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Phys Rev Lett ; 124(13): 137201, 2020 Apr 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32302196


The ternary AMnBi_{2} (A is alkaline as well as rare-earth atom) materials provide an arena for investigating the interplay between low-dimensional magnetism of the antiferromagnetic MnBi layers and the electronic states in the intercalated Bi layers, which harbor relativistic fermions. Here, we report on a comprehensive study of the optical properties and magnetic torque response of Ca_{1-x}Na_{x}MnBi_{2}. Our findings give evidence for a spin canting occurring at T_{s}∼50-100 K. With the support of first-principles calculations we establish a direct link between the spin canting and the reconstruction of the electronic band structure, having immediate implications for the spectral weight reshuffling in the optical response, signaling a partial gapping of the Fermi surface, and the dc transport properties below T_{s}.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(10): 107001, 2015 Sep 04.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26382696


We perform, as a function of uniaxial stress, an optical-reflectivity investigation of the representative "parent" ferropnictide BaFe(2)As(2) in a broad spectral range, across the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition and the onset of the long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. The infrared response reveals that the dc transport anisotropy in the orthorhombic AFM state is determined by the interplay between the Drude spectral weight and the scattering rate, but that the dominant effect is clearly associated with the metallic spectral weight. In the paramagnetic tetragonal phase, though, the dc resistivity anisotropy of strained samples is almost exclusively due to stress-induced changes in the Drude weight rather than in the scattering rate, definitively establishing the anisotropy of the Fermi surface parameters as the primary effect driving the dc transport properties in the electronic nematic state.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 24(3): 036001, 2012 Jan 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22156023


We report a neutron diffraction study of the magnetic phase transitions in the charge-density wave (CDW) TbTe(3) compound. We discover that in the paramagnetic phase there are strong 2D-like magnetic correlations, consistent with the pronounced anisotropy of the chemical structure. A long-range incommensurate magnetic order emerges in TbTe(3) at T(mag1) = 5.78 K as a result of continuous phase transitions. We observe that near the temperature T(mag1) the magnetic Bragg peaks appear around the position (0, 0, 0.24) (or its rational multiples), that is fairly close to the propagation vector (0,0,0.29) associated with the CDW phase transition in TbTe(3). This suggests that correlations leading to the long-range magnetic order in TbTe(3) are linked to the modulations that occur in the CDW state.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 21(37): 375401, 2009 Sep 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21832346


We present our optical investigations on the frustrated spin cluster compound FeTe(2)O(5)Cl, which develops a long-range antiferromagnetic order below 10 K. We measure the optical reflectivity from the far-infrared to the ultraviolet with polarized light. We focus our attention on the lattice dynamics by discussing the infrared-active modes. Our findings reveal a polarization dependence of the vibrational modes but which do not seem to be affected by structural anomalies linked to the magnetically ordered state at low temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(2): 026401, 2007 Jan 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17358625


We investigate the pressure dependence of the optical properties of CeTe3, which exhibits an incommensurate charge-density-wave (CDW) state already at 300 K. Our data are collected in the midinfrared spectral range at room temperature and at pressures between 0 and 9 GPa. The energy for the single particle excitation across the CDW gap decreases upon increasing the applied pressure, similarly to the chemical pressure by rare-earth substitution. The broadening of the bands upon lattice compression removes the perfect nesting condition of the Fermi surface and therefore diminishes the impact of the CDW transition on the electronic properties of RTe3.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(1): 016403, 2006 Jan 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16486488


Substituting Eu by Ca in ferromagnetic EuB6 leads to a percolation limited magnetic ordering. We present and discuss magneto-optical data of the Eu(1-x)Ca(x)B6 series, based on measurements of the reflectivity R(omega) from the far infrared up to the ultraviolet, as a function of temperature and magnetic field. Via the Kramers-Kronig transformation of R(omega) we extract the complete absorption spectra of samples with different values of x. The change of the spectral weight in the Drude component by increasing the magnetic field agrees with a scenario based on the double-exchange model, and suggests a crossover from a ferromagnetic metal to a ferromagnetic Anderson insulator upon increasing Ca content at low temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 18(16): 4065-70, 2006 Apr 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21690757


We report our investigations of the electrodynamic response of the S = 1 quantum spin systems Ni(5)Te(4)O(12)X(2) (X = Cl and Br), which develop a magnetic ordered state below 30 K. We measure the optical reflectivity over a broad spectral range extending from the far infrared up to the ultraviolet. Besides identifying the electronic interband transitions, we primarily focus our attention on the lattice dynamics, emphasizing the phonon modes spectrum and its temperature dependence. Our findings do not reveal any direct link between possible structural anomalies and the transition into the magnetically ordered state at low temperatures.

Phys Rev Lett ; 92(6): 067401, 2004 Feb 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14995273


We have measured the optical reflectivity R(omega) of Eu0.6Ca0.4B6 as a function of temperature (T) between 1.5 and 300 K and in external magnetic fields (H) up to 7 T. R(omega) increases with decreasing T and increasing H field, but the plasma edge feature does not exhibit the sharp onset and steep slope that is observed in EuB6. The analysis of the H-field dependence of the low-T optical conductivity confirms the previously observed exponential decrease of the electrical resistivity upon increasing bulk magnetization at constant T. The individual exponential magnetization dependences of the plasma frequency and scattering rate are also extracted from the optical data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(26 Pt 1): 266602, 2004 Dec 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15698001


We present a detailed study of the electronic transport properties on a single crystalline specimen of the moderately disordered heavy-fermion system URh2Ge2. For this material, we find glassy electronic transport in a single crystalline compound. We derive the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity and establish metallicity by means of optical conductivity and Hall effect measurements. The overall behavior of the electronic transport properties closely resembles that of metallic glasses, with at low temperatures an additional minor spin disorder contribution. We argue that this glassy electronic behavior in a crystalline compound reflects the enhancement of disorder effects as a consequence of strong electronic correlations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 89(9): 097001, 2002 Aug 26.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12190429


We present magneto-optical reflectivity results in the basal plane of the hexagonal MgB(2). The data were collected on a mosaic of MgB(2) single crystals with T(c)=38 K from the ultraviolet down to the far infrared as a function of temperature and magnetic field oriented along the c axis. In the far infrared, there is a clear signature of the superconducting gap with a gap ratio 2 Delta/k(B)T(c) approximately 1.2, well below the weak-coupling value. The gap is suppressed in an external magnetic field, which is a function of temperature. We extract the upper critical field H(c2) along the c axis. The temperature dependence of H(c2) is compatible with the Helfand-Werthamer behavior.

Phys Rev Lett ; 87(21): 216404, 2001 Nov 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11736358


Angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) on the quasi-one-dimensional conductor (TaSe4)2I shows a hidden Fermi-surface crossing in its metallic state and the opening of a Peierls gap at low temperatures. The underlying quasiparticles have vanishing spectral weight and extremely short coherence lengths. They are interpreted as polarons in the strong-coupling adiabatic limit, and almost all their ARPES weight is incoherent. These observations suggest a scenario where the long-standing contradictions between ARPES and other experiments on Peierls materials could be resolved.

Phys Rev Lett ; 86(18): 4136-9, 2001 Apr 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11328114


We present an optical study of 2H-TaSe2 along the less conducting c-axis. This dichalcogenide compound belongs to a large class of conductors called "bad metals" (with a mean free path smaller than the lattice constant along the c-axis), which also includes the superconducting cuprates. The optical response shows the progressive development of a pseudogaplike feature with decreasing temperature. The spectral weight lost by the opening of such a pseudogap goes into the narrow Drude component, developing at low frequency and temperature. There is no violation of the sum rule in 2H-TaSe2 contrary to the cuprates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(17): 3919-22, 2000 Apr 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11019239


We report Raman light-scattering and optical conductivity measurements on a single crystal of La1.775Sr0.225NiO4 which exhibits incommensurate charge-stripe order. The extra phonon peaks induced by stripe order can be understood in terms of the energies of phonons that occur at the charge-order wave vector Q(c). A strong Fano antiresonance for a Ni-O bond-stretching mode provides clear evidence for finite dynamical conductivity within the charge stripes.

Phys Rev Lett ; 84(6): 1272-5, 2000 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-11017496


Optical and photoemission experiments reveal unexpected spectral signatures of one-dimensional band insulators. In the model compound (NbSe (4))3I the optical conductivity decays as a power law sigma(1)(omega) approximately omega(-4.25) above a sharp gap edge. Photoemission observes both the valence and a shadow band, produced by a commensurate superstructure. We identify an optical and photoemission band gap consistent with other measurements but much smaller than the energy scale defined by the dispersion of the band peak in the photoemission spectra.

Science ; 281(5380): 1181-4, 1998 Aug 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-9712580


Optical experiments were conducted on a series of organic linear chain conductors with different values of the interchain single-electron transfer integral tb, which quantifies the degree of anisotropy. Electron-electron interactions together with Umklapp scattering resulted in a correlation gap and an insulating state for small tb. An insulator-to-metal transition was observed when tb exceeded a critical value, on the order of the correlation gap Egap. The absence of a plasma edge on the insulator side of the transition for polarization perpendicular to the chains suggests that the electrons are confined to the chains. The optical features of the metallic state, when contrasted with the magnetic properties, are suggestive of spin-charge separation.

Phys Rev Lett ; 76(20): 3838-3841, 1996 May 13.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-10061122