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Nanotechnology ; 30(2): 025201, 2019 Jan 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30382028


In-plane heterojunction tunnel field effect transistors based on monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides are studied by means of self-consistent non-equilibrium Green's functions simulations and an atomistic tight-binding Hamiltonian. We start by comparing several heterojunctions before focusing on the most promising ones, i.e. WTe2-MoS2 and MoTe2-MoS2. The scalability of those devices as a function of channel length is studied, and the influence of backgate voltages on device performance is analyzed. Our results indicate that, by fine-tuning the design parameters, those devices can yield extremely low subthreshold swings (<5 mV/decade) and I ON/I OFF ratios higher than 108 at a supply voltage of 0.3 V, making them ideal for ultra-low power consumption.

Nanoscale ; 10(8): 3784-3791, 2018 Feb 22.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29411825


Graphite nanofibers (GNFs) have been demonstrated to be a promising material for hydrogen storage and heat management in electronic devices. Here, by means of first-principles and transport simulations, we show that GNFs can also be an excellent material for thermoelectric applications thanks to the interlayer weak van der Waals interaction that induces low thermal conductance and a step-like shape in the electronic transmission with mini-gaps, which are necessary ingredients to achieve high thermoelectric performance. This study unveils that the platelet form of GNFs in which graphite layers are perpendicular to the fiber axis can exhibit outstanding thermoelectric properties with a figure of merit ZT reaching 3.55 in a 0.5 nm diameter fiber and 1.1 in a 1.1 nm diameter one. Interestingly, by introducing 14C isotope doping, ZT can even be enhanced up to more than 5, and more than 8 if we include the effect of finite phonon mean free path, which demonstrates the amazing thermoelectric potential of GNFs.

J Phys Chem B ; 122(2): 897-903, 2018 01 18.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29069545


Single charge electronics offer a way for disruptive technology in nanoelectronics. Coulomb blockade is a realistic way for controlling the electric current through a device with the accuracy of one electron. In such devices the current exhibits a step-like increase upon bias which reflects the discrete nature of the fundamental charge. We have assembled a double tunnel junction on an oxide-free silicon substrate that exhibits Coulomb staircase characteristics using gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) as Coulomb islands. The first tunnel junction is an insulating layer made of a grafted organic monolayer (GOM) developed for this purpose. The GOM also serves for attaching AuNPs covalently. The second tunnel junction is made by the tip of an STM. We show that this device exhibits reproducible Coulomb blockade I-V curves at 40 K in vacuum. We also show that depending on the doping of the silicon substrate, the whole Coulomb staircase can be adjusted. We have developed a simulation approach based on the orthodox theory that was completed by calculating the bias dependent tunnel barriers and by including an accurate calculation of the band bending. This model accounts for the experimental data and the doping dependence of Coulomb oscillations. This study opens new perspectives toward designing new kind of single electron transistors (SET) based on this dependence of the Coulomb staircase with the charge carrier concentration.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 14783, 2017 11 01.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29093549


By means of advanced numerical simulation, the thermoelectric properties of a Si-quantum dot-based single-electron transistor operating in sequential tunneling regime are investigated in terms of figure of merit, efficiency and power. By taking into account the phonon-induced collisional broadening of energy levels in the quantum dot, both heat and electrical currents are computed in a voltage range beyond the linear response. Using our homemade code consisting in a 3D Poisson-Schrödinger solver and the resolution of the Master equation, the Seebeck coefficient at low bias voltage appears to be material independent and nearly independent on the level broadening, which makes this device promising for metrology applications as a nanoscale standard of Seebeck coefficient. Besides, at higher voltage bias, the non-linear characteristics of the heat current are shown to be related to the multi-level effects. Finally, when considering only the electronic contribution to the thermal conductance, the single-electron transistor operating in generator regime is shown to exhibit very good efficiency at maximum power.

Sci Rep ; 7(1): 2313, 2017 05 24.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28539598


The enhancement of thermoelectric figure of merit ZT requires to either increase the power factor or reduce the phonon conductance, or even both. In graphene, the high phonon thermal conductivity is the main factor limiting the thermoelectric conversion. The common strategy to enhance ZT is therefore to introduce phonon scatterers to suppress the phonon conductance while retaining high electrical conductance and Seebeck coefficient. Although thermoelectric performance is eventually enhanced, all studies based on this strategy show a significant reduction of the electrical conductance. In this study we demonstrate that appropriate sources of disorder, including isotopes and vacancies at lowest electron density positions, can be used as phonon scatterers to reduce the phonon conductance in graphene ribbons without degrading the electrical conductance, particularly in the low-energy region which is the most important range for device operation. By means of atomistic calculations we show that the natural electronic properties of graphene ribbons can be fully preserved while their thermoelectric efficiency is strongly enhanced. For ribbons of width M = 5 dimer lines, room-temperature ZT is enhanced from less than 0.26 to more than 2.5. This study is likely to set the milestones of a new generation of nano-devices with dual electronic/thermoelectric functionalities.

Nanotechnology ; 26(49): 495202, 2015 Dec 11.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26574344


The thermoelectric properties of in-plane heterostructures made of Graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (BN) have been investigated by means of atomistic simulation. The heterostructures consist in armchair graphene nanoribbons to the sides of which BN flakes are periodically attached. This arrangement generates a strong mismatch of phonon modes between the different sections of the ribbons, which leads to a very small phonon conductance, while the electron transmission is weakly affected. In combination with the large Seebeck coefficient resulting from the BN-induced bandgap opening or broadening, it is shown that large thermoelectric figure of merit ZT > 0.8 can be reached in perfect structures at relatively low Fermi energy, depending on the graphene nanoribbon width. The high value ZT = 1.48 may even be achieved by introducing appropriately vacancies in the channel, as a consequence of further degradation of the phonon conductance.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 27(13): 133204, 2015 Apr 10.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25779989


The thermoelectric properties of graphene and graphene nanostructures have recently attracted significant attention from the physics and engineering communities. In fundamental physics, the analysis of Seebeck and Nernst effects is very useful in elucidating some details of the electronic band structure of graphene that cannot be probed by conductance measurements alone, due in particular to the ambipolar nature of this gapless material. For applications in thermoelectric energy conversion, graphene has two major disadvantages. It is gapless, which leads to a small Seebeck coefficient due to the opposite contributions of electrons and holes, and it is an excellent thermal conductor. The thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of a two-dimensional (2D) graphene sheet is thus very limited. However, many works have demonstrated recently that appropriate nanostructuring and bandgap engineering of graphene can concomitantly strongly reduce the lattice thermal conductance and enhance the Seebeck coefficient without dramatically degrading the electronic conductance. Hence, in various graphene nanostructures, ZT has been predicted to be high enough to make them attractive for energy conversion. In this article, we review the main results obtained experimentally and theoretically on the thermoelectric properties of graphene and its nanostructures, emphasizing the physical effects that govern these properties. Beyond pure graphene structures, we discuss also the thermoelectric properties of some hybrid graphene structures, as graphane, layered carbon allotropes such as graphynes and graphdiynes, and graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures which offer new opportunities. Finally, we briefly review the recent activities on other atomically thin 2D semiconductors with finite bandgap, i.e. dichalcogenides and phosphorene, which have attracted great attention for various kinds of applications, including thermoelectrics.

J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 13(2): 771-5, 2013 Feb.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23646513


III-V Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) with a gate stack based on high-kappa dielectric appears as an appealing solution to increase the performance of either microwave or logic circuits with low supply voltage (V(DD)). The main objective of this work is to provide a theoretical model of the gate charge control in III-V MOS capacitors (MOSCAPs) using the accurate self-consistent solution of 1D and 2D Poisson-Schrödinger equations. This study allows us to identify the major mechanisms which must be included to get theoretical calculations in good agreement with experiments. Actually, our results obtained for an Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As MOSCAP structure are successfully compared to experimental measurements. We evaluate how III-V MOS technology is affected by the density of interface states which favors the Fermi level pinning at the Al2O3/In0.53Ga0.47As interface in both depletion and inversion regimes, which is a consequence of the poor gate control of the mobile inversion carrier density. The high energy valleys (satellite valleys) contribution observed in many theoretical calculations appears to be fully negligible in the presence of interface states. The enhancement of doping density in the channel is shown to improve the short-channel effect (SCE) immunity but to the price of higher sensitivity to the interface trap effect which manifests through a low Fermi level movement efficiency at interface in OFF-state and a low inversion carrier density in ON-state, even in the long channel case.

J Nanosci Nanotechnol ; 10(11): 7015-9, 2010 Nov.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21137856


High-mobility III-V heterostructures are emerging and very promising materials likely to fulfil high-speed and low-power specifications for ambient intelligent applications. The main objective of this work is to theoretically explore the potentialities of MOSFET based on III-V materials with low bandgap and high electron mobility. First, the charge control is studied in III-V MOS structures using a Schrödinger-Poisson solver. Electronic transport in III-V devices is then analyzed using a particle Monte Carlo device simulator. The external access resistances used in the calculations are carefully calibrated on experimental results. The performance of different structures of nanoscale MOS transistor based on III-V materials is evaluated and the quasi-ballistic character of electron transport is compared to that in Si transistors of same gate length.