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Mol Clin Oncol ; 6(4): 503-509, 2017 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28413656


Breast cancer (BC) is a heterogeneous disease composed of four main subtypes with distinct clinical and epidemiological features. Although several reports have described the distribution of BC subtypes in Latin America, the majority of them have not included the cellular marker, Ki-67, in the immunohistochemical (IHC) panel. The aim of the present study was to describe the distribution of BC subtypes in a cohort of Latin American women using an IHC panel with Ki-67. A prospective cohort of 580 patients in three centers of Peru (the Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliatti Martins, the Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen, the Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal, Lima) and one in Uruguay (Instituto Nacional del Cáncer, Montevideo) were evaluated. BC phenotypes were classified according to an IHC panel: Estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PgR), HER2 and Ki-67. Silver in situ hybridization was used when the HER2 status, as determined by IHC, was equivocal. The associations between the BC phenotypes and their clinicopathological features were evaluated. ER was positive in 65% of the cases (n=377), and PgR in 50% (n=203). In total, 79.1% (n=459) were HER2-negative, 19.8% (n=115) were HER2-positive and 1% (n=6) had an equivocal status. With respect to Ki-67, 44.7% of the patients exhibited staining in >14% of the tumor cells (n=259). The distribution of subtypes was as follows: Luminal A, 31.9% (n=183); luminal B, 35% (n=201); HER2, 12.1% (n=70); and triple-negative, 20.9% (n=120). When Ki-67 was not included in the panel, the frequency of luminal A was 41.1% and luminal B, 25.8% (9.2% of the cases were misclassified). Ki-67 was most highly expressed in triple-negative and HER2 tumors. Inclusion of Ki-67 in the IHC panel to assign subtypes revealed a higher frequency of luminal B tumors than was reported previously for Latin American women with BC, whereas the distribution of triple-negative and HER2 tumors were similar to that previously reported. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that excluding Ki-67 from the panel of IHC markers may lead to an underestimation of the rates of luminal B tumors.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 28(4): 241-9, dic. 2012. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-667772


Introducción: el cáncer de mama (CM) constituye una enfermedad heterogénea reconociéndose subtipos con diferentes características mediante, entre otras técnicas, el estudio del nivel de expresión tumoral de los receptores hormonales (RRHH) y del HER2. Previamente reportamos la relación entre estos subtipos y características clínico-patológicas en pacientes uruguayas. Objetivo:analizar la sobrevida libre de enfermedad (SVLE) de pacientes uruguayas con cáncer de mama de acuerdo a su subtipo biológico, definido en base a la expresión tumoral de HER2 y RRHH evaluada mediante inmunohistoquímica. Material y método:se revisaron historias clínicas de pacientes intervenidas quirúrgicamente por CM estadios I-III en un período de dos años, realizándose el cálculo de SVLE para todas las pacientes y según subtipo biológico. Resultados:con seguimiento mediano de 40 meses, la SVLE a dos años para el total de las pacientes fue de 92,3%; 94% para las pacientes RRHH+/HER2-, 91% para las triple negativas (TN) y 71,4% para las HER2+. La comparación de las curvas de SVLE, según los diferentes subtipos, mostró menor SVLE para las pacientes HER2+ (p = 0,03) y similar SVLE de las pacientes RRHH+/HER2- y TN (p = 0,86). Conclusiones: las pacientes uruguayas con CM presentan una SVLE a dos años acorde a los reportes internacionales. Las pacientes HER2+ presentan una mayor tasa de recidivas,lo cual también es coincidente a lo reportado. La similar SVLE a dos años de las pacientes RRHH+/HER 2- y de las TN no se explicaría por diferencias en características clínico-patológicas, planteándose como hipótesis una mayor proporción de pacientes del subtipo luminal B entre las pacientes RRHH+/ HER 2-.

Introduction: breast cancer constitutes an heterogeneous disease. Two sub-types have been distinguished through the study of the tumor expression level of hormone receptors tumors, and level of HER2 expression, among other techniques. We previously reported therelation between these sub-types and the clinical and pathological characteristics of Uruguayan women.Objective: to analyse the disease-free survival (DFS) of Uruguayan patients with breast cancer, according to their biological sub-type, defined based on the tumor expression of hormone receptors and HER2 expression which were assessed by immune-histologicalchemistry staining. Method: all clinical records of patients who had undergone breast cancer surgery (Stages I-III) during a two year period were reviewed. The disease-free survival rate was calculated for all patients and according to their biological profile.Results: forty months follow up revealed disease-free survival upon two years of 92.3% for all patients;94% for hormone receptor positive /HER2 negative patients, 91% for triple negative patients, and 71.4% for hormone receptor positive patients.Comparing the DFS curves, for the different sub-types, evidenced a lower DFS for HER2+ patients (p = 0.03), and similar DFS for hormone receptor positive/HER2 negative and triple negative (p = 0.86). Conclusions:uruguayan patients with breast cancershow a two-year-DFS that matches international reports. HER2+ patients evidence a higher relapse rate, also consistent with international reports. Similar DFS upon two years, between hormone receptor positive/HER2 negative patients and triple negative patients cannot be due to differences in the clinical-pathologicalcharacteristics, thus a hypothesis is considered: there is a larger proportion of patients of the luminal B breast cancer sub-type among hormone receptor positive/HER2 negative patients.

Introdução: o câncer de mama (CM) é uma patologia heterogênea, apresentando subtipos com diferentes características determinadas, entre outras técnicas, pelo estudo do nível de expressão tumoral dos receptoreshormonais (RRHH) e do HER2. Em um artigo anterior descrevemos a relação entre esses subtipos e as características clínico-patológicas em pacientes uruguaias. Objetivo: analisar a sobrevida livre de enfermidade(SVLE) de pacientes uruguaias com CM de acordo a seu subtipo biológico, definido pela expressão tumoral deHER2 e RRHH avaliada por imunohistoquímica. Material e método:foram revisados os prontuários de pacientes operadas por cirurgia por CM estadios I-III em um período de dois anos; realizou-se o cálculo de SVLE de todas as pacientes e de acordo com o subtipo biológico. Resultados: o seguimento com uma mediana de 40meses mostrou uma SVLE aos dois anos para todas as pacientes de 92,3%; 94% para as pacientesRRHH+/HER2-, 91% para a triple negativa (TN) e 71,4% para as HER2+.A comparação das curvas de SVLE, segundo os diferentes subtipos, mostrou uma menor SVLE para as pacientes HER2+ (p = 0,03) e similar SVLE para as pacientes RRHH+/HER2- y TN (p = 0,86). Conclusões: as pacientes uruguaias com CM apresentam uma SVLE a dois anos compatível com resultados internacionais. As pacientes HER2+ apresentaram uma taxa maior de recidivas, resultados que coincidemcom resultados internacionais. A SVLE aos dois anos similar para pacientes RRHH+/HER2- e TN não pode serexplicada pelas diferenças nas características clínico-patológicas, considerando-se como hipótese umaproporção maior de pacientes do subtipo luminal B entre as pacientes RRHH+/HER2-.

Survival Analysis , Breast Neoplasms , Prognosis , Receptors, Estrogen , Receptors, Progesterone
Rev. méd. Urug ; 26(3): 145-153, set. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-961486


Introducción: el cáncer de mama (CM), principal causa de muerte por cáncer en la mujer uruguaya, constituye una enfermedad heterogénea. El estudio de la expresión tumoral del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico-2 (HER2), el receptor de estrógenos (RE) y el receptor de progesterona (RP) permite reconocer subtipos con diferentes características clínico-patológicas y evolutivas. Objetivos: conocer el perfil de expresión tumoral de HER2, RE y RP y su relación con características clínico-patológicas en pacientes uruguayas con CM. Material y método: se revisaron las historias clínicas de pacientes intervenidas quirúrgicamente por CM invasivo en un período de dos años, seleccionándose las que contaban con la determinación de RE, RP y HER2 mediante inmunohistoquímica. Se comparó el perfil de expresión de estos marcadores con la edad al diagnóstico, tipo y grado histológico (GH) y estadio patológico (TNM). Resultados: se seleccionaron 197 pacientes cuyas características fueron edad media: 55 años, carcinoma ductal: 85%, GH 1-2: 59%, estadio: I-II: 75%, metástasis axilares: 51%, RE/RP+: 78%, HER2+: 10%. Se definieron tres subtipos: HER2- RE/RP+ (73%), HER2+ (10%) y triple negativo (TN) (17%). Los subtipos TN y HER2+ se asociaron con mayor grado histológico (p<0,05) y el TN con menor edad al diagnóstico (p<0,05) que el subtipo HER2-, RE/RP+. Conclusiones: el porcentaje de pacientes con CM invasivo subtipo HER2+ (10%) es menor que el reportado por otros estudios (17%-28%). En concordancia con estudios previos, los subtipos TN y HER2+ se correlacionaron con tumores más indiferenciados y el TN se presentó en pacientes más jóvenes

Summary Introduction: breast cancer, the main cause of death of Uruguayan women, is an heterogeneous disease. Study of the tumoral expression of the Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor-2 (HER2), the estrogen receptor and the progesterone receptor enables the recognition of sub-types with different clinical, and pathological characteristics and evolution. Objectives: to learn about the HER2, estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor tumoral expression profile and their relationship with clinical-pathological characteristics in Uruguayan patients with breast cancer. Method: we reviewed the medical record of patients who underwent surgery for invasive breast cancer within a two year period, and we selected those who had determination of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER2 through immune-histochemestry. We compared the expression profile of these markers with the age at the time of diagnosis, the histological type and degree and the pathological status. Results: we selected 197 patients with the following characteristics: average age: 55 years old, ductal carcinoma: 85%, histological degree 1-2: 59%; stage I-II: 75%, axillary metastasis: 51%, progesterone receptor/estrogen receptors+ (RE/RP+): 78%, HER2+: 10%. Three subtypes were defined: HER2- RE/RP+ (73%), HER2+ (10%) and triple negative (TN) (17%). Subtypes TN and HER2+ were associated with a greater histological degree (GH) (p<0,05) and the TN with lower age at the time of diagnosis than the HER2-, RE/RP+ subtype. Conclusions: the percentage of patients with HER2+ subtype invasive breast cancer (10%) is lower than the one reported in others studies. In accordance with previous studies, TN and HER2+ subtypes correlated with less differentiated tumors and TN subtype occurred in younger patients

Résumé Introduction: le cancer de sein (CS), principal responsable de mort par cancer des uruguayennes, est une maladie hétérogène. L’étude de l’expression tumorale du récepteur du facteur de croissance épidermique 2 (HER-2), le récepteur d’oestrogène (RE) et le récepteur de progestérone (RP) permet de reconnaître des sous-types à caractéristiques cliniques pathologiques et évolutives variées. Objectif: connaître le profil de expression tumorale de HER-2, RE et RP et leur lien avec des données cliniques pathologiques chez des patientes uruguayennes atteintes de cancer de sein. Matériel et méthode: on fait la révision clinique des patientes atteintes de CS ayant subi une intervention chirurgicale pour une période de deux ans, choisissant celles portant la détermination de HER-2, RP et RE par immunohistochimie. On compare le profil de manifestation de ces marqueurs à l’âge au diagnostic, type et degré histologique (GH) et stade pathologique (TNM). Résultats: 197 patientes furent sélectionnées dont voici les caractéristiques: 55 ans (moyenne), 85% carcinome ductal, 59% GH 1-2; 75% stade I- II; 51% métastase axillaire; 78% RE-RP +; 10% HER2+; trois sous-types furent définis: HER2- RE/RP+ (73%), HER2+ (10%) et triple négatif (TN) (17%). Les sous-types TN et HER2+ furent associés à un degré histologique plus grand (p<0,05) et le TN à un âge plus bas au diagnostic (p<0,05) que le sous-type HER2-, RE/RP+. Conclusions: le pourcentage de patientes avec CM invasif sous-type HER2+ (10%) est inférieur à celui reporté par d’autres études (17%-28%). En concordance avec des études préalables, les sous-types TN y HER2+ ont été mis en relation avec des tumeurs plus indifférenciées et le TN a été présent chez des patientes plus jeunes.

Resumo Introdução: o câncer de mama (CM), principal causa de morte por câncer em mulheres uruguaias, é uma doença heterogênea. O estudo da expressão tumoral do receptor do fator de crescimento epidérmico-2 (HER2), do receptor de estrógeno (RE) e do receptor de progesterona (RP) permite reconhecer subtipos com diferentes características clínico-patológicas e de evolução. Objetivos: conhecer o perfil de expressão tumoral de HER2, RE e RP e sua relação com as características clínico-patológicas em pacientes uruguaias com CM. Material e método: os prontuários de pacientes submetidas a cirurgia por CM invasivo em um período de dois anos foram revisados. Foram selecionadas as que incluíam a determinação de RE, RP e HER2 por imuno-histoquímica. O perfil de expressão destes marcadores foi comparado com a idade no momento do diagnóstico, tipo e grau histológico (GH) e estádio patológico (TNM). Resultados: foram selecionadas 197 pacientes cujas características eram idade media: 55 anos, carcinoma ductal: 85%, GH 1-2: 59%, estádio: I-II: 75%, metástases axilares: 51%, RE/RP+: 78%, HER2+: 10%. Foram definidos três subtipos: HER2- RE/RP+ (73%), HER2+ (10%) e triplo negativo (TN) (17%). Os subtipos TN e HER2+ estavam associados a um maior grau histológico (p<0,05) e o TN com menor idade no momento do diagnóstico (p<0,05) que o subtipo HER2-, RE/RP+. Conclusões: a porcentagem de pacientes com CM invasivo subtipo HER2+ (10%) é menor que o informado por outros estudos (17%-28%). No entanto houve concordância com estudos anteriores nos quais os subtipos TN e HER2+ estavam correlacionados com tumores mais indiferenciados e o TN em pacientes más jovens.

Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Receptor, ErbB-2/analysis , Receptors, Progesterone , Receptors, Estrogen