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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 7251, 2024 Aug 23.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39179592


Silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond are emerging as promising quantum emitters in applications such as quantum communication and quantum information processing. Here, we demonstrate a sub-µs pulsed annealing treatment that dramatically increases the photoluminescence of SiV centers in diamond. Using a silane-functionalized adamantane precursor and a laser-heated diamond anvil cell, the temperature and energy conditions required to form SiV centers in diamond were mapped out via an optical thermometry system with an accuracy of ±50 K and a 1 µs temporal resolution. Annealing scheme studies reveal that pulsed annealing can obviously minimize the migration of SiV centers out of the diamond lattice, and a 2.5-fold increase in the number of emitting centers was achieved using a series of 200-ns pulses at a 50 kHz repetition rate via acousto-optic modulation. Our study provides a novel pulsed annealing treatment approach to improve the efficiency of the creation of SiV centers in diamond.

Science ; 385(6710): 796-800, 2024 Aug 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39146411


In the underdoped n-type cuprate Nd2-xCexCuO4, long-range antiferromagnetic order reconstructs the Fermi surface, resulting in a putative antiferromagnetic metal with small Fermi pockets. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we observe an anomalous energy gap, an order of magnitude smaller than the antiferromagnetic gap, in a wide portion of the underdoped regime and smoothly connecting to the superconducting gap at optimal doping. After considering all the known ordering tendencies in tandem with the phase diagram, we hypothesize that the normal-state gap in the underdoped n-type cuprates originates from Cooper pairing. The high temperature scale of the normal-state gap raises the prospect of engineering higher transition temperatures in the n-type cuprates comparable to those of the p-type cuprates.

Nano Lett ; 24(20): 6031-6037, 2024 May 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38717626


Manipulating the polarization of light at the nanoscale is key to the development of next-generation optoelectronic devices. This is typically done via waveplates using optically anisotropic crystals, with thicknesses on the order of the wavelength. Here, using a novel ultrafast electron-beam-based technique sensitive to transient near fields at THz frequencies, we observe a giant anisotropy in the linear optical response in the semimetal WTe2 and demonstrate that one can tune the THz polarization using a 50 nm thick film, acting as a broadband wave plate with thickness 3 orders of magnitude smaller than the wavelength. The observed circular deflections of the electron beam are consistent with simulations tracking the trajectory of the electron beam in the near field of the THz pulse. This finding offers a promising approach to enable atomically thin THz polarization control using anisotropic semimetals and defines new approaches for characterizing THz near-field optical response at far-subwavelength length scales.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(6): 066004, 2024 Feb 09.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38394564


We have investigated the 3d orbital excitations in CaCuO_{2} (CCO), Nd_{2}CuO_{4} (NCO), and La_{2}CuO_{4} (LCO) using high-resolution resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. In LCO they behave as well-localized excitations, similarly to several other cuprates. On the contrary, in CCO and NCO the d_{xy} orbital clearly disperses, pointing to a collective character of this excitation (orbiton) in compounds without apical oxygen. We ascribe the origin of the dispersion as stemming from a substantial next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) orbital superexchange. Such an exchange leads to the liberation of the orbiton from its coupling to magnons, which is associated with the orbiton hopping between nearest neighbor copper sites. Finally, we show that the exceptionally large NNN orbital superexchange can be traced back to the absence of apical oxygens suppressing the charge transfer energy.

Science ; 382(6674): 1070-1073, 2023 Dec.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38033050


Many metallic quantum materials display anomalous transport phenomena that defy a Fermi liquid description. Here, we use numerical methods to calculate thermal and charge transport in the doped Hubbard model and observe a crossover separating high- and low-temperature behaviors. Distinct from the behavior at high temperatures, the Lorenz number [Formula: see text] becomes weakly doping dependent and less sensitive to parameters at low temperatures. At the lowest numerically accessible temperatures, [Formula: see text] roughly approaches the Wiedemann-Franz constant [Formula: see text], even in a doped Mott insulator that lacks well-defined quasiparticles. Decomposing the energy current operator indicates a compensation between kinetic and potential contributions, which may help to clarify the interpretation of transport experiments beyond Boltzmann theory in strongly correlated metals.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 7064, 2023 Nov 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37923746


As primarily an electronic observable, the room-temperature thermopower S in cuprates provides possibilities for a quantitative assessment of the Hubbard model. Using determinant quantum Monte Carlo, we demonstrate agreement between Hubbard model calculations and experimentally measured room-temperature S across multiple cuprate families, both qualitatively in terms of the doping dependence and quantitatively in terms of magnitude. We observe an upturn in S with decreasing temperatures, which possesses a slope comparable to that observed experimentally in cuprates. From our calculations, the doping at which S changes sign occurs in close proximity to a vanishing temperature dependence of the chemical potential at fixed density. Our results emphasize the importance of interaction effects in the systematic assessment of the thermopower S in cuprates.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 5340, 2023 Sep 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37660171


The field of two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnetism has been proliferating over the past few years, with ongoing interests in basic science and potential applications in spintronic technology. However, a high-resolution spectroscopic study of the 2D ferromagnet is still lacking due to the small size and air sensitivity of the exfoliated nanoflakes. Here, we report a thickness-dependent ferromagnetism in epitaxially grown Cr2Te3 thin films and investigate the evolution of the underlying electronic structure by synergistic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, scanning tunneling microscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and first-principle calculations. A conspicuous ferromagnetic transition from Stoner to Heisenberg-type is directly observed in the atomically thin limit, indicating that dimensionality is a powerful tuning knob to manipulate the novel properties of 2D magnetism. Monolayer Cr2Te3 retains robust ferromagnetism, but with a suppressed Curie temperature, due to the drastic drop in the density of states near the Fermi level. Our results establish atomically thin Cr2Te3 as an excellent platform to explore the dual nature of localized and itinerant ferromagnetism in 2D magnets.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 3129, 2023 May 30.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37253739


The appearance of certain spectral features in one-dimensional (1D) cuprate materials has been attributed to a strong, extended attractive coupling between electrons. Here, using time-dependent density matrix renormalization group methods on a Hubbard-extended Holstein model, we show that extended electron-phonon (e-ph) coupling presents an obvious choice to produce such an attractive interaction that reproduces the observed spectral features and doping dependence seen in angle-resolved photoemission experiments: diminished 3kF spectral weight, prominent spectral intensity of a holon-folding branch, and the correct holon band width. While extended e-ph coupling does not qualitatively alter the ground state of the 1D system compared to the Hubbard model, it quantitatively enhances the long-range superconducting correlations and suppresses spin correlations. Such an extended e-ph interaction may be an important missing ingredient in describing the physics of the structurally similar two-dimensional high-temperature superconducting layered cuprates, which may tip the balance between intertwined orders in favor of uniform d-wave superconductivity.

Sci Adv ; 9(20): eadf6655, 2023 May 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37196089


The search for superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates was motivated by analogy to the cuprates, and this perspective has framed much of the initial consideration of this material. However, a growing number of studies have highlighted the involvement of rare-earth orbitals; in that context, the consequences of varying the rare-earth element in the superconducting nickelates have been much debated. Here, we show notable differences in the magnitude and anisotropy of the superconducting upper critical field across the La-, Pr-, and Nd-nickelates. These distinctions originate from the 4f electron characteristics of the rare-earth ions in the lattice: They are absent for La3+, nonmagnetic for the Pr3+ singlet ground state, and magnetic for the Nd3+ Kramer's doublet. The unique polar and azimuthal angle-dependent magnetoresistance found in the Nd-nickelates can be understood to arise from the magnetic contribution of the Nd3+ 4f moments. Such robust and tunable superconductivity suggests potential in future high-field applications.

Nature ; 615(7951): 237-243, 2023 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36813969


The Jahn-Teller effect, in which electronic configurations with energetically degenerate orbitals induce lattice distortions to lift this degeneracy, has a key role in many symmetry-lowering crystal deformations1. Lattices of Jahn-Teller ions can induce a cooperative distortion, as exemplified by LaMnO3 (refs. 2,3). Although many examples occur in octahedrally4 or tetrahedrally5 coordinated transition metal oxides due to their high orbital degeneracy, this effect has yet to be manifested for square-planar anion coordination, as found in infinite-layer copper6,7, nickel8,9, iron10,11 and manganese oxides12. Here we synthesize single-crystal CaCoO2 thin films by topotactic reduction of the brownmillerite CaCoO2.5 phase. We observe a markedly distorted infinite-layer structure, with ångström-scale displacements of the cations from their high-symmetry positions. This can be understood to originate from the Jahn-Teller degeneracy of the dxz and dyz orbitals in the d7 electronic configuration along with substantial ligand-transition metal mixing. A complex pattern of distortions arises in a [Formula: see text] tetragonal supercell, reflecting the competition between an ordered Jahn-Teller effect on the CoO2 sublattice and the geometric frustration of the associated displacements of the Ca sublattice, which are strongly coupled in the absence of apical oxygen. As a result of this competition, the CaCoO2 structure forms an extended two-in-two-out type of Co distortion following 'ice rules'13.

Nat Commun ; 14(1): 1116, 2023 Feb 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36849499


The excitonic insulator (EI) is a Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of excitons bound by electron-hole interaction in a solid, which could support high-temperature BEC transition. The material realization of EI has been challenged by the difficulty of distinguishing it from a conventional charge density wave (CDW) state. In the BEC limit, the preformed exciton gas phase is a hallmark to distinguish EI from conventional CDW, yet direct experimental evidence has been lacking. Here we report a distinct correlated phase beyond the 2×2 CDW ground state emerging in monolayer 1T-ZrTe2 and its investigation by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The results show novel band- and energy-dependent folding behavior in a two-step process, which is the signatures of an exciton gas phase prior to its condensation into the final CDW state. Our findings provide a versatile two-dimensional platform that allows tuning of the excitonic effect.

Natl Sci Rev ; 9(5): nwab175, 2022 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35663240


Electron-phonon interaction and related self-energy are fundamental to both the equilibrium properties and non-equilibrium relaxation dynamics of solids. Although electron-phonon interaction has been suggested by various time-resolved measurements to be important for the relaxation dynamics of graphene, the lack of energy- and momentum-resolved self-energy dynamics prohibits direct identification of the role of specific phonon modes in the relaxation dynamics. Here, by performing time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on Kekulé-ordered graphene with folded Dirac cones at the Γ point, we have succeeded in resolving the self-energy effect induced by the coupling of electrons to two phonons at Ω1 = 177 meV and Ω2 = 54 meV, and revealing its dynamical change in the time domain. Moreover, these strongly coupled phonons define energy thresholds, which separate the hierarchical relaxation dynamics from ultrafast, fast to slow, thereby providing direct experimental evidence for the dominant role of mode-specific phonons in the relaxation dynamics.

Nature ; 601(7894): 562-567, 2022 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35082417


In conventional superconductors, the phase transition into a zero-resistance and perfectly diamagnetic state is accompanied by a jump in the specific heat and the opening of a spectral gap1. In the high-transition-temperature (high-Tc) cuprates, although the transport, magnetic and thermodynamic signatures of Tc have been known since the 1980s2, the spectroscopic singularity associated with the transition remains unknown. Here we resolve this long-standing puzzle with a high-precision angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study on overdoped (Bi,Pb)2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (Bi2212). We first probe the momentum-resolved electronic specific heat via spectroscopy and reproduce the specific heat peak at Tc, completing the missing link for a holistic description of superconductivity. Then, by studying the full momentum, energy and temperature evolution of the spectra, we reveal that this thermodynamic anomaly arises from the singular growth of in-gap spectral intensity across Tc. Furthermore, we observe that the temperature evolution of in-gap intensity is highly anisotropic in the momentum space, and the gap itself obeys both the d-wave functional form and particle-hole symmetry. These findings support the scenario that the superconducting transition is driven by phase fluctuations. They also serve as an anchor point for understanding the Fermi arc and pseudogap phenomena in underdoped cuprates.

Phys Rev Lett ; 127(19): 197003, 2021 Nov 05.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34797146


Establishing a minimal microscopic model for cuprates is a key step towards the elucidation of a high-T_{c} mechanism. By a quantitative comparison with a recent in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurement in doped 1D cuprate chains, our simulation identifies a crucial contribution from long-range electron-phonon coupling beyond standard Hubbard models. Using reasonable ranges of coupling strengths and phonon energies, we obtain a strong attractive interaction between neighboring electrons, whose strength is comparable to experimental observations. Nonlocal couplings play a significant role in the mediation of neighboring interactions. Considering the structural and chemical similarity between 1D and 2D cuprate materials, this minimal model with long-range electron-phonon coupling will provide important new insights on cuprate high-T_{c} superconductivity and related quantum phases.

Science ; 373(6560): 1235-1239, 2021 Sep 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34516788


In the cuprates, one-dimensional (1D) chain compounds provide a distinctive opportunity to understand the microscopic physics, owing to the availability of reliable theories. However, progress has been limited by the challenge of controllably doping these materials. We report the synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of the 1D cuprate Ba2-xSrxCuO3+δ over a wide range of hole doping. Our angle-resolved photoemission experiments reveal the doping evolution of the holon and spinon branches. We identify a prominent folding branch whose intensity fails to match predictions of the simple Hubbard model. An additional strong near-neighbor attraction, which may arise from coupling to phonons, quantitatively explains experiments for all accessible doping levels. Considering structural and quantum chemistry similarities among cuprates, this attraction may play a similarly important role in high-temperature cuprate superconductors.

Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 8(9): 2003454, 2021 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33977049


The enhanced superconductivity in monolayer FeSe on titanates opens a fascinating pathway toward the rational design of high-temperature superconductors. Utilizing the state-of-the-art oxide plus chalcogenide molecular beam epitaxy systems in situ connected to a synchrotron angle-resolved photoemission spectroscope, epitaxial LaTiO3 layers with varied atomic thicknesses are inserted between monolayer FeSe and SrTiO3, for systematic modulation of interfacial chemical potential. With the dramatic increase of electron accumulation at the LaTiO3/SrTiO3 surface, providing a substantial surge of work function mismatch across the FeSe/oxide interface, the charge transfer and the superconducting gap in the monolayer FeSe are found to remain markedly robust. This unexpected finding indicate the existence of an intrinsically anchored "magic" doping within the monolayer FeSe systems.

Nat Commun ; 12(1): 461, 2021 Jan 19.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33469021


Functional CsPbI3 perovskite phases are not stable at ambient conditions and spontaneously convert to a non-perovskite δ phase, limiting their applications as solar cell materials. We demonstrate the preservation of a black CsPbI3 perovskite structure to room temperature by subjecting the δ phase to pressures of 0.1 - 0.6 GPa followed by heating and rapid cooling. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy indicate that this perovskite phase is consistent with orthorhombic γ-CsPbI3. Once formed, γ-CsPbI3 could be then retained after releasing pressure to ambient conditions and shows substantial stability at 35% relative humidity. First-principles density functional theory calculations indicate that compression directs the out-of-phase and in-phase tilt between the [PbI6]4- octahedra which in turn tune the energy difference between δ- and γ-CsPbI3, leading to the preservation of γ-CsPbI3. Here, we present a high-pressure strategy for manipulating the (meta)stability of halide perovskites for the synthesis of desirable phases with enhanced materials functionality.

Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37719447


Stabilizing high-valent redox couples and exotic electronic states necessitate an understanding of the stabilization mechanism. In oxides, whether they are being considered for energy storage or computing, highly oxidized oxide-anion species rehybridize to form short covalent bonds and are related to significant local structural distortions. In intercalation oxide electrodes for batteries, while such reorganization partially stabilizes oxygen redox, it also gives rise to substantial hysteresis. In this work, we investigate oxygen redox in layered Na2-XMn3O7, a positive electrode material with ordered Mn vacancies. We prove that coulombic interactions between oxidized oxideanions and the interlayer Na vacancies can disfavor rehybridization and stabilize hole polarons on oxygen (O-) at 4.2 V vs. Na/Na+. These coulombic interactions provide thermodynamic energy saving as large as O-O covalent bonding and enable ~ 40 mV voltage hysteresis over multiple electrochemical cycles with negligible voltage fade. Our results establish a complete picture of redox energetics by highlighting the role of coulombic interactions across several atomic distances and suggest avenues to stabilize highly oxidized oxygen for applications in energy storage and beyond.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 60(19): 10880-10887, 2021 May 03.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33320987


We investigate high-valent oxygen redox in the positive Na-ion electrode P2-Na0.67-x [Fe0.5 Mn0.5 ]O2 (NMF) where Fe is partially substituted with Cu (P2-Na0.67-x [Mn0.66 Fe0.20 Cu0.14 ]O2 , NMFC) or Ni (P2-Na0.67-x [Mn0.65 Fe0.20 Ni0.15 ]O2 , NMFN). From combined analysis of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray near-edge structure with electrochemical voltage hysteresis and X-ray pair distribution function profiles, we correlate structural disorder with high-valent oxygen redox and its improvement by Ni or Cu substitution. Density of states calculations elaborate considerable anionic redox in NMF and NMFC without the widely accepted requirement of an A-O-A' local configuration in the pristine materials (where A=Na and A'=Li, Mg, vacancy, etc.). We also show that the Jahn-Teller nature of Fe4+ and the stabilization mechanism of anionic redox could determine the extent of structural disorder in the materials. These findings shed light on the design principles in TM and anion redox for positive electrodes to improve the performance of Na-ion batteries.