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Humanit Soc Sci Commun ; 10(1): 101, 2023.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36938580


Gender equity and quality education are Sustainable Development Goals that are present when a culture of equity and inclusion is pursued in society, companies, and institutions. Particularly in undergraduate programs in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), there is a noticeable gender gap between men and women. The objective of this study was to find out the causes of permanence in STEM careers of women, as well as the possible causes of career abandonment towards another STEM or non-STEM career. This was done by analyzing historical data for admission to STEM careers and using an instrument (survey) for data collection carried out in a private university in Mexico. Historical data indicates that only 17% of the total population were women choosing a STEM career. A survey was carried out for 3 months to obtain information on the factors that affect the decision to opt for a STEM career or to remain in it. It was found that men and women prefer inspiring Faculty who motivate them to continue their careers. Factors such as the competitive environment and the difficulty of teaching with less empathetic Faculty were negative and decisive aspects of decision-making. School achievement did not influence the dropout rate of women in STEM careers. The factors of choice and desertion of women in STEM careers were determined, and actions of educational innovation such as mentoring and timely monitoring of already enrolled female students, digital platforms for students and Faculty, awareness workshops for Faculty, and talks with successful women in STEM areas were proposed.

Psychol. av. discip ; 16(2)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535031


El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo general identificar la asociación entre las alteraciones olfativas y el reconocimiento emocional en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de traumatismo craneoencefálico. Fue desarrollada bajo un enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental, en donde fueron evaluados 10 pacientes con antecedente de trauma craneoencefálico moderado y severo junto a 10 participantes controles sin daño cerebral. Para las variables sexo, edad y escolaridad los resultados fueron muy similares entre los grupos, con edades promedio de 26 años; la población fue predominantemente masculina, y la mayoría tenía grado de educación superior. En las pruebas de reconocimiento emocional, el grupo control logró un desempeño superior al grupo de casos. Adicionalmente, el grupo control logró mejor capacidad en las pruebas olfativas que el grupo de casos. Se encontró una correlación estadísticamente significativa entre los resultados del reconocimiento emocional y la variable olfativa en el grupo de casos, lo que permite identificar el rol que estructuras del sistema cerebral topográfica y funcionalmente pueden estar participando del procesamiento; a su vez, abre perspectivas de estudios a futuro, en especial a modelos de intervención en los grupos clínicos con afectación por el traumatismo craneoencefálico.

The general objective of this study was to "identify the association between emotional recognition and olfactory alterations in a group of patients with SCD". It was developed under a quantitative approach with nonexperimental design, in which 10 patients with a history of moderate and severe cranioencephalic trauma were evaluated along with 10 control participants without brain damage. For the variables sex, age and schooling the results were very similar among the groups, with average ages of 26 years, the population was predominantly male and most had higher education. In the tests of emotional recognition the control group achieved a superior performance to the group of cases. In addition, the control group achieved better capacity in olfactory tests than the group of cases. A statistically significant correlation was found between the emotional recognition results and the olfactory variable in the group of cases, which allows the identification of the role that topographic and functional brain system structures may be involved in processing; In turn, it opens prospects for future studies especially to intervention models in clinical groups affected by head trauma.

Cienc. Trab ; 15(48): 148-151, dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-700432


Evaluar el conjunto de factores relativos a las condiciones del trabajo que pueden tener repercusiones sobre la salud y la calidad de vida en el trabajo de las auxiliares de esterilización. Se realizó un estudio transversal y analítico, se aplicó el instrumento CVT-GOHISALO (Instrumento para evaluar calidad de vida en el trabajo), el cual mide calidad de vida en el trabajo y el método LEST (Laboratoire de Economie et Sociologie du Travail) de evaluación global ergonómica de las condiciones de trabajo; para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS 18 y el software online para ergonomía del trabajo de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. En la dimensión soporte institucional para el trabajo, las auxiliares de esterilización no visualizan oportunidades de progreso en el puesto o función que desempeñan; en la dimensión seguridad en el trabajo, sienten injusticias en las oportunidades de ascenso al interior de la institución; en la dimensión integración al puesto de trabajo, están motivadas para superar retos y muy dispuestas a ser líderes; en la dimensión satisfacción por el trabajo, suelen ser comprometidas con la misión de la institución; en la dimensión del bienestar logrado a través del trabajo, perciben riesgo en la salud física y mental; en la dimensión de desarrollo personal, son optimistas y de trato amable; en la dimensión administración de tiempo libre, cumplen plenamente con su horario y las tareas encomendadas sin menoscabo de sus compromisos personales y sociales. La condición de trabajo en cuanto a postura, manipulación de equipo quirúrgico y herramientas presenta riesgo inminente de fatiga. Las auxiliares de esterilización muestran una serie de percepciones subjetivas que reflejan una realidad de su medio laboral, que deberían inducir a la jefatura en la toma de decisiones en pro de mejorar los procesos de trabajo y de esta manera disminuir los factores de riesgos que se evidencian en este estudio, los cuales podrían producir enfermedades físicas y mentales si no se corrigen a tiempo.

Assessing all the factors relating to working conditions that may impact on health and quality of life at sterilization assistant work. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out, the CVT-GOHISALO instrument, which measures quality of life at work and ergonomic method LEST overall assessment of working conditions was applied, for data analysis statistical program was used SPSS 18 software for online and work ergonomics of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. In the institutional support for work dimension, sterilization assistants displayed no opportunities for advancement on the job or role, in the security dimension at work, feel injustice in promotion opportunities within the institution, in the dimension integration into the workplace, are motivated to overcome challenges and very willing to be leaders, in dimension job satisfaction tend to be committed to the mission of the institution, in the dimension of being achieved through the work, perceived risk physical and mental health in the size of personal development, are optimistic and friendly service, in the dimension of time management, fully comply with your schedule and the tasks without compromising their personal and social commitments. The working conditions in terms of posture, and manipulating surgical tools and equipment present imminent risk of fatigue. Sterilization assistants show a series of subjective perceptions that reflect the reality of their work environment, which should lead to the leadership in decision making towards improving work processes and thus reduce the risk factors that are evident in this study, which could result in physical and mental illness if not corrected in time.

Humans , Quality of Life , Working Conditions , Sterilization , Health Personnel/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Workload , Ergonomics , Job Satisfaction
Saf Health Work ; 3(2): 140-5, 2012 Jun.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22993719


OBJECTIVES: To understand the personal experiences of mine workers that have experienced job relocation due to silicosis at the Andina Division of Corporación Nacional del Cobre (CODELCO), Chile. The purpose of the study was to provide useful information for the development of new local, business and public policies for the care of workers with silicosis. METHODS: A qualitative study based on a practical case study of 5 workers. The information was collected by means of structured individual interviews. The method of analysis was phenomenology. RESULTS: The corporal axis was the most commented upon. It included awareness of the illness, body pains, fatigue, and antagonistic mood disorders (sadness, or the difficulty in finding meaning in life). As far as personal relationships, there was evidence of strong relationships with family, coworkers and friends, as well as extended family. Over all, the experience of relocation was positive with periods of impatience and uncertainty. The job reassignment provided a new and pleasant context for the relocated workers and in the process improved their perception of their quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: A multidisciplinary team should attend mine workers relocated because of silicosis by addressing the mental and physical aspects of their disease, along with the integral participation of close family members. It is suggested that this investigation be maintain over time to record the personal experiences in the medium-term, adding new cases with the intention of shedding more light on the phenomenon being studied. As a preventive measure, continual workshops are needed on the proper use of respiratory protection in addition, a group of monitors is required.

Acta biol. colomb ; 14(1): 121-134, abr. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634898


Se evaluó el efecto del sexo y la edad de un grupo de personas en la capacidad de detectar cambios faciales ligeros en pares de fotografías. Las fotografías estuvieron expuestas ante la persona durante 1,5 s. Se utilizaron dos tratamientos; uno sin entrenamiento y otro con entrenamiento, donde se presentaba a la persona justo antes de la prueba una pareja de fotografías como ejemplo de los cambios que podrían esperarse. Los hombres y mujeres presentaron diferencias significativas en los resultados de la prueba; siendo las mujeres las que obtuvieron mayor número de aciertos indicando una mayor percepción visual detallada de los rostros. Igualmente, se encontró efecto de la edad sobre la percepción, registrándose un mayor número de aciertos entre los 21 y 30 años; antes de este rango, los valores son menores posiblemente debido a que la capacidad perceptual está en proceso de desarrollo; mientras que después, los valores disminuyen por el patrón normal de envejecimiento. Se encontró un mayor número de aciertos para el tratamiento con entrenamiento, sugiriendo que este método (demostración y ejemplo) es eficaz en facilitar la capacidad de percepción de diferencias faciales.

The sex and age effect on the capacity to detect slight facial changes in a pair of photographs was evaluated in a group of people. Each pair of photographs was displayed during 1.5 s. Two treatments were used; with and without training. Theformer consisted of a pair of photographs that were exhibited to the person before the test like an example of the changes that could be expected to see in the trial. Men and women showed meaningful differences in the test results; women obtained higher scores indicating an upper detailed visual perception of human faces. Furthermore, age effect over perception was found, where the greater number of correct choices was presented between 21 and 30 years old; before this age range no diffrences were found, because of the perceptual capacity is developing; on the other hand, upon that age range the results are lower because of the normal aging pattern. Greater scores were found on trained people, suggesting that the training treatment is an effective method for enhancing the perception skills.