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Cogitare Enferm. (Online) ; 28: e88597, Mar. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1520779


RESUMO: Objetivo: descrever o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de software baseado na Caderneta de Saúde da Pessoa Idosa, utilizando a Avaliação Heurística para análise de sua usabilidade. Método: pesquisa aplicada de desenvolvimento tecnológico, utilizando a Avaliação Heurística de Nielsen como forma de realizar a análise de usabilidade, iniciada em novembro de 2021 em Juiz de Fora e São João Del Rei. Resultados: o protótipo inicial conta com 5 telas, que contêm alguns dados relevantes para o cuidado em saúde da pessoa idosa, como idade, comorbidades e histórico de alergias. Os idosos conseguirão fazer a edição dos dados pessoais, mas somente os profissionais conseguirão incluir os dados de saúde dos pacientes, com o objetivo de torná-los mais fidedignos. Conclusão: a utilização deste aplicativo contribuirá para atualizar e avançar com o uso de tecnologias voltadas para o cuidado em saúde, e que trará benefícios para os sistemas de saúde e para os usuários.

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the development of a software prototype based on the Health Booklet for the Elderly, using Heuristic Evaluation to analyze its usability. Method: applied technological development research, using Nielsen's Heuristic Evaluation as a way of carrying out usability analysis, which began in November 2021 in Juiz de Fora and São João Del Rei. Results: the initial prototype has 5 screens, which contain some relevant data for the health care of the elderly, such as age, comorbidities, and history of allergies. The elderly will be able to edit their personal data, but only professionals will be able to include the patient's health data, with the aim of making it more reliable. Conclusion: The use of this application will help to update and advance the use of technologies aimed at health care and will bring benefits to health systems and users.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir el desarrollo de un prototipo de software basado en la Cartilla de Salud de la Persona Mayor, utilizando la Evaluación Heurística para analizar su usabilidad. Método: investigación aplicada de desarrollo tecnológico, utilizando la Evaluación Heurística de Nielsen como medio para realizar el análisis de usabilidad, iniciada en noviembre de 2021 en Juiz de Fora y São João Del Rei. Resultados: el prototipo inicial cuenta con 5 pantallas, que contienen algunos datos relevantes para el cuidado de la salud de las personas mayores, como la edad, las comorbilidades y el historial de alergias. Los ancianos podrán editar sus datos personales, pero sólo los profesionales podrán incluir los datos de salud del paciente, con el objetivo de hacerlo más fiable. Conclusión: El uso de esta aplicación contribuirá a actualizar y avanzar en el uso de las tecnologías destinadas a la atención sanitaria, y aportará beneficios a los sistemas de salud y a los usuarios.

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20220246, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1421424


Resumo Objetivo analisar o suporte oferecido pelas comunidades virtuais às pessoas com diabetes mellitus. Métodos estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido em três comunidades virtuais abertas, voltadas ao diabetes mellitus com o maior número de membros e postagens em português. A análise de conteúdo se deu por meio de nuvem de palavras como recurso para identificação dos núcleos de sentido. Resultados os resultados mais relevantes se referem às comunidades virtuais como locais de apoio informacional para melhorar o autocuidado; e como locais de suporte emocional e espiritual para encorajar mudanças comportamentais. Conclusão e implicações para a prática as comunidades virtuais podem contribuir como cenários de cuidado de pessoas com diabetes mellitus, proporcionando maior aproximação entre as práticas profissionais e as necessidades de cuidado. A compreensão dos significados das informações compartilhadas pode contribuir para a realização de práticas de cuidado integrais e efetivas, de forma holística, sem, porém, que essas estejam restritas a abordagens de caráter biológico e tecnicista. Pode, ainda, constituir-se em estratégia para auxiliar a pessoa com diabetes mellitus no cuidado de si, evidenciando o potencial das mídias sociais para a área da saúde como ferramentas transformadoras para os profissionais e empoderamento de pacientes.

RESUMEN Objetivo analizar el apoyo que ofrecen las comunidades virtuales a las personas con diabetes mellitus. Método estudio exploratorio, con abordaje cualitativo, desarrollado en tres comunidades virtuales abiertas enfocadas en diabetes mellitus, con mayor número de integrantes y publicaciones en portugués. El análisis de contenido se realizó mediante nubes de palabras como recurso para la identificación de los núcleos de significado. Resultados los resultados más relevantes se refieren a las comunidades virtuales como lugares de apoyo informativo para mejorar el autocuidado; y como lugares de apoyo emocional y espiritual para fomentar el cambio de comportamiento. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica las comunidades virtuales pueden contribuir como escenarios de atención a las personas con diabetes mellitus, proporcionando una mejor aproximación entre las prácticas profesionales y las necesidades de atención. Comprender los significados de la información compartida puede contribuir a la realización de prácticas de atención holísticas y eficaces, sin por ello limitarse a planteamientos biológicos y técnicos. También puede constituir una estrategia para asistir a la persona con diabetes mellitus en el autocuidado, destacando el potencial de las redes sociales para el área de la salud como herramientas de transformación para los profesionales y de empoderamiento de los pacientes.

Abstract Objective to analyze the support offered by virtual communities to people with diabetes mellitus. Method exploratory study with a qualitative approach, developed in three open virtual communities, focused on diabetes mellitus, with the largest number of members and posts in Portuguese. The content analysis was performed using word clouds to identify the nuclei of meaning. Results the most relevant results refer to virtual communities as sites of informational support to improve self-care; and as sites of emotional and spiritual support to encourage behavioral changes. Conclusion and implications for the practice virtual communities can contribute as scenarios of care for people with diabetes mellitus, providing greater approximation between professional practices and care needs. The understanding of the meanings of the shared information can contribute to the realization of holistic and effective care practices, without, however, being restricted to biological and technicist approaches. It can also constitute a strategy to help people with diabetes mellitus in self-care, highlighting the potential of social media for health as transformative tools for professionals and empowerment of patients.

Humans , Social Support , Diabetes Mellitus , Social Media , Self Care , Qualitative Research , Empowerment
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 30: e68385, jan. -dez. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400568


Objetivo: desenvolver uma reflexão teórica acerca da lógica do cuidado e da lógica da escolha de Annemarie Mol para pensar uma prática compartilhada de cuidado de Enfermagem em diabetes. Conteúdo: análise reflexiva, fundamentada no referencial de Annemarie Mol, que trata das contribuições desta importante filósofa para pensar as práticas de Enfermagem às pessoas com diabetes mellitus. Conclusão: para um maior engajamento da pessoa no cuidado do diabetes é importante que as instituições remodelem suas práticas de assistência, no sentido de se orientarem pela lógica do cuidado, o que implica uma mudança qualitativa na forma de apoio oferecido, em que o modelo biomédico do "autocuidado" se abriria para a negociação, abandonando seu caráter prescritivo, para ser acionado no contexto da "conversa", e ajustado às necessidades e prioridades definidas pela própria pessoa. O cuidado modelar-se-ia, enfim, por meio de relações que apresentam teores mais acentuados no sentido da troca, da reciprocidade, de pensar a ação, a fluidez, o não fixo nos processos de cuidado.

Objective: to reflect theoretically on the logic of care and Annemarie Mol's logic of choice in order to think about shared practice in diabetes nursing care. Content: this reflective analysis was framed by the contributions of Annemarie Mol, an important philosopher in thinking about nursing practice for people with diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: in order to engage people with diabetes in their care, it is important that institutions remodel their care practices to be guided by the logic of care. This entails a qualitative change in the kind of support offered, so that the biomedical model of "self-care" is open to negotiation, to be activated in a context of "conversation", its prescriptive nature abandoned, and be adjusted to the needs and priorities defined by the person him- or herself. Finally, care would then be modeled through relationships that feature content more strongly marked by exchange, reciprocity, thinking about action, and fluidity, rather than fixed on care processes.

Objetivo: desarrollar una reflexión teórica sobre la lógica del cuidado y la lógica de la elección de Annemarie Mol para pensar una práctica compartida de cuidado de enfermería en diabetes. Contenido: análisis reflexivo, fundamentado en el marco de referencia de Annemarie Mol, que trata sobre las contribuciones de esta importante filósofa en el sentido de pensar en las prácticas de Enfermería para personas con diabetes mellitus. Conclusión: para un mayor compromiso de la persona en el cuidado de la diabetes, es importante que las instituciones remodelen sus prácticas de cuidado, en el sentido de guiarse por la lógica del cuidado, lo que implica un cambio cualitativo en la forma de apoyo ofrecido, en el que el modelo biomédico de "autocuidado" estaría abierto a la negociación, abandonando su carácter prescriptivo, activarse en el contexto de la "charla" y ajustarse a las necesidades y prioridades definidas por la propia persona. Finalmente, el cuidado se modelaría a través de relaciones que presentan grados más acentuados con vistas al intercambio, la reciprocidad, el pensar en la acción, la fluidez, lo no fijo en los procesos de cuidado.

Rev. enferm. UFSM ; 12: e19, 2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1371603


Objetivo: analisar estudos que abordem as contribuições da internet na disseminação de informações sobre diabetes mellitus. Método: revisão integrativa, nas bases de dados MEDLINE/Pubmed®, Web of Science, Scopus e LILACS. A amostra foi constituída por 16 estudos, sem restrição de tempo ou de idioma, com análise e síntese dos resultados de forma descritiva. Resultados: prevaleceram estudos observacionais, com nível de evidência VI e publicados entre 2009 e 2021. As redes e mídias sociais representaram os principais ambientes virtuais utilizados por pacientes e profissionais de saúde para disseminação de informações e de experiências sobre a condição clínica, promoção do autocuidado, manutenção do tratamento e fortalecimento de redes de suporte e apoio social. Conclusão: apesar da limitada participação de profissionais de saúde nas comunidades virtuais, evidenciaram-se as possibilidades do ciberespaço como cenário de promoção da saúde e de interação com os pacientes, reconhecendo suas potencialidades como interface para o cuidar em saúde.

Objective: to analyze studies that address the contributions of the Internet in the dissemination of information on diabetes mellitus. Method: integrative review, in MEDLINE/Pubmed®, Web of Science, Scopus and LILACS databases. The sample consisted of 16 studies, without restriction of time or language, with analysis and synthesis of the results descriptively. Results: observational studies with evidence level VI and published between 2009 and 2021 prevailed. Social networks and media represented the main virtual environments used by patients and health professionals to disseminate information and experiences about the clinical condition, promote self-care, maintain treatment and strengthen support networks and social support. Conclusion: despite the limited participation of health professionals in virtual communities, the possibilities of cyberspace were evidenced as a scenario of health promotion and interaction with patients, recognizing its potentialities as an interface for health care.

Objetivo: analizar estudios que aborden las aportaciones de Internet en la difusión de información sobre la diabetes mellitus. Método: revisión integradora, en MEDLINE/Pubmed®, Web of Science, Scopus y LILACS bases de datos. La muestra consistió en 16 estudios, sin restricción de tiempo ni lenguaje, con análisis y síntesis de los resultados descriptivamente. Resultados: predominaron los estudios observacionales con nivel de evidencia VI y publicados entre 2009 y 2021. Las redes sociales y los medios de comunicación representaron los principales entornos virtuales utilizados por los pacientes y los profesionales de la salud para difundir información y experiencias sobre la condición clínica, promover el autocuidado, mantener el tratamiento y fortalecer las redes de apoyo y apoyo social. Conclusión: a pesar de la limitada participación de los profesionales de la salud en las comunidades virtuales, las posibilidades del ciberespacio se evidenciaron como un escenario de promoción de la salud e interacción con los pacientes, reconociendo sus potencialidades como interfaz para la atención de la salud.

Humans , Self Care , Social Support , Internet , Diabetes Mellitus , Social Media
Telemed J E Health ; 27(5): 551-560, 2021 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32673172


Introduction: Usability is a quality attribute that can evaluate the ease of use of user interfaces, based on standards called usability heuristics. Objective: To evaluate the usability components of the Brazilian Immunization Information System (IIS), focusing on the users and their interaction and agility with the interfaces. Materials and Methods: It was a concomitant and convergent mixed-method study that used a cross-sectional design for the quantitative approach and the indirect method of heuristic evaluation for the qualitative approach. Participants were 137 nursing professionals working in vaccination rooms, who completed a structured questionnaire on standards of usability quality, and 4 specialists in information technology, who used a semistructured form to carry out a software inspection. Descriptive and inferential statistics and the heuristic inspection were used for the analyses. Results: The evaluation resulted in 10 violated heuristics and identified 14 usability problems on the 68 screens of the IIS. The system presented simple usability problems (grade 2 severity), which can be repaired, with a low correction priority. The heuristics best evaluated were error prevention (3.03 ± 0.54) and help and documentation (3.00 ± 0.68); and the worst evaluated was visibility of system status, with a mean of 2.62 ± 0.55. Professionals with a technical education level presented a higher score on the scales for the recognition rather than recall heuristic when compared with the nurses (2.77 ± 0.49 vs. 3.67 ± 0.66, p = 0.003). Conclusion: The system provides easy access for users, however, has weaknesses in its ability to allow the users to easily achieve their goals of interaction with the interface.

Immunization , User-Computer Interface , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Humans , Information Systems , Vaccination
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 12: 1208-1214, jan.-dez. 2020. graf, ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1119460


Objective: The study's main purpose has been to analyze the international scientific production that describes the support of virtual communities for diabetes mellitus, available on the ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of ScienceTM database. Methods: It is a bibliometric study, in the time frame between 1945 and 2018, with descriptive analysis performed with the aid of HistCiteTM software. Results: There were identified 175 articles, published in 113 different journals, written by 817 authors linked to 322 research institutions located in 30 countries, 7,023 references were used, with an average of 40 references per article. Conclusion: Although the number of studies on social media and diabetes is growing, the literature still points to the lack of longitudinal studies that broaden the understanding of the meanings usually attributed to the disease and identify recurrent cognitive lapses in these spaces, as well as the quality of the information that is posted and shared online, thus highlighting the need for future studies that investigate their impact on users

Objetivo: Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica internacional que descreve o apoio de comunidades virtuais voltadas ao portador de diabetes mellitus, disponibilizada na base ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of ScienceTM. Método: trata-se de estudo bibliométrico, no recorte temporal entre 1945 e 2018, com análise descritiva realizada com auxílio do software HistCiteTM. Resultados: foram identificados 175 artigos, publicados em 113 periódicos distintos, escritos por 817 autores vinculados a 322 instituições de pesquisa, localizadas em 30 países, foram utilizadas 7.023 referências, com média de 40 referências por artigo. Conclusão: embora o número de estudos sobre mídias sociais e diabetes venha crescendo, a literatura ainda aponta carência de estudos longitudinais que ampliem a compreensão dos sentidos usualmente atribuídos à doença e identifiquem lapsos cognitivos recorrentes nestes espaços, bem como a qualidade das informações que são postadas e compartilhadas online, destacando assim, a necessidade de estudos futuros que investiguem seu impacto nos usuários

Objetivo: Analizar la producción científica internacional que describe el apoyo de las comunidades virtuales para la diabetes mellitus, disponible en la base de datos ISI Web of Knowledge / Web of ScienceTM. Método: este es un estudio bibliométrico, de 1945 a 2018, con un análisis descriptivo realizado con el software HistCiteTM. Resultados: identificamos 175 artículos publicados en 113 revistas diferentes, escritos por 817 autores vinculados a 322 instituciones de investigación ubicadas en 30 países, utilizando 7,023 referencias, con una promesa de 40 referencias por artículo. Conclusión: a medida que crece el número de estudios en redes sociales y diabetes, la literatura muestra una falta de estudios longitudinales que amplíen la comprensión de los significados generalmente atribuidos a la enfermedad y el deterioro cognitivo recurrente en estos espacios, así como la calidad de vida. La información que se publica. Se comparte en línea, destacando la necesidad de futuros estudios que investiguen su impacto en los usuarios

Humans , Male , Female , Bibliometrics , Diabetes Mellitus/psychology , Online Social Networking , Information Dissemination/methods , Diabetes Mellitus/prevention & control , Social Media/trends , Health Promotion
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem ; 27: e3225, 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31826166


OBJECTIVE: develop and evaluate a vaccine application for mobile devices, with update integrated with the National Immunization Program Information System, for care in vaccination rooms. METHOD: methodological research based on the Pressman System Development Life Cycle theory developed in three stages: integrative literature review, computational development, and application evaluation. The product was evaluated as to satisfaction, using a validated questionnaire, and as to usability by the System Usability Scale. RESULTS: the application functionalities were based on the survey of technological Innovations on immunization, published in the scientific literature. It displays user vaccines directly from the National Immunization Program Information System, notifies about upcoming vaccines, and enables the inclusion of vaccine cards of dependents. The evaluation resulted in users' mean score of 90.5 ± 11.1 and health professionals' mean score of 84.2 ± 19.4. CONCLUSION: the application is a technological tool with potential to improve the work process in vaccination rooms and to reach the goals of vaccine coverage. It synchronizes data with the National Immunization Program Information System, thus enabling the maintenance of people's vaccination history.

Mobile Applications , Nursing Informatics/instrumentation , Vaccination/instrumentation , Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Immunization Programs/methods , Information Systems/instrumentation , Information Technology , Male , Middle Aged , Vaccines , Young Adult
JMIR Serious Games ; 7(4): e11151, 2019 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31617849


BACKGROUND: Alcohol abuse is the primary cause of (public) health problems in most parts of the world. However, it is undeniable that alcohol consumption is a practice that is widely accepted socially in many places, even being protected by law as a cultural and historical heritage. The issue of alcohol abuse is complex and urgent, and consequently, it is necessary to create innovative approaches such as the proposal explored in this study. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the development and evaluation of a serious game for smartphones to present a novel approach to address the issue of alcohol abuse. METHODS: A serious game was developed to instill the consequences of alcohol abuse into the player through experimentation in the game. In the game, the consequences of alcohol use are demonstrated by increasing the game speed that gives an illusion of fun but also leads to a premature death. The evaluation employed an assessment based on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ). The participants belonged to the university student's house. RESULTS: The game development process has been presented, including its mechanics and gameplay. The game has the style of action and adventure games in which the player controls an indigenous avatar that can deflect or attack opponents coming his or her way. The game evaluation comprised an assessment based on 23 participants, aged 20 to 29 years. According to the AUDIT assessment, 18 participants reported having a low or nonexistent degree of alcohol dependence and 5 declared average dependence. Regarding their habit of playing games on smartphones, 9 participants declared they have this habit of playing (habitual players), and among the 14 that did not have this habit of playing (nonhabitual players), 3 participants declared not having a smartphone at all. The GEQ core assessment showed a higher positive affect among the participants with a habit of playing games, scoring 2.80 (habitual players) on a scale of 4.0 versus 1.61 (nonhabitual players), and higher tension as an opposite relationship of 0.81 (nonhabitual players) versus 0.37 (habitual players). The overall GEQ evaluation showed that the game presents a more positive than negative affect on all users, besides showing the other desirable characteristics of serious games. CONCLUSIONS: We present a new way of dealing with the issue of alcohol abuse through a game designed for smartphones. It promotes an overall positive user experience, having a greater impact on users accustomed to games. The proposed approach has its niche, though it is still a minority in the evaluated population. Further research should explore new game features, such as new styles, to make the game more attractive to a wider audience, in addition to performing an in-depth study on the effects of playing it.

RECIIS (Online) ; 13(3): 608-617, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1021520


Há sinalizações acadêmicas para o desenvolvimento de modelos de gerenciamento do conhecimento pautados no paradigma holístico. Mutuwa e Maiga afirmam que não há um modelo unificador para o setor de saúde, o que permite inferir que o modelo desses autores se propõe ao atingimento desse feito. Assim, esta pesquisa se justifica pelo objetivo de analisar a aderência do modelo de Mutuwa e Maiga à Gestão do Conhecimento holística, de modo a identificar se esse modelo supre a lacuna de uma estrutura unificadora para este setor. Essa análise é realizada por meio de procedimentos metodológicos mistos, contemplando a abordagem qualitativa-quantitativa e a Análise de Conteúdo. Por resultado, há uma adesão de somente 15,4% do modelo de Mutuwa e Maiga à Gestão do Conhecimento holística, conforme caracterização apresentada nessa pesquisa, permitindo inferir que a Gestão do Conhecimento não tem demonstrado direcionamento para uma abordagem orientada ao paradigma holístico. Assim, esta pesquisa contribui por fomentar o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de gerenciamento do conhecimento alicerçados no paradigma holístico, considerando os delineamentos aqui expostos.

There are academic signals for the development of knowledge management models based on the holistic paradigm. Mutuwa and Maiga affirm that there is no unifying model for the health sector, which allows to infer that the model of these authors is proposed to reach this achievement. Thus, this research is justified by the objective of analyzing the adherence of the model of Mutuwa and Maiga to Holistic Knowledge Management, in order to identify if this model bridged the gap of a unifying structure for this sector. This analysis is performed by means of mixed methodological procedures, including qualitative-quantitative approach and Content Analysis. As a result, the model of Mutuwa and Maiga adheres in 15.4% to the Holistic Knowledge Management, according to the characterization presented in this research, allowing to infer that Knowledge Management has not presented a direction towards a holistic paradigm-oriented approach. Thus, this research contributes to foster the development of new models of knowledge management based on the holistic paradigm, considering the designs presented here.

Hay señales académicas para el desarrollo de modelos de gestión del conocimiento pautados en el paradigma holístico. Mutuwa y Maiga afirman que no hay un modelo unificador para el sector de salud, lo que permite inferir que el modelo de esos autores se propone al logro de ese hecho. Así, esta investigación se justifica por el objetivo de analizar la adherencia del modelo de Mutuwa y Maiga a la Gestión del Conocimiento holístico, para identificar si ese modelo suplía la laguna de una estructura unificadora para este sector. Este análisis se realiza a través de procedimientos metodológicos mixtos, contemplando el abordaje cualitativocuantitativo y el Análisis de Contenido. Por lo tanto, el modelo de Mutuwa y Maiga se adhiere en un 15,4% puntos porcentuales a la Gestión del Conocimiento holístico, conforme caracterización presentada en esa investigación, permitiendo inferir que la Gestión del Conocimiento no ha presentado direccionamiento para un enfoque orientado al paradigma holística. Así, esta investigación contribuye por fomentar el desarrollo de nuevos modelos de gestión del conocimiento fundamentados en el paradigma holístico, considerando los delineamientos aquí expuestos.

Humans , Organization and Administration , Personnel Management , Decision Making, Organizational , Qualitative Research , Education, Continuing , Knowledge Management for Health Research , Knowledge Management , Pediatrics , Health Strategies , Knowledge , Holistic Health , Leadership , Learning , Motivation
JMIR Public Health Surveill ; 3(2): e17, 2017 Apr 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28385679


BACKGROUND: One of the major challenges of the Brazilian Ministry of Health is to foster interest in breast cancer screening (BCS), especially among women at high risk. Strategies have been developed to promote the early identification of breast cancer mainly by Pink October campaigns. The massive number of queries conducted through Google creates traffic data that can be analyzed to show unrevealed interest cycles and their seasonalities. OBJECTIVES: Using Google Trends, we studied cycles of public interest in queries toward mammography and breast cancer along the last 5 years. We hypothesize that these data may be correlated with collective interest cycles leveraged by national BCS campaigns such as Pink October. METHODS: Google Trends was employed to normalize traffic data on a scale from 0 (<1% of the peak volume) to 100 (peak of traffic) presented as weekly relative search volume (RSV) concerning mammography and breast cancer as search terms. A time series covered the last 261 weeks (November 2011 to October 2016), and RSV of both terms were compared with their respective annual means. Polynomial trendlines (second order) were employed to estimate overall trends. RESULTS: We found an upward trend for both terms over the 5 years, with almost parallel trendlines. Remarkable peaks were found along Pink October months- mammography and breast cancer searches were leveraged up reaching, respectively, 119.1% (2016) and 196.8% (2015) above annual means. Short downward RSVs along December-January months were also noteworthy along all the studied period. These trends traced an N-shaped pattern with higher peaks in Pink October months and sharp falls along subsequent December and January. CONCLUSIONS: Considering these findings, it would be reasonable to bring Pink October to the beginning of each year, thereby extending the beneficial effect of the campaigns. It would be more appropriate to start screening campaigns at the beginning of the year, when new resolutions are taken and new projects are added to everyday routines. Our work raises attention to the study of traffic data to encourage health campaign analysts to undertake better analysis based on marketing practices.

Gerais (Esc. Saúde Pública Minas Gerais) ; 4(1): 80-88, jan.-jun 2016.
Article in Portuguese | Coleciona SUS, SES-MG | ID: biblio-945088


O Projeto “Na Medida” foi concebido para atender à demanda dos usuários de Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de Barbacena/MG por um programa de redução de peso, considerando fundamentos de reeducação alimentar e prática de exercícios físicos, conforme recomendação do Ministério da Saúde. Este relato de experiência apresenta a realização do projeto em quatro execuções, exibindo dados quantitativos (participantes, peso, IMC, circunferência abdominal) e qualitativos (depoimentos). No total, foram realizadas 217 inscrições no projeto, sendo 189 participantes selecionados por apresentarem excesso de peso. Dos 63 participantes concluintes, 53 (84%) obtiveram redução média de 5% do peso. Depoimentos dos participantes destacam que não restringir os alimentos favoritos tornou a reeducação alimentar mais fácil, bem como a importância do acompanhamento semanal aliado à interação no grupo. Esses fatores foram determinantes para o sucesso observado do programa.

The “Na Medida” Project was designed and developed in order to address the demand for a weight reduction program from users of basic health units (BHU) from Barbacena/MG (Brazil). The program considers principles of nutritional education and physical exercise. This experience report presents the project completion in four executions, presenting quantitative (i.e., participants, weight, BMI, waist circumference) and qualitative (i.e., testimonials) data. In total, 217 subjects registered for participation, being 189 participants selected because there were overweight. From the 63 participants that concluded the program, 53 (84%) reduced their weight by 5% on average. Statements from the participants point out that not restricting their favorite foods became the dietary reeducation easier, as well as the noteworthiness of the weekly meetings allied to group interaction. These factors were crucial to the observed success of the program.

Health Promotion , Weight Reduction Programs , Basic Health Services , Primary Health Care