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ACS Nano ; 16(11): 19346-19353, 2022 Nov 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36260344


While heterostructures are ubiquitous tools enabling new physics and device functionalities, the palette of available materials has never been richer. Combinations of two emerging material classes, two-dimensional materials and topological materials, are particularly promising because of the wide range of possible permutations that are easily accessible. Individually, both graphene and Pb1-xSnxTe (PST) are widely investigated for spintronic applications because graphene's high carrier mobility and PST's topologically protected surface states are attractive platforms for spin transport. Here, we combine monolayer graphene with PST and demonstrate a hybrid system with properties enhanced relative to the constituent parts. Using magnetotransport measurements, we find carrier mobilities up to 20 000 cm2/(V s) and a magnetoresistance approaching 100%, greater than either material prior to stacking. We also establish that there are two distinct transport channels and determine a lower bound on the spin relaxation time of 4.5 ps. The results can be explained using the polar catastrophe model, whereby a high mobility interface state results from a reconfiguration of charge due to a polar/nonpolar interface interaction. Our results suggest that proximity induced interface states with hybrid properties can be added to the still growing list of behaviors in these materials.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(5): 057201, 2020 Feb 07.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32083901


Magnets with chiral crystal structures and helical spin structures have recently attracted much attention as potential spin-electronics materials, but their relatively low magnetic-ordering temperatures are a disadvantage. While cobalt has long been recognized as an element that promotes high-temperature magnetic ordering, most Co-rich alloys are achiral and exhibit collinear rather than helimagnetic order. Crystallographically, the B20-ordered compound CoSi is an exception due to its chiral structure, but it does not exhibit any kind of magnetic order. Here, we use nonequilibrium processing to produce B20-ordered Co_{1+x}Si_{1-x} with a maximum Co solubility of x=0.043. Above a critical excess-Co content (x_{c}=0.028), the alloys are magnetically ordered, and for x=0.043, a critical temperature T_{c}=328 K is obtained, the highest among all B20-type magnets. The crystal structure of the alloy supports spin spirals caused by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, and from magnetic measurements we estimate that the spirals have a periodicity of about 17 nm. Our density-functional calculations explain the combination of high magnetic-ordering temperature and short periodicity in terms of a quantum phase transition where excess-cobalt spins are coupled through the host matrix.

ACS Nano ; 13(6): 6730-6741, 2019 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31184132


Surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs), the surface-bound electromagnetic modes of a polar material resulting from the coupling of light with optic phonons, offer immense technological opportunities for nanophotonics in the infrared (IR) spectral region. However, once a particular material is chosen, the SPhP characteristics are fixed by the spectral positions of the optic phonon frequencies. Here, we provide a demonstration of how the frequency of these optic phonons can be altered by employing atomic-scale superlattices (SLs) of polar semiconductors using AlN/GaN SLs as an example. Using second harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy, we show that the optic phonon frequencies of the SLs exhibit a strong dependence on the layer thicknesses of the constituent materials. Furthermore, new vibrational modes emerge that are confined to the layers, while others are centered at the AlN/GaN interfaces. As the IR dielectric function is governed by the optic phonon behavior in polar materials, controlling the optic phonons provides a means to induce and potentially design a dielectric function distinct from the constituent materials and from the effective-medium approximation of the SL. We show that atomic-scale AlN/GaN SLs instead have multiple Reststrahlen bands featuring spectral regions that exhibit either normal or extreme hyperbolic dispersion with both positive and negative permittivities dispersing rapidly with frequency. Apart from the ability to engineer the SPhP properties, SL structures may also lead to multifunctional devices that combine the mechanical, electrical, thermal, or optoelectronic functionality of the constituent layers. We propose that this effort is another step toward realizing user-defined, actively tunable IR optics and sources.

Nanotechnology ; 27(50): 504001, 2016 Dec 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27861163


Optically active spins in solid-state systems can be engineered to emit photons that are entangled with the spin in the solid. This allows for applications such as quantum communications, quantum key distribution, and distributed quantum computing. Recently, there has been a strong interest in silicon carbide defects, as they emit very close to the telecommunication wavelength, making them excellent candidates for long range quantum communications. In this work we develop explicit schemes for spin-photon entanglement in several SiC defects: the silicon monovacancy, the silicon divacancy, and the NV center in SiC. Distinct approaches are given for (i) single-photon and spin entanglement and (ii) the generation of long strings of entangled photons. The latter are known as cluster states and comprise a resource for measurement-based quantum information processing.

ACS Nano ; 10(3): 3714-22, 2016 Mar 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26910346


We investigate hyperthermal ion implantation (HyTII) as a means for substitutionally doping layered materials such as graphene. In particular, this systematic study characterizes the efficacy of substitutional N-doping of graphene using HyTII over an N(+) energy range of 25-100 eV. Scanning tunneling microscopy results establish the incorporation of N substituents into the graphene lattice during HyTII processing. We illustrate the differences in evolution of the characteristic Raman peaks following incremental doses of N(+). We use the ratios of the integrated D and D' peaks, I(D)/I(D') to assess the N(+) energy-dependent doping efficacy, which shows a strong correlation with previously reported molecular dynamics (MD) simulation results and a peak doping efficiency regime ranging between approximately 30 and 50 eV. We also demonstrate the inherent monolayer depth control of the HyTII process, thereby establishing a unique advantage over other less-specific methods for doping. We achieve this by implementing twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), with one layer of isotopically enriched (13)C and one layer of natural (12)C graphene, and modify only the top layer of the TBG sample. By assessing the effects of N-HyTII processing, we uncover dose-dependent shifts in the transfer characteristics consistent with electron doping and we find dose-dependent electronic localization that manifests in low-temperature magnetotransport measurements.

ACS Nano ; 8(12): 12410-7, 2014 Dec 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25412420


A sharp tip of atomic force microscope is employed to probe van der Waals forces of a silicon oxide substrate with adhered graphene. Experimental results obtained in the range of distances from 3 to 20 nm indicate that single-, double-, and triple-layer graphenes screen the van der Waals forces of the substrate. Fluorination of graphene, which makes it electrically insulating, lifts the screening in the single-layer graphene. The van der Waals force from graphene determined per layer decreases with the number of layers. In addition, increased hole doping of graphene increases the force. Finally, we also demonstrate screening of the van der Waals forces of the silicon oxide substrate by single- and double-layer molybdenum disulfide.

J Phys Chem A ; 117(10): 2114-24, 2013 Mar 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23237270


Time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) was employed to calculate the UV/vis spectra for three of the triphenylamine (TPA)-donor dyes, TC1, L1, and LJ1, in isolation as well as when complexed with a titania nanoparticle. TPA-donor dyes are a class of promising organic dyes for use in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). The three dyes studied here are among the smallest of these molecules and provide important insight into the entire series of TPA dyes that are being explored as possible sensitizers in titania-based DSSCs. An attempt to calculate the optical spectra for these dyes within the B3LYP approximation to the exchange correlation functional produces erroneous results. However, Coulomb attenuated approximation (CAM-B3LYP) captures the correct photophysics of the dyes and produces more accurate charge-transfer excitation energies of their complexes with titania. This work shows that the extent to which a given approximation fails or succeeds to correctly predict the charge-transfer excitation energies in the isolated dyes is propagated in that it fails (or succeeds) to correctly predict the values of the excitation energies for the complexes. It is, therefore, important to determine the most appropriate functional for a dye before considering it in more complicated structures such as dye-titania complexes.

J Chem Phys ; 136(22): 224301, 2012 Jun 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22713041


UV-Vis spectra are calculated using time-dependent density functional theory for several organic dyes--4-(N, N-dimethylamino) benzonitrile, alizarin, squaraine, polyene-linker dyes, oligothiophene-containing coumarin dyes (NKX series) and triphenylamine-donor dyes. Most of these dyes (except, for the first two) or their derivatives are considered to be promising organic dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. An accurate description of the photophysics of such dyes is imperative for understanding and creating better dyes. To this end, we studied the dyes within several approximations to the exchange-correlation functional. The chosen functionals--PBE, M06L, B3LYP, M06, CAM-B3LYP, and wB97--represent the various classes of approximations that are currently being used to study material properties. From amongst the six approximations studied here, CAM-B3LYP outperformed the others in its description of charge-transfer excitations in most (though, not all) of the dyes. This study shows why it is difficult to choose a particular functional a priori, especially when starting out with a new dye for solar cell application. A possible way to judge the fitness of an approximation is used in this work and it is shown to provide a good quantitative guideline for subsequent research in this field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(14): 146403, 2011 Sep 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107219


The negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV(-)) center in diamond is considered to be one of the most promising solid state systems for quantum information applications. Excited states of the NV(-) center play a center role in the proposed applications. Using a combination of first-principles calculations and vibronic interaction model analysis, we establish the presence of a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in the (3)E excited state. The calculated temperature-dependent dephasing rate for the zero phonon line as well as the splitting of the first two vibronic states are in good agreement with experiment.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(11): 117204, 2008 Mar 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18517820


Cation-vacancy induced intrinsic magnetism in GaN and BN is investigated by employing density-functional theory based electronic structure methods. The strong localization of defect states favors spontaneous spin polarization and local moment formation. A neutral cation vacancy in GaN or BN leads to the formation of a net moment of 3 muB with a spin-polarization energy of about 0.5 eV at the low density limit. The extended tails of defect wave functions, on the other hand, mediate surprisingly long-range magnetic interactions between the defect-induced moments. This duality of defect states suggests the existence of defect-induced or mediated collective magnetism in these otherwise nonmagnetic sp systems.