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Rev Gaucha Enferm ; 42: e20200053, 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33566950


OBJECTIVE: To recognize the domains of competencies in promoting health in the environmental education practices performed by community health agents. METHOD: A mixed study, which adopted the Developing Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe (CompHP) as a theoretical framework, conducted in Crato, Ceará, with 16 community health agents, based on semi-structured interviews and data organization through the ALCESTE software. RESULTS: The following domains of competencies in health promotion were evidenced: partnership, possibility of changes, and diagnosis. We recognize evidence signaling other domains, although with less statistical significance, such as: communication, planning and implementation, with a view to developing environmental education activities. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is a mobilization of a limited number of health promotion competences in the environmental education practices developed by community health agents, which requires the wholeness of these elements to implement health promotion practices and, thus, positive transformations on the environment and health.

Health Promotion , Public Health , Communication , Humans , Needs Assessment , Professional Competence
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 42: e20200053, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1149941


ABSTRACT Objective: To recognize the domains of competencies in promoting health in the environmental education practices performed by community health agents. Method: A mixed study, which adopted the Developing Competencies and Professional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe (CompHP) as a theoretical framework, conducted in Crato, Ceará, with 16 community health agents, based on semi-structured interviews and data organization through the ALCESTE software. Results: The following domains of competencies in health promotion were evidenced: partnership, possibility of changes, and diagnosis. We recognize evidence signaling other domains, although with less statistical significance, such as: communication, planning and implementation, with a view to developing environmental education activities. Final considerations: There is a mobilization of a limited number of health promotion competences in the environmental education practices developed by community health agents, which requires the wholeness of these elements to implement health promotion practices and, thus, positive transformations on the environment and health.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Reconocer los dominios de competencias en promoción de la salud en las prácticas de educación ambiental llevadas a cabo por agentes comunitarios de salud. Método: Un estudio mixto, que adoptó el Developing Competencies and Profissional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe(CompHP) como referencia teórica, realizado en Crato, Ceará, con 16 agentes de salud comunitarios, basado en entrevistas semiestructuradas y organización de datos utilizando el software ALCESTE. Resultados: Se destacaron los siguientes dominios de competencias en la promoción de la salud: asociación, posibilidad de cambios y diagnóstico. Se reconoce evidencia que apunta a otros dominios, aunque con menos significancia estadística, tales como: comunicación, planificación e implementación, para el desarrollo de actividades de educación ambiental. Consideraciones finales: Se registra una movilización de una cantidad limitada de competencias de promoción de la salud en las prácticas de educación ambiental desarrolladas por agentes de salud comunitarios, todo lo cual es necesario para implementar prácticas de promoción de la salud y, por lo tanto, transformaciones positivas sobre el medio ambiente y la salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: Reconhecer domínios de competências em promoção da saúde nas práticas de educação ambiental realizadas pelos agentes comunitários de saúde. Método: Estudo misto, que adotou como referencial teórico o Developing Competencies and Profissional Standards for Health Promotion Capacity Building in Europe (CompHP), realizado em Crato, Ceará, junto a 16 agentes comunitários de saúde, a partir de entrevista semiestruturada e organização dos dados através do software ALCESTE. Resultados: Foram evidenciados os domínios de competências em promoção da saúde de parceria, possibilidade de mudanças e diagnóstico. Reconhecem-se evidências que apontam outros domínios, embora com menor significância estatística, tais como: comunicação, planejamento e implementação, para o desenvolvimento das atividades de educação ambiental. Considerações finais: Há a mobilização de um número limitado de domínios de competências em promoção da saúde nas práticas de educação ambiental desenvolvidas pelos agentes comunitários de saúde, sendo necessária a totalidade destes para concretizar as práticas de promoção da saúde.

Humans , Female , Primary Health Care , Community Health Workers , Environmental Health Education , Health Promotion , Public Health
HU rev ; 43(4): 339-347, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-980267


Pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa cujo objetivo foi analisar as concepções e práticas pedagógicas na formação de enfermagem para efetivação do cuidado clínico. Participaram da pesquisa 30 docentes-enfermeiros de duas Universidades públicas e uma privada de Fortaleza/CE. A coleta de dados ocorreu mediante entrevista semiestruturada. Após a análise de conteúdo, três categorias emergiram: (A) Formação e Trajetória profissional; expressa as motivações dos enfermeiros para atuarem na docência, para os entrevistados o ato de ensinar surge durante sua trajetória profissional como evento natural e pessoal; (B) Concepções sobre Cuidado, Clínica e Enfermagem, revela como os docentes definem o cuidado clínico de enfermagem, este visto como ato de solidariedade fundamentado em conhecimentos científicos e práticos da enfermagem e de outras ciências. O cuidado deve ser pautado na integralidade com vistas a efetivação da clínica ampliada e (C) Concepções Pedagógicas para o Ensino do Cuidado Clínico em Enfermagem, expõe o pensar e o fazer da enfermagem ao atuar na formação de enfermeiros, nessa categoria os entrevistados colocam que apesar do forte apego ao uso da pedagogia tradicional, no cotidiano da sala de aula é perceptível mudanças metodológicas na prática docente que buscam construir uma enfermagem crítica e reflexiva. Assim, para criar uma enfermagem dinâmica e inovadora é necessário que a prática docente supere desafios inerentes ao ensino do cuidado clínico de enfermagem de modo a ressignificar as concepções e práticas pedagógicas que orientam a formação, a construção da ciência e a qualificação para a docência na área.

Exploratory and qualitative research whose objective was to analyze the conceptions and pedagogical practices in the nursing training for effective clinical care. 30 teachers-nurses from two public universities and one from Fortaleza / CE participated in the study. Data collection took place through a semistructured interview. After content analysis, three categories emerged: (A) Professional Formation and Trajectory; expresses the motivations of the nurses to act in the teaching, for the interviewees the act of teaching arises during their professional trajectory as a natural and personal event; (B) Conceptions on Care, Clinic and Nursing, reveals how the teachers define nursing clinical care, this seen as an act of solidarity based on scientific and practical knowledge of nursing and other sciences. Care should be based on integrality with a view to the effectiveness of the expanded clinical practice and (C) Pedagogical Conceptions for Nursing Clinical Care Teaching, exposesthe thinking and doing of nursing when acting in the training of nurses, in this category the intervieweesstate that despite the strong attachment to the use of traditional pedagogy, in the everyday classroom isperceptible methodological changes in teaching practice that seek to build a critical and reflective nursing.Thus, in order to create a dynamic and innovative nursing, it is necessary that the teaching practice overcomechallenges inherent to the teaching of clinical nursing care in order to re-signify the pedagogical conceptionsand practices that guide the formation, the construction of science and the qualification for teaching in thearea.

Nursing Faculty Practice , Faculty, Nursing , Education, Nursing , Education, Nursing, Continuing , Professional Training , Integrality in Health , Nurses , Nursing Care
Rev Bras Enferm ; 60(3): 279-85, 2007.
Article in Portuguese | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17684904


This research encompasses the capital Aracaju, Sergipe, and its surroundings health districts. It was dealt from October to December 2002 with 216 pregnant adolescents assisted by the Strategy of the Family Health Program. Its main goal is to raise and identify the social-demographic and the gynecological profile of those young ladies, by identifying the reason which led them to pregnancy and by knowing their pereption of it. The vast majority of them are 17, colored, literate, house-wives who have one single steady partner and survive with less than the minimum wage. Among those 32.4% got their first period by the age of 12; 25% had their first sexual intercourse by the age of 16; anf 72.7% had their first gestation. The reason which stood out from the others was the will to become a mother, for their perception towards pregnancy is related to happiness and personal achievement.

Pregnancy in Adolescence , Adolescent , Brazil , Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy in Adolescence/psychology , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors
Rev. bras. enferm ; 60(3): 279-285, maio-jun. 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: lil-467411


Tratou-se de pesquisa exploratório-descritiva, realizada de outubro a dezembro de 2002, com 216 adolescentes grávidas assistidas pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família dos municípios pertencentes à Microrregião de Saúde de Acaraú, Ceará. Objetivou caracterizar o perfil sócio-demográfico e gineco-obstétrico destas, identificando o motivo que as levou a engravidar, e saber como percebiam sua gravidez. A maior parte destas tinha 17 anos, eram pardas, alfabetizadas, donas-de-casa, tinham companheiro fixo e viviam com menos de um salário mínimo. Destas, 32,4 por cento menstruou aos 12 anos, 25 por cento teve a primeira relação sexual aos 16 anos e, 72,7 por cento estava na primeira gestação. Destaca-se o desejo de ser mãe como principal motivo para engravidar, e a percepção em relação à gravidez está relacionada com felicidade e realização pessoal.

This research encompasses the capital Aracaju, Sergipe, and its surroundings health districts. It was dealt from October to December 2002 with 216 pregnant adolescents assisted by the Strategy of the Family Health Program. Its main goal is to raise and identify the social-demographic and the gynecological profile of those young ladies, by identifying the reason which led them to pregnancy and by knowing their pereption of it. The vast majority of them are 17, colored, literate, house-wives who have one single steady partner and survive with less than the minimum wage. Among those 32,4 percent got their first period by the age of 12; 25 percent had their first sexual intercourse by the age of 16; anf 72,7 percent had their first gestation. The reason which stood out from the others was the will to become a mother, for their perception towards pregnancy is related to happiness and personal achievement.

Se trató de pesquisa exploratoria descriptiva, realizada de octubre a diciembre de 2002, con 216 adolescentes embarazadas asistidas por la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia de los Municipios pertenecientes a la Micro Región de Salud de Acaraú, Ceará. Con el objetivo de caracterizar su perfil socio-demografico y ginecólogo obstétrico, identificando el motivo que las llevó a embarazar, y saber como notaban su embarazo. La mayor parte de ellas tenía 17 años, eran pardas, alfabetizadas, amas de casa, tenian compañero fijo y vivian con menos de uno sueldo mínimo. De estas, 32,4 por ciento tuvo su primer menstruo a los 12 años, 25 por ciento tuvo la primera relación sexual a los 16 años y 72,7 por ciento estava en el primer embarazo. Se destaca el deseo de ser madre como principal motivo para el embarazo, y la percepción con relación al embarazo está relacionada con felicidad y realización personal.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Brazil , Pregnancy in Adolescence/psychology , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors