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Nat Commun ; 15(1): 5301, 2024 Jun 21.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38906874


Stable laser resonators support three fundamental families of transverse modes: the Hermite, Laguerre, and Ince Gaussian modes. These modes are crucial for understanding complex resonators, beam propagation, and structured light. We experimentally observe a new family of fundamental laser modes in stable resonators: Boyer-Wolf Gaussian modes. By studying the isomorphism between laser cavities and quadratic Hamiltonians, we design a laser resonator equivalent to a quantum two-dimensional anisotropic harmonic oscillator with a 2:1 frequency ratio. The generated Boyer-Wolf Gaussian modes exhibit a parabolic structure and show remarkable agreement with our theoretical predictions. These modes are also eigenmodes of a 2:1 anisotropic gradient refractive index medium, suggesting their presence in any physical system with a 2:1 anisotropic quadratic potential. We identify a transition connecting Boyer-Wolf Gaussian modes to Weber nondiffractive parabolic beams. These new modes are foundational for structured light, and open exciting possibilities for applications in laser micromachining, particle micromanipulation, and optical communications.

Appl Opt ; 63(7): 1811-1814, 2024 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38437284


We demonstrate that 3-mm-thick, periodically poled L i N b O 3 enables energy scaling of a nonresonant optical parametric oscillator operated in the narrowband mode with a volume Bragg grating at the signal wavelength. Utilizing the full available pump power at 1064 nm, we obtained maximum average powers of 2.25 and 2.08 W for the signal (1.922 µm) and idler (2.383 µm) pulses at 10 kHz, at a total conversion efficiency of 32.8%, which represents a fourfold increase in terms of peak powers over our previous work. The signal and idler spectral linewidths were ∼1n m, with pulse lengths of ∼6n s and an idler beam propagation factor of ∼5.

Opt Express ; 32(2): 1728-1735, 2024 Jan 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38297718


We present a tunable (6.62-11.34 µm), singly-resonant, cascade optical parametric oscillator with intracavity pumping of BaGa2GeSe6 in the second stage and spectral narrowing realized by a Volume Bragg Grating acting on the signal wave of the first stage which serves as a pump for the second stage. The maximum energy achieved near 8 µm in the narrowband regime is 1.1 mJ at 100 Hz (spectral width: ∼20 cm-1, pulse duration: ∼7 ns). The overall conversion efficiency from 1 to 8 µm for broadband and narrowband operation is 4.0% and 3.1%, respectively, corresponding to quantum efficiencies of 31% and 23%.

Opt Lett ; 48(19): 5137-5140, 2023 Oct 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37773404


Chirped Bragg volume gratings (CBGs) offer a useful alternative for spectral analysis, but increasing the bandwidth necessitates increasing the device area. In contrast, recently developed rotated CBGs (r-CBGs), in which the Bragg structure is rotated by 45° with respect to the device facets, require increasing only the device length to extend the bandwidth, in addition to the convenience of resolving the spectrum at normal incidence. Here, we multiplex r-CBGs in the same device to enable spectral analysis in two independent spectral windows without increasing the system volume. This new, to the best of our knowledge, device, which we term an X-CBG, allows for compact multi-band spectroscopy in contiguous or separated spectral windows for the visible and near-infrared applications in nonlinear microscopy and material identification and sensing.

Opt Lett ; 48(10): 2500-2503, 2023 May 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37186693


Space-time wave packets (STWPs) are pulsed fields in which a strictly prescribed association between the spatial and temporal frequencies yields surprising and useful behavior. However, STWPs to date have been synthesized using bulky free-space optical systems that require precise alignment. We describe a compact system that makes use of a novel optical component: a chirped volume Bragg grating that is rotated by 45° with respect to the plane-parallel device facets. By virtue of this grating's unique structure, cascaded gratings resolve and recombine the spectrum without free-space propagation or collimation. We produce STWPs by placing a phase plate that spatially modulates the resolved spectrum between such cascaded gratings, with a device volume of 25 × 25 × 8 mm3, which is orders-of-magnitude smaller than previous arrangements.

Opt Lett ; 48(5): 1180-1183, 2023 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36857243


We introduce a new, to the best of our knowledge, optical component-a rotated chirped volume Bragg grating (r-CBG)-that spatially resolves the spectrum of a normally incident light beam in a compact footprint and without the need for subsequent free-space propagation or collimation. Unlike conventional chirped volume Bragg gratings in which both the length and width of the device must be increased to increase the bandwidth, by rotating the Bragg structure we sever the link between the length and width of a r-CBG, leading to a significantly reduced device footprint for the same bandwidth. We fabricate and characterize such a device in multiple spectral windows, we study its spectral resolution, and confirm that a pair of cascaded r-CBGs can resolve and then recombine the spectrum. Such a device can lead to ultracompact spectrometers and pulse modulators.

Opt Express ; 31(2): 1755-1763, 2023 Jan 16.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36785203


Conventional head-up displays (HUDs) suffer from a limited exit pupil and a lack of compactness mainly due to the use of bulky optics. HUDs need a high-quality image with a large field of view (FOV) in small packaging to gain commercial acceptability. Holographic HUDs are phase-only devices that allow vision correction and focus adjustment while having a wide FOV. However, the limited bandwidth of a spatial light modulator (SLM) imposes a trade-off between the FOV and eye-box size. Combining a holographic system with an image-replicating element eliminates such a tradeoff. For image replication, we designed and fabricated a compact 2D diffractive beam splitter formed from two perpendicular volume gratings operating in the Raman-Nath regime. The gratings were recorded holographically in photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass, with optimized index modulation, thickness, and period to provide uniform intensity distribution across all desired orders for the fundamental red, green and blue (RGB) colors. We demonstrated a full-color holographic projection with an eye-box expanded by the designed 2D diffractive beam splitters.

Opt Express ; 30(4): 4988-4998, 2022 Feb 14.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35209470


Past beam-shaping techniques, developed to transform a Gaussian beam into other waveforms, rely on a wide selection of available tools ranging from physical apertures, diffractive optical elements, phase masks, free-form optics to spatial light modulators. However, these devices - whether active or passive - do not address the underlying monochromatic nature of their embedded phase profiles, while being hampered by the complex, high-cost manufacturing process and a restrictive laser-induced damage threshold. Recently, a new type of passive phase devices for beam transformation - referred to as holographic phase masks (HPMs), was developed to address these critical shortcomings. In this work, we demonstrated the first integration of HPMs into a laser cavity for the generation of arbitrary spatial modes. Our approach allowed for different phase patterns to be embedded into the outputs of a laser system, while preserving the spatial structure of its intracavity beams. The optical system further possessed a unique ability to simultaneously emit distinct spatial modes into separate beampaths, owning to the multiplexing capability of HPMs. We also confirmed the achromatic nature of these HPMs in a wavelength-tunable cavity, contrary to other known passive or active beam-shaping tools. The achromatism of HPMs, coupled to their ability to withstand up to kW level of average power, makes possible future developments in high-power broadband sources, capable of generating light beams with arbitrary phase distribution covering any desirable spectral regions from near ultraviolet to near infrared.

Appl Opt ; 58(13): D61-D67, 2019 May 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31044821


The paper presents an overview of the benefits of recording phase masks into the bulk of photo-thermo-refractive glass. We demonstrate that both binary and gray-scale phase masks can be encoded into the medium, and that such masks can be used for mode conversion and beam shaping with near-theoretical efficiency. We further demonstrate that by encoding the phase mask profile into a transmitting volume Bragg grating, it is possible to create tunable and achromatic phase masks without requiring a complex phase pattern.

Opt Express ; 26(13): 16670-16678, 2018 Jun 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30119491


A novel dual channel Tm:YLF laser system was developed where two degenerate laser cavities were coupled by spectrally beam combining their emission and by implementing a common output coupler. Under continuous wave running conditions, each channel's slope efficiency was greater than 45% and the maximum combined output power was 11 W. Passive Q-switching was achieved using an 80%, Cr:ZnSe saturable absorber. The output pulses had a maximum energy of 5.8 mJ and duration of 90 ns (~65 kW of peak power) at 5.7 W of absorbed pump power. Each channel showed less than 1 nm of spectral width with central wavelengths around 1880 nm and 1908 nm correspondingly. The system had adjustable spectral difference between the channels ranging from 5 to 20 nm which corresponds to 0.4 - 1.7 THz if the system is used for nonlinear difference frequency generation.

Adv Mater ; 30(39): e1803628, 2018 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30101495


A novel photothermal process to spatially modulate the concentration of sub-wavelength, high-index nanocrystals in a multicomponent Ge-As-Pb-Se chalcogenide glass thin film resulting in an optically functional infrared grating is demonstrated. The process results in the formation of an optical nanocomposite possessing ultralow dispersion over unprecedented bandwidth. The spatially tailored index and dispersion modification enables creation of arbitrary refractive index gradients. Sub-bandgap laser exposure generates a Pb-rich amorphous phase transforming on heat treatment to high-index crystal phases. Spatially varying nanocrystal density is controlled by laser dose and is correlated to index change, yielding local index modification to ≈+0.1 in the mid-infrared.

Light Sci Appl ; 5(2): e16026, 2016 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30167141


Optically pumped lasers based on solution-processed thin-film gain media have recently emerged as low-cost, broadly tunable, and versatile active photonics components that can fit any substrate and are useful for, e.g., chemo- or biosensing or visible spectroscopy. Although single-mode operation has been demonstrated in various resonator architectures with a large variety of gain media-including dye-doped polymers, organic semiconductors, and, more recently, hybrid perovskites-the reported linewidths are typically on the order of a fraction of a nanometer or broader, i.e., the coherence lengths are no longer than a few millimeters, which does not enable high-resolution spectroscopy or coherent sensing. The linewidth is fundamentally constrained by the short photon cavity lifetime in the standard resonator geometries. We demonstrate here a novel structure for an organic thin-film solid-state laser that is based on a vertical external cavity, wherein a holographic volume Bragg grating ensures both spectral selection and output coupling in an otherwise very compact (∼cm3) design. Under short-pulse (0.4 ns) pumping, Fourier-transform-limited laser pulses are obtained, with a full width at half-maximum linewidth of 900 MHz (1.25 pm). Using 20-ns-long pump pulses, the linewidth can be further reduced to 200 MHz (0.26 pm), which is four times above the Fourier limit and corresponds to an unprecedented coherence length of 1 m. The concept is potentially transferrable to any type of thin-film laser and can be ultimately made tunable; it also represents a very compact alternative to bulky grating systems in dye lasers.

Appl Opt ; 54(31): 9065-70, 2015 Nov 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26560557


High-contrast filtering via multiple reflections between matched volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) is demonstrated. The use of multiple reflections serves to increase the suppression ratio of the out-of-band spectral content such that contributions of grating sidelobes can be mitigated. The result is a device that retains spectral and angular selectivity and diffracts light into a single order with high efficiency but reshapes the spectral/angular response to achieve higher signal-to-noise ratios. We demonstrate that multipass spectral filters can be recorded with extremely high suppression ratios using reflecting Bragg gratings (RBGs) in three different configurations. These filters demonstrate roll-offs of over 150 dB/nm. Similarly, we demonstrate angular filtering by multipass transmitting gratings.

J Opt Soc Am A Opt Image Sci Vis ; 32(1): 22-7, 2015 Jan 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26366486


Recording of volume Bragg gratings (VBGs) in photo-thermo-refractive glass is limited to a maximum refractive index change about 0.002. We discuss various saturation curves and their influence on the amplitudes of recorded gratings. Special attention is given to multiplexed VBGs aimed at recording several gratings in the same volume. The best shape of the saturation curve for production of the strongest gratings is the threshold-type curve. Two-photon absorption as a mechanism of recording also allows increasing the strength of multiplexed VBGs.

Opt Express ; 22(17): 20375-86, 2014 Aug 25.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25321246


We propose a monolithic large-aperture narrowband optical filter based on a moiré volume Bragg grating formed by two sequentially recorded gratings with slightly different resonant wavelengths. Such recording creates a spatial modulation of refractive index with a slowly varying sinusoidal envelope. By cutting a specimen at a small angle, to a thickness of one-period of this envelope, the longitudinal envelope profile will shift from a sine profile to a cosine profile across the face of the device. The transmission peak of the filter has a tunable bandwidth while remaining at a fixed resonant wavelength by a transversal shift of incidence position. Analytical expressions for the tunable bandwidth of such a filter are calculated and experimental data from a filter operating at 1064 nm with bandwidth range 30-90 pm is demonstrated.

Appl Opt ; 53(6): 1039-46, 2014 Feb 20.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663299


Volume Bragg gratings serve an important role in laser development as devices that are able to manipulate both the wavelength and angular spectrum of light. A common method for producing gratings is holographic recording of a two collimated beam interference pattern in a photosensitive material. This process requires stability of the recording system at a level of a fraction of the recording wavelength. A new method for measuring and stabilizing the phase of the recording beams is presented that is extremely flexible and simple to integrate into an existing holographic recording setup and independent of the type of recording media. It is shown that the presented method increases visibility of an interference pattern and for photo-thermo-refractive glass enables enhancement of the spatial refractive index modulation. The use of this technique allows for longer recording times that can lead to the use of expanded recording beams for large aperture gratings.

Appl Opt ; 52(32): 7826-31, 2013 Nov 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24216744


The effect of aberrations in the recording beams of a holographic setup is discussed regarding the deterioration of properties of a reflecting volume Bragg grating. Imperfect recording beams result in a spatially varying grating vector, which causes broadening, asymmetry, and washed out side lobes in the reflection spectrum as well as a corresponding reduction in peak diffraction efficiency. These effects are more significant for gratings with narrower spectral widths.

Opt Express ; 21(24): 29620-7, 2013 Dec 02.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24514513


In order to generate high power laser radiation it is often necessary to combine multiple lasers into a single beam. The recent advances in high power spectral beam combining using multiplexed volume Bragg gratings recorded in photo-thermo-refractive glass are presented. The focus is on using multiple gratings recorded within the same volume to lower the complexity of the combining system. Combining of 420 W with 96% efficiency using a monolithic, multiplexed double grating recorded in PTR glass is demonstrated. A multiplexed quadruple grating that maintains high efficiency and good beam quality is demonstrated to pave a way for further scaling of combining channels.

Opt Lett ; 36(14): 2668-70, 2011 Jul 15.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21765503


Nanoscale disorder results in severe spectral misalignment of silicon microring resonators and Mach-Zehnder interferometers. We correct for such effects using electric-field-induced waveguide nano-oxidation, demonstrating a tuning wavelength range of several nanometers and 0.002 nm resolution without line shape degradation. Field-induced nano-oxidation is a permanent and precise technique and requires no new materials or high-temperature processing.

Opt Lett ; 35(5): 784-6, 2010 Mar 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20195352


There is considerable research activity in multiresonator optical circuits in silicon photonics, e.g., for higher-order filters, advanced modulation format coding/decoding, or coupled-resonator optical waveguide delay lines. In diagnostics of such structures, it is usually not possible to measure each individual microring resonator without adding separate input and output waveguides to each resonator. We demonstrate a non-invasive diagnostic method of quantitative IR imaging, applied here to a series cascade of rings. The IR images contain information on the otherwise inaccessible individual through ports and the resonators themselves, providing an efficient means to obtain coupling, loss, and intensity-enhancement parameters for the individual rings.