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Science ; 383(6680): 289-293, 2024 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38236963


To harness the potential of a quantum computer, quantum information must be protected against error by encoding it into a logical state that is suitable for quantum error correction. The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) qubit is a promising candidate because the required multiqubit operations are readily available at optical frequency. To date, however, GKP qubits have been demonstrated only at mechanical and microwave frequencies. We realized a GKP state in propagating light at telecommunication wavelength and verified it through homodyne measurements without loss corrections. The generation is based on interference of cat states, followed by homodyne measurements. Our final states exhibit nonclassicality and non-Gaussianity, including the trident shape of faint instances of GKP states. Improvements toward brighter, multipeaked GKP qubits will be the basis for quantum computation with light.

Phys Rev Lett ; 131(23): 230801, 2023 Dec 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38134775


Uncertainty principle prohibits the precise measurement of both components of displacement parameters in phase space. We have theoretically shown that this limit can be beaten using single-photon states, in a single-shot and single-mode setting [F. Hanamura et al., Estimation of gaussian random displacement using non-gaussian states, Phys. Rev. A 104, 062601 (2021).PLRAAN2469-992610.1103/PhysRevA.104.062601]. In this Letter, we validate this by experimentally beating the classical limit. In optics, this is the first experiment to estimate both parameters of displacement using non-Gaussian states. This result is related to many important applications, such as quantum error correction.

Opt Express ; 31(18): 29271-29279, 2023 Aug 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37710731


Quantum frequency conversion (QFC), which involves the exchange of frequency modes of photons, is a prerequisite for quantum interconnects among various quantum systems, primarily those based on telecom photonic network infrastructures. Compact and fiber-closed QFC modules are in high demand for such applications. In this paper, we report such a QFC module based on a fiber-coupled 4-port frequency converter with a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide. The demonstrated QFC shifted the wavelength of a single photon from 780 to 1541 nm. The single photon was prepared via spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) with heralding photon detection, for which the cross-correlation function was 40.45 ± 0.09. The observed cross-correlation function of the photon pairs had a nonclassical value of 13.7 ± 0.4 after QFC at the maximum device efficiency of 0.73, which preserved the quantum statistical property. Such an efficient QFC module is useful for interfacing atomic systems and fiber-optic communication.

Opt Express ; 31(12): 20471-20479, 2023 Jun 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37381441


We report superconducting nanostrip single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) with dielectric multilayer cavities (DMCs) for a 2-µm wavelength. We designed a DMC composed of periodic SiO2/Si bilayers. Simulation results of finite element analysis showed that the optical absorptance of the NbTiN nanostrips on the DMC exceeded 95% at 2 µm. We fabricated SNSPDs with an active area of 30 µm × 30 µm, which was sufficiently large to couple with a single-mode fiber of 2 µm. The fabricated SNSPDs were evaluated using a sorption-based cryocooler at a controlled temperature. We carefully verified the sensitivity of the power meter and calibrated the optical attenuators to accurately measure the system detection efficiency (SDE) at 2 µm. When the SNSPD was connected to an optical system via a spliced optical fiber, a high SDE of 84.1% was observed at 0.76 K. We also estimated the measurement uncertainty of the SDE as ±5.08% by considering all possible uncertainties in the SDE measurements.

Opt Express ; 30(20): 36711-36716, 2022 Sep 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36258594


We demonstrate a distribution of frequency-multiplexed polarization-entangled photon pairs over 16 frequency channels using demultiplexers for the signal and idler photons with a frequency spacing of 25 GHz, which is compatible with dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology. Unlike conventional frequency-multiplexed photon-pair distribution by a broadband spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) process, we use photon pairs produced as a biphoton frequency comb by SPDC inside a cavity where one of the paired photons is confined. Owing to the free spectral range of 12.5 GHz and the finesse of over 10 of the cavity, the generated photons having a narrow linewidth in one channel are separated well from those in the other channels, which minimizes channel cross-talk in advance. The observed fidelities of the photon pairs range from 81 % to 96 % in the 16 channels. The results show the usefulness of the polarization-entangled biphoton frequency comb for frequency-multiplexed entanglement distribution via a DWDM system.

Opt Express ; 30(14): 24831-24840, 2022 Jul 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36237027


Telecommunication wavelength with well-developed optical communication technologies and low losses in the waveguide are advantageous for quantum applications. However, an experimental generation of non-classical states called non-Gaussian states at the telecommunication wavelength is still underdeveloped. Here, we generate highly-pure-single-photon states, one of the most primitive non-Gaussian states, by using a heralding scheme with an optical parametric oscillator and a superconducting nano-strip photon detector. The Wigner negativity, the indicator of non-classicality, of the generated single photon state is -0.228 ± 0.004, corresponded to 85.1 ± 0.7% of single photon and the best record of the minimum value at all wavelengths. The quantum-optics-technology we establish can be easily applied to the generation of various types of quantum states, opening up the possibility of continuous-variable-quantum-information processing at the telecommunication wavelength.

Sci Adv ; 8(43): eadd4019, 2022 Oct 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36306354


Controlling the temporal waveform of light is the key to a versatile light source in classical and quantum electronics. Although pulse shaping of classical light is mature and has been used in various fields, more advanced applications would be realized by a light source that generates arbitrary quantum light with arbitrary temporal waveforms. We call such a device a quantum arbitrary waveform generator (Q-AWG). The Q-AWG must be able to handle various quantum states of light, which are fragile. Thus, the Q-AWG requires a radically different methodology from classical pulse shaping. Here, we invent an architecture of Q-AWGs that can operate semi-deterministically at a repetition rate over gigahertz in principle. We demonstrate its core technology via generating highly nonclassical states with temporal waveforms that have never been realized before. This result would lead to powerful quantum technologies based on Q-AWGs such as practical optical quantum computing.

Sci Rep ; 12(1): 8964, 2022 May 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35624230


A frequency-multiplexed entangled photon pair and a high-dimensional hyperentangled photon pair are useful to realize a high-capacity quantum communication. A biphoton frequency comb (BFC) with entanglement can be used to prepare both states. We demonstrate polarization entangled BFCs with over 1400 frequency modes, which is approximately two orders of magnitude larger than those of earlier entangled BFCs, by placing a singly resonant periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide resonator within a Sagnac loop. The BFCs are demonstrated by measuring the joint spectral intensity, cross-correlation, and autocorrelation. Moreover, the polarization entanglement at representative groups of frequency modes is verified by quantum state tomography, where each fidelity is over 0.7. The efficient generation of a massive-mode entangled BFC is expected to accelerate the increase of capacity in quantum communication.

Opt Express ; 30(9): 14161-14171, 2022 Apr 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35473166


Continuous-wave (CW) squeezed light is used in the generation of various optical quantum states, and thus is a fundamental resource of fault-tolerant universal quantum computation using optical continuous variables. To realize a practical quantum computer, a waveguide optical parametric amplifier (OPA) is an attractive CW squeezed light source in terms of its THz-order bandwidth and suitability for modularization. The usages of a waveguide OPA in quantum applications thus far, however, are limited due to the difficulty of the generation of the squeezed light with a high purity. In this paper, we report the first observation of Wigner negativity of the states generated by a heralding method using a waveguide OPA. We generate Schrödinger cat states at the wavelength of 1545 nm with Wigner negativity using a quasi-single-mode ZnO-doped periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguide module we developed. Wigner negativity is regarded as an important indicator of the usefulness of the quantum states as it is essential in the fault-tolerant universal quantum computation. Our result shows that our waveguide OPA can be used in wide range of quantum applications leading to a THz-clock optical quantum computer.

Opt Express ; 30(4): 4999-5007, 2022 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209471


Ultrafast quantum optics with time-frequency entangled photons is at the forefront of progress towards future quantum technologies. However, to unravel the time domain structure of entangled photons and exploit fully their rich dimensionality, a single-photon detector with sub-picosecond temporal resolution is required. Here, we present ultrafast single-photon detection using an optical Kerr gate composed of a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) placed inside a Sagnac interferometer. A near-rectangle temporal waveform of a heralded single-photon generated via spontaneous parametric down-conversion is measured with temporal resolution as high as 224 ± 9 fs. The large nonlinearity and long effective interaction length of the PCF enables maximum detection efficiency to be achieved with only 30.5 mW gating pulse average power, demonstrating an order-of-magnitude improvement compared to optical gating with sum-frequency generation. Also, we discuss the trade-off relationship between detection efficiency and temporal resolution.

Opt Lett ; 46(24): 6015-6018, 2021 Dec 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34913907


We demonstrate the high-speed operation of a 16-element superconducting nanostrip single-photon detector (SNSPD) array with a single flux quantum (SFQ) multiplexer. The SFQ multiplexer can reshape the output signals from 16-element SNSPD into pulses with durations shorter than 1 ns and bundle these pulses into one output line, which is advantageous for high-speed operation of the SNSPD array system. We confirmed the correct operation of the 16-element SNSPD system with a system detection efficiency of 80% at a wavelength of 1550 nm, timing jitter of 45 ps, and successful observation of photons at 1 ns time intervals as distinguishable output pulses. The reduction in detection efficiency could also be suppressed to ∼0.93 during the dead time of ∼10ns for each SNSPD pixel when the incident photon flux was relatively low at 0.1 photon/pulse.

Opt Express ; 29(8): 11728-11738, 2021 Apr 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33984948


Superconducting nanostrip photon detectors have been used as single-photon detectors, which can discriminate only photons' presence or absence. It has recently been found that they can discriminate the number of photons by analyzing the output signal waveform, and they are expected to be used in various fields, especially in optical-quantum-information processing. Here, we improve the photon-number-resolving performance for light with a high-average photon number by pattern matching of the output signal waveform. Furthermore, we estimate the positive-operator-valued measure of the detector by a quantum detector tomography. The result shows that the device has photon-number-resolving performance up to five photons without any multiplexing or arraying, indicating that it is useful as a photon-number-resolving detector.

Opt Express ; 28(26): 38993-39004, 2020 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33379457


Tailoring spectral properties of photon pairs is of great importance for optical quantum information and measurement applications. High-resolution spectral measurement is a key technique for engineering spectral properties of photons, making them ideal for various quantum applications. Here we demonstrate spectral measurements and optimization of frequency-entangled photon pairs produced via spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), utilizing frequency-resolved sum-frequency generation (SFG), the reverse process of SPDC. A joint phase-matching spectrum of a nonlinear crystal around 1580 nm is captured with a 40 pm resolution and a > 40 dB signal-to-noise ratio, which is significantly improved compared to traditional frequency-resolved coincidence measurements. Moreover, our scheme is applicable to collinear degenerate sources whose characterization is difficult with previously demonstrated stimulated difference frequency generation (DFG). We also illustrate that the observed phase-matching function is useful for finding an optimal pump spectrum to maximize the spectral indistinguishability of SPDC photons. We expect that our precise spectral characterization technique will be useful tool for characterizing and tailoring SPDC sources for a wide range of optical quantum applications.

Opt Express ; 28(15): 22399-22411, 2020 Jul 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32752502


Heralded single photons (HSPs) and entangled photon pairs (EPPs) via spontaneous parametric down-conversion are essential tools for the development of photonic quantum information technologies. In this paper, we report a novel ultra-high-rate nonclassical light source realized by developing 50 GHz-repetition-rate mode-locked pump pulses and multiplexed superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. The presence of the single-photon state in the heralded photons with our setup was indicated by the second-order intensity correlation below 1/2 at the heralding rate over 20 Mcps. Even at the rate beyond 50 Mcps, the nonclassicality was still observed with the intensity correlation below unity. Moreover, our setup is also applicable to the polarization-EPP experiment, where we obtained the maximum coincidence rate of 1.6 Mcps with the fidelity of 0.881 ± (0.254 × 10-3) to the maximally entangled state. Our versatile source could be a promising tool to explore various large-scale quantum-photonic experiments with low success probability and heavy attenuation.

Opt Express ; 28(11): 15824-15834, 2020 May 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32549418


We propose a scalable readout interface for superconducting nanowire single-photon detector (SSPD) arrays, which we call the AQFP/RSFQ interface. This interface is composed of adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron (AQFP) and rapid single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) logic families. The AQFP part reads out the spatial information of an SSPD array via a single cable, and the RSFQ part reads out the temporal information via a single cable. The hybrid interface has high temporal resolution owing to low timing jitter in the operation of the RSFQ part. In addition, the hybrid interface achieves high circuit scalability because of low supply current in the operation of the AQFP part. Therefore, the hybrid interface is suitable for handling many-pixel SSPD arrays. We demonstrate a four-pixel SSPD array using the hybrid interface as proof of concept. The measurement results show that the hybrid interface can read out all of the pixels with a low error rate and low timing jitter.