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Fire Ecol ; 20(1): 15, 2024.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38333107


Background: A clear understanding of the connectivity, structure, and composition of wildland fuels is essential for effective wildfire management. However, fuel typing and mapping are challenging owing to a broad diversity of fuel conditions and their spatial and temporal heterogeneity. In Canada, fuel types and potential fire behavior are characterized using the Fire Behavior Prediction (FBP) System, which uses an association approach to categorize vegetation into 16 fuel types based on stand structure and composition. In British Columbia (BC), provincial and national FBP System fuel type maps are derived from remotely sensed forest inventory data and are widely used for wildfire operations, fuel management, and scientific research. Despite their widespread usage, the accuracy and applicability of these fuel type maps have not been formally assessed. To address this knowledge gap, we quantified the agreement between on-site assessments and provincial and national fuel type maps in interior BC. Results: We consistently found poor correspondence between field assessment data and both provincial and national fuel types. Mismatches were particularly frequent for (i) dry interior ecosystems, (ii) mixedwood and deciduous fuel types, and (iii) post-harvesting conditions. For 58% of field plots, there was no suitable match to the extant fuel structure and composition. Mismatches were driven by the accuracy and availability of forest inventory data and low applicability of the Canadian FBP System to interior BC fuels. Conclusions: The fuel typing mismatches we identified can limit scientific research, but also challenge wildfire operations and fuel management decisions. Improving fuel typing accuracy will require a significant effort in fuel inventory data and system upgrades to adequately represent the diversity of extant fuels. To more effectively link conditions to expected fire behavior outcomes, we recommend a fuel classification approach and emphasis on observed fuels and measured fire behavior data for the systems we seek to represent. Supplementary Information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s42408-024-00249-z.

Antecedentes: Un entendimiento claro sobre la conectividad, estructura, y composición de los combustibles vegetales es esencial para un manejo efectivo de los incendios de vegetación. Sin embargo, la tipificación y mapeo de los combustibles son aspectos desafiantes debido a la amplia diversidad de las condiciones de los combustibles y su variabilidad espacial y temporal. En Canadá, los tipos de combustibles y el comportamiento potencial del fuego están caracterizados por el uso del Sistema de Predicción del Comportamiento del Fuego (Fire Behavior Prediction System, FBP), el cual usa una "aproximación asociada" para categorizar la vegetación en 16 tipos de combustibles basados en la estructura y composición de los rodales. En la Columbia Británica (BC) los mapas del sistema provincial y nacional de FBP son derivados de datos de inventarios tomados mediante sensores remotos, que son ampliamente usados para operaciones de incendios de vegetación, manejo de combustibles, e investigación científica. A pesar de su amplio uso, la exactitud y aplicabilidad de esos mapas de tipos de combustibles no han sido adecuadamente comprobadas. Para determinar este vacío en el conocimiento, cuantificamos la concordancia entre las determinaciones in situ y los mapas de combustibles provinciales y nacionales en el interior de BC. Resultados: Encontramos consistentemente una pobre correspondencia entre las determinaciones de los datos de campo y los tipos de combustibles provinciales y nacionales. Los desfasajes fueron particularmente frecuentes para: i) los ecosistemas secos del interior, ii) bosques mixtos y tipos de combustibles en bosques deciduos, y iii) condiciones de postcosecha. Para el 58% de las parcelas a campo, no hubo una concordancia adecuada entre la estructura y composición existentes. Estos desajustes fueron derivados de la exactitud y disponibilidad de datos del inventario forestal, y la baja aplicabilidad del Sistema FBP a los combustibles del interior de la Columba Británica. Conclusiones: Los desajustes en la determinación de los tipos de combustibles que nosotros identificamos pueden limitar la investigación científica, pero también es un desafío para las decisiones en las operaciones de incendios y en el manejo de los combustibles. El mejoramiento de la exactitud en la determinación de tipos de combustibles requerirá de un esfuerzo significativo en el inventario de datos y sistemas mejorados para representar adecuadamente la diversidad de los combustibles existentes. Para ligar más efectivamente las condiciones a los resultados del comportamiento, recomendamos una aproximación a la clasificación de los combustibles y énfasis en datos de los combustibles observados y del comportamiento medido para los sistemas que pretendemos representar.

Fire Ecol ; 19(1): 17, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36974085


Background: An accurate understanding of wildfire impacts is critical to the success of any post-fire management framework. Fire severity maps are typically created from satellite-derived imagery that are capable of mapping fires across large spatial extents, but cannot detect damage to individual trees. In recent years, higher resolution fire severity maps have been created from orthomosaics collected from remotely piloted aerial systems (RPAS). Digital aerial photogrammetric (DAP) point clouds can be derived from these same systems, allowing for spectral and structural features to be collected concurrently. In this note, a methodology was developed to analyze fire impacts within individual trees using these two synergistic data types. The novel methodology presented here uses RPAS-acquired orthomosaics to classify trees based on a binary presence of fire damage. Crown scorch heights and volumes are then extracted from fire-damaged trees using RPAS-acquired DAP point clouds. Such an analysis allows for crown scorch heights and volumes to be estimated across much broader spatial scales than is possible from field data. Results: There was a distinct difference in the spectral values for burned and unburned trees, which allowed the developed methodology to correctly classify 92.1% of trees as either burned or unburned. Following a correct classification, the crown scorch heights of burned trees were extracted at high accuracies that when regressed against field-measured heights yielded a slope of 0.85, an R-squared value of 0.78, and an RMSE value of 2.2 m. When converted to crown volume scorched, 83.3% of the DAP-derived values were within ± 10% of field-measured values. Conclusion: This research presents a novel post-fire methodology that utilizes cost-effective RPAS-acquired data to accurately characterize individual tree-level fire severity through an estimation of crown scorch heights and volumes. Though the results were favorable, improvements can be made. Specifically, through the addition of processing steps that would remove shadows and better calibrate the spectral data used in this study. Additionally, the utility of this approach would be made more apparent through a detailed cost analysis comparing these methods with more conventional field-based approaches.

Antecedentes: Un preciso entendimiento de los impactos de los incendios de vegetación es crítico para el éxito de cualquier esquema de manejo posterior. Los mapas de severidad del fuego son creados típicamente desde imágenes derivadas de satélites, siendo capaces de mapear incendios de extensiones espaciales muy grandes, pero no pueden detectar daños en árboles individuales. En años recientes, los mapas de severidad de más alta resolución han sido creados desde ortomosaicos colectados desde sistemas aéreos pilotados de manera remota (RPAS). Los puntos de nubes fotogramétricas digitales pueden ser derivados de esos mismos sistemas, permitiendo que las características espectrales y estructurales sean colectados de manera conjunta. En esta nota, fue desarrollada una metodología para analizar los impactos de los incendios en árboles individuales usando dos tipos de datos sinérgicos. La metodología novedosa aquí presentada usa ortomosaicos adquiridos mediante RPAS para clasificar árboles basados en la presencia binaria de daños por fuego. Las alturas y volúmenes del chamuscado de la corona son luego extractados de árboles dañados por el fuego usando datos de DAP de la nube adquiridos mediante RPAS. Este tipo de análisis para altura y volumen del chamuscado de la corona permite su estimación a través de una escala espacial mucho más amplia de lo que es posible mediante datos de campo. Resultados: Hay dos diferencias marcadas en los valores espectrales para árboles quemados y no quemados, lo que permite a la metodología desarrollada clasificar correctamente el 92,1% de los árboles como quemados o no quemados. Siguiendo una correcta clasificación, la altura de las coronas chamuscadas de los árboles quemados fueron extraídas con una alta exactitud, que cuando se realizó la regresión con datos de altura medidos a campo dio una pendiente de 0,85, un R2 de 0,78 y un valor de RMSE de 2,2 m. Cuando fueron convertidos a volumen de corona chamuscada, el 83,3% de los valores de DAP derivados estuvieron dentro de ± 10% de los valores medidos a campo. Conclusiones: Esta investigación presenta una metodología post fuego novedosa y costo-efectiva que utiliza datos adquiridos mediante RPAS para caracterizar la severidad del fuego a nivel de árboles individuales a través de una estimación del chamuscado del volumen y altura de la corona. Aunque estos resultados fueron aceptables, algunos mejoramientos pueden ser realizados. Específicamente, a través de la adición de procesos escalonados que podrían remover las sombras y calibrar mejor los datos espectrales usados en este estudio. Adicionalmente, la utilidad de esta aproximación puede hacerse más aparente a través de un detallado análisis de costos, comparando este método con las aproximaciones más convencionales que usan datos de campo.

Ecol Appl ; 33(1): e2736, 2023 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36104834


Indigenous land stewardship and mixed-severity fire regimes both promote landscape heterogeneity, and the relationship between them is an emerging area of research. In our study, we reconstructed the historical fire regime of Ne Sextsine, a 5900-ha dry, Douglas fir-dominated forest in the traditional territory of the T'exelc (Williams Lake First Nation) in British Columbia, Canada. Between 1550 and 1982 CE, we found median fire intervals of 18 years at the plot level and 4 years at the study-site level. Ne Sextsine was characterized by an historical mixed-severity fire regime, dominated by frequent, low-severity fires as indicated by fire scars, with infrequent, mixed-severity fires indicated by cohorts. Differentiating low- from mixed-severity plots over time was key to understanding the drivers of the fire regime at Ne Sextsine. Low-severity plots were coincident with areas of highest use by the T'exelc, including winter village sites, summer fishing camps, and travel corridors. The high fire frequency in low-severity plots ceased in the 1870s, following the smallpox epidemic, the forced relocation of Indigenous peoples into small reserves, and the prohibition of Indigenous burning. In contrast, the mixed-severity plots were coincident with areas where forest resources, such as deer or certain berry species, were important. The high fire frequency in the mixed-severity plots continued until the 1920s when industrial-scale grazing and logging began, facilitated by the establishment of a nearby railway. T'exelc oral histories and archeological evidence at Ne Sextsine speak to varied land stewardship, reflected in the spatiotemporal complexity of low- and mixed-severity fire plots. Across Ne Sextsine, 63% of cohorts established and persisted in the absence of fire after colonial impacts beginning in the 1860s, resulting in a dense, homogeneous landscape that no longer supports T'exelc values and is more likely to burn at uncharacteristic high severities. This nuanced understanding of the Indigenous contribution to a mixed-severity fire regime is critical for advancing proactive fire mitigation that is ecoculturally relevant and guided by Indigenous expertise.

Deer , Fires , Animals , British Columbia , Forests , Seasons , Ecosystem , Trees
Evol Appl ; 15(8): 1291-1312, 2022 Aug.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36051463


Western redcedar (WRC) is an ecologically and economically important forest tree species characterized by low genetic diversity with high self-compatibility and high heartwood durability. Using sequence capture genotyping of target genic and non-genic regions, we genotyped 44 parent trees and 1520 offspring trees representing 26 polycross (PX) families collected from three progeny test sites using 45,378 SNPs. Trees were phenotyped for eight traits related to growth, heartwood and foliar chemistry associated with wood durability and deer browse resistance. We used the genomic realized relationship matrix for paternity assignment, maternal pedigree correction, and to estimate genetic parameters. We compared genomics-based (GBLUP) and two pedigree-based (ABLUP: polycross and reconstructed full-sib [FS] pedigrees) models. Models were extended to estimate dominance genetic effects. Pedigree reconstruction revealed significant unequal male contribution and separated the 26 PX families into 438 FS families. Traditional maternal PX pedigree analysis resulted in up to 51% overestimation in genetic gain and 44% in diversity. Genomic analysis resulted in up to 22% improvement in offspring breeding value (BV) theoretical accuracy, 35% increase in expected genetic gain for forward selection, and doubled selection intensity for backward selection. Overall, all traits showed low to moderate heritability (0.09-0.28), moderate genotype by environment interaction (type-B genetic correlation: 0.51-0.80), low to high expected genetic gain (6.01%-55%), and no significant negative genetic correlation reflecting no large trade-offs for multi-trait selection. Only three traits showed a significant dominance effect. GBLUP resulted in smaller but more accurate heritability estimates for five traits, but larger estimates for the wood traits. Comparison between all, genic-coding, genic-non-coding and intergenic SNPs showed little difference in genetic estimates. In summary, we show that GBLUP overcomes the PX limitations, successfully captures expected historical and hidden relatedness as well as linkage disequilibrium (LD), and results in increased breeding efficiency in WRC.

Reg Environ Change ; 22(2): 48, 2022.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35342332


The dominant command and control fire governance paradigm is proven ineffective at coping with modern wildfire challenges. In response, jurisdictions globally are calling for transformative change that will facilitate coexisting with future fires. Enacting transformative change requires attention to historical governance attributes that may enable or constrain transformation, including diverse actors, objectives, worldviews of fire, decision-making processes and power, legislation, and drivers of change. To identify potential pathways for transformative change, we systematically examined the history of fire governance attributes in British Columbia (BC), Canada (until 2020), a region that has experienced seven catastrophic fire seasons in the twenty-first century. By reviewing 157 provincial historical documents and interviewing 19 fire experts, we delineated five distinct governance eras that demonstrated the central role of government actors with decision-making power shaping fire governance through time, superseding First Nations fire governance starting in the 1870s. The emerging vision for transformation proposed by interviewees focuses on the need for increased decision-making power for community actors, yet legacies of entrenched government power and organizational silos between fire and forestry continue to constrain transformation. Although progress to overcome constraints has been made, we argue that enabling transformative change in fire governance in BC will require intervention by the provincial government to leverage modern drivers of change, including recent catastrophic fire seasons and reconciliation with First Nations.

Tree Physiol ; 38(8): 1237-1245, 2018 08 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29788327


Reconstructions of defoliation by larch bud moth (LBM, Zeiraphera diniana Gn.) based on European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) tree rings have unraveled outbreak patterns over exceptional temporal and spatial scales. In this study, we conducted tree-ring analyses on 105 increment cores of European larch from the Valais Alps, Switzerland. The well-documented history of LBM outbreaks in Valais provided a solid baseline for evaluating the LBM defoliation signal in multiple tree-ring parameters. First, we used tree-ring width measurements along with regional records of LBM outbreaks to reconstruct the occurrence of these events at two sites within the Swiss Alps. Second, we measured earlywood width, latewood width and blue intensity, and compared these parameters with tree-ring width to assess the capacity of each proxy to detect LBM defoliation. A total of six LBM outbreaks were reconstructed for the two sites between AD 1850 and 2000. Growth suppression induced by LBM was, on average, highest in latewood width (59%), followed by total ring width (54%), earlywood width (51%) and blue intensity (26%). We show that latewood width and blue intensity can improve the temporal accuracy of LBM outbreak reconstructions, as both proxies systematically detected LBM defoliation in the first year it occurred, as well as the differentiation between defoliation and non-defoliation years. This study introduces blue intensity as a promising new proxy of insect defoliation and encourages its use in conjunction with latewood width.

Food Chain , Larix/growth & development , Moths/physiology , Wood/growth & development , Animals , Feeding Behavior , Larix/chemistry , Larva/growth & development , Larva/physiology , Moths/growth & development , Switzerland , Trees/chemistry , Trees/growth & development , Wood/chemistry
Fire (Basel) ; 1(2): 27, 2018.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32123806


Sustainable fire management has eluded all industrial societies. Given the growing number and magnitude of wildfire events, prescribed fire is being increasingly promoted as the key to reducing wildfire risk. However, smoke from prescribed fires can adversely affect public health and breach air quality standards. Here we propose that air quality standards can lead to the development and adoption of sustainable fire management approaches that lower the risk of economically and ecologically damaging wildfires while improving air quality and reducing climate-forcing emissions. For example, green fire breaks at the wildland-urban interface (WUI) can resist the spread of wildfires into urban areas. These could be created through mechanical thinning of trees, and then maintained by targeted prescribed fire to create biodiverse and aesthetically pleasing landscapes. The harvested woody debris could be used for pellets and other forms of bioenergy in residential space heating and electricity generation. Collectively, such an approach would reduce the negative health impacts of smoke pollution from wildfires, prescribed fires, and combustion of wood for domestic heating. We illustrate such possibilities by comparing current and potential fire management approaches in the environmentally similar landscapes of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada and the island state of Tasmania in Australia.

Tree Physiol ; 37(12): 1611-1621, 2017 12 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29121262


Both mountain pine beetle (MPB) Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins and fire leave scars with similar appearance on lodgepole pine Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engelm. that have never been compared microscopically, despite the pressing need to determine the respective effects of MPB and fire injury on tree physiology. We analysed changes in wood formation in naturally caused scars on lodgepole pine, and tested the hypotheses that (i) MPB and fire injury elicit distinct anomalies in lodgepole pine wood and (ii) anomalies differ in magnitude and/or duration between MPB and fire. Mountain pine beetle and fire injury reduced radial growth in the first year post-injury. Otherwise, radial growth and wood density increased over more than 10 years in both MPB and fire scars. We found that the general increase in radial growth was of greater magnitude (up to 27%) and of longer duration (up to 5 years) in fire scars compared with MPB scars, as shown in earlywood width. We also observed that the increase in latewood density was of greater magnitude (by 12%) in MPB scars, but of longer duration (by 4 years) in fire scars. Crystallinity decreased following MPB and fire injury, while microfibril angle increased. These changes in fibre traits were of longer duration (up to 4 years) in MPB scars compared with fire scars, as shown in microfibril angle. We found no significant changes in carbon and nitrogen concentrations. In conclusion, we stress that reduced competition and resistance to cavitation play an important role alongside cambial injury in influencing the type and severity of changes. In addition, more research is needed to validate the thresholds introduced in this study. Our findings serve as a foundation for new protocols to distinguish between bark beetle and fire disturbance, which is essential for improving our knowledge of historical bark beetle and fire regimes, and their interactions.

Coleoptera/pathogenicity , Pinus/physiology , Pinus/parasitology , Wildfires , Animals , Carbon/metabolism , Nitrogen/metabolism , Plant Leaves/parasitology , Plant Leaves/physiology
Glob Chang Biol ; 23(5): 1926-1941, 2017 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27901296


Novel forest decline is increasing due to global environmental change, yet the causal factors and their interactions remain poorly understood. Using tree ring analyses, we show how climate and multiple biotic factors caused the decline of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in 16 stands in the southern Canadian Rockies. In our study area, 72% of whitebark pines were dead and 18% had partially dead crowns. Tree mortality peaked in the 1970s; however, the annual basal area increment of disturbed trees began to decline significantly in the late 1940s. Growth decline persisted up to 30 years before trees died from mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae), Ips spp. bark beetles or non-native blister rust pathogen (Cronartium ribicola). Climate-growth relations varied over time and differed among the healthy and disturbed subpopulations of whitebark pine. Prior to the 1940s, cool temperatures limited the growth of all subpopulations. Growth of live, healthy trees became limited by drought during the cool phase (1947 -1976) of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and then reverted to positive correlations with temperature during the subsequent warm PDO phase. In the 1940s, the climate-growth relations of the disturbed subpopulations diverged from the live, healthy trees with trees ultimately killed by mountain pine beetle diverging the most. We propose that multiple factors interacted over several decades to cause unprecedented rates of whitebark pine mortality. Climatic variation during the cool PDO phase caused drought stress that may have predisposed trees to blister rust. Subsequent decline in snowpack and warming temperatures likely incited further climatic stress and with blister rust reduced tree resistance to bark beetles. Ultimately, bark beetles and blister rust contributed to tree death. Our findings suggest the complexity of whitebark pine decline and the importance of considering multiway drought-disease-insect interactions over various timescales when interpreting forest decline.

Coleoptera , Forests , Pinus , Animals , Canada , Climate , Population Dynamics , Snow , Weevils
Science ; 323(5913): 521-4, 2009 Jan 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19164752


Persistent changes in tree mortality rates can alter forest structure, composition, and ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. Our analyses of longitudinal data from unmanaged old forests in the western United States showed that background (noncatastrophic) mortality rates have increased rapidly in recent decades, with doubling periods ranging from 17 to 29 years among regions. Increases were also pervasive across elevations, tree sizes, dominant genera, and past fire histories. Forest density and basal area declined slightly, which suggests that increasing mortality was not caused by endogenous increases in competition. Because mortality increased in small trees, the overall increase in mortality rates cannot be attributed solely to aging of large trees. Regional warming and consequent increases in water deficits are likely contributors to the increases in tree mortality rates.

Climate , Ecosystem , Tracheophyta , Trees , Abies/anatomy & histology , Abies/growth & development , Fires , Models, Statistical , Nonlinear Dynamics , Northwestern United States , Pinus/anatomy & histology , Pinus/growth & development , Temperature , Tracheophyta/anatomy & histology , Tracheophyta/growth & development , Trees/growth & development , Tsuga/anatomy & histology , Tsuga/growth & development , United States