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J Phys Chem A ; 127(51): 10838-10850, 2023 Dec 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38109706


The ligand binding energies (LBEs) of N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) and CH2 and CF2 adducts with group 1, 2, 10, and 11 metals and complexes with metals from these groups are predicted at the coupled cluster CCSD(T) level of theory by using density functional theory optimized geometries. The differences in LBEs as a function of the metal and the types of bonding interactions as well as the type of carbene are described. The bonding between the alkali cations and alkaline earth dications is predominantly ionic with a linear correlation between the LBEs and the cation hardness. In contrast, the bonding behaviors of the group 10 and 11 metals and metal complexes have only a weak, indirect correlation between the LBEs and the metal hardness. The difference in bonding behavior between the groups of metals arises due to the accessibility of electron donation between the ligand and the metal in the transition metal complexes, which results in more covalent-like bonding behavior. The presence of the methyl groups on the NHC nitrogen results in only slightly more delocalized charge from the metal onto the ring, but there is significant redistribution of the charge on the ring. Saturation of the NHC ring had a much smaller effect on how the charge was distributed on the ring. The analysis of the bonding behavior of NHCs with various metal groups enables improved understanding of carbene-metal interactions to inform rational design of NHC-based systems.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(17): 2658-2669, 2022 May 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35442677


A range of carbene structures and their adducts with one another and with a selection of small-molecule electrophiles and nucleophiles were examined at the composite correlated molecular orbital theory G3MP2 level to explore ground-state "carbenic" structures, their stabilities, and reactivities. Differences between carbene general classification as a singlet electrophilic carbene or singlet nucleophilic carbene and their given reactivity are discussed. A key quantity is the carbon-carbon bond dissociation energy for carbene dimers or the carbene-adduct dissociation energy for other species. The carbene dimer bond dissociation energies span a wide range from 10 to 170 kcal/mol. The hydrogenation energies and singlet-triplet splitting were found to correlate best with the carbene's self-dimerization energy, whereas other descriptors do not. The proton and fluoride affinities of the carbenes alone prove inadequate for classifying reactivity among classes of carbenes. The self-dimerization bond dissociation energy, hydrogenation energy, and singlet-triplet splitting of various carbenes, despite sometimes large differences in proton affinity and other indicators of reactivity, provide usable metrics to correlate substantial amounts of thermodynamic and kinetic (reactivity) information regarding these structures.

Inorg Chem ; 51(24): 13195-203, 2012 Dec 17.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23194426


The Pd-L ligand bond dissociation energies (BDEs) of cis- and trans-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) were predicted using coupled cluster CCSD(T) theory and a variety of density functional theory (DFT) functionals at the B3LYP optimized geometries. trans-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) is the more stable isomer when Pd forms a donor-acceptor bond with a C atom of the ligand, including the π-bond in norbornene; for the remaining complexes, the cis-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) isomer is substantially lower in energy. For cis-[L-Pd (PH(3))(2)Cl](+) complexes, the Pd-L bond energies are 28 kcal/mol for CO; ∼40 kcal/mol for AH(3) (A = N, P, As, and Sb), norbornene, and CH(3)CN; and ∼53 kcal/mol for CH(3)NC, pyrazole, pyridine, and tetrahydrothiophene at the CCSD(T) level. When Pd forms a donor-acceptor bond with the C atom in the ligand (i.e., CO, CH(3)NC, and the π-bond in norbornene), the Pd-L bond energies for trans-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) are generally ∼10 kcal/mol greater than those for cis-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) with the same L; for the remaining ligands, the ligand bond energy increases are ∼3-5 kcal/mol from the cis-isomer to the trans-isomer. The benchmarks show that the dispersion-corrected hybrid, generalized gradient approximation, DFT functional ω-B97X-D is the best one to use for this system. Use of the ω-B97X-D/aD functional gives predicted BDEs within 1 kcal/mol of the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ BDEs for cis-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+) and 1.5 kcal/mol for trans-[L-Pd(PH(3))(2)Cl](+).

J Phys Chem A ; 114(28): 7571-82, 2010 Jul 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20586405


High-level electronic structure calculations were used to evaluate reliable, self-consistent thermochemical data sets for the second row transition metal hexafluorides. The electron affinities, heats of formation, first (MF(6) --> MF(5) + F) and average M-F bond dissociation energies, and fluoride affinities of MF(6) (MF(6) + F(-) --> MF(7)(-)) and MF(5) (MF(5) + F(-) --> MF(6)(-)) were calculated. The electron affinities are higher than those of the corresponding third row hexafluorides, making them stronger one-electron oxidizers. The calculated electron affinities, in good agreement with the available experimental values, are 4.23 eV for MoF(6), 5.89 eV for TcF(6), 7.01 eV for RuF(6), 6.80 eV for RhF(6), 7.95 eV for PdF(6), and 8.89 eV for AgF(6). The corresponding pentafluorides are also very strong Lewis acids, although their acidities on the pF(-) scale are about one unit lower than those of the third row pentafluorides. The performance of a wide range of DFT exchange-correlation functionals was benchmarked by comparing them to our more accurate CCSD(T) results.

Inorg Chem ; 49(12): 5546-53, 2010 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20438058


Phosphine-based catalysts play an important role in many metal-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond formation reactions yet reliable values of their bond energies are not available. We have been studying homogeneous catalysts consisting of a phosphine bonded to a Pt, Pd, or Ni. High level electronic structure calculations at the CCSD(T)/complete basis set level were used to predict the M-PH(3) bond energy (BE) for the 0 and +2 oxidation states for M = Ni, Pd, and Pt. The calculated bond energies can then be used, for example, in the design of new catalyst systems. A wide range of exchange-correlation functionals were also evaluated to assess the performance of density functional theory (DFT) for these important bond energies. None of the DFT functionals were able to predict all of the M-PH(3) bond energies to within 5 kcal/mol, and the best functionals were generalized gradient approximation functionals in contrast to the usual hybrid functionals often employed for main group thermochemistry.

Inorg Chem ; 49(3): 1056-70, 2010 Feb 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20052991


High level electronic structure calculations were used to evaluate reliable, self-consistent thermochemical data sets for the third row transition metal hexafluorides. The electron affinities, heats of formation, first (MF(6) --> MF(5) + F) and average M-F bond dissociation energies, and fluoride affinities of MF(6) (MF(6) + F(-) --> MF(7)(-)) and MF(5) (MF(5) + F(-) --> MF(6)(-)) were calculated. The electron affinities which are a direct measure for the oxidizer strength increase monotonically from WF(6) to AuF(6), with PtF(6) and AuF(6) being extremely powerful oxidizers. The inclusion of spin orbit corrections is necessary to obtain the correct qualitative order for the electron affinities. The calculated electron affinities increase with increasing atomic number, are in good agreement with the available experimental values, and are as follows: WF(6) (3.15 eV), ReF(6) (4.58 eV), OsF(6) (5.92 eV), IrF(6) (5.99 eV), PtF(6) (7.09 eV), and AuF(6) (8.20 eV). A wide range of density functional theory exchange-correlation functionals were also evaluated, and only three gave satisfactory results. The corresponding pentafluorides are extremely strong Lewis acids, with OsF(5), IrF(5), PtF(5), and AuF(5) significantly exceeding the acidity of SbF(5). The optimized geometries of the corresponding MF(7)(-) anions for W through Ir are classical MF(7)(-) anions with M-F bonds; however, for PtF(7)(-) and AuF(7)(-) non-classical anions were found with a very weak external F-F bond between an MF(6)(-) fragment and a fluorine atom. These two anions are text book examples for "superhalogens" and can serve as F atom sources under very mild conditions, explaining the ability of PtF(6) to convert NF(3) to NF(4)(+), ClF(5) to ClF(6)(+), and Xe to XeF(+) and why Bartlett failed to observe XePtF(6) as the reaction product of the PtF(6)/Xe reaction.

J Am Chem Soc ; 131(24): 8460-73, 2009 Jun 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19530728


Structures of zeolite-anchored organorhodium complexes undergoing conversions with gas-phase reactants were characterized by infrared spectra bolstered by calculations with density functional theory and analysis of the gas-phase products. Structurally well-defined zeolite-supported rhodium diethylene complexes were synthesized by chemisorption of Rh(C(2)H(4))(2)(acac) (acac = CH(3)COCHCOCH(3)) on dealuminated Y zeolite, being anchored by two Rh-O bonds, as shown by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. In contrast to the nonuniformity of metal complexes anchored to metal oxides, the near uniformity of the zeolite-supported species allowed precise determination of their chemistry, including the role of the support as a ligand. The anchored rhodium diethylene complex underwent facile, reversible ligand exchange with deuterated ethylene at 298 K, and ethylene ligands were hydrogenated by reverse spillover of hydrogen from support hydroxyl groups. The supported complexes reacted with CO to form rhodium gem-dicarbonyls, which, in the presence of ethylene, gave rhodium monocarbonyls. The facile removal of ethylene ligands from the complex in H(2)-N(2) mixtures created coordinatively unsaturated rhodium complexes; the coordinative unsaturation was stabilized by the site isolation of the complexes, allowing reaction with N(2) to form rhodium complexes with one and with two N(2) ligands. The results also provide evidence of a new rhodium monohydride species incorporating a C(2)H(4) ligand.

J Phys Chem A ; 112(17): 4095-9, 2008 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18348547


Electronic structure calculations at the coupled cluster (CCSD(T)) and density functional theory levels with relativistic effective core potentials and large basis sets were used to predict the isolated uranyl ion frequencies. The effects of anharmonicity and spin-orbit corrections on the harmonic frequencies were calculated. The anharmonic effects are larger than the spin-orbit corrections, but both are small. The anharmonic effects decreased all the frequencies, whereas the spin-orbit corrections increased the stretches and decreased the bend. Overall, these two corrections decreased the harmonic asymmetric stretch frequency by 6 cm-1, the symmetric stretch by 3 cm-1, and the bend by 3 cm-1. The best calculated values for UO22+ for the asymmetric stretch, symmetric stretch, and bend were 1113, 1032, and 174 cm-1, respectively. The separation between the asymmetric and the symmetric stretch band origins was predicted to be 81 cm-1, which is consistent with experimental trends for substituted uranyls in solution and in the solid state. The anharmonic vibrational frequencies of the isoelectronic ThO2 molecule also were calculated and compared to experiment to calibrate the UO22+ results.

Chemistry ; 13(26): 7294-304, 2007.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17685381


By anchoring metal complexes to supports, researchers have attempted to combine the high activity and selectivity of molecular homogeneous catalysis with the ease of separation and lack of corrosion of heterogeneous catalysis. However, the intrinsic nonuniformity of supports has limited attempts to make supported catalysts truly uniform. We report the synthesis and performance of such a catalyst, made from [Rh(C(2)H(4))(2)(CH(3)COCHCOCH(3))] and a crystalline support, dealuminated Y zeolite, giving {Rh(C(2)H(4))(2)} groups anchored by bonds to two zeolite oxygen ions, with the structure determined by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy and the uniformity of the supported complex demonstrated by (13)C NMR spectroscopy. When the ethylene ligands are replaced by acetylene, catalytic cyclotrimerization to benzene ensues. Characterizing the working catalyst, we observed evidence of intermediates in the catalytic cycle by NMR spectroscopy. Calculations at the level of density functional theory confirmed the structure of the as-synthesized supported metal complex determined by EXAFS spectroscopy. With this structure as an anchor, we used the computational results to elucidate the catalytic cycle (including transition states), finding results in agreement with the NMR spectra.

J Org Chem ; 71(14): 5117-25, 2006 Jul 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16808497


Di(tert-butyl)neopentylphosphine (DTBNpP) in combination with palladium sources provided catalysts with comparable or better activity for the Hartwig-Buchwald amination of aryl bromides than tri(tert-butyl)phosphine (TTBP) under mild conditions. DTBNpP also provided effective catalysts for amination reactions of aryl chlorides at elevated temperatures. Further replacement of tert-butyl groups with neopentyl substituents resulted in less effective ligands for amination reactions. Computationally derived cone angles showed that replacement of a tert-butyl group with a neopentyl group significantly increased the cone angle of the phosphine. The larger cone angle of DTBNpP than TTBP appears to correlate with the higher activity of catalysts derived from DTBNpP in the amination of aryl bromides. TTBP is a stronger electron donor than DTBNpP, which may explain the higher activity for TTBP-derived catalysts toward aryl chlorides.

Hydrocarbons, Brominated/chemical synthesis , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/chemical synthesis , Organometallic Compounds/chemistry , Palladium/chemistry , Phosphines/chemistry , Amination , Hydrocarbons, Brominated/chemistry , Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated/chemistry , Ligands , Models, Molecular , Molecular Structure , Stereoisomerism , Time Factors
J Am Chem Soc ; 128(7): 2324-35, 2006 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16478188


Evidence for nine new solution state silicate oligomers has been discovered by (29)Si NMR homonuclear correlation experiments of (29)Si-enriched samples. In addition to enhancing signal sensitivity, the isotopic enrichment increases the probability of the (29)Si-(29)Si two-bond scalar couplings that are necessary for the observation of internuclear correlations in 2-D experiments. The proposed assignments are validated by comparisons of experimental and simulated cross-peaks obtained with high digital resolution. The internuclear connectivity indicated by the NMR data suggests that several of these oligomers can have multiple stereoisomers, including conformers and/or diastereomers. The stabilities of these oligomers and their possible stereoisomers have been investigated by electronic structure calculations.