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Front Psychol ; 15: 1372912, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529093


Pupil dilation has been associated with the effort required to perform various cognitive tasks. At the lexical level, some studies suggest that this neurophysiological measure would provide objective, real-time information during word processing and lexical access. However, due to the scarcity and incipient advancement of this line of research, its applicability, use, and sensitivity are not entirely clear. This scoping review aims to determine the applicability and usefulness of pupillometry in the study of lexical access by providing an up-to-date overview of research in this area. Following the PRISMA protocol, 16 articles were included in this review. The results show that pupillometry is a highly applicable, useful, and sensitive method for assessing lexical skills of word recognition, word retrieval, and semantic activation. Moreover, it easily fits into traditional research paradigms and methods in the field. Because it is a non-invasive, objective, and automated procedure, it can be applied to any population or age group. However, the emerging development of this specific area of research and the methodological diversity observed in the included studies do not yet allow for definitive conclusions in this area, which in turn does not allow for meta-analyses or fully conclusive statements about what the pupil response actually reflects when processing words. Standardized pupillary recording and analysis methods need to be defined to generate more accurate, replicable research designs with more reliable results to strengthen this line of research.

Rev. CEFAC ; 26(3): e12523, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559002


ABSTRACT Purpose: to determine the structure of treatment goals set by expert voice-specialized speech-language pathologists in treatment plans for patients with vocal needs. Methods: a cross-sectional documentary research was conducted to analyze 129 treatment goals proposed in treatment plans by 30 expert voice-specialized speech-language pathologists. These goals were thematically analyzed and organized according to the therapeutic content addressed. The goals including the notion of patient in their wording, the statement of a specific purpose, the method for achieving it, and the presence of outcome criteria, were evaluated. Results: most treatment goals analyzed correspond to those aimed at modifying vocal parameters (67.4%). The contents referring to muscle tone (13.8%), vocal hygiene and education (10%), breathing (7.75%), and posture (1.55%) are represented to a lesser extent. From the total number of treatment goals analyzed, 82.17% include the notion of patient, 88.37% indicate the method, 100% indicate the purpose, 52.71% state the outcome criteria used, and 17.05% include other components in their structure. Conclusions: diversity in goal setting shows different visions by the professionals involved in the therapeutic process.

RESUMEN Objetivo: determinar la estructura de los objetivos operacionales formulados por los/las fonoaudiólogos/as en las planificaciones terapéuticas para usuarios con necesidades vocales. Métodos: investigación documental transversal en que se analizaron 129 objetivos operacionales propuestos en las planificaciones terapéuticas de 30 fonoaudiólogos/as. Estos objetivos se sometieron a un proceso de análisis temático y se organizaron según el contenido terapéutico abordado. Se examinó la inclusión de la noción de usuario en la redacción, la declaración de una finalidad específica, el método para alcanzarla y la presencia de criterios de logro. Resultados: de la totalidad de objetivos analizados, la mayoría corresponde a aquellos que están orientados a la modificación de parámetros vocales (67.4%). En menor medida, están representados los contenidos referentes a tonicidad muscular (13.8%), educación e higiene vocal (10%), respiración (7.75%) y postura (1.55%). Del total, un 82.17% incluye la noción de usuario, un 88.37% señala el método, el 100% indica la finalidad y un 52.71% declara los criterios de logro utilizados. Un 17.05% incluye otros componentes en su estructura. Conclusiones: la diversidad en la formulación de los objetivos evidencia distintas visiones acerca del proceso terapéutico por parte de los profesionales involucrados.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535319


Introduction: The complexity of the vocal phenomenon hinders the therapist's ability to quickly and effectively monitor the achievements obtained by the patient through vocal intervention. The assessment of therapeutic progress relies on the therapist's capability to utilize valid, reliable, and meaningful outcome criteria. Aim: Develop a conceptual framework of outcome criteria to be used in the treatment plans designed by speech-language pathologists for patients with vocal complaints. Methodology: Qualitative, conceptual, and model-type research in which a critical review is conducted through a non-probabilistic theoretical sampling of the theoretical models of therapy treatment plans, the outcome criteria involved and their relevance to voice intervention. Building upon this, a taxonomy of outcome criteria is proposed for verifying therapeutic progress in voice therapy. Results: A conceptual outcome criteria framework is proposed. This model incorporates quantitative, qualitative, and mixed criteria to monitor the diverse aspects of vocal function in the context of voice intervention. Conclusion: The model provides a precise guide to assess the results achieved by the patient in vocal intervention through treatment goals.

Introducción: La complejidad del fenómeno vocal dificulta que el/la terapeuta monitoree de manera rápida y eficaz los logros obtenidos por el/la usuario/a mediante la intervención fonoaudiológica. La evaluación del avance terapéutico depende de la habilidad del/la terapeuta para emplear criterios de medición válidos, confiables y significativos. Objetivo: Desarrollar un modelo teórico de criterios de logro para su consideración en la formulación de los objetivos operacionales en las planificaciones terapéuticas que emplean los profesionales fonoaudiólogos en la atención de usuarios/as que presentan queja vocal. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa, de tipo conceptual y modélica, en la que se lleva a cabo una revisión crítica de la literatura a través de un muestreo teórico no probabilístico de los modelos teóricos propuestos para la formulación y medición de objetivos en el contexto terapéutico y sus alcances respecto de la intervención vocal. A partir de ello, se propone una taxonomía de criterios de logro para la verificación del avance terapéutico. Resultados: Se propone una taxonomía organizada en torno a criterios de logro cuantitativos, cualitativos y mixtos, los que son propuestos para el monitoreo de diversos aspectos de la función vocal en el contexto de la intervención fonoaudiológica. Conclusión: El modelo proporciona una guía precisa para evaluar de manera efectiva el progreso y los resultados alcanzados por el/la usuario/a en el abordaje fonoaudiológico vocal a través de los objetivos operacionales planteados para la intervención.