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Light Sci Appl ; 13(1): 91, 2024 Apr 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38637531


Luminescence constitutes a unique source of insight into hot carrier processes in metals, including those in plasmonic nanostructures used for sensing and energy applications. However, being weak in nature, metal luminescence remains poorly understood, its microscopic origin strongly debated, and its potential for unraveling nanoscale carrier dynamics largely unexploited. Here, we reveal quantum-mechanical effects in the luminescence emanating from thin monocrystalline gold flakes. Specifically, we present experimental evidence, supported by first-principles simulations, to demonstrate its photoluminescence origin (i.e., radiative emission from electron/hole recombination) when exciting in the interband regime. Our model allows us to identify changes to the measured gold luminescence due to quantum-mechanical effects as the gold film thickness is reduced. Excitingly, such effects are observable in the luminescence signal from flakes up to 40 nm in thickness, associated with the out-of-plane discreteness of the electronic band structure near the Fermi level. We qualitatively reproduce the observations with first-principles modeling, thus establishing a unified description of luminescence in gold monocrystalline flakes and enabling its widespread application as a probe of carrier dynamics and light-matter interactions in this material. Our study paves the way for future explorations of hot carriers and charge-transfer dynamics in a multitude of material systems.

Sci Adv ; 10(12): eadn6312, 2024 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38517969


Entangled photons are a key resource in quantum technologies. While intense laser light propagating in nonlinear crystals is conventionally used to generate entangled photons, such schemes have low efficiency due to the weak nonlinear response of known materials and losses associated with in/out photon coupling. Here, we show how to generate entangled polariton pairs directly within optical waveguides using free electrons. The measured energy loss of undeflected electrons heralds the production of counter-propagating polariton pairs entangled in energy and emission direction. For illustration, we study the excitation of plasmon polaritons in metal strip waveguides that strongly enhance light-matter interactions, rendering two-plasmon generation dominant over single-plasmon excitation. We demonstrate that electron energy losses detected within optimal frequency ranges can reliably signal the generation of plasmon pairs entangled in energy and momentum. Our proposed scheme is directly applicable to other types of optical waveguides for in situ generation of entangled photon pairs.

ACS Nano ; 17(20): 20043-20052, 2023 Oct 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37791979


Phosphorene has emerged as an atomically thin platform for optoelectronics and nanophotonics due to its excellent optical properties and the possibility of actively tuning light-matter interactions through electrical doping. While phosphorene is a two-dimensional semiconductor, plasmon resonances characterized by pronounced anisotropy and strong optical confinement are anticipated to emerge in highly doped samples. Here we show that the localized plasmons supported by phosphorene nanoribbons (PNRs) exhibit high tunability in relation to both edge termination and doping charge polarity and can trigger an intense nonlinear optical response at moderate doping levels. Our explorations are based on a second-principles theoretical framework, employing maximally localized Wannier functions constructed from ab initio electronic structure calculations, which we introduce here to describe the linear and nonlinear optical response of PNRs on mesoscopic length scales. Atomistic simulations reveal the high tunability of plasmons in doped PNRs at near-infrared frequencies, which can facilitate the synergy between the electronic band structure and plasmonic field confinement to drive efficient high-harmonic generation. Our findings establish nanostructured phosphorene as a versatile atomically thin material candidate for nonlinear plasmonics.

Nanoscale ; 15(7): 3150-3158, 2023 Feb 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36648761


The ability of plasmons to focus light on nanometer length scales opens a wide range of enticing applications in optics and photonics, among which the enhancement of nonlinear light-matter interactions for all-optical modulation and spectral diversification emerges as a prominent theme. However, the subwavelength plasmonic near-field enhancement in good plasmonic materials such as noble metals is hindered by large ohmic losses, while conventional phase-matching of fields in bulk nonlinear crystals is not suitable for realizing nonlinear optical phenomena on the nanoscale. In contrast, anharmonic electron motion of free charge carriers in highly-doped graphene, which supports long-lived, highly-confined, and actively-tunable plasmons, renders the carbon monolayer an excellent platform for both plasmonics and nonlinear optics. Here we theoretically explore the enhancement in nonlinear response that can be achieved by interfacing multiple graphene nanostructures in close proximity to trigger nonlocal effects associated with large gradients in the electromagnetic near field. Focusing on second- and third-harmonic generation, we introduce a semianalytical formalism to describe interacting graphene nanoribbons with independent width, location, and electrical doping, so as to realize configurations in which plasmonic resonances may simultaneously enhance both the fundamental optical excitation frequency and harmonic intermediary and/or output frequencies. Our findings reveal the importance of both passive and active tuning in the design of atomically-thin nanostructures for nonlinear optical applications, and in particular emphasize the role played by nonlocal effects in generating an even-ordered nonlinear response that may contribute to other nonlinear optical processes through a cascaded interaction. We anticipate that our findings can aid in the design of actively-tunable nonlinear plasmonic resonators and metasurfaces.

Phys Rev Lett ; 129(25): 253602, 2022 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36608233


We explore the emergence and active control of optical bistability in a two-level atom near a graphene sheet. Our theory incorporates self-interaction of the optically driven atom and its coupling to electromagnetic vacuum modes, both of which are sensitive to the electrically tunable interband transition threshold in graphene. We show that electro-optical bistability and hysteresis can manifest in the intensity, spectrum, and quantum statistics of the light emitted by the atom, which undergoes critical slow-down to steady state. The optically driven atom-graphene interaction constitutes a platform for active control of driven atomic systems in coherent quantum control and atomic physics.

Opt Express ; 29(9): 13852-13863, 2021 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33985113


The extreme field confinement and electro-optic tunability of plasmons in graphene make it an ideal platform for compact waveguide modulators, with device footprints aggressively scaling orders of magnitude below the diffraction limit. The miniaturization of modulators based on graphene plasmon resonances is however inherently constrained by the plasmon wavelength, while their performance is bounded by material loss in graphene. In this report, we propose to overcome these limitations using a graphene-covered λ/1000 plasmonic nanogap waveguide that concentrates light on length scales more than an order of magnitude smaller than the graphene plasmon wavelength. The modulation mechanism relies on interference between the non-resonant background transmission and the transmission mediated by the gate-tunable nanogap mode, enabling modulation depths over 20 dB. Since the operation of the device does not rely on graphene plasmons, the switching behavior is robust against low graphene carrier mobility even under 1000 cm2/Vs, which is desirable for practical applications.

Opt Lett ; 46(4): 833-836, 2021 Feb 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33577523


Noble metals with well-defined crystallographic orientation constitute an appealing class of materials for controlling light-matter interactions on the nanoscale. Nonlinear optical processes, being particularly sensitive to anisotropy, are a natural and versatile probe of crystallinity in nano-optical devices. Here we study the nonlinear optical response of monocrystalline gold flakes, revealing a polarization dependence in second-harmonic generation from the {111} surface that is markedly absent in polycrystalline films. Our findings confirm that second-harmonic microscopy is a robust and non-destructive method for probing the crystallographic orientation of gold, and can serve as a guideline for enhancing nonlinear response in plasmonic systems.

Nanophotonics ; 10(16): 4149-4159, 2021 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36425323


Nanoscale nonlinear optics is limited by the inherently weak nonlinear response of conventional materials and the small light-matter interaction volumes available in nanostructures. Plasmonic excitations can alleviate these limitations through subwavelength light focusing, boosting optical near fields that drive the nonlinear response, but also suffering from large inelastic losses that are further aggravated by fabrication imperfections. Here, we theoretically explore the enhanced nonlinear response arising from extremely confined plasmon polaritons in few-atom-thick crystalline noble metal films. Our results are based on quantum-mechanical simulations of the nonlinear optical response in atomically thin metal films that incorporate crucial electronic band structure features associated with vertical quantum confinement, electron spill-out, and surface states. We predict an overall enhancement in plasmon-mediated nonlinear optical phenomena with decreasing film thickness, underscoring the importance of surface and electronic structure in the response of ultrathin metal films.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 16(3): 318-324, 2021 Mar.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33318642


Nonlinear nanophotonics leverages engineered nanostructures to funnel light into small volumes and intensify nonlinear optical processes with spectral and spatial control. Owing to its intrinsically large and electrically tunable nonlinear optical response, graphene is an especially promising nanomaterial for nonlinear optoelectronic applications. Here we report on exceptionally strong optical nonlinearities in graphene-insulator-metal heterostructures, which demonstrate an enhancement by three orders of magnitude in the third-harmonic signal compared with that of bare graphene. Furthermore, by increasing the graphene Fermi energy through an external gate voltage, we find that graphene plasmons mediate the optical nonlinearity and modify the third-harmonic signal. Our findings show that graphene-insulator-metal is a promising heterostructure for optically controlled and electrically tunable nano-optoelectronic components.

Rep Prog Phys ; 83(8): 082401, 2020 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32726300


Rooted in quantum optics and benefiting from its well-established foundations, strong coupling in nanophotonics has experienced increasing popularity in recent years. With nanophotonics being an experiment-driven field, the absence of appropriate theoretical methods to describe ground-breaking advances has often emerged as an important issue. To address this problem, the temptation to directly transfer and extend concepts already available from quantum optics is strong, even if a rigorous justification is not always available. In this review we discuss situations where, in our view, this strategy has indeed overstepped its bounds. We focus on exciton-plasmon interactions, and particularly on the idea of calculating the number of excitons involved in the coupling. We analyse how, starting from an unfounded interpretation of the term N/V that appears in theoretical descriptions at different levels of complexity, one might be tempted to make independent assumptions for what the number N and the volume V are, and attempt to calculate them separately. Such an approach can lead to different, often contradictory results, depending on the initial assumptions (e.g. through different treatments of V as the-ambiguous in plasmonics-mode volume). We argue that the source of such contradictions is the question itself-How many excitons are coupled?, which disregards the true nature of the coupled components of the system, has no meaning and often not even any practical importance. If one is interested in validating the quantum nature of the system-which appears to be the motivation driving the pursuit of strong coupling with small N-one could instead focus on quantities such as the photon emission rate or the second-order correlation function. While many of the issues discussed here may appear straightforward to specialists, our target audience is predominantly newcomers to the field, either students or scientists specialised in different disciplines. We have thus tried to minimise the occurrence of proofs and overly-technical details, and instead provide a qualitative discussion of analyses that should be avoided, hoping to facilitate further growth of this promising area.

Nano Lett ; 20(7): 4792-4800, 2020 Jul 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32401522


Free electrons act as a source of highly confined, spectrally broad optical fields that are widely used to map photonic modes with nanometer/millielectronvolt space/energy resolution through currently available electron energy-loss and cathodoluminescence spectroscopies. These techniques are understood as probes of the linear optical response, while nonlinear dynamics has escaped observation with similar degree of spatial detail, despite the strong enhancement of the electron evanescent field with decreasing electron energy. Here, we show that the field accompanying low-energy electrons can trigger anharmonic response in strongly nonlinear materials. Specifically, through realistic quantum-mechanical simulations, we find that the interaction between ≲100 eV electrons and plasmons in graphene nanostructures gives rise to substantial optical nonlinearities that are discernible as saturation and spectral shifts in the plasmonic features revealed in the cathodoluminescence emission and electron energy-loss spectra. Our results support the use of low-energy electron-beam spectroscopies for the exploration of nonlinear optical processes in nanostructures.

Acc Chem Res ; 52(10): 2994, 2019 Oct 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31566361
Acc Chem Res ; 52(9): 2536-2547, 2019 Sep 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31448890


Nonlinear optics is limited by the weak nonlinear response of available materials, a problem that is generally circumvented by relying on macroscopic structures in which light propagates over many optical cycles, thus giving rise to accumulated unity-order nonlinear effects. While this strategy cannot be extended to subwavelength optics, such as in nanophotonic structures, one can alternatively use localized optical resonances with high quality factors to increase light-matter interaction times, although this approach is limited by inelastic losses partly associated with the nonlinear response. Plasmons-the collective oscillations of electrons in conducting media-offer the means to concentrate light into nanometric volumes, well below the light-wavelength-scale limit imposed by diffraction, amplifying the electromagnetic fields upon which nonlinear optical phenomena depend. Due to their abundant supply of free electrons, noble metals are the traditional material platform for plasmonics and have thus dominated research in nanophotonics over the past several decades, despite exhibiting large ohmic losses and inherent difficulties to actively modulate plasmon resonances, which are primarily determined by size, composition, and morphology. Highly doped graphene has recently emerged as an appealing platform for plasmonics due to its unique optoelectronic properties, which give rise to relatively long-lived, highly confined, and actively tunable plasmon resonances that mainly appear in the infrared and terahertz frequency regimes. Efforts to extend graphene plasmonics to the near-infrared and visible ranges involve patterning of graphene into nanostructured elements, thus facilitating the optical excitation of localized resonances that can be blue-shifted through geometrical confinement while maintaining electrical tunability. Besides these appealing plasmonic attributes, the conical electronic dispersion relation of graphene renders its charge carrier motion in response to light intrinsically anharmonic, resulting in a comparatively intense nonlinear optical response. The combined synergy of extreme plasmonic field enhancement and large intrinsic optical nonlinearity are now motivating intensive research efforts in nonlinear graphene plasmonics, the recent progress of which we discuss in this Account. We start with a description of the appealing properties of plasmons in graphene nanostructures down to molecular sizes, followed by a discussion of the unprecedented level of intrinsic optical nonlinearity in graphene, its enhancement by resonant coupling to its highly confined plasmons to yield intense high harmonic generation and Kerr nonlinearities, the extraordinary thermo-optical capabilities of this material enabling large nonlinear optical switching down to the single-photon level, and its strong interaction with quantum emitters.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3743-3750, 2019 06 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31117754


While plasmons in noble metal nanostructures enable strong light-matter interactions on commensurate length scales, the overabundance of free electrons in these systems inhibits their tunability by weak external stimuli. Countering this limitation, the linear electronic dispersion in graphene endows the two-dimensional material with both an enhanced sensitivity to doping electron density, enabling active tunability of its highly confined plasmon resonances, and a very low electronic heat capacity that renders its thermo-optical response extraordinarily large. Here we show that these properties combined enables a substantial optical modulation in graphene nanostructures from the energy associated with just one of their supported plasmons. We base our analysis on realistic, complementary classical and quantum-mechanical simulations, which reveal that the energy of a single plasmon, absorbed in a small, moderately doped graphene nanoisland, can sufficiently modify its electronic temperature and chemical potential to produce unity-order modulation of the optical response within subpicosecond time scales, effectively shifting or damping the original plasmon absorption peak and thereby blockading subsequent excitation of a second plasmon. The proposed thermo-optical single-plasmon blockade consists in a viable ultralow power all-optical switching mechanism for doped graphene nanoislands, while their combination with quantum emitters could yield applications in biological sensing and quantum nano-optics.

Nat Commun ; 9(1): 1018, 2018 03 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29523791


The speed of solid-state electronic devices, determined by the temporal dynamics of charge carriers, could potentially reach unprecedented petahertz frequencies through direct manipulation by optical fields, consisting in a million-fold increase from state-of-the-art technology. In graphene, charge carrier manipulation is facilitated by exceptionally strong coupling to optical fields, from which stems an important back-action of photoexcited carriers. Here we investigate the instantaneous response of graphene to ultrafast optical fields, elucidating the role of hot carriers on sub-100 fs timescales. The measured nonlinear response and its dependence on interaction time and field polarization reveal the back-action of hot carriers over timescales commensurate with the optical field. An intuitive picture is given for the carrier trajectories in response to the optical-field polarization state. We note that the peculiar interplay between optical fields and charge carriers in graphene may also apply to surface states in topological insulators with similar Dirac cone dispersion relations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(25): 257403, 2018 Dec 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30608798


Electrically tunable graphene plasmons are anticipated to enable strong light-matter interactions with resonant quantum emitters. However, plasmon resonances in graphene are typically limited to infrared frequencies, below those of optical excitations in robust quantum light sources and many biologically interesting molecules. Here we propose to utilize near fields generated by the plasmon-assisted nonlinear optical response of nanostructured graphene to resonantly couple with proximal quantum emitters operating in the near infrared. We show that the nonlinear near field produced by a graphene nanodisk can strongly excite and coherently control quantum states in two- and three-level atomic systems when the third harmonic of its plasmon resonance is tuned to a particular electronic transition. In the present scheme, emitter and plasmon resonances are nondegenerate, circumventing strong enhancement of spontaneous emission. We envision potential applications for the proposed nonlinear plasmonic coupling scheme in sensing and temporal quantum control.

ACS Nano ; 11(7): 7321-7335, 2017 07 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28651057


A promising trend in plasmonics involves shrinking the size of plasmon-supporting structures down to a few nanometers, thus enabling control over light-matter interaction at extreme-subwavelength scales. In this limit, quantum mechanical effects, such as nonlocal screening and size quantization, strongly affect the plasmonic response, rendering it substantially different from classical predictions. For very small clusters and molecules, collective plasmonic modes are hard to distinguish from other excitations such as single-electron transitions. Using rigorous quantum mechanical computational techniques for a wide variety of physical systems, we describe how an optical resonance of a nanostructure can be classified as either plasmonic or nonplasmonic. More precisely, we define a universal metric for such classification, the generalized plasmonicity index (GPI), which can be straightforwardly implemented in any computational electronic-structure method or classical electromagnetic approach to discriminate plasmons from single-particle excitations and photonic modes. Using the GPI, we investigate the plasmonicity of optical resonances in a wide range of systems including: the emergence of plasmonic behavior in small jellium spheres as the size and the number of electrons increase; atomic-scale metallic clusters as a function of the number of atoms; and nanostructured graphene as a function of size and doping down to the molecular plasmons in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Our study provides a rigorous foundation for the further development of ultrasmall nanostructures based on molecular plasmonics.

Nat Commun ; 8: 14380, 2017 02 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28224998


High-harmonic generation in condensed-matter systems is both a source of fundamental insight into quantum electron motion and a promising candidate to realize compact ultraviolet and ultrafast light sources. While graphene is anticipated to efficiently generate high-order harmonics due to its anharmonic charge-carrier dispersion, experiments performed on extended samples using THz illumination have revealed only a weak effect. The situation is further complicated by the enormous electromagnetic field intensities required by this highly nonperturbative nonlinear optical phenomenon. Here we argue that the large light intensity required for high-harmonic generation to occur can be reached by exploiting localized plasmons in doped graphene nanostructures. We demonstrate through rigorous time-domain simulations that the synergistic combination of strong plasmonic near-field enhancement and a pronounced intrinsic nonlinearity result in efficient broadband high-harmonic generation within a single material. Our results support the strong potential of nanostructured graphene as a robust, electrically tunable platform for high-harmonic generation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(12): 123904, 2016 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27689278


Plasmons provide excellent sensitivity to detect analyte molecules through their strong interaction with the dielectric environment. Plasmonic sensors based on noble metals are, however, limited by the spectral broadening of these excitations. Here we identify a new mechanism that reveals the presence of individual molecules through the radical changes that they produce in the plasmons of graphene nanoislands. An elementary charge or a weak permanent dipole carried by the molecule are shown to be sufficient to trigger observable modifications in the linear absorption spectra and the nonlinear response of the nanoislands. In particular, a strong second-harmonic signal, forbidden by symmetry in the unexposed graphene nanostructure, emerges due to a redistribution of conduction electrons produced by interaction with the molecule. These results pave the way toward ultrasensitive nonlinear detection of dipolar molecules and molecular radicals that is made possible by the extraordinary optoelectronic properties of graphene.

ACS Nano ; 10(2): 1995-2003, 2016 Feb 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26718484


The ability of graphene to support long-lived, electrically tunable plasmons that interact strongly with light, combined with its highly nonlinear optical response, has generated great expectations for application of the atomically thin material to nanophotonic devices. These expectations are mainly reinforced by classical analyses performed using the response derived from extended graphene, neglecting finite-size and nonlocal effects that become important when the carbon layer is structured on the nanometer scale in actual device designs. Here we show that finite-size effects produce large contributions that increase the nonlinear response of nanostructured graphene to significantly higher levels than those predicted by classical theories. We base our analysis on a quantum-mechanical description of graphene using tight-binding electronic states combined with the random-phase approximation. While classical and quantum descriptions agree well for the linear response when either the plasmon energy is below the Fermi energy or the size of the structure exceeds a few tens of nanometers, this is not always the case for the nonlinear response, and in particular, third-order Kerr-type nonlinearities are generally underestimated by the classical theory. Our results reveal the complex quantum nature of the optical response in nanostructured graphene, while further supporting the exceptional potential of this material for nonlinear nanophotonic devices.