados Unidos em meados do século XIX, local e época em que se estabeleceram as primeiras organizacões odontológicas profissionais no Ocidente. Busca revelar aspectos referentes à conformacão de um mercado de servicos odontológicos e as disputas entre os diversos praticantes da arte dentária pelo monopólio desse campo de saber. Fatores externos específicos tiveram um papel fundamental na emergência da profissão, entre eles a transformacão nos padrões de consumo do acúcar, determinando a disseminacão da doenca cárie dentária na sociedade e a expansão do mercado de servicos odontológicos. A conseqüente proliferacão de grupos distintos de praticantes, qualificados e desqualificados na arte dental, competindo pelo mercado de servicos odontológicos evidenciam as disputas travadas em torno do estabelecimento de uma jurisdicão sobre esse campo de trabalho e a emergência da odontologia como 'profissão moderna'.

History of Dentistry , Professional Practice/history
Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 13(1): 55-76, 2006.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17580429


The article analyzes the process by which dentistry acquired the status of a profession. The setting is the mid-nineteenth-century United States, where the West's first professional dental organizations were founded, and the focus is on some aspects of the development of a dental market and on the professional disputes among practitioners of the dental trade, who wanted a monopoly within this field of knowledge. Certain outside factors played a major role in the emergence of the profession, including changes in patterns of sugar consumption (which spread dental caries disease throughout society) as well as the expansion of the dental service market. The subsequent proliferation of distinct groups of dental practitioners--both qualified and unqualified to practice dentistry--and their competition for a place in the dental market reflect the battle waged to establish jurisdiction in this field and the emergence of dentistry as a 'modern profession'.

History of Dentistry , Dental Health Services/history , Dentists/history , Dentists/standards , Economic Competition/history , History, 18th Century , History, 19th Century , United States
Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 15(3): 168-75, 2004 Mar.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15096289


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the availability of essential drugs in municipalities with a human development index < 0.699. METHODS: We surveyed 69 institutions, including municipal pharmacies, public clinics, private and philanthropic health units, and commercial pharmacies, in 19 municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The municipalities were chosen according to the following selection criteria: (1) a human development index (HDI) < 0.699 (the HDI for the entire state of Minas Gerais in 1991) in the microregion where the municipality was located; (2) the municipality had to be the seat of government for the microregion where it was located; (3) there had to be at least two eligible institutions (belonging to the public, private, or philanthropic sectors) in full functioning in the municipality during the survey period. Health professionals who were directly responsible for stock control and drug dispensation at the institutions surveyed were interviewed. Institutional documents and records were also reviewed. A list of 21 tracer essential drugs, which were selected among the drugs most widely employed in the State of Minas Gerais' Basic Pharmacy Program, was used to measure availability. The availability of each tracer drug was calculated at the time of the site visit and for the 12-month period immediately before the survey. In addition, the availability of tracer drugs was calculated for each type of institution surveyed. RESULTS: The availability of essential drugs in municipal pharmacies was 52.0%; in public health clinics, 46.9%; and in philanthropic and private health units, 41.0% and 38.1%, respectively. In commercial pharmacies, the availability of essential drugs reached 81.2%. CONCLUSION: The availability of essential drugs in public facilities is low and varies widely, with the result that persons who need such drugs the most are often those who lack access to them. Private pharmacies are the main source of essential drugs. The results of this study point to the need to seek increased awareness and implementation of the concept of essential drugs throughout the country.

Drugs, Essential/supply & distribution , Brazil
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 15(3): 168-175, Mar. 2004. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-363962


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a disponibilidade de medicamentos essenciais em localidades com índice de desenvolvimento humano < 0,699. MÉTODOS: Foram pesquisados 69 estabelecimentos, entre almoxarifados municipais, unidades ambulatoriais públicas, unidades privadas, unidades filantrópicas e farmácias comerciais. Foram entrevistados os profissionais de saúde diretamente responsáveis pelo controle dos estoques e dispensação dos medicamentos. Também foram consultados documentos e registros institucionais. Uma lista de 21 medicamentos essenciais traçadores, selecionados dentre aqueles mais utilizados no Programa Farmácia Básica do Estado de Minas Gerais, foi definida como parâmetro para as medidas de disponibilidade. Para cada medicamento traçador foi verificada a disponibilidade no momento da visita e ao longo dos 12 meses imediatamente anteriores à pesquisa de campo. Também foi calculada a disponibilidade de cada um dos medicamentos essenciais traçadores para cada tipo de estabelecimento incluído na pesquisa de campo. RESULTADOS: A disponibilidade de medicamentos essenciais nos almoxarifados municipais foi de 52,0 por cento; nas unidades públicas de saúde, 46,9 por cento; e nas unidades ambulatoriais filantrópicas e privadas, 41,0 por cento e 38,1 por cento, respectivamente. Nas farmácias privadas, a disponibilidade de medicamentos essenciais alcançou 81,2 por cento. CONCLUSÃO: Há baixa disponibilidade e descontinuidade na oferta de medicamentos essenciais no setor público, penalizando indivíduos vulneráveis. As farmácias privadas são a principal fonte de medicamentos essenciais. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de divulgar e implementar o conceito de essencialidade no país.

Objective. To investigate the availability of essential drugs in municipalities with a human development index < 0.699. Methods. We surveyed 69 institutions, including municipal pharmacies, public clinics, private and philanthropic health units, and commercial pharmacies, in 19 municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The municipalities were chosen according to the following selection criteria: (1) a human development index (HDI) < 0.699 (the HDI for the entire state of Minas Gerais in 1991) in the microregion where the municipality was located; (2) the municipality had to be the seat of government forthe microregion where it was located; (3) there had to be at least two eligible institutions (belonging to the public, private, or philanthropic sectors) in full functioning in the municipality during the survey period. Health professionals who were directly responsible for stock control and drug dispensation at the institutions surveyed were interviewed. Institutional documents and records were also reviewed. A list of 21 tracer essential drugs, which were selectedamong the drugs most widely employed in the State of Minas Gerais' Basic Pharmacy Program, was used to measure availability. The availability of each tracer drug was calculated at the time of the site visit and for the 12-month period immediately the survey. In addition, the availability of tracer drugs was calculated for each type of institution surveyed. Results. The availability of essential drugs in municipal pharmacies was 52.0%; in public health clinics, 46.9%; and in philanthropic and private health units, 41.0% and 38.1%, respectively. In commercial pharmacies, the availability of essential drugs reached 81.2%. Conclusion. The availability of essential drugs in public facilities is low and varies widely, with the result that persons who need such drugs the most are often those who lack access to them. Private pharmacies are the main source of essential drugs. The results of this study point to the need to seek increased awareness and implementation of the concept of essential drugs throughout the country.

Drugs, Essential/supply & distribution , Brazil