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J Phys Chem A ; 128(31): 6566-6580, 2024 Aug 08.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39074307


The natural auxiliary function (NAF) approach is an approximation to decrease the size of the auxiliary basis set required for quantum chemical calculations utilizing the density fitting technique. It has been proven efficient to speed up various correlation models, such as second-order Møller-Plesset (MP2) theory and coupled-cluster methods. Here, for the first time, we discuss the theory of analytic derivatives for correlation methods employing the NAF approximation on the example of MP2. A detailed algorithm for the gradient calculation with the NAF approximation is proposed in the framework of the method of Lagrange multipliers. To assess the effect of the NAF approximation on gradients and optimized geometric parameters, a series of benchmark calculations on small and medium-sized systems was performed. Our results demonstrate that, for MP2, sufficiently accurate gradients and geometries can be achieved with a moderate time reduction of 15-20% for both small and medium-sized molecules.

J Chem Phys ; 160(12)2024 Mar 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38530010


The theory of analytic gradients is presented for the projector-based density functional theory (DFT) embedding approach utilizing the Huzinaga-equation. The advantages of the Huzinaga-equation-based formulation are demonstrated. In particular, it is shown that the projector employed does not appear in the Lagrangian, and the potential risk of numerical problems is avoided at the evaluation of the gradients. The efficient implementation of the analytic gradient theory is presented for approaches where hybrid DFT, second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory, or double hybrid DFT are embedded in lower-level DFT environments. To demonstrate the applicability of the method and to gain insight into its accuracy, it is applied to equilibrium geometry optimizations, transition state searches, and potential energy surface scans. Our results show that bond lengths and angles converge rapidly with the size of the embedded system. While providing structural parameters close to high-level quality for the embedded atoms, the embedding approach has the potential to relax the coordinates of the environment as well. Our demonstrations on a 171-atom zeolite and a 570-atom protein system show that the Huzinaga-equation-based embedding can accelerate (double) hybrid gradient computations by an order of magnitude with sufficient active regions and enables affordable force evaluations or geometry optimizations for molecules of hundreds of atoms.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(22): 8166-8188, 2023 Nov 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37921429


The extension of the highly optimized local natural orbital (LNO) coupled cluster (CC) with single-, double-, and perturbative triple excitations [LNO-CCSD(T)] method is presented for high-spin open-shell molecules based on restricted open-shell references. The techniques enabling the outstanding efficiency of the closed-shell LNO-CCSD(T) variant are adopted, including the iteration- and redundancy-free second-order Møller-Plesset and (T) formulations as well as the integral-direct, memory- and disk use-economic, and OpenMP-parallel algorithms. For large molecules, the efficiency of our open-shell LNO-CCSD(T) method approaches that of its closed-shell parent method due to the application of restricted orbital sets for demanding integral transformations and a novel approximation for higher-order long-range spin-polarization effects. The accuracy of open-shell LNO-CCSD(T) is extensively tested for radicals and reactions thereof, ionization processes, as well as spin-state splittings, and transition-metal compounds. At the size range where the canonical CCSD(T) reference is accessible (up to 20-30 atoms), the average open-shell LNO-CCSD(T) correlation energies are found to be 99.9 to 99.95% accurate, which translates into average absolute deviations of a few tenths of kcal/mol in the investigated energy differences already with the default settings. For more extensive molecules, the local errors may grow, but they can be estimated and decreased via affordable systematic convergence studies. This enables the accurate modeling of large systems with complex electronic structures, as illustrated on open-shell organic radicals and transition-metal complexes of up to 179 atoms as well as on challenging biochemical systems, including up to 601 atoms and 11,000 basis functions. While the protein models involve difficulties for local approximations, such as the spin states of a bounded iron ion or an extremely delocalized singly occupied orbital, the corresponding single-node LNO-CCSD(T) computations were feasible in a matter of days with 10s to 100 GB of memory use. Therefore, the new LNO-CCSD(T) implementation enables highly accurate computations for open-shell systems of unprecedented size and complexity with widely accessible hardware.

J Chem Phys ; 158(2): 024110, 2023 Jan 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36641408


We present analytic gradients for local density fitting Hartree-Fock (HF) and hybrid Kohn-Sham (KS) density functional methods. Due to the non-variational nature of the local fitting algorithm, the method of Lagrange multipliers is used to avoid the solution of the coupled perturbed HF and KS equations. We propose efficient algorithms for the solution of the arising Z-vector equations and the gradient calculation that preserve the third-order scaling and low memory requirement of the original local fitting algorithm. In order to demonstrate the speed and accuracy of our implementation, gradient calculations and geometry optimizations are presented for various molecular systems. Our results show that significant speedups can be achieved compared to conventional density fitting calculations without sacrificing accuracy.

J Chem Phys ; 154(16): 164114, 2021 Apr 28.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33940810


Several approaches are presented to improve the efficiency of Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham self-consistent field (SCF) calculations relying on a simple first-order energy correction reminiscent of the scheme used in dual-basis SCF methods. The basic idea is to perform an initial SCF calculation computing approximate Fock-matrices and, in the final iteration step, to use a more complete Fock-matrix builder together with the energy correction to diminish the error. The approximation is tested for conventional and local density fitting (DF) SCF approaches combining various auxiliary basis sets, fitting metrics, and Fock-matrix construction algorithms in the initial and final iterations as well as for seminumerical SCF methods combining integration grids of different qualities. We also report the implementation of the occupied orbital resolution of identity exchange construction algorithm with local DF approximations. Benchmark calculations are presented for total energies, reaction energies, and molecular geometries. Our results show that speedups of up to 80% can be expected utilizing the new approaches without significant loss of accuracy.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 17(5): 2886-2905, 2021 May 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33819030


A linear-scaling local second-order Møller-Plesset (MP2) method is presented for high-spin open-shell molecules based on restricted open-shell (RO) reference functions. The open-shell local MP2 (LMP2) approach inherits the iteration- and redundancy-free formulation and the completely integral-direct, OpenMP-parallel, and memory and disk use economic algorithms of our closed-shell LMP2 implementation. By utilizing restricted local molecular orbitals for the demanding integral transformation step and by introducing a novel long-range spin-polarization approximation, the computational cost of RO-LMP2 approaches that of closed-shell LMP2. Extensive benchmarks were performed for reactions of radicals, ionization potentials, as well as spin-state splittings of carbenes and transition-metal complexes. Compared to the conventional MP2 reference for systems of up to 175 atoms, local errors of at most 0.1 kcal/mol were found, which are well below the intrinsic accuracy of MP2. RO-LMP2 computations are presented for challenging protein models of up to 601 atoms and 11 000 basis functions, which involve either spin states of a complexed iron ion or a highly delocalized singly occupied orbital. The corresponding runtimes of 9-15 h obtained with a single, many-core CPU demonstrate that MP2, as well as spin-scaled MP2 and double-hybrid density functional methods, become widely accessible for open-shell systems of unprecedented size and complexity.

J Chem Phys ; 152(7): 074107, 2020 Feb 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32087669


MRCC is a package of ab initio and density functional quantum chemistry programs for accurate electronic structure calculations. The suite has efficient implementations of both low- and high-level correlation methods, such as second-order Møller-Plesset (MP2), random-phase approximation (RPA), second-order algebraic-diagrammatic construction [ADC(2)], coupled-cluster (CC), configuration interaction (CI), and related techniques. It has a state-of-the-art CC singles and doubles with perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] code, and its specialties, the arbitrary-order iterative and perturbative CC methods developed by automated programming tools, enable achieving convergence with regard to the level of correlation. The package also offers a collection of multi-reference CC and CI approaches. Efficient implementations of density functional theory (DFT) and more advanced combined DFT-wave function approaches are also available. Its other special features, the highly competitive linear-scaling local correlation schemes, allow for MP2, RPA, ADC(2), CCSD(T), and higher-order CC calculations for extended systems. Local correlation calculations can be considerably accelerated by multi-level approximations and DFT-embedding techniques, and an interface to molecular dynamics software is provided for quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics calculations. All components of MRCC support shared-memory parallelism, and multi-node parallelization is also available for various methods. For academic purposes, the package is available free of charge.

Density Functional Theory , Proteins/chemistry , Water/chemistry , Electrons , Molecular Dynamics Simulation , Molecular Structure