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PeerJ ; 12: e17482, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38832043


Background: Previous work found that numerous genes positively selected within the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) lineage are physically clustered in regions of conserved synteny. Here I further validate and expand on those finding utilizing an updated L. cinereus genome assembly and additional bat species as well as other tetrapod outgroups. Methods: A chromosome-level assembly was generated by chromatin-contact mapping and made available by DNAZoo ( The genomic organization of orthologous genes was extracted from annotation data for multiple additional bat species as well as other tetrapod clades for which chromosome-level assemblies were available from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Tests of branch-specific positive selection were performed for L. cinereus using PAML as well as with the HyPhy package for comparison. Results: Twelve genes exhibiting significant diversifying selection in the L. cinereus lineage were clustered within a 12-Mb genomic window; one of these (Trpc4) also exhibited diversifying selection in bats generally. Ten of the 12 genes are landmarks of two distinct blocks of ancient synteny that are not linked in other tetrapod clades. Bats are further distinguished by frequent structural rearrangements within these synteny blocks, which are rarely observed in other Tetrapoda. Patterns of gene order and orientation among bat taxa are incompatible with phylogeny as presently understood, implying parallel evolution or subsequent reversals. Inferences of positive selection were found to be robust to alternative phylogenetic topologies as well as a strong shift in background nucleotide composition in some taxa. Discussion: This study confirms and further localizes a genomic hotspot of protein-coding divergence in the hoary bat, one that also exhibits an increased tempo of structural change in bats compared with other mammals. Most genes in the two synteny blocks have elevated expression in brain tissue in humans and model organisms, and genetic studies implicate the selected genes in cranial and neurological development, among other functions.

Chiroptera , Genome , Selection, Genetic , Chiroptera/genetics , Animals , Genome/genetics , Synteny/genetics , Evolution, Molecular , Phylogeny , Genomics
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0301474, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38564614


With the decline of bee populations worldwide, studies determining current wild bee distributions and diversity are increasingly important. Wild bee identification is often completed by experienced taxonomists or by genetic analysis. The current study was designed to compare two methods of identification including: (1) morphological identification by experienced taxonomists using images of field-collected wild bees and (2) genetic analysis of composite bee legs (multiple taxa) using metabarcoding. Bees were collected from conservation grasslands in eastern Iowa in summer 2019 and identified to the lowest taxonomic unit using both methods. Sanger sequencing of individual wild bee legs was used as a positive control for metabarcoding. Morphological identification of bees using images resulted in 36 unique taxa among 22 genera, and >80% of Bombus specimens were identified to species. Metabarcoding was limited to genus-level assignments among 18 genera but resolved some morphologically similar genera. Metabarcoding did not consistently detect all genera in the composite samples, including kleptoparasitic bees. Sanger sequencing showed similar presence or absence detection results as metabarcoding but provided species-level identifications for cryptic species (i.e., Lasioglossum). Genus-specific detections were more frequent with morphological identification than metabarcoding, but certain genera such as Ceratina and Halictus were identified equally well with metabarcoding and morphology. Genera with proportionately less tissue in a composite sample were less likely to be detected using metabarcoding. Image-based methods were limited by image quality and visible morphological features, while genetic methods were limited by databases, primers, and amplification at target loci. This study shows how an image-based identification method compares with genetic techniques, and how in combination, the methods provide valuable genus- and species-level information for wild bees while preserving tissue for other analyses. These methods could be improved and transferred to a field setting to advance our understanding of wild bee distributions and to expedite conservation research.

DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Animals , Bees/genetics , Databases, Factual , Iowa , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/methods
ACS ES T Water ; 4(2): 628-637, 2024 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38356928


The free-living thermophilic amoeba Naegleria fowleri (N. fowleri) causes the highly fatal disease primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. The environmental conditions that are favorable to the growth and proliferation of N. fowleri are not well-defined, especially in northern regions of the United States. In this study, we used culture-based methods and multiple molecular approaches to detect and analyzeN. fowleri and other Naegleria spp. in water, sediment, and biofilm samples from five hot spring sites in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. These results provide the first detections of N. fowleri in Grand Teton National Park and provide new insights into the distribution of pathogenic N. fowleri and other nonpathogenic Naegleria spp. in natural thermal water systems in northern latitudes.

PeerJ ; 11: e16455, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38025724


Background: Apis mellifera filamentous virus (AmFV) is a large double-stranded DNA virus of uncertain phylogenetic position that infects honey bees (Apis mellifera). Little is known about AmFV evolution or molecular aspects of infection. Accurate annotation of open-reading frames (ORFs) is challenged by weak homology to other known viruses. This study was undertaken to evaluate ORFs (including coding-frame conservation, codon bias, and purifying selection), quantify genetic variation within AmFV, identify host characteristics that covary with infection rate, and examine viral expression patterns in different tissues. Methods: Short-read data were accessed from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Sequence reads were downloaded from accessions meeting search criteria and scanned for kmers representative of AmFV genomic sequence. Samples with kmer counts above specified thresholds were downloaded in full for mapping to reference sequences and de novo assembly. Results: At least three distinct evolutionary lineages of AmFV exist. Clade 1 predominates in Europe but in the Americas and Africa it is replaced by the other clades as infection level increases in hosts. Only clade 3 was found at high relative abundance in hosts with African ancestry, whereas all clades achieved high relative abundance in bees of non-African ancestry. In Europe and Africa, clade 2 was generally detected only in low-level infections but was locally dominant in some North American samples. The geographic distribution of clade 3 was consistent with an introduction to the Americas with 'Africanized' honey bees in the 1950s. Localized genomic regions of very high nucleotide divergence in individual isolates suggest recombination with additional, as-yet unidentified AmFV lineages. A set of 155 high-confidence ORFs was annotated based on evolutionary conservation in six AmFV genome sequences representative of the three clades. Pairwise protein-level identity averaged 94.6% across ORFs (range 77.1-100%), which generally exhibited low evolutionary rates and moderate to strong codon bias. However, no robust example of positive diversifying selection on coding sequence was found in these alignments. Most of the genome was detected in RNA short-read alignments. Transcriptome assembly often yielded contigs in excess of 50 kb and containing ORFs in both orientations, and the termini of long transcripts were associated with tandem repeats. Lower levels of AmFV RNA were detected in brain tissue compared to abdominal tissue, and a distinct set of ORFs had minimal to no detectable expression in brain tissue. A scan of DNA accessions from the parasitic mite Varroa destructor was inconclusive with respect to replication in that species. Discussion: Collectively, these results expand our understanding of this enigmatic virus, revealing transcriptional complexity and co-evolutionary associations with host lineage.

Data Mining , Genome , Bees/genetics , Animals , Phylogeny , Europe , RNA
Ecol Evol ; 13(9): e10460, 2023 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37745784


Information on diet breadth and preference can assist in understanding links between food resources and population growth and inform habitat restoration for rare herbivores. We assessed the diet of the endangered Pacific pocket mouse using metabarcoding of fecal samples and compared it to plant community composition in long-term study plots in two populations on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, San Diego County, CA. Fecal samples (n = 221) were collected between spring 2016 and fall 2017 during monthly live-trap surveys. Concurrently, percent cover and plant phenology were measured in plots centered on trap locations. Fecal samples were sequenced with paired-end reads of the internal transcribed spacer 2 region of the nuclear ribosomal gene, and the resulting amplicons were matched to a regionally specific database. Seventy-three plant taxa were detected, which were mostly forbs and perennial herbs (70-90%). Diet composition differed between populations, years, seasons, and plots. Overall, diet and local habitat composition in plots were significantly correlated. However, we detected some differences in above-ground seed availability and proportion in fecal samples that indicate diet preferences for some forbs, perennial herbs, and native bunch grasses over perennial shrubs and non-native grasses. This is the first study of PPM to pair plant phenology surveys with diet metabarcoding to estimate resource selection, and results suggest that managing habitat for diverse native forb communities and reducing non-native grass cover may be beneficial for this critically endangered species.

PeerJ ; 11: e15163, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37020852


Background: Benthic invertebrate (BI) surveys have been widely used to characterize freshwater environmental quality but can be challenging to implement at desired spatial scales and frequency. Environmental DNA (eDNA) allows an alternative BI survey approach, one that can potentially be implemented more rapidly and cheaply than traditional methods. Methods: We evaluated eDNA analogs of BI metrics in the Potomac River watershed of the eastern United States. We first compared arthropod diversity detected with primers targeting mitochondrial 16S (mt16S) and cytochrome c oxidase 1 (cox1 or COI) loci to that detected by manual surveys conducted in parallel. We then evaluated spatial and temporal variation in arthropod diversity metrics with repeated sampling in three focal parks. We also investigated technical factors such as filter type used to capture eDNA and PCR inhibition treatment. Results: Our results indicate that genus-level assessment of eDNA compositions is achievable at both loci with modest technical noise, although database gaps remain substantial at mt16S for regional taxa. While the specific taxa identified by eDNA did not strongly overlap with paired manual surveys, some metrics derived from eDNA compositions were rank-correlated with previously derived biological indices of environmental quality. Repeated sampling revealed statistical differences between high- and low-quality sites based on taxonomic diversity, functional diversity, and tolerance scores weighted by taxon proportions in transformed counts. We conclude that eDNA compositions are efficient and informative of stream condition. Further development and validation of scoring schemes analogous to commonly used biological indices should allow increased application of the approach to management needs.

Arthropods , DNA, Environmental , Animals , Rivers , Matched-Pair Analysis , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/methods , Invertebrates
PeerJ ; 10: e13954, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36042859


Background: The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is a model species for toxicological research. A high-quality genome reference sequence is available, and genomic methods are increasingly used in toxicological studies of the species. However, phylogenetic relationships within the genus remain incompletely known and little population-genomic data are available for fathead minnow despite the potential effects of genetic background on toxicological responses. On the other hand, a wealth of extant samples is stored in museum collections that in principle allow fine-scale analysis of contemporary and historical genetic variation. Methods: Here we use short-read shotgun resequencing to investigate sequence variation among and within Pimephales species. At the genus level, our objectives were to resolve phylogenetic relationships and identify genes with signatures of positive diversifying selection. At the species level, our objective was to evaluate the utility of archived-sample resequencing for detecting selective sweeps within fathead minnow, applied to a population introduced to the San Juan River of the southwestern United States sometime prior to 1950. Results: We recovered well-supported but discordant phylogenetic topologies for nuclear and mitochondrial sequences that we hypothesize arose from mitochondrial transfer among species. The nuclear tree supported bluntnose minnow (P. notatus) as sister to fathead minnow, with the slim minnow (P. tenellus) and bullhead minnow (P. vigilax) more closely related to each other. Using multiple methods, we identified 11 genes that have diversified under positive selection within the genus. Within the San Juan River population, we identified selective-sweep regions overlapping several sets of related genes, including both genes that encode the giant sarcomere protein titin and the two genes encoding the MTORC1 complex, a key metabolic regulator. We also observed elevated polymorphism and reduced differentation among populations (FST) in genomic regions containing certain immune-gene clusters, similar to what has been reported in other taxa. Collectively, our data clarify evolutionary relationships and selective pressures within the genus and establish museum archives as a fruitful resource for characterizing genomic variation. We anticipate that large-scale resequencing will enable the detection of genetic variants associated with environmental toxicants such as heavy metals, high salinity, estrogens, and agrichemicals, which could be exploited as efficient biomarkers of exposure in natural populations.

Cyprinidae , Toxicogenetics , Animals , Phylogeny , Cyprinidae/genetics , Genome/genetics , Sequence Analysis, DNA
PeerJ ; 10: e13130, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35317076


Background: Bats of the genus Lasiurus occur throughout the Americas and have diversified into at least 20 species among three subgenera. The hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) is highly migratory and ranges farther across North America than any other wild mammal. Despite the ecological importance of this species as a major insect predator, and the particular susceptibility of lasiurine bats to wind turbine strikes, our understanding of hoary bat ecology, physiology, and behavior remains poor. Methods: To better understand adaptive evolution in this lineage, we used whole-genome sequencing to identify protein-coding sequence and explore signatures of positive selection. Gene models were predicted with Maker and compared to seven well-annotated and phylogenetically representative species. Evolutionary rate analysis was performed with PAML. Results: Of 9,447 single-copy orthologous groups that met evaluation criteria, 150 genes had a significant excess of nonsynonymous substitutions along the L. cinereus branch (P < 0.001 after manual review of alignments). Selected genes as a group had biased expression, most strongly in thymus tissue. We identified 23 selected genes with reported immune functions as well as a divergent paralog of Steep1 within suborder Yangochiroptera. Seventeen genes had roles in lipid and glucose metabolic pathways, partially overlapping with 15 mitochondrion-associated genes; these adaptations may reflect the metabolic challenges of hibernation, long-distance migration, and seasonal variation in prey abundance. The genomic distribution of positively selected genes differed significantly from background expectation by discrete Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (P < 0.001). Remarkably, the top three physical clusters all coincided with islands of conserved synteny predating Mammalia, the largest of which shares synteny with the human cat-eye critical region (CECR) on 22q11. This observation coupled with the expansion of a novel Tbx1-like gene family may indicate evolutionary innovation during pharyngeal arch development: both the CECR and Tbx1 cause dosage-dependent congenital abnormalities in thymus, heart, and head, and craniodysmorphy is associated with human orthologs of other positively selected genes as well.

Chiroptera , Animals , Humans , Chiroptera/genetics , Synteny , North America , Seasons , Thymus Gland
Environ Toxicol Chem ; 40(9): 2559-2570, 2021 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34157788


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause transcriptomic changes that may disrupt biological processes associated with reproductive function including metabolism, transport, and cell growth. We investigated effects from in ovo and dietary exposure to 17ß-trenbolone (at 0, 1, and 10 ppm) on the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) hepatic transcriptome. Our objectives were to identify differentially expressed hepatic genes, assess perturbations of biological pathways, and examine sex- and developmental stage-related differences. The number of significantly differentially expressed genes was higher in embryos than in adults. Male embryos exhibited greater differential gene expression than female embryos, whereas in adults, males and females exhibited similar numbers of differentially expressed genes (>2-fold). Vitellogenin and apovitellenin-1 were up-regulated in male adults exposed to 10 ppm 17ß-trenbolone, and these birds also exhibited indications of immunomodulation. Functional grouping of differentially expressed genes identified processes including metabolism and transport of biomolecules, enzyme activity, and extracellular matrix interactions. Pathway enrichment analyses identified as perturbed peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor pathway, cardiac muscle contraction, gluconeogenesis, growth factor signaling, focal adhesion, and bile acid biosynthesis. One of the primary uses of 17ß-trenbolone is that of a growth promoter, and these results identify effects on mechanistic pathways related to steroidogenesis, cell proliferation, differentiation, growth, and metabolism of lipids and proteins. Environ Toxicol Chem 2021;40:2559-2570. © 2021 SETAC. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.

Coturnix , Trenbolone Acetate , Animals , Coturnix/genetics , Female , Male , Transcriptome
PeerJ ; 9: e11285, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33976981


BACKGROUND: Hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus) are among the bat species most commonly killed by wind turbine strikes in the midwestern United States. The impact of this mortality on species census size is not understood, due in part to the difficulty of estimating population size for this highly migratory and elusive species. Genetic effective population size (Ne) could provide an index of changing census population size if other factors affecting Ne are stable. METHODS: We used the NeEstimator package to derive effective breeding population size (Nb) estimates for two temporally spaced cohorts: 93 hoary bats collected in 2009-2010 and an additional 93 collected in 2017-2018. We sequenced restriction-site associated polymorphisms and generated a de novo genome assembly to guide the removal of sex-linked and multi-copy loci, as well as identify physically linked markers. RESULTS: Analysis of the reference genome with psmc suggested at least a doubling of Ne in the last 100,000 years, likely exceeding Ne = 10,000 in the Holocene. Allele and genotype frequency analyses confirmed that the two cohorts were comparable, although some samples had unusually high or low observed heterozygosities. Additionally, the older cohort had lower mean coverage and greater variability in coverage, and batch effects of sampling locality were observed that were consistent with sample degradation. We therefore excluded samples with low coverage or outlier heterozygosity, as well as loci with sequence coverage far from the mode value, from the final data set. Prior to excluding these outliers, contemporary Nb estimates were significantly higher in the more recent cohort, but this finding was driven by high values for the 2018 sample year and low values for all other years. In the reduced data set, Nb did not differ significantly between cohorts. We found base substitutions to be strongly biased toward cytosine to thymine or the complement, and further partitioning loci by substitution type had a strong effect on Nb estimates. Minor allele frequency and base quality bias thresholds also had strong effects on Nb estimates. Instability of Nb with respect to common data filtering parameters and empirically identified factors prevented robust comparison of the two cohorts. Given that confidence intervals frequently included infinity as the stringency of data filtering increased, contemporary trends in Nb of North American hoary bats may not be tractable with the linkage disequilibrium method, at least using the protocol employed here.

Microbiol Resour Announc ; 10(11)2021 Mar 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33737368


We report 26 genome sequences of the white sucker hepatitis B virus (WSHBV) from the white sucker, Catostomus commersonii The genome length ranged from 3,541 to 3,543 bp, and nucleotide identity was 96.7% or greater across genomes. This work suggests a geographical range of this virus that minimally extends from the Athabasca River, Alberta, Canada, to the Great Lakes, USA.

PeerJ ; 9: e10539, 2021.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33680576


BACKGROUND: Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveys are appealing options for monitoring aquatic biodiversity. While factors affecting eDNA persistence, capture and amplification have been heavily studied, watershed-scale surveys of fish communities and our confidence in such need further exploration. METHODS: We characterized fish eDNA compositions using rapid, low-volume filtering with replicate and control samples scaled for a single Illumina MiSeq flow cell, using the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA locus for taxonomic profiling. Our goals were to determine: (1) spatiotemporal variation in eDNA abundance, (2) the filtrate needed to achieve strong sequencing libraries, (3) the taxonomic resolution of 12S ribosomal sequences in the study environment, (4) the portion of the expected fish community detectable by 12S sequencing, (5) biases in species recovery, (6) correlations between eDNA compositions and catch per unit effort (CPUE) and (7) the extent that eDNA profiles reflect major watershed features. Our bioinformatic approach included (1) estimation of sequencing error from unambiguous mappings and simulation of taxonomic assignment error under various mapping criteria; (2) binning of species based on inferred assignment error rather than by taxonomic rank; and (3) visualization of mismatch distributions to facilitate discovery of distinct haplotypes attributed to the same reference. Our approach was implemented within the St. Regis River, NY, USA, which supports tribal and recreational fisheries and has been a target of restoration activities. We used a large record of St. Regis-specific observations to validate our assignments. RESULTS: We found that 300 mL drawn through 25-mm cellulose nitrate filters yielded greater than 5 ng/µL DNA at most sites in summer, which was an approximate threshold for generating strong sequencing libraries in our hands. Using inferred sequence error rates, we binned 12S references for 110 species on a state checklist into 85 single-species bins and seven multispecies bins. Of 48 bins observed by capture survey in the St. Regis, we detected eDNA consistent with 40, with an additional four detections flagged as potential contaminants. Sixteen unobserved species detected by eDNA ranged from plausible to implausible based on distributional data, whereas six observed species had no 12S reference sequence. Summed log-ratio compositions of eDNA-detected taxa correlated with log(CPUE) (Pearson's R = 0.655, P < 0.001). Shifts in eDNA composition of several taxa and a genotypic shift in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) coincided with the Hogansburg Dam, NY, USA. In summary, a simple filtering apparatus operated by field crews without prior expertise gave useful summaries of eDNA composition with minimal evidence of field contamination. 12S sequencing achieved useful taxonomic resolution despite the short marker length, and data exploration with standard bioinformatic tools clarified taxonomic uncertainty and sources of error.

PeerJ ; 8: e9614, 2020.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33072434


Endocrine disrupting contaminants are of continuing concern for potentially contributing to reproductive dysfunction in largemouth and smallmouth bass in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (CBW) and elsewhere. Exposures to atrazine (ATR) have been hypothesized to have estrogenic effects on vertebrate endocrine systems. The incidence of intersex in male smallmouth bass from some regions of CBW has been correlated with ATR concentrations in water. Fish early life stages may be particularly vulnerable to ATR exposure in agricultural areas, as a spring influx of pesticides coincides with spawning and early development. Our objectives were to investigate the effects of early life stage exposure to ATR or the model estrogen 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) on sexual differentiation and gene expression in gonad tissue. We exposed newly hatched largemouth bass (LMB, Micropterus salmoides) from 7 to 80 days post-spawn to nominal concentrations of 1, 10, or 100 µg ATR/L or 1 or 10 ng EE2/L and monitored histological development and transcriptomic changes in gonad tissue. We observed a nearly 100% female sex ratio in LMB exposed to EE2 at 10 ng/L, presumably due to sex reversal of males. Many gonad genes were differentially expressed between sexes. Multidimensional scaling revealed clustering by gene expression of the 1 ng EE2/L and 100 µg ATR/L-treated male fish. Some pathways responsive to EE2 exposure were not sex-specific. We observed differential expression in male gonad in LMB exposed to EE2 at 1 ng/L of several genes involved in reproductive development and function, including star, cyp11a2, ddx4 (previously vasa), wnt5b, cyp1a and samhd1. Expression of star, cyp11a2 and cyp1a in males was also responsive to ATR exposure. Overall, our results confirm that early development is a sensitive window for estrogenic endocrine disruption in LMB and are consistent with the hypothesis that ATR exposure induces some estrogenic responses in the developing gonad. However, ATR-specific and EE2-specific responses were also observed.

Evol Appl ; 12(8): 1661-1677, 2019 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31462921


Understanding the genetic underpinning of adaptive divergence among populations is a key goal of evolutionary biology and conservation. Gunnison sage-grouse (Centrocercus minimus) is a sagebrush obligate species with a constricted range consisting of seven discrete populations, each with distinctly different habitat and climatic conditions. Though geographically close, populations have low levels of natural gene flow resulting in relatively high levels of differentiation. Here, we use 15,033 SNP loci in genomic outlier analyses, genotype-environment association analyses, and gene ontology enrichment tests to examine patterns of putatively adaptive genetic differentiation in an avian species of conservation concern. We found 411 loci within 5 kbp of 289 putative genes associated with biological functions or pathways that were overrepresented in the assemblage of outlier SNPs. The identified gene set was enriched for cytochrome P450 gene family members (CYP4V2, CYP2R1, CYP2C23B, CYP4B1) and could impact metabolism of plant secondary metabolites, a critical challenge for sagebrush obligates. Additionally, the gene set was also enriched with members potentially involved in antiviral response (DEAD box helicase gene family and SETX). Our results provide a first look at local adaption for isolated populations of a single species and suggest adaptive divergence in multiple metabolic and biochemical pathways may be occurring. This information can be useful in managing this species of conservation concern, for example, to identify unique populations to conserve, avoid translocation or release of individuals that may swamp locally adapted genetic diversity, or guide habitat restoration efforts.

PeerJ ; 7: e6305, 2019.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30923646


Lake Sinai Viruses (Sinaivirus) are commonly detected in honey bees (Apis mellifera) but no disease phenotypes or fitness consequences have yet been demonstrated. This viral group is genetically diverse, lacks obvious geographic structure, and multiple lineages can co-infect individual bees. While phylogenetic analyses have been performed, the molecular evolution of LSV has not been studied extensively. Here, I use LSV isolates from GenBank as well as contigs assembled from honey bee Sequence Read Archive (SRA) accessions to better understand the evolutionary history of these viruses. For each ORF, substitution rate variation, codon usage, and tests of positive selection were evaluated. Outlier regions of high or low diversity were sought with sliding window analysis and the role of recombination in creating LSV diversity was explored. Phylogenetic analysis consistently identified two large clusters of sequences that correspond to the current LSV1 and LSV2 nomenclature, however lineages sister to LSV1 were the most frequently detected in honey bee SRA accessions. Different expression levels among ORFs suggested the occurrence of subgenomic transcripts. ORF1 and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase had higher evolutionary rates than the capsid and ORF4. A hypervariable region of the ORF1 protein-coding sequence was identified that had reduced selective constraint, but a site-based model of positive selection was not significantly more likely than a neutral model for any ORF. The only significant recombination signals detected between LSV1 and LSV2 initiated within this hypervariable region, but assumptions of the test (single-frame coding and independence of substitution rate by site) were violated. LSV codon usage differed strikingly from that of honey bees and other common honey-bee viruses, suggesting LSV is not strongly co-evolved with that host. LSV codon usage was significantly correlated with that of Varroa destructor, however, despite the relatively weak codon bias exhibited by the latter. While codon usage between the LSV1 and LSV2 clusters was similar for three ORFs, ORF4 codon usage was uncorrelated between these clades, implying rapid divergence of codon use for this ORF only. Phylogenetic placement and relative abundance of LSV isolates reconstructed from SRA accessions suggest that detection biases may be over-representing LSV1 and LSV2 in public databases relative to their sister lineages.

PeerJ ; 6: e5871, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30568849


Use of environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess distributions of aquatic and semi-aquatic macroorganisms is promising, but sampling schemes may need to be tailored to specific objectives. Given the potentially high variance in aquatic eDNA among replicate grab samples, compositing smaller water volumes collected over a period of time may be more effective for some applications. In this study, we compared eDNA profiles from composite water samples aggregated over three hours with grab water samples. Both sampling patterns were performed with identical autosamplers paired at two different sites in a headwater stream environment, augmented with exogenous fish eDNA from an upstream rearing facility. Samples were filtered through 0.8 µm cellulose nitrate filters and DNA was extracted with a cetyl trimethylammonium bromide procedure. Eukaryotic and bacterial community profiles were derived by amplicon sequencing of 12S ribosomal, 16S ribosomal, and cytochrome oxidase I loci. Operational taxa were assigned to genus with a lowest common ancestor approach for eukaryotes and to family with the RDP Classifier software for prokaryotes. Eukaryotic community profiles were more consistent with composite sampling than grab sampling. Downstream, rarefaction curves suggested faster taxon accumulation for composite samples, and estimated richness was higher for composite samples as a set than for grab samples. Upstream, composite sampling produced lower estimated richness than grab samples, but with overlapping standard errors. Furthermore, a bimodal pattern of richness as a function of sequence counts suggested the impact of clumped particles on upstream samples. Bacterial profiles were insensitive to sample method, consistent with the more even dispersion expected for bacteria compared with eukaryotic eDNA. Overall, samples composited over 3 h performed equal to or better than triplicate grab sampling for quantitative community metrics, despite the higher total sequencing effort provided to grab replicates. On the other hand, taxon-specific detection rates did not differ appreciably and the two methods gave similar estimates of the ratio of the common fish genera Salmo and Coregonus at each site. Unexpectedly, Salmo eDNA dropped out substantially faster than Coregonus eDNA between the two sites regardless of sampling method, suggesting that differential settling affects the estimation of relative abundance. We identified bacterial patterns that were associated with eukaryotic diversity, suggesting potential roles as biomarkers of sample representativeness.

PeerJ ; 6: e4386, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29479497


Chelonid alphaherpesvirus 5 (ChHV5) is a herpesvirus associated with fibropapillomatosis (FP) in sea turtles worldwide. Single-locus typing has previously shown differentiation between Atlantic and Pacific strains of this virus, with low variation within each geographic clade. However, a lack of multi-locus genomic sequence data hinders understanding of the rate and mechanisms of ChHV5 evolutionary divergence, as well as how these genomic changes may contribute to differences in disease manifestation. To assess genomic variation in ChHV5 among five Hawaii and three Florida green sea turtles, we used high-throughput short-read sequencing of long-range PCR products amplified from tumor tissue using primers designed from the single available ChHV5 reference genome from a Hawaii green sea turtle. This strategy recovered sequence data from both geographic regions for approximately 75% of the predicted ChHV5 coding sequences. The average nucleotide divergence between geographic populations was 1.5%; most of the substitutions were fixed differences between regions. Protein divergence was generally low (average 0.08%), and ranged between 0 and 5.3%. Several atypical genes originally identified and annotated in the reference genome were confirmed in ChHV5 genomes from both geographic locations. Unambiguous recombination events between geographic regions were identified, and clustering of private alleles suggests the prevalence of recombination in the evolutionary history of ChHV5. This study significantly increased the amount of sequence data available from ChHV5 strains, enabling informed selection of loci for future population genetic and natural history studies, and suggesting the (possibly latent) co-infection of individuals by well-differentiated geographic variants.

Genome Announc ; 5(41)2017 Oct 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29025930


Here, we report a draft genome sequence of a picorna-like virus associated with brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, gill tissue. The draft genome comprises 8,681 nucleotides, excluding the poly(A) tract, and contains two open reading frames. It is most similar to picorna-like viruses that infect invertebrates.

Genome Announc ; 4(6)2016 Dec 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28007856


Here, we report the complete genome of a novel aquareovirus isolated from clinically normal fountain darters, Etheostoma fonticola, inhabiting the San Marcos River, Texas, USA. The complete genome consists of 23,958 bp consisting of 11 segments that range from 783 bp (S11) to 3,866 bp (S1).