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Ecohealth ; 20(2): 156-164, 2023 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37477763


Human pressure on the environment is increasing the frequency, diversity, and spatial extent of disease outbreaks. Despite international recognition, the interconnection between the health of the environment, animals, and humans has been historically overlooked. Past and current initiatives have often neglected prevention under the One Health preparedness cycle, largely focusing on post-spillover stages. We argue that pandemic prevention initiatives have yet to produce actionable targets and indicators, connected to overarching goals, like it has been done for biodiversity loss and climate change. We show how the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response framework, already employed by the Convention on Biological Diversity, can be repurposed to operationalize pandemic prevention. Global responses for pandemic prevention should strive for complementarity and synergies among initiatives, better articulating prevention under One Health. Without agreed-upon goals underpinning specific targets and interventions, current global efforts are unlikely to function at the speed and scale necessary to decrease the risk of disease outbreaks that might lead to pandemics. Threats to the environment are not always abatable, but decreasing the likelihood that environmental pressure leads to pandemics, and developing strategies to mitigate these impacts, are both attainable goals.

One Health , Pandemics , Animals , Humans , Pandemics/prevention & control , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Biodiversity
Conserv Biol ; 37(3): e14052, 2023 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36661057


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the European Union's main instrument for agricultural planning, with a new reform approved for 2023-2027. The CAP intends to align with the European Green Deal (EGD), a set of policy initiatives underpinning sustainable development and climate neutrality in the European Union (EU), but several flaws cast doubts about the compatibility of the objectives of these 2 policies. We reviewed recent literature on the potential of CAP environmental objectives for integration with the EGD: protection of biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable management of natural resources. The CAP lacks appropriate planning measures, furthering instead risks to biodiversity and ecosystem services driven by landscape and biotic homogenization. Funding allocation mechanisms are not tailored to mitigate agricultural emissions, decreasing the efficiency of climate mitigation actions. The legislation subsidies farmers making extensive use of synthetic inputs without adequately supporting organic production, hindering the transition toward sustainable practices. We recommend proper control mechanisms be introduced in CAP Strategic Plans from each member state to ensure the EU is set on a sustainable production and consumption path. These include proportional assignment of funds to each CAP objective, quantitative targets to set goals and evidence-based interventions, and relevant indicators to facilitate effective monitoring of environmental performance. Both the CAP and the EGD should maintain ambitious environmental commitments in the face of crisis to avoid further degradation of the natural resources on which production systems stand.

Oportunidades y retos para la reforma a la Política Agrícola Común que respalden el Pacto Verde Europeo Resumen La Política Agrícola Común (PAC) es el principal instrumento de planificación agraria de la Unión Europea, con una nueva reforma aprobada para 2023-2027. La PAC pretende alinearse con el Pacto Verde Europeo (PVE), un conjunto de iniciativas políticas que apuntan al desarrollo sostenible y la neutralidad climática en la UE, aunque varias fallas han arrojado dudas sobre la compatibilidad de los objetivos de estas dos políticas. Revisamos la bibliografía reciente sobre el potencial de integración de los objetivos medioambientales de la PAC con el PVE en tres categorías: protección de la biodiversidad; mitigación del cambio climático y adaptación al mismo y, gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales. Encontramos que la PAC carece de medidas de planificación adecuadas, lo que agrava los riesgos para la biodiversidad y los servicios ambientales derivados de la homogeneización biótica y paisajística. Los mecanismos de asignación de fondos no están adaptados para mitigar las emisiones agrícolas, lo que disminuye la eficiencia de las acciones de mitigación del cambio climático. La legislación subsidia a los agricultores que hacen un uso extensivo de insumos sintéticos sin apoyar adecuadamente la producción ecológica, obstaculizando la transición hacia prácticas sostenibles. Recomendamos que se introduzcan mecanismos de control adecuados en los Planes Estratégicos de la PAC de cada Estado miembro para garantizar que la UE se encamina hacia una producción y un consumo sostenibles. Estos mecanismos incluyen la asignación proporcional de fondos a cada objetivo de la PAC, objetivos cuantitativos para fijar metas e intervenciones basadas en pruebas, e indicadores pertinentes para facilitar un seguimiento eficaz de los resultados medioambientales. Tanto la PAC como el PVE deben mantener compromisos medioambientales ambiciosos frente a la crisis para evitar una mayor degradación de los recursos naturales sobre los que se asientan los sistemas de producción.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Biodiversity , Policy