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Rev Sci Tech ; 38(1): 303-314, 2019 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31564720


Under the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005), a legally binding document adopted by 196 States Parties, countries are required to develop their capacity to rapidly detect, assess, notify and respond to unusual health events of potential international concern. To support countries in monitoring and enhancing their capacities and complying with the IHR (2005), the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (IHR MEF). This framework comprises four complementary components: the State Party Annual Report, the Joint External Evaluation, after-action reviews and simulation exercises. The first two are used to review capacities and the second two to help to explore their functionality. The contribution of different disciplines, sectors, and areas of work, joining forces through a One Health approach, is essential for the implementation of the IHR (2005). Therefore, WHO, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), and other international and national partners, has actively worked on facilitating the inclusion of the relevant sectors, in particular the animal health sector, in each of the four components of the IHR MEF. Other tools complement the IHR MEF, such as the WHO/OIE IHR-PVS [Performance of Veterinary Services] National Bridging Workshops, which facilitate the optimal use of the results of the IHR MEF and the OIE Performance of Veterinary Services Pathway and create an opportunity for stakeholders from animal health and human health services to work on the coordination of their efforts. The results of these various tools are used in countries' planning processes and are incorporated in their National Action Plan for Health Security to accelerate the implementation of IHR core capacities. The present article describes how One Health is incorporated in all components of the IHR MEF.

En vertu du Règlement sanitaire international (RSI, 2005), instrument juridique ayant force obligatoire pour les 196 États Parties dans le monde, les pays s'engagent à renforcer leurs capacités de détection, d'évaluation, de notification et de réaction en cas d'événements sanitaires inhabituels ou présentant une dimension internationale inquiétante. Le Cadre de suivi et d'évaluation du RSI (2005) a été élaboré par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) afin de soutenir les pays souhaitant évaluer et améliorer leurs capacités et leur niveau de conformité avec le RSI (2005). Ce cadre comprend quatre composantes complémentaires : le rapport annuel de l'État Partie, l'Évaluation extérieure conjointe, les examens « après action¼ et les exercices de simulation. Les deux premières composantes permettent de faire le point sur les capacités tandis que les deux dernières visent une connaissance détaillée de leur fonctionnement. La mise en oeuvre du RSI (2005) demande aux différentes disciplines, secteurs et domaines d'activités de fédérer leurs forces dans une approche Une seule santé. Par conséquent, en partenariat avec l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO), avec l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) et avec d'autres partenaires internationaux et nationaux, l'OMS a fait en sorte de faciliter l'intégration de tous les secteurs concernés, en particulier celui de la santé animale, dans les diverses composantes du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI. D'autres outils complètent celui-ci, en particulier les ateliers de liaison nationaux OMS/OIE sur le RSI et le Processus d'évaluation des performances des Services vétérinaires (PVS), dont le but est de faciliter l'utilisation optimale des résultats du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI et du Processus PVS de l'OIE et de fournir aux acteurs des services de santé animale et de santé publique la possibilité de se concerter sur les modalités d'une synergie de leur action. Les résultats de ces outils sont ensuite pris en compte par les pays lors des procédures de planification et intégrés dans les Plans d'action nationaux pour la sécurité sanitaire afin d'accélérer la mise en oeuvre des capacités fondamentales décrites dans le RSI. Les auteurs décrivent l'intégration du concept Une seule santé dans chacune des composantes du Cadre d'évaluation du RSI.

Según lo dispuesto en el Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI, 2005), documento jurídicamente vinculante suscrito por 196 Estados Partes, los países están obligados a dotarse de la capacidad necesaria para detectar, evaluar, notificar y afrontar con rapidez todo evento sanitario inusual que pueda revestir importancia internacional. Para ayudar a los países a dotarse de mejores capacidades, a seguir de cerca su evolución al respecto y a dar cumplimiento al RSI (2005), la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) elaboró el marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI, que consta de cuatro elementos complementarios: el informe anual que debe presentar cada Estado Parte; la evaluación externa conjunta; exámenes posteriores a las intervenciones; y ejercicios de simulación. Los dos primeros sirven para examinar las capacidades, y los dos segundos para ayudar a estudiar su funcionalidad. Para la aplicación del RSI (2005) es fundamental la contribución de diferentes disciplinas, sectores y ámbitos de trabajo, que aúnen esfuerzos actuando desde los postulados de Una sola salud. Por ello la OMS, en colaboración con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal (OIE) y otros asociados internacionales y nacionales, ha trabajado activamente para facilitar la integración de los sectores pertinentes, en particular el de la sanidad animal, en cada uno de los cuatro componentes del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI. Hay otros dispositivos que vienen a complementar este marco, por ejemplo los talleres nacionales dedicados a la creación de nexos entre el RSI y el proceso PVS (Prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios) de la OIE, organizados conjuntamente por la OMS y la OIE, que facilitan un uso idóneo de los resultados del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI y del proceso PVS y brindan a las partes interesadas de los servicios sanitarios y zoosanitarios la oportunidad de trabajar sobre la coordinación de sus respectivas actividades. Los resultados de estas diversas herramientas alimentan después los procesos de planificación de los países y son incorporados a su Plan de acción nacional de seguridad sanitaria para acelerar la implantación de las capacidades básicas prescritas en el RSI. Los autores explican cómo se incorpora la filosofía de Una sola salud a todos los componentes del marco de seguimiento y evaluación del RSI.

International Health Regulations , One Health , Animals , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Global Health , Humans , International Cooperation , One Health/standards , World Health Organization
Rev Sci Tech ; 36(2): 711-720, 2017 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30152449


The ability to minimise the harmful impact of biological threats relies on our capacity to rapidly detect unusual events, including the accidental or deliberate release of pathogenic or toxic agents, and immediately implement control measures. The development of this capacity for each country is the aim of the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005), a legally binding document adopted by 196 States Parties, including all Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO). Each country's animal health sector contributes to the implementation of the IHR through surveillance, disease reporting and its response to zoonotic diseases, foodborne diseases and other events that emerge at the interface between human and animal health. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Performance of Veterinary Services (PVS) Pathway allows countries to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of their Veterinary Services and identify areas that need improvement. The OIE and WHO have conducted an in-depth analysis of the differences and synergies between the tools used by WHO to monitor the implementation of the IHR and the OIE PVS Pathway, revealing a wide range of similarities, complementarities and synergies. Taking advantage of the outcomes and outputs from the assessment and gap analysis tools used in the IHR Monitoring Framework and the OIE PVS Pathway, and exploiting the strength of these institutional frameworks, WHO and the OIE have jointly developed methods to facilitate communication between the animal health and human health sectors. This enhanced dialogue improves operational coordination and more efficiently informs policy-makers on strategic investments to strengthen their preparedness for controlling the spread of zoonotic diseases.

La faculté de minimiser l'impact néfaste des menaces biologiques dépend de la capacité des pays à détecter rapidement tout événement inhabituel, en particulier la dissémination accidentelle ou délibérée d'agents pathogènes ou toxiques, et à mettre en œuvre des mesures immédiates pour maîtriser ces événements. Le Règlement sanitaire international (RSI) (2005), un document juridiquement contraignant adopté par les 196 États parties, dont les États membres de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a précisément pour objectif de développer cette capacité dans chaque pays. Le secteur de la santé animale d'un pays participe à la mise en œuvre du RSI à travers une surveillance appropriée, la notification des maladies et l'adoption de mesures en cas de zoonoses, de maladies d'origine alimentaire et de tout autre événement émergeant à l'interface entre la santé humaine et la santé animale. Le Processus relatif aux performances des Services vétérinaires (Processus PVS) de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale (OIE) fournit aux pays la possibilité d'entreprendre une évaluation complète de leurs Services vétérinaires et d'identifier les domaines susceptibles d'être améliorés. L'OIE et l'OMS ont analysé de manière approfondie les différences et les synergies entre les outils utilisés par l'OMS pour vérifier la mise en œuvre du RSI, d'une part, et le Processus PVS de l'OIE, d'autre part, ce qui a mis en lumière de nombreuses similitudes, complémentarités et synergies. Sur la base des résultats et des données produites par les outils d'évaluation et d'analyse des écarts du Cadre de suivi du RSI et du Processus PVS de l'OIE, l'OMS et l'OIE ont exploité la puissance de ces cadres institutionnels pour mettre au point conjointement des méthodes visant à améliorer la communication entre les secteurs de la santé animale et de la santé humaine. Ce dialogue renforcé a pour effets d'améliorer la coordination opérationnelle et d'informer plus efficacement les décideurs politiques sur les investissements stratégiques permettant de mettre en place les conditions de préparation nécessaires pour lutter contre la propagation des zoonoses.

La aptitud de reducir al mínimo los efectos perjudiciales de las amenazas biológicas depende de nuestra capacidad para detectar con rapidez episodios inusuales, como la liberación accidental o deliberada de agentes patógenos o tóxicos, e instituir de inmediato medidas de control. El Reglamento Sanitario Internacional (RSI) (2005) es un documento jurídicamente vinculante aprobado por 196 Estados Partes, entre ellos todos los Estados Miembros de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), que precisamente tiene por objetivo dotar de esta capacidad a todos y cada uno de los países. El sector zoosanitario de cada país contribuye a la aplicación del RSI con actividades de vigilancia, notificación de enfermedades y respuesta ante enfermedades zoonóticas, enfermedades de transmisión alimentaria u otros episodios que puedan darse en la interfaz de la salud humana con la sanidad animal. El proceso de evaluación de las prestaciones de los Servicios Veterinarios (Proceso PVS) de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OIE) sirve a los países para llevar a cabo una evaluación completa de sus Servicios Veterinarios y determinar aquellos ámbitos en que se requieran mejoras. La OIE y la OMS han analizado a fondo las diferencias y sinergias existentes entre las herramientas que utiliza la OMS para seguir de cerca la aplicación del RSI y el Proceso PVS de la OIE, labor que ha puesto de relieve un buen número de semejanzas, sinergias y aspectos complementarios de diversa índole. Partiendo de los resultados y productos que deparan las herramientas de evaluación y análisis de carencias utilizadas en el Marco de seguimiento del RSI y el Proceso PVS de la OIE, y aprovechando la solidez de estos marcos institucionales, la OMS y la OIE han definido conjuntamente métodos para facilitar la comunicación entre los sectores de la salud humana y la sanidad animal. La existencia de un diálogo más fluido se traduce en una mejor coordinación operativa y permite informar con más eficacia a los planificadores de las inversiones estratégicas necesarias para reforzar las medidas de preparación destinadas a controlar la propagación de enfermedades zoonóticas.

Animal Diseases/prevention & control , Global Health/legislation & jurisprudence , International Cooperation/legislation & jurisprudence , Legislation, Veterinary , Veterinary Medicine/standards , Animal Diseases/epidemiology , Animals , Humans , World Health Organization
Rev Sci Tech ; 33(2): 639-50, 2014 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25707190


To effectively reduce health risks at the animal-human-ecosystems interface, a One Health strategy is crucially important to create strong national and regional animal health systems that are well coordinated with strong public health systems. Animal diseases, particularly those caused by new and emerging zoonotic pathogens, must be effectively controlled at their source to reduce their potentially devastating impact upon both animal and human health. As the international organisation responsible for developing standards, guidelines and recommendations for animal health, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) plays an important role in minimising animal and public health risks attributable to zoonoses and other animal diseases, which can have severe consequences for global food safety and security. National Veterinary Services, which implement OIE animal health and welfare standards and other measures, are the first line of defence against these diseases, and must have the capacity to meet the core requirements necessary for their diagnosis and control. The OIE works collaboratively with the World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to improve the ability of national animal and public health systems to respond to current and emerging animal health risks with public health consequences. In addition to improving and aligning national laboratory capacities in high-risk areas, the OIE collaborates on One Health-oriented projects for key diseases, establishing model frameworks which can be applied to manage other existing and emerging priority diseases. This article reviews the role and activities of the OIE in strengthening the national Veterinary Services of its Member Countries for a more effective and sustainable One Health collaboration.

Global Health , Internationality , Veterinary Medicine/organization & administration , Veterinary Medicine/trends , Animal Diseases/prevention & control , Animals , Animals, Wild , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Bacteria/drug effects , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Ecosystem , Humans , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/prevention & control , Public Health , Rabies/prevention & control , Zoonoses/prevention & control
Equine Vet J ; 39(5): 446-50, 2007 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17910270


REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Surveillance of equine influenza viruses has suggested that strains included in currently licensed vaccines are a poor match for those predominantly circulating in the field. OBJECTIVE: To assess the ability of Duvaxyn IE-T Plus to provide cross protection against the newly evolved South Africa/4/03 (H3N8) strain of equine influenza virus. METHODS: The vaccine efficacy was evaluated by challenge infection with influenza strain A/eq/South Africa/4/03 (H3N8) 2 weeks after a primary course of 2 vaccinations with Duvaxyn IE-T Plus given at a 4-week interval. The outcome of challenge in vaccinated ponies was compared with that in unvaccinated animals. RESULTS: At the time of challenge, all vaccinated ponies had high levels of antibody to Newmarket/1/93, Newmarket/2/93 and South Africa/4/03 strains measured by single radial haemolysis. After challenge infection, there were statistically significantly decreased clinical scores and virus shedding was significantly lower in the vaccinated ponies compared to unvaccinated controls. CONCLUSION: Two doses of Duvaxyn IE-T Plus provides good clinical and virological protection against challenge with a variant virus 2 weeks after the 2 doses of vaccine. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: When variant strains of equine influenza virus first emerge, booster immunisations with currently available vaccines may limit infection provided sufficiently high antibody levels are achieved, suggesting that vaccination in the face of an outbreak may be beneficial.

Antibodies, Viral/blood , Horse Diseases/prevention & control , Influenza A Virus, H3N8 Subtype/immunology , Influenza Vaccines/immunology , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/veterinary , Animals , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Disease Outbreaks/veterinary , Dose-Response Relationship, Immunologic , Horse Diseases/immunology , Horses , Immunization, Secondary/veterinary , Male , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/immunology , Orthomyxoviridae Infections/prevention & control , Time Factors
Vet Rec ; 147(8): 209-14, 2000 Aug 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10994922


The causes and timing of piglet mortality were studied in different farrowing systems. In the first experiment 198 litters were recorded in three systems, two of which allowed the sows to move freely, and the third restricted them in conventional crates. More piglets were weaned from the conventional crates than from the open systems and they grew more quickly. More than half the liveborn mortality occurred during the first four days after parturition. In the open systems, 17 per cent and 14 per cent of the piglets born alive were crushed, compared with only 8 per cent in the crates. In the second experiment, 29 sows and litters were studied in detail in a communal pen system during the first seven days of lactation. Three-quarters of the liveborn mortality was due to crushing. The total number of piglets dying per litter, including stillbirths, was significantly associated with the total litter size and the sow's parity. The percentage liveborn mortality was significantly associated with the parity and body length of the sows and with the within-litter variation in the birth weight of the piglets. Individual birth weight was closely associated with percentage survival. Only 28 per cent of piglets weighing less than 1.1 kg at birth survived to seven days.

Animal Husbandry/methods , Animals, Newborn , Cause of Death , Housing, Animal , Animals , Female , Regression Analysis , Survival Analysis , Swine
Can Vet J ; 38(3): 133, 1997 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17424452