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ABCS health sci ; 45(Supl. 3): e020104, 10 June 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252373


INTRODUCTION: Macula edema consists in one of the most common causes of visual impairment. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of continuous release of 0.7 mg dexamethasone (using implantable device) for treatment of macular edema. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study of 16 patients treated with 0.7 mg dexamethasone intraocular implant. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure and central macular thickness were recorded at baseline, 1-month and 3-month follow-up. RESULTS: 15 eyes of 13 patients were included. Most eyes (n=9) improve visual acuity from baseline at 1-month follow-up; this improvement persisted through 3-monyh follow-up in six eyes. The central macular thickness decreased in the majority of the subjects at 1-month (n=12) and at 3-month (n=10) follow-up. Three eyes presented with elevated intraocular pressure. CONCLUSION: Dexamethasone implant can both reduce the risk of vision loss and improve anatomical features of macular edema due to several pathologies studied. This implant may be used safely and should be considered a therapeutic option to Brazilian Public Health System.

Humans , Dexamethasone , Macular Edema/drug therapy , Intravitreal Injections , Visual Acuity , Endothelial Growth Factors , Diabetes Mellitus , Diabetic Retinopathy , Eye Health Services , Intraocular Pressure
Medicina (Ribeiräo Preto) ; 47(1): 43-50, jan.-mar. 2014. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-714247


Modelo do estudo: Estudo observacional descritivo transversal. Introdução: A estratégia atual de controle da hanseníase preconizada pela Organização Mundial da Saúde é baseada no respectivo tratamento segundo classificação operacional, se multibacilar ou paucibacilar. Objetivo: Comparar perfis de hansenianos de ambas as formas atendidos em Unidade Hospitalar. Metodologia: Coleta de dados em Fichas de Investigação de Hanseníase do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, no Hospital e Maternidade Celso Pierro, PUC Campinas, anos 2007 a 2011. Registro em planilha codificada, armazenamento em banco de dados específico, e processamento estatístico por meio do SPSS. Associações de variáveis investigadas pela prova de Goodman para contraste entre e intra populações multinomiais e pelo teste não-paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, ao nível de 5% de significância. Resultados: Averiguaram-se 57 casos novos, obtendo-se 14 paucibacilares e 43 multibacilares com indicadores compatíveis com o esperado. No entanto, constataram-se, entre as inconsistências apuradas: i) cinco registros de recidiva, os quais não se confirmaram nosograficamente; ii) caso multibacilar tratado como paucibacilar; iii) quanto a modo de detecção, frequências assemelhadas de encaminhamento e demanda espontânea entre os multibacilares; iv) predomínio de grau zero de incapacidade entre paucibacilares, majoritariamente tuberculóides. Conclusões: Estes resultados indicam a necessidadede vigilância epidemiológica permanente visando à interlocução entre a rede básica e os centros de referência quanto aos procedimentos de controle, com vistas à adequação da gestão técnica dos respectivos Serviços de Saúde.

Study design: Cross sectional descriptive observational study. Introduction: Present strategy for leprosy control according to World Health Organization is based on respective treatment for pauci or multibacillary patients. Objectives: To compare leper’s profiles cared by an university hospital. Materials and Method: Data collected from Leprosy Notification Protocols, Information System for Notifiable Diseases, Celso Pierro Hospital and Maternity, PUC Campinas, years 2007 to 2011. Registers on codified sheets, storagein specific data base and statistical processing by SPSS program. Associations by Goodman’s test for contrasts among multinomial populations and by non-parametric Mann-Whitney’s, at 5% significance level. Results: 57 new cases have been ascertained, 14 paucibacillary and 43 multibacillary, showing clinical epidemiologic behaviors as expected. Nevertheless, inconsistencies have been observed, as: i) five cases of relapse registered, but not clinically confirmed; ii) a multibacillary case treated as paucibacillary; iii) in relation to forms of detection, similar frequencies of recommendation and spontaneous demand in the multibacillary group; iv) predominance of grade zero disabilities in the paucibacillary group. Conclusions: Results point to the necessity of permanent epidemiological surveillance on leprosy control in order to keep enough dialogue between basic units and reference centers.

Humans , Male , Female , Leprosy, Multibacillary , Leprosy, Paucibacillary , Leprosy/classification , Leprosy/epidemiology , Health Profile